h2o automl leaderboard frame not working in R - h2o

I am currently using h2o automl feature in R environment and I see the leaderboard showing up none in the logs even though I have provided the dataset to it. Appreciate if someone can answer

I think you are referring to this known bug which is causing NaNs in the leaderboard in non-US locales. It has been fixed on the nightly releases, so feel free to download one of those, or you can wait until the next stable release of H2O ( will be released next week).
If this is not the same bug, please provide more info, including a reproducible example.


Xcode Organizer Metrics aren't showing three most recent releases

I'm trying to find the Metrics Launch Time of my app by using Xcode Organizer but it does not show the result of the 3 most recent versions. Only for older versions.
I'm using Xcode 12.2 (12B45b), and even after upgrade to 12.3 (12C33), still doesn't work!
Does anyone run into the same problem and know how to fix it?
TLDR: Versions with limited usage will not appear in the Xcode Organizer Metrics.
We were curious why this is happening to our app aswell. We had 52 releases in 2021 and the Battery Usage section from Xcode Organiser Metrics menu shows us only 5 of them, while Scrolling section shows only 4 at the moment of writing this answer.
After doing some research and watching this WWDC20 session on Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer I have learned that apple is using some usage threshold for each version of the app to determine wether it should show up in the metrics or not. According to the linked session, in Xcode 12 they have lowered the required usage threshold by a factor of five.
Another thing is that now you will see a limited usage icon attached to versions which have passed the new threshold but their usage is still low enough so you will need to be aware of the margin or error while analysing those metrics.
So even though the threshold have been lowered, it's still not really helpful If you update the app often like we do. Which is sad since we are not really able to provide improvements to these metrics since we do not really know with what we are dealing with. Let's hope future versions of Xcode will at more information about how much usage is enough, because apparently tens of thousands of users on a version are literally not enough for it to be included on a list.
Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer

Is getLastLocation of android locationManager using GnssAntennaInfo?

I'm an Android developer.
From Android 11, the GnssAntennaInfo class that can utilize dual-frequency GNSS has been added, and it has been confirmed that developers can use it.
If so, is GnssAntennaInfo already used in getLastLocation method of locationManager provided by google location api??
Or is it still necessary for developers to utilize GnssAntennaInfo provided to improve location accuracy??
Sorry I can't give a definitive answer but, since there hasn't been any other response yet I'll answer what I'm pretty sure is the correct answer.
From: https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/03/19/pixel-4-dual-band-gps/
In the sheer infinite expanse of the Android 11 developer documentation, an entry for GNSS or dual-band GPS support has surfaced. While the Pixel 4 isn't explicitly mentioned, it's plausible that owners will be able to use the hardware once developers add support for the new GnssAntennaInfo class to their apps. Hopefully, Google Maps will be among the first to utilize it — even if the difference isn't too meaningful, it might make GPS more reliable.
This matches my own experience. I recently purchased an S20 hoping for this exact feature (~ 1 yard accuracy), currently I'm seeing ~ 4 yrds. I've confirmed I see L5 satellites and my phone just got the Android 11 update tonight. All of my GPS apps show NO improvement in accuracy. I'm unsure of Google Maps, don't really know how to tell with it. However, if some "provided" function like getLastLocation were benefitting from high accuracy I think I'd see it in my GPS apps.
Hence, if I can figure out exactly how L5 can improve accuracy, I' going to attempt to write this myself. I'm having a hard time tracking that info down though...

Why Geolocation is getting a wrong TimeStamp - Xamarin [duplicate]

I am testing an Android GPS tracking application in the Emulator and I am running into a problem when trying to figure out if the last known location is stale or not. Getting the system time gives me the correct time, but when I call location.getTime() for the last known location the time returned is off by a few hours. I did some more testing and found out that every time I send a GPS location from the Emulator control tab in Eclipse (similar to geo fix), the location's time is advanced by one second. This makes no sense at all! I would appreciate any insights into this problem.
As discussed this appears to be a bug in the emulator (I was able to repeat it as well). I filed a bug report at https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=27272 if anyone wants to add details, star it, and/or follow along.
This bug has been fixed in the ToT dev branch for API 26. We will cherry-pick this fix to other branches and hopefully the public available system images will see the bug fix in the near future.
If any issue persists, please report at Google issue tracker they will re-open to examine.

Is there a simple Bugzilla/Trac client for use by non software folks?

I'm aware this isn't exactly a programming question, but it directly impacts our developers and the code we're assigned to write. If there's another SO-like forum where this could be better posted, please let me know and I'll take the question down from here & post it there.
Our work environment is a couple of developers creating (20-30%) and maintaining (lion's share) legacy software for factory production floor and test workers to use to calibrate or test the equipment the company sells. We've implemented a very simple Google form based bug reporting page, but we're already running into problems of scale (approx 40:1 them:us and lots of old-old buggy software that we didn't write). The company has tried using Bugzilla before my arrival with little success, the factory folks were apparently intimidated by it and wouldn't use it. However, they seem to like the simple Google form and the wizard-like steps to file a bug or request a feature. We're currently manually cutting & pasting their bug/feature requests from the Google form spreadsheet into Trac, and manually tracking the bugs/feature requests on a white board with magnetic bug cards. We're only a few weeks into this system and it's already showing it fragility and lack of scalability.
Ideally we'd have a Windows >= XP web or desktop client that would provide:
Simplified bug reporting, a Wizard like approach seems to work well
Customizable for our software packages (like drop downs for each)
Bugzilla or Trac integration
Standard bug tracking features developers and management can use
I've found the winners of the "Make Bugzilla Pretty" contest, but coming from a pure software house where we just used straight Bugzilla out of the box, I'm unclear on how to configure and install these skins. Obviously I can figure this out but don't want to go down that path if it's not going to solve our basic problem which is non-technical people reporting bugs.
TaskCompiler, found on the Bugzilla wiki site seemed like a candidate because it talks to both Bugzilla & Trac, but their sales page is offline and the site hasn't been updated since 2012 and I'm unsure as to their viability.
I'm certain we're not the first production facility to run into problems like this, I'm looking for recommendations to help solve both our scalability as well as-ease-of-use problem.
Another thought that occurs to me is a GAS script to push our current Google forms based bug reports into Trac or Bugzilla.
Edit: The decision between Bugzilla/Trac seems to have been made for us. I'm exploring options for using Trac here if you want to follow along.

Upgrading DHTMLX to a new version

I was wondering, how often does DHTMLX offer a new version and how hard do you find it to upgrade your applications to the new version. This is namely a critical part in my research, but I cant seem to find any problems with updates. This question is just to make sure that my findings are correct.
Please suffice with: version number, DHTMLX component.
I work for DHTMLX. During the past 3 years we released one major update per year. Currently we're preparing the next version which we hope will be available in beta till the end of April 2012. We try to make the new releases backwards compatible and provide the upgrade path to the latest release (like here).
I've used many controls from the dhtmlxsuite in our app for the past 5 yrs. They are pretty good at making things backwards compatible, but not always. When going from v3 to v4 just a few months ago, there was quite a lot I had to do get my code back up and running. Also there dropped a few features that were supported in v3, this is not so good in my opinion. But overall, I really like the dhtmlx controls, they are an integral part of our product which now is used all over the world by thousands of users (http://www.ecosys.net/ecosys-epc/).
