Add Ruby classes to a module when defined in separate files - ruby

I would like to namespace my Ruby classes by putting them in a module. Indeed, this is a good idea if I decide to publish my Ruby gem so that the class names do not clash with existing classes in another gem. I know I can do the following for a class A::B:
module A
class B
However, the above is quite cumbersome in that I need to put all my class definitions into a single Ruby source file in order to scope them under the module. I would rather keep my class definitions in separate source files, much like a Java project, so how can I add classes to a module when they are all defined in separate files?

The accepted practice in this case is to wrap every file in module block
# a/b.rb
module A
class B
# a/c.rb
module A
class C
Btw. because of the way constant are resolved, it is advisable to use the long form I quoted above instead class A::B


Ruby: require vs include/extend: Using a module inside another, but not exposing to users

I was having trouble understanding an error while unit testing my module, which is a mixin.
Suppose the mixin to be tested is module A:
require 'path/b'
module A
def methodA()
puts methodB.attr1
And it depends on another mixin B which was defined in a file at path/b.rb
module B
def methodB
return someObject #that has property 'attr1'
Now, we have a class to unit test module A
require 'path/moduleA'
class TestA
include Path::moduleA
describe 'test moduleA.methodA'
it 'does something'
testObject =
I get following error on running the rspec test
undefined local variable or method `methodB' for #<TestA:0x00007f77a03db9a8>
I am able to resolve it by one of following ways:
including module B in module A
including module B in class TestA
I am not clear why include is required to get access to methodB in
module A and class TestA when 'require' was already added in module A.
My intention is to use methods of module B in module A, but not let users of module A access module B methods automatically.
resolution 1 above gives users of A, access to B's methods
resolution 2 forces users of A (user -> the unit test class in this example) to include A's dependency B directly, even though user is only interested in accessing A's methods.
Hence, both resolutions don't achieve what I want. Is there a way to achieve it?
I'm new to Ruby so may be it doesn't support this. I'm from Java background where I would model A and B as two classes, make an instance of B as field of A, then expose A's own public methods to users of A. But since they are mixins, I need to use modules in ruby.
Just to be very explicit: require / require_relative / load and include / extend / prepend have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with each other.
The former three simply run a Ruby file. That's it. That is all they do. They differ in how and where they search for the file, but after they found the file, they don't do anything else than just execute it.
The latter three add a module to the ancestor chain. include essentially makes the module the superclass, extend is really the same as singleton_class.include (i.e. makes the module the superclass of the singleton class), and prepend inserts the module at the beginning of the ancestor's chain, i.e. actually before the class that it is prepended to.
require just tells ruby to read / load the code inside the ruby file. In this case it will just define the module. However in order for code inside a module to be included inside another module or class, you must include it inside the module or class. So you should just as you mentioned do:
require 'path/b'
module A
include B
def methodA()
puts methodB.attr1
You should not need to change your test with this since module A already includes module B. However this is not a very good OOP design pattern here. But hopefully you understand why now.
After more googling, I found the answer to my 2nd question using suggestion from:
so basically i did:
require 'path/b'
module A
module B_RequiredMethods
include Path::B
module_function :methodB
def methodA
puts B_RequiredMethods.methodB.attr1
In my case, B_RequiredMethods could be named properly to represent the method of B which would be exposed by it. Ideally, I would make those methods class level methods of B, but it is managed by some other team.

Why must I write 'require' to access module-wide methods in Ruby?

I have a Ruby module in a file called my_module.rb:
module My_module
def my_module_method
puts 'inside my method'
In a file my_class.rb in the same folder, I have a class contained within the module.
module My_module
class My_class
def my_object_method
end => 'undefined method 'my_module_method''
I was not expecting this error. I assumed that Ruby would run into the line 'My_module.my_module_method' and search for a module called 'My_module' and a method within it called 'my_module_method.' This is what Java does, for example. However, Ruby does not do this. In order to get my_object_method to work, I have to write in my_class.rb:
require 'my_module.rb'
Why doesn't Ruby search for My_module when I call my_object_method? It seems obvious what it should search for and therefore redundant to require the programmer to explicitly write 'yes, Ruby, please allow me to make calls to module-wide methods.' What am I missing?
Ruby doesn't automatically load files. If you need a code from some file, you have to load it (by calling require) explicitly.
Thus, when you run "ruby my_class.rb" it loads only this file and you have to define dependencies between files by yourself.
You seem to have a misunderstanding of how to define a class method. In order to make your method call work, you could define it as def self.my_method_name.
In both classes and modules, methods work the same when you define them as class methods using self. or alternatively the class << self syntax. However instance methods (methods without the self.) work differently in these 2 cases. In classes, as you seem to understand, they're accessible once you instantiate the class using .new. In modules, they're only accessible if you include or extend.
See also:
difference between class method , instance method , instance variable , class variable?
Oh any by the way. Ruby doesn't enforce any convention where you have 1 file per class (named identically). You need to manually require files wherever you need them. Although there are some frameworks such as Rails which auto-require files, and enforce naming conventions.

How to add classes in different files into one module in Ruby?

I currently creating a gem, so, I have a folder with different files, which contains different classes, this folder will be updated with more files and also current ones will be updated as well, in another file I have a module that should contain these classes.
Currently, I add manually to the module all the classes:
module MyModule
class ClassA
# code here
module MyModule
class ClassB
# code here
But, since I will add more classes and current classes will be updated this is not optimal and very dangerous to maintain clean, so is there any other way to add classes in different files in one module set in another file?
Thanks in advance
No there is no another way and I don't see any danger in doing it the way you did (correct way).

What criteria justifies using a Module over a Class in Ruby?

I'm reading my ruby book. Looking at the code below,
module Destroy
def destroy(anyObject)
#anyObject = anyObject
puts "I will destroy the object: #{anyObject}"
class User
include Destroy
attr_accessor :name, :email
def initialize(name,email)
#name = name
#email = email
my_info ="Bob","")
puts "So your name is: #{} and you have email #{}"
user ="john","")
I could've just created another method inside my class. Why would I want to do this? Why would I want to use a module? It's not like embedding this into other classes is any easier than just using normal inheritance.
You can think of a module and the methods and constants inside of it as more of providing utility functions and actions that you can include to other objects as you see fit. For example, if you wanted to use destroy function in the objects Foo and Bar you would do similarly:
class Foo
include Destroy
# other code below
class Bar
include Destroy
# other code below
Now any Foo or Bar object has access to all the methods or constants inside of destroy.
Modules define a namespace, a sandbox in which your methods and constants can play without having to worry about being stepped on by other methods and constants. The ruby docs goes into more depth about this and includes a good example practical of when you would want to use it as seen below:
module Debug
def whoAmI?
"#{} (\##{}): #{self.to_s}"
class Phonograph
include Debug
# ...
class EightTrack
include Debug
# ...
ph ="West End Blues")
et ="Surrealistic Pillow")
ph.whoAmI? » "Phonograph (#537766170): West End Blues"
et.whoAmI? » "EightTrack (#537765860): Surrealistic Pillow"
In this example, every class that includes Debug has access to the method whoAmI? and other methods and constants that Debug includes without having to redefine it for every class.
Some programming languages such as C++, Perl, and Python allow one class to inherit from multiple other classes; that is called multiple inheritance. Ruby does not support multiple inheritance. That means each class can only inherit from one other class. However, there are cases where a class would benefit by acquiring methods defined within multiple other classes. That is made possible by using a construct called module.
A module is somewhat similar to a class, except it does not support inheritance, nor instantiating. It is mostly used as a container for storing multiple methods. One way to use a module is to employ an include or extend statement within a class. That way, the class gains access to all methods and objects defined within the module. It is said that the module is mixed in the class. So, a mixin is just a module included in a class. A single module can be mixed in multiple classes, and a single class can mix in multiple modules; thus, any limitations imposed by Ruby's single inheritance model are eliminated by the mixin feature.
Modules can also be used for namespacing. That is explained in this post at the Practicing Ruby website.
You are writing a module in the same file as the class, but not necessarily inside the class, but anyway.
For me there are 3 reasons to use a module(more details here):
Modules provide a namespace and prevent name clashes.
Modules implement the mixin facility.
When you have a very complex and dense class, you can split it into
modules and include them into the main class.
Your example is fairly simple, it would indeed make more sense to write the method in the class itself, but try to imagine a complex scenario.

Refer to method in module with same name as class

I have a class and a module which have the same names:
module Pushover
def configure
module MyModule
class Pushover
def blah
This doesn't work because the Pushover.configure call directs to the containing class. Now, an obvious fix would be to rename the class. However, the Module is from a gem and the class conforms to a naming convention required in a DSL. So ideally they should both stay the same. I could also create a second helper class and call via that, but that all seems a little hacky. My preferred solution would be to directly reference the module method.
All the existing questions around this area seem to be disambiguating in the opposite direction - i.e. they want to get the class reference not the module.
Is there any way for me to inform Ruby that I mean the module rather than the class when I specify Pushover?
If you don't want to look up the constant relative to the current scope, just use an absolute path:
