Heroku Mailgun account activation - heroku

I have a Heroku account and am using the Mailgun add-on. I have verified my domain, however, I need to activate the Mailgun account via email confirmation. The email account which is supposed to have received the email is at app[numbers]#heroku.com. I am not aware of how I might access that email. There is a link to resend email or update email address, however the update form instructs me to change setting in Heroku's dashboard, where I see no reference to that address. I am sure I am missing something simple, but am at a loss.


Cannot send emails using SES with a DKIM-enabled verified domain

I've looked at similar questions and AWS documentation, but so far I don't know what the issue can be.
In my SES dashboard, I have two verified identities.
xyz.com (uses easy DKIM and Custom Mail From). All DNS entries have been created.
Using my Laravel 9 application, I'm able to send emails using the verified email address, but using the domain, no errors are thrown, and no email gets delivered either.
Both scenarios use the same IAM user API keys and permissions.
The email I'm using to send from the domain is noreply#xyz.com which is not a real email. And the Custom Mail From I've specified is mail.xyz.com. As I mentioned, I can see all the DNS entries have been created for the domain.

How to make my laravel smtp credential can't be checked using checker tools

I'm using gmail smtp server to send email in my laravel project, but few days ago I found that the email that I used in the credential sending the smtp credential (from checker result) to another email. After that my email is used to send spam emails. I try to change password for the email used, but still not working, the spam emails still sent. Is there any way I can do to prevent my smtp credential to be checked?
The credential is saved in .env, and the application already in production.

How to create a new Organization in MixPanel

I am logged in MixPanel in one client's organization, with my personal professional email.
I want to create another one, with the same email, but I can't find anywhere how to do so, any clue ?
Thanks !
Not sure if this is the official way, but this is what I did and it worked:
Sign out from Mixpanel in your web browser
Register a new account using another email address
Create your new organization during account setup
Add yourself as a user to the newly added organization (use your primary email address)
If you are using Gmail, you can use email alias in step 2 - if your email is your_name#gmail.com, use your_name+whatever#gmail.com. Any message sent to the alias will go to your inbox.
When you log in to Mixpanel using your primary email address again, you will notice that you have access to both the old and the new organization.

How to send email from another address

So I was wondering, how would I send my email from another email address in Laravel. Currently I have this email address and domain. This is an example. Sender = test#domain.com
Now I have many auth()
users. I want to be able for them to send emails as well. So how would I do that? So for an example: Test#anotherdomain.com
My point is, currently the admin guard is able to send an email to the owner of the post who is user(). I have multi auth so admin is one guard and the other is the default.
So the admin is able to send email to test#domain.com
So how can I do it so that test#anotherdomain.com can send an email back to test#domain.com
Is this even possible?
Note: I am using mailgun.
You have two option in this situation:
1) use email clients independently like Phpmailer or Swiftmailer
2) change the config file and email credentials on the fly(make sure your config isn't cached)
Accessing Configuration Values

Activation of Google Email Migration API

My organization is in the process of switching to Google Apps for Education. I have successfully used Google Email Uploader to migrate my emails (as an admin of the domain). However, when I attempt to upload another users email, I encounter the following error:
Username or password not accepted
This domain does not allow users to access the Email Migration API.
Error 403
API Access has been enabled in the User Settings for our domain. Does this take some time to activate? Are there other steps I must take prior to migration? Thanks.
Administrators of Google Apps for Business/EDU domains always have the ability to migrate mail. However in order for users to be able to migrate mail to their own account, it must be enabled in the Control Panel. See Google's instructions for enabling user email migration.
