Published Umbraco site, now runs installer in loop - visual-studio

I just published my website I have been developing on local machine. And when I copied the files to the server, and now enter the address, it just starts the Umbraco installer.
It does it both front-end and back-end.
It is stuck, it seems unable to find the installer.
In my console it says the following:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

it usually happens when there is no permission to write to file structure. So you need to edit file permission.
Right click on the folder > properties and follows >


Google Sheets API Java program, works on one machine and not the other - 401 Au

I've got a working basic Java App that uploads some data to a google sheets file of mine.
I uploaded it to a git client, pulled it to my other computer, and it doesn't work on that with a 401
Exception in thread "main" 401 Unauthorized
at App.main(
Any idea what could be different between the two machines? I understand it that if I'm using the same client_secret.json, it should be irrelevant which machine I'm on?
ok, some extra info - i just tried my project at work on my work laptop and it worked fine! On first run it opened a browser window and asked me which google account I wanted to use, I chose the correct one, and that worked. On the laptop I have that didn't work, I wasn't given that option (that I remember) so how can I reset the google account that has been used to authenticate against?
I saw this in my cmd line
Please open the following address in your browser:
Attempting to open that address in the default browser now...
Since it's working on your previous computer, the issue might be concerning the location of your client_secret.json. If you check the Java Quickstart setup, there's a part where you need to download the JSON file and place it on your working directory. Since, you're on a new machine, that file is now missing.
g. Click the file_download (Download JSON) button to the right of the
client ID.
h. Move this file to your working directory and rename it
Or the access token has expired.

ClickOnce - installing an app gives 'Cannot Start Application' error

I have a simple windows application which I want to distribute through a website which is running on Azure. I publish the app locally first and then manually copy over the artifacts to the web server at location ../fold/apps/tools
Publish location: C:\Users\MyUsername\Documents\publish
Installation folder URL: https://somewebsite/fold/apps/tools/
Update location is same as the installation folder.
The files copied over are "Application Files" folder, Myapp.application, publish.htm and setup.exe.
Now I log onto the website and download the app using https://somewebsite/fold/apps/tools/Myapp.application
Clickling on the downloaded files shows me the 'Cannot Start Application' popup. Clicking on the details button shows the following error in the log file.
Deployment url : file:///C:/Users/MyUsername/Downloads/Myapp.application
Deployment Provider url : https://somewebsite/fold/apps/tools/Myapp.application
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of C:\Users\MyUsername\Downloads\Myapp.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ The Deployment Provider specified in the manifest cannot be reached. Maybe due to network error and/or the deployment provider is not responding correctly.
+ Exception reading manifest from https://somewebsite/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2ffold%2ftools%2fMyapp.application: the manifest may not be valid or the file could not be opened.
+ DTD is prohibited in this XML document.
I don’t understand why it tries to redirect to the login page when I am logged in. To test I placed a simple text file in the same location as the .application file and was able to access it after logging in.
Please let me know where the issue might be.
Many Thanks
Turns out that 'You cannot use forms authentication with ClickOnce deployment'. See Use ClickOnce on password protected web site.
I ended up opening up the folder to the world by placing a Web.config file with
<allow users="?"/>
It was OK for me as the windows app doesn't need to be password protected.

WebMatrix 2 site problems on upload to host

I have developed a Web Pages 2 website for my company using WebMatrix 2 that includes a simple SQL Compact Edition (.sdf file) database. Sounds simple. Runs perfectly on my local development box.
However, upon FTP to my Web host, it's a no-go. The first error I received was this:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.
Source Error:
Line 1: #{
Line 2: WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("Omniflow", "UserProfile", "UserId", "Email", true);
Line 3: }
I have searched and searched and searched the Internet, trying to find out what the source of this problem is and how to fix it. I haven't found the answer yet. I gather than apparently some needed assemblies/dlls are not being uploaded with the application. I have tried both FTP and the Web Deploy method with no fix.
Is this the root of the problem? And why does WebMatrix not upload all its dependencies? If it cannot, why is there nothing in the online literature from Microsoft--and it should come from Microsoft--or anyone else describing this issue?
Are you using one of the hosting sites listed on the Microsoft WebMatrix page: ? I know that when I deployed my WebMatrix site to a generic IIS server, it took some extra DLL's in the bin directory, and a couple of settings to be fine tuned before it worked.
While publishing check whether your have selected Database file( .sdf file ) or not.If not then select it and publish.
Hope it will work for you.
Ensure that you have all the SqlCE DLLs required for accessing the SqlCE database.
They should be present in the bin\, bin\x86\ and bin\AMD64\ folders.
You can try creating a new site using Site from Template -> Empty Site (ASP.NET) and checking the bin folder to see which all dlls are present.
If you don't already have them in your site, add them. That should solve your problem.

allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' - MVC3 ERROR

I'm developing an application in MVC3 ( In my computer it runs correctly, but when I upload it to the server (a hosting service) I get this error:
Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
I know it is a very common error but I have not fixed it yet.
Some config sections are only allowed at the "root" of the application, then authentication section is one of them.
You need to configure IIS to run your your site as an application, not a sub-directory in an existing application.
For IIS 7+, right click the directory that contains your web application, and select "Convert to Application".
Arie van Someren is right. Looking carefully at your error, you want the <authentication> configuration to be in the web.config one level up, not the web.config in Views.
I had the same problem. I solved it by deleting the obj folder that appeared after doing a "Build > Publish".

FTP Failed Transfers (Index page)

I am a web designer and have made updates to an index.html page for a client. I am using the newest version of FileZilla. I have tried uploading the newest version of this page from the local to the remote site.
Every time I try to complete this task I receive the following:
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (64,148,130,80,12,243).
Command: STOR index.html
Response: 550 index.html: Access is denied.
However, I AM able to upload other files to the server for example new images.
I have not made ANY configuration changes to the hosting account.
Any help/information would be great.
maybe the login you are using isn't in the same group that the group that uploaded the original index.html file and so don't have the good permissions to do it.
For new files, it will no cause problems because you're the owner, but for the existing one, if you aren't in the same group and don't have the modification right, you will have this error.
