Local Oracle Client unable to ping/connect to AWS RDS - oracle

I have launched an AWS RDS with Oracle 11g (on port 1521).
Tried to connect using Oracle SQL developer. While testing the connection, getting the following error..
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, connect lapse 0 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms.
Explored various options and even opened up the windows outbound port from my local laptop to 1521 port. Nothing helped so far a week.

Found a solution..
Just launched another windows instance in AWS and modified security groups to make it secure access.
Security Group changes:
Opened the 1521 port of AWS RDS Oracle to the new windows instance
Windows instance is restricted to only from office public IP.
This does not solve the real problem. However, this solves my purpose..
Thank you all..


Oracle Database Connection Running on Virtual Machine

I'm trying to connect to Oracle database hosted in a Linux Virtual Machine, using SQL Developer. Any leads on how to go about it?
I tried connecting using the IP address as HostName. But doesn't work.
In SQL Developer, create a new connection using the following
Connection Name:
Username: The username you use to log into the database
Hostname: The IP address of the virtual machine
Port: 1521
SID: The Oracle SID of the database you want to connect to
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not
establish the connection (CONNECTION_ID)
This error is almost always caused by a firewall. Make sure the local firewall on the database VM has opened the port 1521 for external connections. It can also sometimes be caused by anti-virus software on the client, preventing outgoing connections that haven't been whitelisted, but this is less common.

Connect to Firebird database on Windows instance via CentOS

I have the task to establish a connection to a Firebird database that is located on a Windows instance. What I was able to accomplish so far was to establish a connection via PHP PDO on my local machine and query the databases.
However, I run into dead ends when I try to connect to the Firebird database that isn't on my PC locally. The database is located on a Windows remote server. The provider opened a port for that gets then redirected to port the Firebird database should be listening to as well (5143 was on my local machine and provider said it was the same on their end. So we try to connect over serveraddress:port and get forwarded to the corresponding port then).
First issue was to get Firebird working in CentOS but I got that down.
Connecting to the specified port I get the error "SQLSTATE[HY000] [335544421] connection rejected by remote interface", any other, not open port, returns correctly "connection refused".
Is it even possible to connect to a Windows remote server? Am I even "connected" / trying to connect to the Firebird database there and it gets declined then?
I read a lot about the rejected by remote interface error but nothing really pops into my mind what it can be.
I tried various setups, tried different ports, we logged on over TeamViewer and set up an ODBC connection locally on the remote desktop which succeeded. Both connections over the 32-bit and the 64-bit ODBC worked. We checked the Firebird versions and they were identical. We even tried to connect from a Windows notebook to the Windows remote.
I basically just want to establish a connection over PHP PDO.

error trying to connect to cleardb

Hi again i want to connect to cleardb instance in heroku i take hostname and credentials from heroku config vars in CLEAR_DATABASE_URL but i am getting the following error
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'us-cdbr-east-06.cleardb.net' (111)
im trying to connect in this way
mysql -u username -p -h us-cdbr-east-06.cleardb.net
any idea why i am getting 111 error?
thanks for your time
Error fixed thanks the help from cleardb support team, here support answer
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. You may want to check with your local network
administrator and/or ISP to ensure that you are allowed to access
remote resources that run on TCP 3306. It is possible that this port
has been blocked from your local network and/or machine. To be clear,
we performed a connection test on this database and found that it is
operating normally, so the next diagnostic step is to check your local
connectivity to remote MySQL databases.
Hope this helps,
member team

Cannot connect to named instance of SQL Server 2008R2

I am attempting to create a new Database Project in VS2010 via the New Project Wizard, and via this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa833432(v=vs.100).aspx
I am on the 'Configure Build/Deploy' step, and am attempting to connect to a named instance of SQL Server 2008R2 that I just installed, called DEVELOPMENT. Assuming the server name is DB-01, I am using DB-01\DEVELOPMENT as the Server name in the dialog in the screenshot below. I'm also using the remaining settings in the dialog, but it keeps giving me the following error:
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while
establishing a connection to the SQL Server. The server was not found
or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and
that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider:
TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to
DEV is the name of a database I created on the DEVELOPMENT instance. If I use DB-01 as the server name, which is the default instance, it connects. In the past, we've been developing from a database on the default instance, with no issues, but I'm trying to move to local, source-controlled databases. What am I missing with this not connecting?
EDIT: As a little more context, it's not the username/pw combination, or the existence of the DEV db on the instance, because I receive different errors if either of those are incorrect. It's simply not able to connect once I give it the named instance.
Figured it out:
The default instance of SQL Server (called MSSQLSERVER in some places) uses port 1433 by default for incoming connections, which was opened in Windows Firewall. This is why I was able to connect to the default instance (DB-01). If you've created a named instance of SQL Server, by default these instances use port 1434 for incoming connections. These are TCP ports for each case. Well, I have to admit that I opened TCP port 1434 in Windows Firewall and still was not able to connect to the named instance remotely, and still am not sure why this was the case. So instead, I opened up a random port (6969) in Windows Firewall, and configured the DEVELOPMENT (named) instance to accept incoming connecting over that port only. For instructions on how to configure specific SQL Server instances to use ports other than the default, see this article:
Configure a Server to Listen on a Specific TCP Port
Once I configured the instance to use port 6969, I was able to connect with no issue. Hope this helps others that are having a similar/same issue.

SOA suite with Remote DB server

I have the Oracle client, weblogic and the SOA suite 11g installed on a Win 7 machine. The Oracle DB is on a server 2008.
I have the hardest time connecting to it. The server name is S2008 on port 1521. I used the RCU to install the schema.
I am able to ping the server. Could someone please help me out in getting this connected? I have not done this configuration before.
Thank you.
This is more of a database concern, not WebLogic.
The simplest thing to do is to confirm you can telnet to port 1521 from the WebLogicmachine (telnet 1521). If this cannot connect, it is either a firewall issue or the TNS listener is not running on port 1521. Check to make sure that port 1521 is opened on the Database host and then try again.
Also, try connecting outside of WebLogic to remove a variable from the problem. This would be easier/faster anyway. Try using SQL developer to connect to the host/port where the database is running. This will show you the ORA-????? error(s) for the connection attempts without having to go through the connection wizard in the weblogic console
