Getting Exception for multiple receivers usimg Swiftmailer - swiftmailer

follwoing code will send mail to multiple recievers as intended
$SendObject = Yii::$app->mailer->compose()->setFrom($string)
Unfortunately, I will get Exception if I try like this:
$ZieladresseTest = "'','',''";
$SendObject = Yii::$app->mailer->compose()->setFrom($string)
Address in mailbox given ['','','']
does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2.
Any ideas,
why exception will be thrown out
how to avoid Exception using variables for setTo() ?
Thx in advance. I will give reputation points for every answer solving my problem. Promised!
Edit: Defining variable as an array like this won't fix problem,too:
$ZieladresseTest = array($ZieladresseTest);

Change this
$SendObject = Yii::$app->mailer->compose()->setFrom($string)
To this
$ZieladresseTest = array('','','');
$SendObject = Yii::$app->mailer->compose()->setFrom($string)


XMS.NET - Error while sending response back to reply queue/out queue

Regarding: “Sending response back to the out/reply queue.”
There is a requirement to send the response back to a different queue (reply queue).
While sending the response, we have to use the correlation and message id from the request message and pass it to the reply queue as header. I suspect the format of correlation/message id is wrong.
While reading the message, the correlation id and message id format are as below:
MessageId = “ID:616365323063633033343361313165646139306638346264”
CorrelationId = “ID:36626161303030305f322020202020202020202020202020”
While sending the back to out/reply queue, we are passing these ids as below:
ITextMessage txtReplyMessage = sessionOut.CreateTextMessage();
txtReplyMessage.JMSMessageID = “616365323063633033343361313165646139306638346264”;
txtReplyMessage.JMSCorrelationID = “36626161303030305f322020202020202020202020202020”;
txtReplyMessage.Text = sentMessage.Contents;
txtReplyMessage.JMSDeliveryMode = DeliveryMode.NonPersistent;
txtReplyMessage.JMSPriority = sentMessage.Priority;
Please note:
With the XMS.NET library, we need to pass the correlation and message id in string format as per shown above
With MQ API’s (which we were using earlier) passing the correlation and message ids we use to send in bytes format like below:
MQMessage queueMessage = new MQMessage();
string[] parms ='-');
queueMessage.MessageId = StringToByte(parms[1]);
queueMessage.CorrelationId = StringToByte(parms[2]);
queueMessage.CharacterSet = 1208;
queueMessage.Encoding = MQC.MQENC_NATIVE;
queueMessage.Persistence = 0; // Do not persist the replay message.
queueMessage.Format = "MQSTR ";
Please help to troubleshoot the problem.
Troubleshooting is a bit difficult because you haven’t clearly specified the trouble (is there an exception, or is the message just not be correlated successfully?).
In your code you have missed to add the “ID:” prefix. However, to address the requirements, you should not need to bother too much about what is in this field, because you simply need to copy one value to the other:
txtReplyMessage.JMSCorrelationID = txtRequestMessage.JMSMessageID
A bit unclear what the issue is. Are you able to run the provided examples in the MQ tools/examples? This approach uses tmp queues(AMQ.*) as JMSReplyTo
Start the "server" application first.
Request/Response Client: "SimpleRequestor"
Request/Response Server: "SimpleRequestorServer"
You can find the exmaples at the default install location(win):
"C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ\tools\dotnet\samples\cs\xms\simple\wmq"
The "SimpleMessageSelector" will show how to use the selector pattern.
Note the format on the selector: "JMSCorrelationID = '00010203040506070809'"

I get an error when trying to send to multiple modules using sendDirect

I have to send the same message to multiple modules. I used the following code:
cMessage *msg=new cMessage("Broadcast");
cTopology topo;
cTopology::Node *thisNode = topo.getNodeFor(this);
for (int i = 0; i < topo.getNumNodes(); i++) {
if (topo.getNode(i) == thisNode) continue; // skip ourselves
cModule *targetModule =topo.getNode(i)->getModule();
EV_INFO << "Get Full Name ------------------- "<<i<< topo.getNode(i)->getModule()->getFullPath()<<endl;
after sending the message to the first module and trying to send to the next module, I get the following error that the message already scheduled and the simulation stops at this point.
Can I get any advice? I will be really thankful.
Thank you in advance.
The message cannot be sent more than once. To send the same message to many modules, every time copy of this message must be created. dup() is the convenient method to make a copy, for example:
cMessage *copyMsg = msg->dup();
sendDirect(copyMsg ,targetModule,"in");
Reference: Simulation Manual - Broadcasting messages

cron job with php-ews to get only new emails from Exchange server

I need a cron job to obtain only the new emails received in a Exchange server since the last time it synchronized.
I coded the same with imap servers, and it was easy to get the emails since an ID. So I save the last ID at the end of the for cycle to the DB, and resume from that ID the next time the cron job executes.
I tried the same in Exchange, but I get the following error:
Failed to search for messages with "ErrorInvalidValueForProperty: El valor especificado no es válido para la propiedad."
To get the ItemId in Exchange I'm using the following code, with no error:
It returns something like:
To find the emails I'm trying the following code (with the error mentioned before):
$request = new FindItemType();
$request->ParentFolderIds = new NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType::SHALLOW;
$greater_than = new IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType();
$greater_than->FieldURI = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$greater_than->FieldURI->FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType::ITEM_ID;
$greater_than->FieldURIOrConstant = new FieldURIOrConstantType();
$greater_than->FieldURIOrConstant->Constant = new ConstantValueType();
$greater_than->FieldURIOrConstant->Constant->Value = $UID;
The EWS ItemId isn't a searchable property because it doesn't need to be eg you can just Bind to the Id in question to see if the Item exists. If it nolonger exists then you will get a specific error to tell you that. The SyncFolderItems operation is probably a more appropriate method to use however

Can't send a message from xmpp4r?

I'm trying to test sending a message to one jid account by using xmpp4r:
require 'xmpp4r'
include Jabber
jid = JID::new('alice#wonderland.lit')
password = 'secr3t'
cl = Client::new(jid)
to = 'arthur#wonderland.lit'
subject = 'XMPP4R test'
body = 'Hi, this is a XMPP4R test'
m = Message::new( to, body ).set_type(:chat).set_id('1').set_subject(subject)
cl.send m
But I always get the following exception:
/home/subout/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p374#subout/gems/xmpp4r-0.5/lib/xmpp4r/client.rb:118:in `rescue in auth': closed stream (Jabber::ClientAuthenticationFailure)
from /home/subout/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p374#subout/gems/xmpp4r-0.5/lib/xmpp4r/client.rb:108:in `auth'
from send_message2.rb:9:in `<main>'
First of all, would you please add Jabber::debug = true setting
before cl.connect and post output here?
Secondly, it looks like there is a problem with XMPP server (are you sure it’s running at
And, the last but not the least, why do you decide
to use “obsolete” xmpp4r rather than it’s modern successor

Sending An HTTP Request using Intersystems Cache

I have the following Business Process defined within a Production on an Intersystems Cache Installation
/// Makes a call to Merlin based on the message sent to it from the pre-processor
Class sgh.Process.MerlinProcessor Extends Ens.BusinessProcess [ ClassType = persistent, ProcedureBlock ]
Property WorkingDirectory As %String;
Property WebServer As %String;
Property CacheServer As %String;
Property Port As %String;
Property Location As %String;
Parameter SETTINGS = "WorkingDirectory,WebServer,Location,Port,CacheServer";
Method OnRequest(pRequest As sgh.Message.MerlinTransmissionRequest, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
Set tSC=$$$OK
Do ##class(sgh.Utils.Debug).LogDebugMsg("Packaging an HTTP request for Saved form "_pRequest.DateTimeSaved)
Set dateTimeSaved = pRequest.DateTimeSaved
Set patientId = pRequest.PatientId
Set latestDateTimeSaved = pRequest.LatestDateTimeSaved
Set formName = pRequest.FormName
Set formId = pRequest.FormId
Set episodeNumber = pRequest.EpisodeNumber
Set sentElectronically = pRequest.SentElectronically
Set styleSheet = pRequest.PrintName
Do ##class(sgh.Utils.Debug).LogDebugMsg("Creating HTTP Request Class")
set HTTPReq = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
Set HTTPReq.Server = ..WebServer
Set HTTPReq.Port = ..Port
do HTTPReq.InsertParam("DateTimeSaved",dateTimeSaved)
do HTTPReq.InsertParam("HospitalNumber",patientId)
do HTTPReq.InsertParam("Episode",episodeNumber)
do HTTPReq.InsertParam("Stylesheet",styleSheet)
do HTTPReq.InsertParam("Server",..CacheServer)
Set Status = HTTPReq.Post(..Location,0) Quit:$$$ISERR(tSC)
Do ##class(sgh.Utils.Debug).LogDebugMsg("Sent the following request: "_Status)
Quit tSC
The thing is when I check the debug value (which is defined as a global) all I get is the number '1' - I have no idea therefore if the request has succeeded or even what is wrong (if it has not)
What do I need to do to find out
A) What is the actual web call being made?
B) What the response is?
There is a really slick way to get the answer the two questions you've asked, regardless of where you're using the code. Check the documentation out on the %Net.HttpRequest object here: and the class reference here:
The class reference for the Post method has a parameter called test, that will do what you're looking for. Here's the excerpt:
method Post(location As %String = "", test As %Integer = 0, reset As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Issue the Http 'post' request, this is used to send data to the web server such as the results of a form, or upload a file. If this completes correctly the response to this request will be in the HttpResponse. The location is the url to request, e.g. '/test.html'. This can contain parameters which are assumed to be already URL escaped, e.g. '/test.html?PARAM=%25VALUE' sets PARAM to %VALUE. If test is 1 then instead of connecting to a remote machine it will just output what it would have send to the web server to the current device, if test is 2 then it will output the response to the current device after the Post. This can be used to check that it will send what you are expecting. This calls Reset automatically after reading the response, except in test=1 mode or if reset=0.
I recommend moving this code to a test routine to view the output properly in terminal. It would look something like this:
// To view the REQUEST you are sending
Set sc = request.Post("/someserver/servlet/webmethod",1)
// To view the RESPONSE you are receiving
Set sc = request.Post("/someserver/servlet/webmethod",2)
// You could also do something like this to parse your RESPONSE stream
Write request.HttpResponse.Data.Read()
I believe the answer you want to A) is in the Server and Location properties of your %Net.HttpRequest object (e.g., HTTPReq.Server and HTTPReq.Location).
For B), the response information should be in the %Net.HttpResponse object stored in the HttpResponse property (e.g. HTTPReq.HttpResponse) after your call is completed.
I hope this helps!
(edited for formatting)
From that code sample it looks like you're using Ensemble, not straight-up Cache.
In that case you should be doing this HTTP call in a Business Operation that uses the HTTP Outbound Adapter, not in your Business Process.
See this link for more info on HTTP Adapters:
You should also look into how to use the Ensemble Message Browser. That should help with your logging needs.
