bash string manipulation - regex match with delimiter - bash

I have a string like this:
zone=INTERNET|status=good|routed=special|location=001|resp=user|switch=not set|stack=no|dswres=no|CIDR=|allowDuplicateHost=disable|inheritAllowDuplicateHost=true|pingBeforeAssign=enable|inheritPingBeforeAssign=true|locationInherited=true|gateway=|inheritDefaultDomains=true|inheritDefaultView=true|inheritDNSRestrictions=true|name=SCB-INET-A
The order inside the delimiter | can be random - that means the key-value pairs can be randomly ordered in the string.
I want an output string like the following:
All values in the output are values from the key-value string above
Does anyone know how I can solve this with awk or sed?

Given your input is a variable var:
var="zone=INTERNET|status=good|routed=special|location=001|resp=user|switch=not set|stack=no|dswres=no|CIDR=|allowDuplicateHost=disable|inheritAllowDuplicateHost=true|pingBeforeAssign=enable|inheritPingBeforeAssign=true|locationInherited=true|gateway=|inheritDefaultDomains=true|inheritDefaultView=true|inheritDNSRestrictions=true|name=SCB-INET-A"
echo "$var" | tr "|" "\n" | sed -n -r "s/(zone|name|gateway)=(.*)/\"\2\"/p"
Using another 2 pipes inserts commas and removes line breaks:
SOFAR | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$//'

Whenever you have name -> value pairs in your input the best approach is to create an array of those mappings (f[] below) and then access the values by their names:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { RS="|"; FS="[=\n]"; OFS="," }
{ f[$1] = "\"" $2 "\"" }
END { print f["zone"], f["CIDR"], f["name"] }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
The above will work efficiently (i.e. literally orders of magnitude faster than a shell loop) and portably using any awk in any shell on any UNIX box, unlike all of the other answers so far which all rely on non-POSIX functionality. It does full string matching instead of partial regexp matching, like some of the other answers, so it is extremely robust and will not result in bad output given partial matches. It also will not interpret any input characters (e.g. escape sequences and/or globbing chars), like some of your other answers do, and instead will just robustly reproduce them as-is in the output.
If you need to enhance it to print any extra field values just add them as , f["<field name>"] to the print statement and if you need to change the output format or do anything else it's all absolutely trivial too.

Using awk:
var="zone=INTERNET|status=good|routed=special|location=001|resp=user|switch=not set|stack=no|dswres=no|CIDR=|allowDuplicateHost=disable|inheritAllowDuplicateHost=true|pingBeforeAssign=enable|inheritPingBeforeAssign=true|locationInherited=true|gateway=|inheritDefaultDomains=true|inheritDefaultView=true|name=SCB-INET-A|inheritDNSRestrictions=true"
awk -v RS='|' -v ORS=',' -F= '$1~/zone|gateway|name/{print "\"" $2 "\""}' <<<"$var" | sed 's/,$//'
The input record separator RS is set to |.
The input field separator FS is set to =.
The output record separator ORS is set to ,.
$1~/zone|gateway|name/ is filtering the parameter to extract. The print statement is added double quote to the parameter value.
The sed statement is to remove the annoying last , (that the print statement is adding).

One more solution using Bash. Not the shortest but I hope it is the best readable and so the best maintainable.
# Function split_key_val()
# selects values from a string with key-value pairs
# IN: string_with_key_value_pairs wanted_key_1 [wanted_key_2] ...
# OUT: result
function split_key_val {
local KEY_VAL_STRING="$1"
local RESULT
# read the string with key-value pairs into array
IFS=\| read -r -a ARRAY <<< "$KEY_VAL_STRING"
# while there are wanted-keys ...
while [[ -n $1 ]]
# Search the array for the wanted-key
for KEY_VALUE in "${ARRAY[#]}"
# the key is the part before "="
KEY=$(echo "$KEY_VALUE" |cut --delimiter="=" --fields=1)
# the value is the part after "="
VALUE=$(echo "$KEY_VALUE" |cut --delimiter="=" --fields=2)
if [[ $KEY == $WANTED_KEY ]]
# if result is empty; result= found value...
if [[ -z $RESULT ]]
# (quote the damned quotes)
# ... else add a comma as a separator
fi # key == wanted-key
done # searched whole array
shift # prepare for next wanted-key
echo "$RESULT"
return 0
STRING="zone=INTERNET|status=good|routed=special|location=001|resp=user|switch=not set|stack=no|dswres=no|CIDR=|allowDuplicateHost=disable|inheritAllowDuplicateHost=true|pingBeforeAssign=enable|inheritPingBeforeAssign=true|locationInherited=true|gateway=|inheritDefaultDomains=true|inheritDefaultView=true|inheritDNSRestrictions=true|name=SCB-INET-A"
split_key_val "$STRING" zone CIDR name
The result is:

without using more sophisticated text editing tools (as an exercise!)
$ tr '|' '\n' <file | # make it columnar
egrep '^(zone|CIDR|name)=' | # get exact key matches
cut -d= -f2 | # get values
while read line; do echo '"'$line'"'; done | # quote values
paste -sd, # flatten with comma
will give
you can also replace while statement with xargs printf '"%s"\n'

Not using sed or awk but the Bash Arrays feature.
line="zone=INTERNET|sta=good|CIDR=|a=1 1|...=...|name=SCB-INET-A"
echo "$line" | tr '|' '\n' | {
declare -A vars
while read -r item ; do
if [ -n "$item" ] ; then
echo "\"${vars[zone]}\",\"${vars[CIDR]}\",\"${vars[name]}\"" ; }
One advantage of this method is that you always get your fields in order independent of the order of fields in the input line.


Show with star symbols how many times a user have logged in

I'm trying to create a simple shell script showing how many times a user has logged in to their linux machine for at least one week. The output of the shell script should be like this:
I have tried this so far but it shows only numeric but i want showing * symbols.
last -F | grep "${user}" | sed -E "s/${user}.*(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) //" | awk '{print $1"-"$2"-"$4}' | uniq -c
Any help?
You might want to refactor all of this into a simple Awk script, where repeating a string n times is also easy.
last -F |
awk -v user="$1" 'BEGIN { split("Jan:Feb:Mar:Apr:May:Jun:Jul:Aug:Sep:Oct:Nov:Dec", m, ":");
for(i=1; i<=12; i++) mon[m[i]] = sprintf("%02i", i) }
$1 == user { ++count[$8 "-" mon[$5] "-" sprintf("%02i", $6)] }
END { for (date in count) {
padded = sprintf("%-" count[date] "s", "*");
gsub(/ /, "*", padded);
print date, padded } }'
The BEGIN block creates an associative array mon which maps English month abbreviations to month numbers.
sprintf("%02i", number) produces the value of number with zero padding to two digits (i.e. adds a leading zero if number is a single digit).
The $1 == user condition matches the lines where the first field is equal to the user name we passed in. (Your original attempt had two related bugs here; it would look for the user name anywhere in the line, so if the user name happened to match on another field, it would erroneously match on that; and the regex you used would match a substring of a longer field).
When that matches, we just update the value in the associative array count whose key is the current date.
Finally, in the END block, we simply loop over the values in count and print them out. Again, we use sprintf to produce a field with a suitable length. We play a little trick here by space-padding to the specified width, because sprintf does that out of the box, and then replace the spaces with more asterisks.
Your desired output shows the asterisks on a separate line from the date; obviously, it's easy to change that if you like, but I would advise against it in favor of a format which is easy to sort, grep, etc (perhaps to then reformat into your desired final human-readable form).
If you have GNU sed you're almost there. Just pipe the output of uniq -c to this GNU sed command:
sed -En 's/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+).*/printf "\2\n%\1s" ""/e;s/ /*/g;p'
Explanation: in the output of uniq -c we substitute a line like:
6 Dec-15-2021
printf "Dec-15-2021\n%6s" ""
and we use the e GNU sed flag (this is a GNU sed extension so you need GNU sed) to pass this to the shell. The output is:
where the second line contains 6 spaces. This output is copied back into the sed pattern space. We finish by a global substitution of spaces by stars and print:
A simple soluction, using tempfile
last -F | grep "${user}" | sed -E "s/"${user}".*(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) //" | awk '{print $1"-"$2"-"$4}' | uniq -c > $tempfile
for LINE in $(cat $tempfile)
qtde=$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $1'})
data=$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $2'})
echo -e "$data "
for ((i=1; i<=qtde; i++))
echo -e "*\c"
echo -e "\n"

How to extract two pieces of data from a string

I am trying to extract two pieces of data from a string and I have having a bit of trouble. The string is formatted like this:
11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd
What I am trying to achieve is to print the first column (11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555) and the third section of the colon string (cccccccc), on the same line with a space between the two, as the first column is an identifier. Ideally in a way that can just be run as one-line from the terminal.
I have tried using cut and awk but I have yet to find a good way to make this work.
How about a sed expression like this?
echo "11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd" |
sed -e "s/\(.*\) .*:.*:\(.*\):.*/\1 \2/"
11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 cccccccc
The following awk script does the job without relying on the format of the first column.
awk -F: 'BEGIN {RS=ORS=" "} NR==1; NR==2 {print $3}'
Use it in a pipe or pass the string as a file (simply append the filename as an argument) or as a here-string (append <<< "your string").
Instead of lines this awk script splits the input into space-separated records (RS=ORS=" "). Each record is subdivided into :-separated fields (-F:). The first record will be printed as is (NR==1;, that's the same as NR==1 {print $0}). In the second record, we will only print the 3rd field (NR==2 {print {$3}}); in case of the record aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd the 3rd field is ccc.
I think the answer from user803422 is better but here's another option. Maybe it'll help you use cut in the future.
str='11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd'
first=$(echo "$str" | cut -d ' ' -f1)
second=$(echo "$str" | cut -d ':' -f6)
echo "$first $second"
With pure Bash Regex:
str='11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd'
echo "$([[ $str =~ (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]*) ]])${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
[[ $str =~ (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]* ]]: Match $str against the POSIX Extended RegEx (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]*) witch contains two capture groups: 1: (.*\ ) 0 or more of any characters, followed by a space; and capture group 2: ([^:]*) witch contains any number of characters that are not :.
$([[ $str =~ (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]*) ]]): execute the RegEx match in a sub-shell during the string value expansion. (here it produces no output, but the RegEx captured groups are referenced later).
${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}: expand the content of the RegEx captured groups that Bash keeps in the dedicated $BASH_REMATCH array.

How to split a string on delimiter and append a constant value to all elements

I have a file with each line in below format
I have multiples lines in that file with varying number of values for each line.
My task is to append Val Key for each line. Expected sample output:
ValA1 KeyA
ValA2 KeyA
ValA3 KeyA
ValB1 KeyB
ValB2 KeyB
ValB3 KeyB
What I tried is :
while read -r line; do
KEY=$(echo $line | cut -d '=' -f 1)
VALUES=$(echo $line | cut -d '=' -f 2)
for VAL in $VALUES;do
echo $VAL $KEY
done < file.txt
I am able to achieve the expected output, but I am supposed to complete this without using the for loop.
Can someone suggest me any other solution.
One should not parse line-based text files with shell loops; shell is interpreted one line at a time as a program is read. This is extremely inefficient for bulk jobs. Please use dedicated text processors like awk or perl.
awk -F'[=,]' '{k=$1; for(f=2;f<=NF;f++) print $f, k}' file
-F'[=,]' - Fields are delimited by a single comma/equals
{...} - with no condition, this action will be performed on every line
k=$1 - set k to Field 1
for(f=2;f<=NF;f++) - iterate over all remaining fields (NF = Number of Fields)
print $f, k - print the field, a space, and the value of k
I got this solution. First substitute = and , for a space. Then read each line with xargs and execute a script, that will buffer the first argument (ie. they key) and output with iterating over all the others:
<inputfile tr '[=,]' ' ' |
xargs -l sh -c 't="$1"; shift; printf "$t %s\n" "$#"' --
On my second try I did the following, where I don't substitute = for a space, so if values have = in them, it doesn't get's split up.
while IFS== read -r key vals; do
printf "%s" "$vals" |
xargs -d, printf "$key %s\n"
done <inputfile

Error in bash script: arithmetic error

I am wrote a simple script to extract text from a bunch of files (*.out) and add two lines at the beginning and a line at the end. Then I add the extracted text with another file to create a new file. The script is here.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#A simple bash script to extract text from *.out and create another file
for f in *.out; do
#In the following line, n is a number which is extracted from the file name
n=$(echo $f | cut -d_ -f6)
t=$((2 * $n ))
#To extract the necessary text/data
grep " B " $f | tail -${t} | awk 'BEGIN {OFS=" ";} {print $1, $4, $5, $6}' | rev | column -t | rev >
#To add some text as the first, second and last lines.
sed -i '1i -1 2'
sed -i '1i $molecule'
echo '$end' >>
#To combine the extracted info with another file (
cat ./ > "${f/abc.out/}"
./ line 4: (ls file*.out | cut -d_ -f6: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".out) | cut -d_ -f6")
How I can correct this error?
In bash, when you use:
$(( ... ))
it treats the contents of the brackets as an arithmetic expression, returning the result of the calculation, and when you use:
$( ... )
it executed the contents of the brackets and returns the output.
So, to fix your issue, it should be as simple as to replace line 4 with:
n=$(ls $f | cut -d_ -f6)
This replaces the outer double brackets with single, and removes the additional brackets around ls $f which should be unnecessary.
The arithmetic error can be avoided by adding spaces between parentheses. You are already using var=$((arithmetic expression)) correctly elsewhere in your script, so it should be easy to see why $( ((ls "$f") | cut -d_ -f6)) needs a space. But the subshells are completely superfluous too; you want $(ls "$f" | cut -d_ -f6). Except ls isn't doing anything useful here, either; use $(echo "$f" | cut -d_ -f6). Except the shell can easily, albeit somewhat clumsily, extract a substring with parameter substitution; "${f#*_*_*_*_*_}". Except if you're using Awk in your script anyway, it makes more sense to do this - and much more - in Awk as well.
Here is an at empt at refactoring most of the processing into Awk.
for f in *.out; do
awk 'BEGIN {OFS=" " }
# Extract 6th _-separated field from input filename
FNR==1 { split(FILENAME, f, "_"); t=2*f[6] }
# If input matches regex, add to array b
/ B / { b[++i] = $1 OFS $4 OFS $5 OFS $6 }
# If array size reaches t, start overwriting old values
i==t { i=0; m=t }
# Print two prefix lines
print "$molecule"; print -1, 2;
# Handle array smaller than t
if (!m) m=i
# Print starting from oldest values (index i + 1)
for(j=1; j<=m; j++) {
# Wrap to beginning of array at end
if(i+j > t) i-=t
print b[i+j]; }
print "$end" }' "$f" |
rev | column -t | rev |
cat - ./ > "${f/foo.out/}"
Notice also how we avoid using a temporary file (this would certainly have been avoidable without the Awk refactoring, too) and how we take care to quote all filename variables in double quotes.
The array b contains (up to) the latest t values from matching lines; we collect these into an array which is constrained to never contain more than t values by wrapping the index i back to the beginning of the array when we reach index t. This "circular array" avoids keeping too many values in memory, which would make the script slow if the input file contains many matches.

Use "cut" in shell script without space as delimiter

I'm trying to write a script that reads the file content below and extract the value in the 6th column of each line, then print each line without the 6th column. The comma is used as the delimiter.
123,456,789,101,145,5671,hello world,goodbye for now
223,456,789,101,145,5672,hello world,goodbye for now
323,456,789,101,145,5673,hello world,goodbye for now
What I did was
for i in `cat test_input.txt`
COLUMN=`echo $i | cut -f6 -d','`
echo $i | cut -f1-5,7- -d',' >> test_$COLUMN.txt
The output I got was
The rest of "world, goodbye for now" was not written into the output files, because it seems like the space between "hello" and "world" was used as a delimiter?
How do I get the correct output
123,456,789,101,145,hello world,goodbye for now
It's not a problem with the cut command but with the for loop you're using. For the first loop run the variable i will only contain 123,456,789,101,145,5671,hello.
If you insist to read the input file line-by-line (not very efficient), you'd better use a read-loop like this:
while read i
done < test_input.txt
echo '123,456,789,101,145,5671,hello world,goodbye for now' | while IFS=, read -r one two three four five six seven eight rest
echo "$six"
echo "$one,$two,$three,$four,$five,$seven,$eight${rest:+,$rest}"
123,456,789,101,145,hello world,goodbye for now
See the man bash Parameter Expansion section for the :+ syntax (essentially it outputs a comma and the $rest if $rest is defined and non-empty).
Also, you shouldn't use for to loop over file contents.
As ktf mentioned, your problem is not with cut but with the way you're passing the lines into cut. The solution he/she has provided should work.
Alternatively, you could achieve the same behaviour with a line of awk:
awk -F, '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if(i!=6) printf "%s%s",$i,(i==NF)?"\n":"," > "test_"$6".txt"}}' test_input.txt
For clarity, here's a verbose version:
awk -F, ' # "-F,": using comma as field separator
{ # for each line in file
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { # for each column
sep = (i == NF) ? "\n" : "," # column separator
outfile = "test_"$6".txt" # output file
if (i != 6) { # skip sixth column
printf "%s%s", $i, sep > outfile
}' test_input.txt
an easy method id to use tr commende to convert the espace carracter into # and after doing the cat commande retranslate it into the espace.
