Laravel filter using conditions - laravel

I have a eloquent model called product. I need to use where condition depends on the status of column in same table. This is my code
public function product_list(Request $request,Datatables $datatables){
$product = Product::where('supplier_id',$request->supplier_id)->where('product','!=',3);
return $datatables->eloquent($product)->filter(function ($query) use ($request) {
I need to check the where condition if the column is_from_portalsite equals to 1. how can I check that in laravel.

Try this (assuming is_from_portalsite is boolean):


How to use custom model function in eloquent

I want to get all user's online friends, how can I call a custom model function inside the eloquent condition?
this is my code
$friends = $user->friends()->where(function (Builder $query){
$query->where('friend', 'yes');
and this is my function in model
public function getIsOnlineAttribute(): bool
// check if the user is online or not
return $this->is_online;
I can access is_online after eloquent by foreach, but in my case, I want to check everything in one step ( inside where condition in eloquent). how can I do that???
You can't use conditions for eloquent accessors, in this case you can use (assume 1 is database column value):
$friends = $user->friends()->where('is_online', 1)->get();
$friends = $user->friends()->whereIsOnline(1)->get();
or you can create eloquent scope on your model:
public function scopeIsOnline($query) {
and you can use this eloquent scope on your controller in this way:
$friends = $user->friends()->isOnline()->get();
this worked for me :)
$friends = $user->friends()
->reject(function ($friend) {
return $friend->is_online === false;

How can I get a query with a conditional in a third relation?

Im using Laravel 7 and to get an array like this Array image spect result
And im working with Eloquent. This is my code for that array
**return EvaluateTeacherQuestion::with('evaluate_teacher_possibles_answers')->get();**
And this is my function evaluate_teacher_possibles_answers to make the relationship
public function evaluate_teacher_possibles_answers()
return $this->hasMany(EvaluateTeacherPossibilites::class)->withCount('evaluate_teacher_answers')->with('evaluate_teacher_answers');
And to get the third condition use this
public function evaluate_teacher_answers()
return $this->hasMany(EvaluateTeacherAnswer::class, 'evaluate_teacher_possible_id');
The problem is in the table evaluate_teacher_answers, I need get only this that if a condition (teacher_id = $teacher) is right.
When you add the whereHas condition a subquery is added.
With this way, will included relation in model and will execute conditions on closure from related model
Try this way:
remove with('evaluate_teacher_answers') from evaluate_teacher_possibles_answers relation:
public function evaluate_teacher_possibles_answers()
return $this->hasMany(EvaluateTeacherPossibilities::class)->withCount('evaluate_teacher_answers')->;
then load that relation with your condition:
$value = EvaluateTeacherQuestion::with(['evaluate_teacher_possibles_answers'=>function($query)use($teacher_id)
$query = $query->where('evaluate_teacher_answers.teacher_id',$teacher_id);

Laravel eloquent get model property of current query

I'm trying to do where clause for fortune_code inside joindraw table, comparing with the lucky_fortune_code from product table. How can i access and do the check?
Product::where('status', StatusConstant::PT_ENDED_PUBLISHED)
->where('lucky_fortune_code', '<>', '')
->with(['joindraw' => function ($query){
$query->where('fortune_code', $this->lucky_fortune_code)
class Product extends Model
public function joindraw(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Joindraw');
class Joindraw extends Model
public function product(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Product', 'product_id');
What you can do is a join:
Product::where('status', StatusConstant::PT_ENDED_PUBLISHED)
->where('lucky_fortune_code', '!=', '')
->join('joindraws', 'joindraws.fortune_code', '=', 'products.lucky_fortune_code')->get();
By the way, you can also omit the second 'product_id' parameter in the belongsTo() relation, as this column name is already assumed by convention.
Also, there is no desc() method on the query builder. Use orderBy('lucky_fortune_code', 'desc') instead.
However, whenever you have to write joins in Laravel, you should think about your relationship structure, because there's probably something wrong.

How to use where by second table Laravel?

I have the following query:
$objects = Object::with("prototypes");
As you can see I do request to model Object and join it with prototypes.
The prototypes table has structure:
How to make where in above query like as:
$objects = Object::with("prototypes")->where("prototype_id", 3);
Object model:
public function prototypes()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Prototype', 'object_prototype', 'object_id');
Prototype model:
public function objects(){
return $this->belongsToMany("App\Object", "object_prototype", "prototype_id", "object_id");
If the relationship is correctly set in your Eloquent models, you can use the WhereHas function to query relationship existence.
$objects = Object::with('prototypes')
->whereHas('prototypes', function ($query) {
$query->where('prototype_id', 3);
Just to add on #Jerodev answer.
If you need even more power, you may use the whereHas and
orWhereHas methods to put "where" conditions on your has queries.
These methods allow you to add customized constraints to a
relationship constraint, such as checking the content of a comment:
// Retrieve all posts with at least one comment containing words like foo%
$posts = Post::whereHas('comments', function ($query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'foo%');
You can read more about Eloquent Relationships
And in your case you can also construct a your query like.
Object::whereHas('prototypes', function ($query)){
$query->where('prototype_id', 3);

Laravel eloquent model set condition at belongsTo method

I have a model class ServiceAgentRel. Where agent_id belongs to user table. I am fetching all column with service_id 3.
$agent_data = App\ServiceAgentRel::where(['service_id'=>3])->with('agent')->get();
Using this code I can get all services with service_id 3 But I need to set a condition on user table if user status (status corresponding to that agent_id) is inactive no row will be fetched.
My main requirement is, I have to set a condition on a relation function agent(). Also is there any way to check it from controller?
class ServiceAgentRel extends Model {
public function agent(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'agent_id', 'id');
I know it is possible to do this task by a simple join, but I want to know if it is possible by eloquent model function.
enter image description here
for that you need to use whereHas,like that
$agent_data = App\ServiceAgentRel::where(['service_id'=>3])->with('agent')
->whereHas('agent',function($query) {
$query->where('status', 'active');
Hi you can do like this
$agent_data = App\ServiceAgentRel::where(['service_id'=>3])->first();
echo $agent_data->agent->name;
You can use this statement:
$agent_data = App\ServiceAgentRel::where(['service_id'=>3])
->with(['agent' => function($query) {
$query->where('agent.status', 'active');
