I'm trying to use Mail::Address to parse an email address, however the output is not as expected:
Mail::Address.new('Arnold, Roa <aroa#so.com>').address
=> "Arnold"
What is the problem and what alternatives do I have?
This works, not sure why the comma is there:
Mail::Address.new('Arnold, Roa <aroa#so.com>'.gsub(',','')).address
I've created an issue on the github project: https://github.com/mikel/mail/issues/1219
In the meanwhile I created this monkey patch (which is not a good practice and should be avoided):
class Mail::Address
class << self
def new(value = nil)
if value.is_a? String
value = value.gsub(',', ' ')
I am new to ROR.I am working on spree gem extension. I want to make email template dynamic means the content of html.erb file should store in database table .On shooting mail, all data and dynamic data are managed..?? Is it possible in ror and how to achieve this.??
Yes you can do like this just replace dynamic variables in DB like this:
You have successfully placed Service Request No. {service_requests_id} for {service_requests_category} . Our representative will be in touch with you soon for the same. Thank you." This string is store in database.
and create a helper
def replace_dynamic_variables(str,variables=nil)
variables.each do |k ,v|
str = str.gsub('{' + k.to_s + '}',v || "")
return str.html_safe
and on mailer prepare variables like:
class yourMailer < ApplicationMailer
def send_service_email(args) # email sending method
#variables = {}
# Other code like subject, to, from etc.
#db_string = #string you get form DB
#variables[:service_requests_id] = #service_requests.id
#variables[:service_requests_category] = #service_requests.category.name
#mail to:
and in send_service_email.html.erb/ send_service_email.txt.erb whatever suite in your case just call
<%= replace_dynamic_variables(#db_string,#variables)%>
I have not tested but hope this will work for you
I am writing a helper API in Ruby to automatically create and manipulate node definitions. My code is working; it can read and write the node defs successfully, however, it is a bit clunky.
Ruby is not my main language, so I'm sure there is a cleaner, and more rubyesque solution. I would appreciate some advice or suggestions.
Each host has its own file in manifests/nodes containing just the node definition. e.g.
node 'testnode' {
class {'firstclass': }
class {'secondclass': enabled => false }
The classes all are either enabled (default) or disabled elements. In the Ruby code, I store these as an instance variable hash #elements.
The read method looks like this:
def read()
data = File.readlines(#filepath)
for line in data do
if line.include? 'class'
element = line[/.*\{'([^\']*)':/, 1]
if #elements.include? element.to_sym
if not line.include? 'enabled => false'
#elements[element.to_sym] = true
#elements[element.to_sym] = false
And the write method looks like this:
def write()
data = "node #{#hostname} {\n"
for element in #elements do
if element[1]
line = " class {'#{element[0]}': }\n"
line = " class {'#{element[0]}': enabled => false}\n"
data += line
data += "}\n"
file = File.open(#filepath, 'w')
One thing to add is that these systems will be isolated from the internet. So I'd prefer to avoid large number of dependency libraries as I'll need to install / maintain them manually.
If your goal is to define your node's programmatically, there is a much more straightforward way then reading and writing manifests. One of the built-in features of puppet is "External Node Classifiers"(ENC). The basic idea is that something external to puppet will define what a node should look like.
In the simplest form, the ENC can be a ruby/python/whatever script that writes out yaml with the list of classes and enabled parameters. Reading and writing yaml from ruby is as simple as it gets.
Ruby has some pretty good methods to iterate over data structures. See below for an example of how to rubify your code a little bit. I am by no means an expert on the subject, and have not tested the code. :)
def read
data = File.readlines(#filepath)
data.each_line do |line|
element = line[/.*\{'([^\']*)':/, 1].to_sym
if #elements.include?(element)
#elements[element] = line.include?('enabled => false') ? false : true
def write
File.open(#filepath, 'w') do |file|
file.puts "node #{#hostname} {"
#elements.each do |element|
if element[1]
file.puts " class {'#{element[0]}': }"
file.puts " class {'#{element[0]}': enabled => false }"
file.puts '}'
Hope this points you in the right direction.
def test_post_with_file filename = 'test01.xml'
File.open(filename) do |file|
response = #http_client.post(url, {'documents'=>file})
How do I modify the above method to handle a multi-file-array post/upload?
file_array = ['test01.xml', 'test02.xml']
You mean like this?
def test_post_with_file(file_array=[])
file_array.each do |filename|
File.open(filename) do |file|
response = #http_client.post(url, {'documents'=>file})
I was having the same problem and finally figured out how to do it:
def test_post_with_file(file_array)
form = file_array.map { |n| ['documents[]', File.open(n)] }
response = #http_client.post(#url, form)
You can see in the docs how to pass multiple values: http://rubydoc.info/gems/httpclient/HTTPClient#post_content-instance_method .
In the "body" row, I tried without success to use the 4th example. Somehow HttpClient just decides to apply .to_s to each hash in the array.
Then I tried the 2nd solution and it wouldn't work either because only the last value is kept by the server. But I discovered after some tinkering that the second solution works if the parameter name includes the square brackets to indicate there are mutiple values as an array.
Maybe this is a bug in Sinatra (that's what I'm using), maybe the handling of such data is implementation-dependent, maybe the HttpClient doc is outdated/wrong. Or a combination of these.
I have gone over the documentation, and I can't find a specific way to go about this. I have already added some dynamic attributes to a model, and I would like to be able to iterate over all of them.
So, for a concrete example:
class Order
include Mongoid::Document
field :status, type: String, default: "pending"
And then I do the following:
Order.new(status: "processed", internal_id: "1111")
And later I want to come back and be able to get a list/array of all the dynamic attributes (in this case, "internal_id" is it).
I'm still digging, but I'd love to hear if anyone else has solved this already.
Just include something like this in your model:
module DynamicAttributeSupport
def self.included(base)
base.send :include, InstanceMethods
module InstanceMethods
def dynamic_attributes
attributes.keys - _protected_attributes[:default].to_a - fields.keys
def static_attributes
fields.keys - dynamic_attributes
and here is a spec to go with it:
require 'spec_helper'
describe "dynamic attributes" do
class DynamicAttributeModel
include Mongoid::Document
include DynamicAttributeSupport
field :defined_field, type: String
it "provides dynamic_attribute helper" do
d = DynamicAttributeModel.new(age: 45, defined_field: 'George')
d.dynamic_attributes.should == ['age']
it "has static attributes" do
d = DynamicAttributeModel.new(foo: 'bar')
d.static_attributes.should include('defined_field')
d.static_attributes.should_not include('foo')
it "allows creation with dynamic attributes" do
d = DynamicAttributeModel.create(age: 99, blood_type: 'A')
d = DynamicAttributeModel.find(d.id)
d.age.should == 99
d.blood_type.should == 'A'
d.dynamic_attributes.should == ['age', 'blood_type']
this will give you only the dynamic field names for a given record x:
dynamic_attribute_names = x.attributes.keys - x.fields.keys
if you use additional Mongoid features, you need to subtract the fields associated with those features:
e.g. for Mongoid::Versioning :
dynamic_attribute_names = (x.attributes.keys - x.fields.keys) - ['versions']
To get the key/value pairs for only the dynamic attributes:
make sure to clone the result of attributes(), otherwise you modify x !!
attr_hash = x.attributes.clone #### make sure to clone this, otherwise you modify x !!
dyn_attr_hash = attr_hash.delete_if{|k,v| ! dynamic_attribute_names.include?(k)}
or in one line:
x.attributes.clone.delete_if{|k,v| ! dynamic_attribute_names.include?(k)}
So, what I ended up doing is this. I'm not sure if it's the best way to go about it, but it seems to give me the results I'm looking for.
class Order
def dynamic_attributes
self.attributes.delete_if { |attribute|
self.fields.keys.member? attribute
Attributes appears to be a list of the actual attributes on the object, while fields appears to be a hash of the fields that were predefined. Couldn't exactly find that in the documentation, but I'm going with it for now unless someone else knows of a better way!
try .methods or .instance_variables
Not sure if I liked the clone approach, so I wrote one too. From this you could easily build a hash of the content too. This merely outputs it all the dynamic fields (flat structure)
(d.attributes.keys - d.fields.keys).each {|a| puts "#{a} = #{d[a]}"};
I wasn't able to get any of the above solutions to work (as I didn't want to have to add slabs and slabs of code to each model, and, for some reason, the attributes method does not exist on a model instance, for me. :/), so I decided to write my own helper to do this for me. Please note that this method includes both dynamic and predefined fields.
module MongoidAttributeHelper
def self.included(base)
module AttributeMethods
def get_all_attributes
map = %Q{
function() {
for(var key in this)
emit(key, null);
reduce = %Q{
function(key, value) {
return null;
hashedResults = self.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: true) # Returns an array of Hashes (i.e. {"_id"=>"EmailAddress", "value"=>nil} )
# Build an array of just the "_id"s.
results = Array.new
hashedResults.each do |value|
results << value["_id"]
return results
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include MongoidAttributeHelper
Once I've added the aforementioned include (include MongoidAttributeHelper) to each model which I would like to use this method with, I can get a list of all fields using User.get_all_attributes.
Granted, this may not be the most efficient or elegant of methods, but it definitely works. :)
pop = Net::POP3.new mailhost
pop.start mailuser, mailpass
if pop.mails.empty?
puts "Mailbox empty."
pop.mails.each do |mail|
if mail.pop.has_attachments?
mail.pop.attachments.each do |attachment|
puts attachment.original_filename
gives undefined method 'has_attachments?' for #<String:0xb7cc4f7c>.
Is this example no longer working?
mail.pop returns string representation of email see corresponding docs. If you want to parse it and work with mail object you can do it like this:
email = Mail.new(mail.pop)
I really recommend you to take a look into docs - if you'll have big attachments you can run into memory issues and this thing is explained in docs.