three.js bind Plane to proxy Object transformations - three.js

I'm trying to transform a Plane according to a Object3D (position and rotation). That Plane is used as a clippingPlane.
If I call Plane.applyMatrix4( Object.matrixWorld ) it just applies the matrix once, and doesn't bind the Plane to that matrix for future transformations.
However if I call the same function in a loop the transformations applied to the Plane are continuous.
EG if I call Object.rotate.z = 1 once, and then Plane.applyMatrix4( Object.matrixWorld ) in a loop, the Plane rotates 1 unit along the Z axis at every loop.
Any ideas?
Being this Plane used as a clipping plane, I also tried to transform it in the shader material of the mesh being clipped, and it maybe would be the best performance-wise, but I'm not so skilled to accomplish that.

I would just to this:
object.add( plane );
In this way, plane is a child of object. All transformations applied to object are also applied to plane. Besides, it's now very easy to transform plane relative to object.

The quickest solution I found is to reset and apply Object's .matrixWorld to the Plane. As I said before, it would be great to add useful transformation and "binding" methods to the THREE.Plane object, since it's used as clipping plane too.
Right now I did this way:
// will store the object's inverse transformations matrix in world coords
var inversePrevMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
function loop(){
// reset plane previous transformations
plane.applyMatrix4( inversePrevMatrix );
// apply actual object matrix in world coordinates
plane.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );
// set prevMatrix
inversePrevMatrix.getInverse( object.matrixWorld );


THREE.js raycaster intersectObject method returns no intersection when checking if point is inside mesh

I want to check whether a point is inside a mesh or not. To do so, I use a raycaster, set it to the point's origin and if the ray intersects the mesh only once, it must be inside. Unfortunately, the intersectObject always returns no intersection, even in cases I know that the point is located inside the mesh.
The point's origin is given in world coordinates and the mesh's matrixWorld is up to date too. Also, I set the mesh.material.side to THREE.DoubleSide, so that the intersection from inside should be detected. I tried setting the recursive attribute to true as well, but as expected, this didn't have any effect (since the mesh is a box geometry). The mesh is coming from the Autodesk Forge viewer interface.
Here is my code:
mesh.material.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
let vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
vertex.fromArray(positions, positionIndex);
const rayDirection = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1).normalize();
raycaster.set(vertex, rayDirection);
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(mesh);
if (intersects.length % 2 === 1) {
isPointInside = true;
The vertex looks like this (and it obviosly lies inside of the bounding box):
The mesh is a box shaped room with the following bounding box:
The mesh looks like this:
The geometry of the mesh holds the vertices in the vb. After applying the world matrix, the mesh vertices are correct in world space. Here is a part of the vb list:
Why does the raycaster not return any intersection? Is the matrixWorld of the mesh taken into account when computing the intersections?
Thanks for any kind of help!
Note that Forge Viewer is based on three.js version R71, and it had to modify/reimplement some parts of the library to handle large and complex models (especially architecture and infrastructure designs), so THREE.Mesh objects might have a slightly different structure. In that case I'd suggest to raycast using Forge Viewer's own mechanisms, e.g., using viewer.impl.rayIntersect(ray, ignoreTransparent, dbIds, modelIds, intersections);.

Rotating an Object properly around a pivot point given axis and angle

In Three.js there seems to be quite a few ways of rotation which i personally do not find very intuitive. See e.g. the example
I get very strange unexpected effects when I apply rotation to multiple objects. E.g. when I rotate objects that have been added to each other and start rotating the parent the individual objects will all over sudden by placed differently in respect to each other then they originally where. I am now experimenting with grouping and would like to avoid the same effect.
See for the current state of affairs and for the source code.
So i searched for proper examples following the different API options:
function renderScene() {
//side1.rotation.z += 0.02;
pivot.rotation.z += 0.02;
three.js rotate Object3d around Y axis at it center
How to rotate a 3D object on axis three.js?
ThreeJS - rotation around object's own axis
object.rotateAroundWorldAxis(p, ax, r * Math.PI * 2 / frames);
How to rotate a object on axis world three.js?
THREE.js Update rotation property of object after rotateOnWorldAxis
object.rotateOnWorldAxis( axis, angle );
Rotate around World Axis
Three JS Pivot point
Rotation anchor point in Three.js
quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle( axisOfRotation, angleOfRotation );
object.rotation.setEulerFromQuaternion( quaternion );
Three.js - Rotating a sphere around a certain axis
this.mesh.updateMatrixWorld(); // important !
childPart.mesh.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(this.mesh.matrixWorld))
Applying a matrix in Three.js does not what I expect
I like the jsFiddle for
var pivot = new THREE.Object3D();
pivot.add( cube );
scene.add( pivot );
I also found the following discussions
pivot issue in
None of the above information is clear enough to get to the point of the problem to be solved. The graphics above are much clearer stating the problem than the proposals are stating a solution.
I'd like to use the cylinder as the axis even when the cylinder is moved.I'd expect the easiest way to go would be to use rotateAroundWorldAxis - is that available in the latest revision from three.js or do i have to add it from e.g.
b) I'd like to get a chain of objects to be rotated to later apply inverse kinematics as in
Although i looked at the source code of that solutions I can't really find the place where the parent-child positioning and rotating is happening. What are the relevant lines of code / API functions that would make proper rotation around a chain of joints happen?
I already looked in the Bone/Skeleton API of Three.js but had the same problem there - lots of lines of code but no clear point where the rotation/positioning between child and parent happens.
Question a)
Basically it works as expected:
cylinder.position.set( options.x, 15, options.z );
Question b)
The key is to set the positions correctly. Instead of the proposal at the size is computed in this case.
// create the pivot to rotate around/about
this.pivot = new THREE.Group();
// shift the pivot position to fit my size + the size of the joint
y + this.size.y / 2 + this.pivotr,
z + this.size.z / 2
// reposition the mesh accordingly
this.mesh.position.set(0, this.size.y / 2, 0);

Rotate around World Axis

I tried to rotate an object arount the Worlds-Y-Axis, with
myObject.rotateOnWorldAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0),THREE.Math.degToRad(1));
but the result was, that the object is only rotated in object space.
To be sure that I used the correct method I looked into the documentation and found that there are three methods to rotate an object:
.RotateY(rad) // rotate in Local Space
.rotateOnAxis(axis,rad) // rotation in Object Space
.rotateOnWorldAxis(axis,rad) // rotation in World Space
It seems that I used the correct method.
Is this a bug or an understanding problem on my side?
Here is a JSFiddle which illustrates my problem (the blue cube should rotate around the world axis).
Here is a second Fiddle where thy cyan cube is a child of another object.
It looks to me like your real question isn't regarding world space or object space rotations, cause those are working as expected in your examples.
You probably meant, how to change the point of rotation of an object. If that is the case, you have two options, you can either translate all your geometry vertices in respect to a pivot point of rotation. That way, your pivot will be centered at (0,0,0) and your vertices will rotate in respect to that.
mesh.geometry.translate( x, y, z );
Or you can make your object a child of a different Object3D (pivot), position your original mesh similarly to what was described above and rotate your pivot mesh.
var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
var pivot = new THREE.Object3D();
cube.position.set( 0, 12, 30 ); // offset from center
pivot.add( cube );
scene.add( pivot );
pivot.rotation.y += Math.PI/2;

Local clipping of planes based on local axis

I was trying to clip left half of a planeBuffer using material.clippingPlanes.
When the object is at center with rotation (0,0,0) then the clipping works.
object.material.clippingPlanes =
[object.getWorldDirection().cross(object.up).normalize(), object.position.z )];
But this code fails when the object is at a non-zero position with non-zero rotation and the cut does not change with orientation of object.
From Material.clippingPlanes:
User-defined clipping planes specified as THREE.Plane objects in world space.
Because the planes are in world space, they won't orient within your object's local space. You would need to apply your object's world transformation matrix to the planes in order to align them with your object.
Note that if your mesh is moving around, you'd need to store the original clipping plane for application of the new matrixWorld from each transformation.
// somehwere else in the code:
var clipPlane1 = new THREE.Plane(); // however you configure it is up to you
// later, probably in your render method:

How to plot country names on the globe, so the mesh will be aligned with the surfaces

I'm trying to plot country names of the globe, so the text meshes will be aligned with the surface, but I'm failing to calculate proper rotations. For text I'm using THREE.TextGeometry. The name appears on the click of the mesh of the country at the point of intersection using raycasting. I'm lacking knowledge of how to turn these coordinates to proper rotation angles. I'm not posting my code, as it's complete mess and I believe for a knowldgeable person will be easier to explain how to achieve this in general.
Here is desired result:
The other solution, which I tried (and which, of course, is not the ultimate), based on this SO answer. The idea is to use the normal of the face you intersect with the raycaster.
Obtain the point of intersection.
Obtain the face of intersection.
Obtain the normal of the face (2).
Get the normal (3) in world coordinates.
Set position of the text object as sum of point of intersection (1) and the normal in world coordinates (4).
Set lookAt() vector of the text object as sum of its position (5) and the normal in world coordinates (4).
Seems long, but actually it makes not so much of code:
var PGHelper = new THREE.PolarGridHelper(...); // let's imagine it's your text object ;)
var PGlookAt = new THREE.Vector3(); // point of lookAt for the "text" object
var normalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix3();
var worldNormal = new THREE.Vector3();
and in the animation loop:
for ( var i = 0; i < intersects.length; i++ ) {
normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( intersects[i].object.matrixWorld );
worldNormal.copy(intersects[i].face.normal).applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();
PGHelper.position.addVectors(intersects[i].point, worldNormal);
PGlookAt.addVectors(PGHelper.position, worldNormal);
jsfiddle exmaple
The method works with meshes of any geometry (checked with spheres and boxes though ;) ). And I'm sure there are another better methods.
very interesting question.I have tried this way, we can regard the text as a plane. lets define a normal vector n from your sphere center(or position) to point on the sphere surface where you want to display text. I have a simple way to make normal vector right.
1. put the text mesh on sphere center. text.position.copy(sphere.position)
2. make text to the point on sphere surface, text.lookAt(point)
3.relocate text to the point. text.position.copy(point)
