how to press enter on Google Colaboratory - anaconda

I try to install Anaconda on Google Colaboratory but how to press enter on this?
This question is similar Answer “yes” to terminal on Google Colaboratory
Welcome to Anaconda3 5.1.0
In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
Please, press ENTER to continue
What can I do?

You can use the -b option to run the installer in batch mode.
!./ -b
It assumes that you agree to all the terms and conditions. But do keep in mind that this doesn't add the installation path to PATH variable which you will have manually set if you directly want to use the conda command using:
!export PATH=$PATH:<dir_of_conda_installation>/bin


Unable to install Solana tool suite (Windows)

I followed this guide:\~:text=Windows-,,archive%20using%20WinZip%20or%20similar.
However, when i proceed with the steps it doesn't seem to work right. I have tried so many options. Ubuntu works however i do not want to use the platform because there is some confusion for me.
Basically when I run this command:
curl --output C:\solana-install-tmp\solana-install-init.exe --create-dirs
The output is the file that I have attached.
But then, when I run this command,
C:\solana-install-tmp\solana-install-init.exe v1.10.4
This is the output: The system cannot execute the specified program.
When i run the same command in PowerShell, it says "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadableAt line:1 char:1 +C:\solana-install-tmp\solana-install-init.exe v1.10.4.
I am not quite sure what to do so I can install this Solana tool suite.
Thanks in advance!
I have tried many things, I am not going to be using ubuntu ever again, i want everything to be with cmd and in the windows 10 system while coding in VSC.
I figured out the issue.
There aren't Windows compatible files (.exe) for all of the Solana releases. The guide tells you to use v1.10.4, but after manually going through the releases on GitHub, I found that v1.9 is the latest version with an EXE listed. So run the commands as the guides describe but instead of v1.10.4, pass v1.9.7 like this:
After download completes, when it's time to run the next command, do the same thing, substitute 1.10.4 with 1.9.7 like this:
C:\solana-install-tmp\solana-install-init.exe v1.9.7
This will install Solana, and from there, you can follow the guide accordingly. When you run solana-install update, it should update from v1.9.7 to v1.9.14.
ok mate, here is the complete solution:
step 1:
open your VScode as a Administartor(right click on the vscode icon, open as adimistartor).
step 2:
Open a new teminal in vscode and paste this link and press enter:
curl --output C:\solana-install-tmp\solana-install-init.exe --create-dirs
step 3:
Your solana folder should be in this directory as default:
so find this directory end be sure to be in there with your terminal.
step 4:
type this in the terminal:
solana-install-init.exe v1.9.7
and press enter.
step 5:
once is done, kill the open terminal and open a new one and go again to the same directory C:\solana-install-tmp\ and type just the word:
press enter and you will see all the data successfully installed.
step 6 (last):
in the same terminal type:
solana --version
press enter and you'll see the version which means you got full solana with no issue.

Silent/Automated Homebrew Install

I am trying to get homebrew installed remotely on a machine without a terminal open and without ssh access to the machine. Our company uses a Directory-as-a-Service which allows us to remotely push shell scripts to our computers which is great, but it requires the scripts to have no interactivity.
Is there a way to automate the installer and remove the “Press enter to continue” prompt in the install process?
Zach S
The env variable CI seems to silence this prompt:
export CI=1

Enthought canopy won't install

I'm having some trouble installing Canopy on my Mac OS X (running 10.9.5) under my primary username. I get to the point where it asks for the location for the Canopy Environment Directory, but when I hit Continue, it crashes. I have been able to install it on the same computer, using my secondary username, but switching between the two usernames is less than ideal. Would love any suggestions. I already tried removing admin status from the secondary username to see if that changed anything, but it did not.
Thanks to anyone who has suggestions!
Any chance that this is relevant?
I actually had the same problem on my Mac. For me, I resolved it by changing the ownership of my home directory:
Open Terminal
Type in the following commands (hit enter after every line):
cd ~
cd ..
sudo chown <your_username> <your_directory>
replace <your_username> with your username, and <your_directory> with the directory in which all your personal files are stored
The last command may ask for a password. If it does, enter your password and hit Enter.

How to uninstall java from command line independent of version currently installed in machine?

hi i have to write a command line to uninstall java where it get current version already installed in system ?(suppose one system having jre-6u29 where other having jre-7).But i want single command line to uninstall existing version.please help me.
I have not tested this.
Use with EXTREME caution. It WILL NOT prompt for confirmation, and it WILL NOT let you cancel your action
Open a command prompt using administrator rights, and type in:
wmic product where "name like 'Java%'" call uninstall
What this simple command is doing is:
Find all the products installed on your computer which name starts with "Java"
Uninstalls them without asking for confirmation, nor showing any kind of user interface
In order to make sure that you get any installation of Java replace 'Java%' with '%Java%' (obviously). So the command would be:
wmic product where "name like '%Java%'" call uninstall

How to send one bash command to multiple byobu windows?

I have a prompt. I want to send a clear or ls to all my byobu windows (opened with F2), by typing it only once.
Is there a way to do that?
This was such a phenomenal question, and something that I've been wanting to do for so long, that I just put a couple of scripts together, added to Byobu-5.73, and released the new feature :-)
As of that version of Byobu, you can now use Shift-F9 to enter a command and send to all panes (splits), or Ctrl-F9 to enter a command and send to all windows.
You can watch a demo here:
This feature is available in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (trusty), or you can always install the latest version from ppa:byobu/ppa or build/install from source.
Full disclosure: I am the author and maintainer of Byobu.
