Cannot install packages in Joomla 3 - joomla

I installed a Joomla 3.6.5 and now I cannot install any packages.
And this is the error I've got :
Unable to find install package
This happens when I click on 'Add "Install from Web" tab' button too!
I tried reinstalling and upgrading to 3.8.5 but nothing changed! I can install nothing!
Folder permissions:

Anything related to installation error, you should check
Your temp file location is correct or not
Your temp folder has appropriate permission or not.
You can attach screenshot of your folder permissions here.

I have two suggestions.
(1) The problem may be because upload_tmp_dir isn't set in your PHP config.
Look in SYSTEM > SYSTEM INFORMATION > PHP INFORMATION and check if upload_tmp_dir has been set. If not, you need to edit php.ini
On our servers (which use open base dir), the setting is:
Depending on your server configuration, this value could be different for you.
(2) The other place to check is the value in SYSTEM > GLOBAL CONFIGURATION > SERVER
If you haven't already done so, try using the full server path to the tmp directory, rather than say a path relative to your home directory.
Good luck!

The temp folder is not where you have told Joomla it is.

I know this is an old topic, but maybe my solution might be helpful for someone...
Error: Unable to find install package (and other errors like that)
is nothing more than permissions error check... So, you have to give right permissions to yourself for:
That's it! Now you can install languages and everything else...
(I found this solution yesterday, and cp my answer from joomla's forum)


Suddenly can't commit using GIT desktop

For some apparent reason i can't commit to a new repo which i just made.
Git for desktop says the following:
Trying the first line in cmd gives the following error...
There indeed is no folder in Roaming called 'SPB_Data', nor would i know what it is for or why git even gets pointed that way..
I've tried a lot of things already and can't find anything that seems to help.
It seems that the git installation got messed up for some reason, i think...
How do i fix this?
I'm on windows 10
Some software set probably set you %HOME variable wrongly. Refer to the comment on this answer. And then you probably have to set your %HOME to the correct directory, as explained in this answer to the same question.
As said in my comment :
have you tried to re-install git, maybe your installation failed? and for the
first error its normal , git just wants you to specify your username and email
to show who comited on the repository
To clarify the problem: your git installation normally set a %HOME% Variable but its pretty unreliable and probably the root of your problem. As shown in your error message git can't find the config files with your %HOMe% variable so you need to manually change it or re-install git.
As seen in this answer , you can verify where your %HOME% path points to and if its the wrong directory you can change it using the windows tool like in this link: , to sum it up open you settings, then click on advanced system setting, open the advanced tab and there should be a environement variable button that you can click to edit them.Finally just edit the %HOME% path to fit your git installation folder

Installing YAML for PHP in IIS

I am trying to install the YAML 1.2 extension to PHP 5.6 under IIS 10 (Windows 10). I am using to download the files.
I have downloaded the PHP 5.6 non-thread-safe DLL (x86 to match my version of PHP), copied php_yaml.dll to my extension directory, copied yaml.dll to C:\Windows\System32 (which is reported as one of the paths in phpinfo()) and added extension=php_yaml.dll to my php.ini. I've verified with phpinfo() that the correct php.ini file is being loaded, and commenting out other extensions removes them from the output of phpinfo().
However, YAML doesn't appear in the output of phpinfo() and the functions are not loaded. Running php-cgi.exe -v from the command line gives a warning:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\PHP\php_5_06_14\ext\php_yaml.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
in Unknown on line 0
The file exists at the location specified and the permissions appear to be correct. What else can I do to get it working?
As far as I can tell, the use of PECL as package manager is being in dropping.
Having to install extensions in a server makes things more complicated and it depends on the environment, permissions, etc.
I'm sure someone could help you solve that (I haven't work on windows in years, so I can't)
But, instead I suggest you another solution. Maybe you can opt for it, maybe you have to stick with the extension, but, in case you can actually look for other option, I suggest you to use another library.
And, you could use Composer to install your libraries, I suggest you take a look at it.
Again, it may be for you or not, but I think this would be a lot easier.
I hope that helps.
I put the path to my extension directory in the path environment variable. That fixed the issue for me.

package download fails , "GOPATH not set." why?

OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Go version reporting: 1.1.1
I have configured the .profile to contain the following lines:
export GOPATH="$HOME/workspace"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
I have ensured that they are set in the go configuration by running "go env". However when I try to run the command, the screen reports as shown in the image below:
Possible constraining issues:
1) The box originally had Go v1.0 on it and I upgraded it to go version1.1.1, not sure that should mean anything...but if there is some twin configuration madness at work that may explain the fact it's not working despite the path being set.
2) I had the export commands in the .profile file but I see some threads indicate to put it in .bashrc, trying in either still gives the same problem.
Do I need to uninstall go 1.0 ? I just assumed version 1.1.1 would over ride it but that could be wrong. Ideally I wanted to uninstall go entirely and then install version 1.1.2 but I couldn't find anything at on uninstalling assuming that does solve the problem.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
As the commenter above stated, you should not use sudo with go get. When you do, you have the root user's environment (which doesn't have your GOPATH) and any files or directories it creates won't be editable by your user. In the past, the go get command would not warn about not having a $GOPATH and so it was easier to get tripped up by this.
To fix your permissions, run the following command to change ownership back to your user:
sudo chown -R "$USER:" "$GOPATH"
You should only ever need to run a plain go get because you can (and should) set your $GOPATH to be a directory you can control. Be sure to read the How To Write Go Code and in particular its discusson on GOPATH.

Cannot find Mercurial global configuration file on osx

I am new to Bitbucket. I am trying to setup my computer to access Bitbucket using the following instructions. On Step 5, I am told to add ssh = ssh -C to file ~/.hgrc. I can't seem to find the file. Has anyone done this step successfully? How do I go about it?
It seems you don't have Mercurial installed at all. Step 3 of Bitbucket tutorial gives detailed description how to install it from MacPorts.
Once you have Mercurial installed just create .hgrc manually and add your configuration.
If you have not this file - create it. But you, maybe, just can't see it - dotted files are hidden. Anyway read hg help config
I had a problem with this too, but managed to find the .hgrc file. First get all hidden files visible by downloading this software
Initially I tried to find the .hgrc file with spotlight but nothing came up. Happened to spotlight "~/", then this "~/.config" folder appeared, so I went there and found .hgrc in the same directory. Somehow it's always there but just not appearing even when called for in terminal.

Installing Zend Framework 2 on XAMPP in Windows

I know this question may have appeared few times here and in the internet. But still I feel it is not clear for somebody who wanted to enter into the world of frameworks. I have followed these links Rob Allens Tutorial, ZF Quick Tutorial.
But some how I feel it is not quite clear with the installation part. I have a windows system basically Vista with the newest version of XAMPP installed. I have downloaded the latest version of ZFSkeletonApplication from this link ZFSkeletonApp, extracted the skeleton contents, renamed the folder to zendframework and moved it to xampp folder i.e now ZF skeleton is in c:\xampp\zendframework.
So until here everything seems clear and easy, from here I am some how lost with the configurations. Can some one elaborate the things from here how to install the Zf and make it work, like changes in the include paths, .htaccess files and so on. Please do remember that I have windows with XAMPP on it. If some one can guide me exactly for this set up, it would be helpful.
P.S. It would be good if one can provide info about the changes which I need to make with examples consisting of paths, so that I am not lost, for example like you can find .htaccess file here(ex pathname), changes in .htaccess file should be so and so.
For future references, i also made a big post on how to install ZF2 on a windows xampp environment right here Install ZF2 on Windows Xampp
OK, i have done this on multiple systems now. For a home system the following steps work quite well:
Download msysGit and install it to any directory
Run the git-cmd.bat from the msysGit-Folder
Move into the directory you want i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs\ (this is done via cd dirname or cd .. to go up a level, change partition with D: and hit enter)
Run the following command. The <OptionalFolderName> would be the name of a Sub-Directory of htdocs, if you skip this, the folder will get named ZendSkeletonApplication
git clone git:// <OptionalFolderName>
Possible Trouble Scenario (fatal:unable to connect to
Once again at workplaces, pretty often the default port (9418) for the git-protocol is blocked. If this is the case for you, then you should try one of the following Commands
git clone <OptionalFolderName>
git clone <OptionalFolderName>
Now you are not done yet. The skeleton Application is installed, but the framework is still missing, here some people might run into the first problems, but this actually is quite easy.
We're still at the command line interface
cd <OptionalFolderName> or cd ZendSkeletonApplication depending on what you did earlier
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar install (this might take a while)
So, this is the part where lots of things can happen. I have two scenarios happened to me:
Scenario #1 No directory write permissions
This is easily handled by running the command line interface with administrator privileges
Scenario #2 Working behind a router (i.e. at work)
Personally i didn't have to do much to get this working, but the line might change depending on your proxy. Personally i did the following at the command line interface
SET HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.tld:8080 you might also be good with
SET HTTP_PROXY=proxy.domain.tld:8080 don't ask me why, but i needed the http://
With all those done, you should have an almost running ZendSkeletonApplication. The other part is how to set up your virtual host, but i won't go into detail on this, as that's even ZF1 Stuff and everyone should be familiar with that by now, if not, there's good resources to learn out there.
I hope i could be of help to you.
Setbacks have to install in Windows, but I ended up finding a solution. From ZF2 to install on windows via git, for this is the only use that simulates msysGit git linux on windows, for it is only access the tutorial:
Since I had lot dependency extension problems (mostly .dll files) with old version of XAMPP, so first thing I did was made sure I uninstall all previous versions of PHP already present on my system as well as old XAMPP. Then installed latest XAMPP v3.2.2 (using latest XAMPP 3.2.2-32-bit on Win-7-64-bit). Then followed installation steps in XAMPP Documentation under title Start a New Zend Framework 2 Project.
I had issues while installing composer also with old-XAMPP, but somehow those errors didn't appear during composer installation this time. And, I successfully installed ZEND till I typed http://localhost:8081/myapp/ (I renamed my ZendSkeletonAppliction folder as myapp as per documentation) into my browser to access the same and met the error which said:
Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Unable to load ZF2. Run php composer.phar install or define a ZF2_PATH environment variable. in C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs\init_autoloader.php:51
Stack trace:
#0 C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs\public\index.php(18): require()
#1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs\init_autoloader.php on line 51
Composer.phar was not even present the first time I downloaded ZendSkeletonApplication‐ from Github (there was only composer.json and composer.lock files present). Anyhow I didn't need them since I followed XAMPP Doc which doesn't call composer.phar in command line:
composer create‐project ‐s dev zendframework/skeleton‐application path/to/install
I am not that tech-savvy to know how to 'define a ZF2_PATH environment variable' correctly, so I wasted time looking for solution online, couldn't find any (which is when I stumbled on this forum which also turned out not to have a solution for my query). In the end, in a fit of depression and anxiety, serendipity happened. All I did was as per XAMPP's ZEND documentation I right-clicked inside C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs folder and clicked 'Composer Install' which reinstalled the Zend files from cache. Then refreshed http://localhost:8081/myapp/ and the Zend intro page appeared.
I just did it like that:
D:\web_dev\zendapp>C:\PHP\php.exe composer.phar self-update
it worked perfectly
