Facial Expression Transfer [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Given an input-image & an expression-image. I want to put the expression(smile,laugh,anger,etc) into input image. I have tried some logics using opencv & dlib. But couldnot generate any good result.
Method tried:
A. 1). Fetch landmark points of two faces. 2). Fetch the region of interest(whole face / lips / eyes /etc) 3). Use opencv shape transformation. Warp the ROI based of landmark-points-match 4). Put back the warped-ROI back into original image.
B. The ML project on git https://github.com/datitran/face2face-demo says to transfers expressions to only a specific person for which it is trained. But I want to have some generic.
Any guidance on what should be the correct/better path to take; Is there any known library ?


Drawing circuits for raspberry pi [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was looking for a tool that can help me draw the circuit that I have created more like the one in the following link.
An example I found online
Thanks in advance.
This image was most likely made using Fritzing. (http://fritzing.org/home) It's useful to do a reverse image search (https://images.google.com), upload the image you've got, and search for visually similar images. In this case, I found a very similar image that had a watermark that said "Created using fritzing.org".

Multi Class Image Segmentation Unet [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to train tenserflow U-net, for multi-class segmentation of heart. I have 3 labels and the prediction has 3 probability maps (one probability map for every label). I trained with momentum optimizer which is also the default optimizer of the network. In the very beginning iterations, the probability mapping of label 1 and label 2 are different but after some iterations (or epochs) the probability map of label 1 and label 2 become exactly like each other and technically I have a binary label segmentation. I have seen other networks that have similar architecture like U-net and they have trained on the multi-class dataset. I want to find some multiclass segmentation examples with U-net but all examples are binary.

Hashmap data structure in CUDA [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for a high performance data structure on GPU (preferably over CUDA). The CUDPP is something cool but it does not satisfy my requirements because I want my key to be fixed size int array. I need to query 10k+ queries per second over a KEY-VALUE store of size 1M+. Is there any library already providing such type of functionality. I tried alternates on CPU but they are not that good for the purpose.
I haven't used it, though I have heard about a hashmap extension for CUDA Thrust. Present here:
Cuda-thrust-extensions library

Code image generator [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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a few weeks ago I saw a website with a powerful generator to create beautiful pictures of own source code files. The generator created images with variable effects like perspective transformations and depth of field, etc.
Typically I don't ask such questions in here but I googled more than 2hrs and I cannot find this generator anymore. I'm really going crazy - I know this site exists ...
Here's a sample picture of code made with this generator:
Thank you very much!

Easy eye tracking algorithm [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm looking for an algorithm that can tell me where are the eye(s) looking at on a photo/webcam realtime feed.
I've already searched a lot but I don't want to start with a lot of complexity right now.
It's just for fun. My idea it's to have some method that receives an image and returns a coordinate with the place that the user is looking (on the computer screen).
