Convert HTML string to HTML and display in DIV - domparser

I have HTML string saved in data base , I want to display it into DIV in HTML format using javascript.
<p>Dear Friends</p> <h1> You have got invitation </h1>
I have used DOMParser like this
parser = new DOMParser();
htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(document.getElementById(controlID).innerHTML, "text/html");
document.getElementById("emailBodyArea").innerHTML = parser
but in result I see [htmlObject]

You dont need to use any DOMParser just replace emailBodyArea innerHTML with controlId innerHTML or any string based HTML.
document.getElementById("emailBodyArea").innerHTML = document.getElementById(controlID).innerHTML;
You can try it on jsfiddle.


How to use replace in wkhtmltopdf or send value to header

First question:
I want to replace a value in the header. I use --header-HTML header.html for PDF header. For example :
I want to pass 3 values to a PDF:
Second question:
Can I use a view for the header? I want to use a view in ASP. For example:
CustomSwitches = "--header-HTML header.cshtml "
About first question
Maybe you could use an HTML page as header, as you actually do, generate new HTML using C# code, and replacing existent HTML file content, with the one you have created, just after generating PDF using Rotativa. The other option I can see, maybe a little bit efficient, because avoids generating all HTML code using C#, is that you use javascript inside your HTML to get this values (not sure if it's completely achievable, since I ignore the origin of the values you mention).
Supposing date value is current date, you could use something like this on your HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
function subst() {
var currentDate = new Date();
var dd = String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
var mm = String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
var yyyy = currentDate.getFullYear();
currentDate = dd + '-' + mm + '-' + yyyy;
document.getElementById("dateSpan").innerHTML = currentDate;
<body onload="subst()">
Date: <span id="dateSpan"></span>
And on the other side, point to the HTML in custom switches command. Guessing it is located in a folder called PDF, inside Views folder, you could do:
customSwitches = " --header-html " + Server.MapPath("~/Views/PDF/header.html");
I make use of similar code for generating a footer with page number and it works like a charm.
About second question:
I use an MVC action to generate the the partial view that I use as PDF header.
Your code for the custom switches should look like this (using GenerateHeader as action name, PDF as controller and yourModel as the model to be passed to the View, on which you are supposed to store you values):
customSwitches = "--header-html " + Url.Action("GenerateHeader", "PDF", yourModel, Request.Url.Scheme);
For your PDF controller, assuming PdfHeader.cshtml is the view you want to use as PDF header, the code for the action would be as this:
public PartialViewResult GenerateHeader(YourModelType yourModel)
return PartialView("PDF/PdfHeader", yourModel);
For this PartialView references, remember to include at your controller:
usign System.Web.Mvc;
Hope this helps, if don't, please let me know.

html-agility-pack extract a background image

How do I extract the url from the following HTML.
i.e.. extract:
<div class="media-img">
<div class=" searched-img" style="background-image: url(;"></div>
In XPath 1.0 in general, you can use combination of substring-after() and substring-before() functions to extract part of a text. But HAP's SelectNodes() and SelectSingleNode() can't return other than node(s), so those XPath functions won't help.
One possible approach is to get the entire value of style attribute using XPath & HAP, then process the value further from .NET, using regex for example :
var html = #"<div class='media-img'>
<div class=' searched-img' style='background-image: url(;'></div>
var doc = new HtmlDocument();
var div = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(#class,'searched-img')]");
var url = Regex.Match(div.GetAttributeValue("style", ""), #"(?<=url\()(.*)(?=\))").Groups[1].Value;
.NET Fiddle Demo
output :

How to remove the style tag using

I want to remove all style attribute in html tags using
string source=#" <div style="font-size: 12pt;"> Hello world</div> <style id=fll margin:19px auto;text-align:center"></style>";
I want the result like this:
<div>Hello world </div>
For that i am using,
string expn =#"(?i)<(table|tr|td)(?:\s+(?:""[^""]""|'[^']'|[^""'>])*)?>";
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(source, expn, string.Empty);
I dont know which one is using,
Tell me the query what i have to use for this one....
This should work (though I don't understand the style tag at the end of your example):
string source="<div style=\"font-size: 12pt;\"> Hello world</div>";
string pattern = "style=\".*\"";
string result = Regex.Replace(source, pattern, "");

Getting raw text using #Html.ActionLink in Razor / MVC3?

Given the following Html.ActionLink:
#Html.ActionLink(Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"].ToString(), "ItemLinkClick",
new { itemListID = #Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemListID"], itemPosNum = i+1 }, ...
Data from the model contains HTML in the title field. However, I am unable to display the HTML encoded values. ie. underlined text shows up with the <u>....</u> around it.
I've tried Html.Raw in the text part of the ActionLink, but no go.
Any suggestions?
If you still want to use a helper to create an action link with raw HTML for the link text then I don't believe you can use Html.ActionLink. However, the answer to this stackoverflow question describes creating a helper which does this.
I would write the link HTML manually though and use the Url.Action helper which creates the URL which Html.ActionLink would have created:
<a href="#Url.Action("ItemLinkClick", new { itemListID = #Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemListID"], itemPosNum = i+1 })">
MVCHtmlString.Create should do the trick.
Using the actionlink below you do not need to pass html in the model. Let the css class or inline style determine how the href is decorated.
#Html.ActionLink(Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"], "ItemLinkClick", "Controller", new { #class = "underline", style="text-decoration: underline" }, null)
those are the cases that you should take the other path
string title = Model.dsResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]["title"].ToString(),
aHref = String.Format("/ItemLinkClick/itemListID={0}&itemPosNum={1}...",
Remember that Razor helpers, help you, but you can still do things in the HTML way.
You could also use this:
<a class='btn btn-link'
href='/Mycontroler/MyAction/" + item.ID + "'
data-ajax-update='#Mymodal'>My Comments</a>

Html Agility Pack: Setting an HtmlNode's Attribute Value isn't reflected in the HtmlDocument

In Html Agility Pack, when I set an attribute of an HtmlNode, should I see this in the HtmlDocument from which the node was selected?
Lets say that htmlDocument is an HtmlDocument. So the simplified code looks like this:
HtmlNode documentNode = htmlDocument.DocumentNode;
HtmlNodeCollection nodeCollection = documentNode.SelectNodes(someXPath);
foreach(var node in nodeCollection)
Now, I see the class attribte of node change, but I don't see this change reflected in the htmlDocument's html.
Actually it was a case of ProgrammerTooStupidException :(
I used a MyHtmlPage class, with an Html property and an DocumentProperty.
_html = theHtml;
_htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument();
_documentNode = HtmlDocument.DocumentNode;
Now, of coourse manipulation the DocumentNode had no effect on the _html value.
Posting this reply to clear the name of HAP.
