Message conversion after retrieving it from activemq topic - jms

I wanted to implement messaging between microservices using ActiveMQ as a broker, but after setting everyting as should be, one thing got me stuck. Before I describe the problem, here is I am approaching messaging:
Producer config:
public class JmsConfig {
public static final String EBAY_TOPIC = "ebay.topic";
public ActiveMQTopic destinationTopic() {
return new ActiveMQTopic(EBAY_TOPIC);
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> connectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
public MessageConverter jacksonJmsMessageConverter() {
MappingJackson2MessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
return converter;
public JmsTemplate jmsTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, MessageConverter messageConverter) {
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = new JmsTemplate(connectionFactory);
return jmsTemplate;
Producer sending message:
public class IntercommunicationController {
private final JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
public void sendMessageToOtherService(#RequestBody Message message) {
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(JmsConfig.EBAY_TOPIC, message);
Receiver config:
public class JmsConfig {
public static final String EBAY_TOPIC = "ebay.topic";
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> connectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer,
ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
public MessageConverter jacksonJmsMessageConverter() {
MappingJackson2MessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
return converter;
Receiver implementation:
public class MessageListener {
#JmsListener(destination = JmsConfig.EBAY_TOPIC, containerFactory = "connectionFactory")
public void receiveMessage(#Payload Message receivedMessage) {"Got message saying {}", receivedMessage);
POJO which is being sent:
public class Message {
String content;
String from;
I'm getting error once I try to POST object through json and send it on topic. Once message get to the topic, the consumer can't handle deserialization of the message as in TypeIdPropertyName is different package path of the object which I'm sending to the one I'm trying to receive, they are 1:1 in both applications, but I'm getting:
2018-03-20 16:32:08.601 ERROR 1568 --- [enerContainer-1] c.g.g.s.c.config.MessageErrorHandler : Listener method 'public void com.gft.graduate2018.sabb.client.listener.MessageListener.receiveMessage(client.domain.Message)' threw exception; nested exception is Failed to resolve type id [backend.model.dtos.Message]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: backend.model.dtos.Message
What's the proper way of addressing that problem ? I could end up writing custom parser from string to object but probably that would not be the best solution. Hopefully there is someone who dealt with it before and can help resolve that problem :)

* Specify mappings from type ids to Java classes, if desired.
* This allows for synthetic ids in the type id message property,
* instead of transferring Java class names.
* <p>Default is no custom mappings, i.e. transferring raw Java class names.
* #param typeIdMappings a Map with type id values as keys and Java classes as values
public void setTypeIdMappings(Map<String, Class<?>> typeIdMappings) {
...on the converter.
Set the mappings on both sides, so the __type header just contains a token that's mapped from the class name on the sending side and to the class name on the receiving side.


Cannot publish Topic-message to two subscriber simlutaneously using ActiveMQ

I have referred to the SpringBoot application publish and read from ActiveMQ topic to, publish a Topic using ActiveMQ. I have created two receiver micro-services which reads message from the topic.I have also created rest endpoint to publish the Topic.However, I have to execute this rest end point two times to publish the message for two receivers 1). The first execution of rest endpoint will send message to Receiver1
2). The second execution of rest endpoint will send message to Receiver2
Hence 2 receivers could not read from the Topic simultaneously.
Here is my code.
package com.springboot;
//import statements
public class PublisherApplication {
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> topicListenerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
// This provides all boot's default to this factory, including the message converter
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
//setPubSubDomain identifies Topic in ActiveMQ
return factory;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
[Rest-end point to publish Topic]
package com.springboot.controller;
//import statements
#RequestMapping(path = "/schoolDashboard/topic")
class PublishMessage {
public static final String MAILBOX_TOPIC = "mailbox.topic";
private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
#GetMapping(path = "/sendEmail")
public void sendStudentById() throws Exception{
System.out.println(" :: Publishing Email sent....");
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(MAILBOX_TOPIC, "Topic - Email Sent");
[Note - Receiver01 is first microservice]
package com.springboot;
//import statements
public class ReceiverApplication01 {
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> topicListenerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
// This provides all boot's default to this factory, including the message converter
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
//setPubSubDomain identifies Topic in ActiveMQ
return factory;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
[Receiver01 Read message from Topic]
package com.springboot.message;
//import statement
public class TopicMesssgeReceiver01 {
private final SimpleMessageConverter converter = new SimpleMessageConverter();
public static final String MAILBOX_TOPIC = "mailbox.topic";
#JmsListener(destination = MAILBOX_TOPIC, containerFactory = "topicListenerFactory")
public void receiveMessage(final Message message) throws JMSException{
System.out.println("Receiver01 <" + String.valueOf(this.converter.fromMessage(message)) + ">");
[Note:-Receiver02 is second microservice]
package com.springboot;
//import statement
public class ReaderApplication02 {
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> topicListenerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
[Receiver02 Read message from Topic]
package com.springboot.message;
//import statement
public class TopicMesssgeReceiver02 {
private final SimpleMessageConverter converter = new SimpleMessageConverter();
public static final String MAILBOX_TOPIC = "mailbox.topic";
#JmsListener(destination = MAILBOX_TOPIC, containerFactory = "topicListenerFactory")
public void receiveMessage(final Message message) throws Exception{
System.out.println("Receiver02 <" + String.valueOf(this.converter.fromMessage(message)) + ">");
Thanks Naveen!! Finally, I am able to do it.
We have to set only setPubSubDomain(true); and spring-boot will take care all boiler-plate code. Now, two receiver Microservices can read message from Topic simultaneously Following are the code changes
[Rest-end point to publish Topic]
package com.springboot.controller;
//import statements
#RequestMapping(path = "/schoolDashboard/topic")
class PublishMessage {
public static final String MAILBOX_TOPIC = "mailbox.topic";
private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
#GetMapping(path = "/sendEmail")
public void sendStudentById() throws Exception{
System.out.println("Publisher :: Message sent...");
/* Added this statement. setPubSubDomain(true) identifies Topic in ActiveMQ */
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(MAILBOX_TOPIC, "Topic - Email Sent");
[Note:-Receiver02 is second microservice]
package com.springboot;
//import statement
public class ReaderApplication02 {
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> topicListenerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
/* setPubSubDomain(true) should be placed after
* configuration of the specified jms listener container factory*/
return factory;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Spring Boot RabbitMQ Null Pointer Exception Error

I am using RabbitMQ with Spring Boot to broker messages between two services. I am able to receive the message and format it but when I call a service class in the onMessage method, I get a null pointer exception error. Here is my message listener class which receives the message
public class QueueListener implements MessageListener{
private QueueProcessor queueProcessor;
public void onMessage(Message message) {
String msg = new String(message.getBody());
String output = msg.replaceAll("\\\\", "");
String jsonified = output.substring(1, output.length()-1);
JSONArray obj = new JSONArray(jsonified);
Calling the method processMessage throws null pointer exception
Can someone point to me what I ma doing wrong?
I found out the issue was in the RabbitMqConfig class. Here is the code which was causing the error:
public class RabbitMqConfig {
private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "";
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory("<>");
return connectionFactory;;
public Queue simpleQueue() {
return new Queue(QUEUE_NAME);
public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter(){
return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory());
return template;
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer userListenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
listenerContainer.setMessageListener(new QueueListener());
return listenerContainer;
The line listenerContainer.setMessageListener(new QueueListener()); was the source of the error. I solved it by Autowiring the class instead of using new. Here is the working code
public class RabbitMqConfig {
private static final String QUEUE_NAME = "";
private QueueListener queueListener;
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory("<>");
return connectionFactory;
public Queue simpleQueue() {
return new Queue(QUEUE_NAME);
public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter(){
return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory());
return template;
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer userListenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
return listenerContainer;
Hope this helps someone else
Make sure the QueueListener is a component class or service class that can be managed by the Spring IoC. Otherwise, the config class cannot make this a bean out of the box, since this is just a normal Java class that need to be in the container #runtime.
So when u write new QueueListener() in yr config class, then the Java class is not in the SpringContext at the time when the config class is instantiated and is therefore null.
Hope this helps clear out some of this issue!

Custom MessageConverter with Spring JmsMessagingTemplate is not working as I expected

I'm trying to attach a custom message converter that implements, to a JmsMessagingTemplate.
I've read somewhere that we can attach the message converter to a MessagingMessageConverter by calling setPayloadConverter, and then attach that messaging message converter to the JmsMessagingTemplate via setJmsMessageConverter. After that, I call convertAndSend, but I notice that it doesn't convert the payload.
When I debugged the code, I notice that setting Jms Message Converter doesn't set the converter instance variable in the JmsMessagingTemplate. So when the convertAndSend method calls doConvert and tries to getConverter, it is getting the default simple message converter and not my custom one.
My question is, can I use an implementation of with a JmsMessagingTemplate? Or do I need to use an implementation of org.springframework.messaging.converter.MessageConverter?
I'm using Spring Boot 1.4.1.RELEASE, and Spring 4.3.3.RELEASE. The code is below.
public class MessagingEncryptionPocConfig {
* Listener ActiveMQ Connection Factory
public ActiveMQConnectionFactory listenerActiveMqConnectionFactory() {
return new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("admin","admin","tcp://localhost:61616");
* Producer ActiveMQ Connection Factory
public ActiveMQConnectionFactory producerActiveMqConnectionFactory() {
return new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("admin","admin","tcp://localhost:61616");
* Caching Connection Factory
public CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory(#Qualifier("producerActiveMqConnectionFactory") ActiveMQConnectionFactory activeMqConnectionFactory) {
return new CachingConnectionFactory(activeMqConnectionFactory);
* JMS Listener Container Factory
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory(#Qualifier("listenerActiveMqConnectionFactory") ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory, MessagingMessageConverter messageConverter) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory defaultJmsListenerContainerFactory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
return defaultJmsListenerContainerFactory;
* Jms Queue Template
public JmsMessagingTemplate queueTemplate(CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory, MessageConverter messagingMessageConverter) {
JmsMessagingTemplate queueTemplate = new JmsMessagingTemplate(cachingConnectionFactory);
return queueTemplate;
public MessageConverter encryptionDecryptionMessagingConverter(Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller) {
MessageConverter encryptionDecryptionMessagingConverter = new EncryptionDecryptionMessagingConverter(jaxb2Marshaller);
MessagingMessageConverter messageConverter = new MessagingMessageConverter();
return messageConverter;
* Jaxb marshaller
public Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller() {
Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
return jaxb2Marshaller;
MessageProducer Class
public class MessageProducer {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageProducer.class);
private JmsMessagingTemplate queueTemplate;
public void publishMsg(Transaction trx, Map<String,Object> jmsHeaders, MessagePostProcessor postProcessor) {"Sending Message. Payload={} Headers={}",trx,jmsHeaders);
queueTemplate.convertAndSend("queue.source", trx, jmsHeaders, postProcessor);
Unit Test
public class WebsMessagingEncryptionPocApplicationTests {
private MessageProducer producer;
private MessageListener messageListener;
* Ensure that a message is sent, and received.
public void testProducer() throws Exception{
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Transaction trx = new Transaction();
trx.setCustomerAccountID(new BigInteger("111111"));
Map<String,Object> jmsHeaders = new HashMap<String,Object>();
jmsHeaders.put("tid", "1234563423");
MessagePostProcessor encryptPostProcessor = new EncryptMessagePostProcessor();
producer.publishMsg(trx, jmsHeaders, encryptPostProcessor);
//ASSERT - assertion done in the consumer
The converter field is used to convert your input params to a spring-messaging Message<?>.
The JMS converter is used later (in MessagingMessageCreator) to then create a JMS Message from the messaging Message<?>.

Spring JMS - Access to raw message before message conversion

I have used a message converter to convert the XML message from queue to a Java Object and it works fine.
Since my JMSMessageListener get the POJO directly, I would like to know is there any way I can have access to the raw XML which was originally placed in queue.
As part of message tracking, I need to maintain a copy of the raw xml message.
Is there any call back available in spring jms so that I can persits the xml message before it is converted into POJO ?
My application is spring boot and I am configuring the message convertor in the below code
public class JMSConfig {
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> myFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
// This provides all boot's default to this factory, including the message
// converter
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
// You could still override some of Boot's default if necessary.
return factory;
public MarshallingMessageConverter createMarshallingMessageConverter(final Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller) {
return new MarshallingMessageConverter(jaxb2Marshaller);
public Jaxb2Marshaller createJaxb2Marshaller() {
Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
return jaxb2Marshaller;
This is the listener code
public class NotificationReader {
#JmsListener(destination = "myAppQ")
public void receiveMessage(NotificationMessage notificationMessage) {
System.out.println("Received <" + notificationMessage.getStaffNumber() + ">");
// how to get access to the raw xml recieved by sender ?
Something like this should work...
public MarshallingMessageConverter createMarshallingMessageConverter(final Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller) {
return new MarshallingMessageConverter(jaxb2Marshaller) {
public Object fromMessage(Message message) throws JMSException, MessageConversionException {
Object object = super.fromMessage(message);
((MyObject) object).setSourceXML(((TextMessage) message).getText());
return object;
...but you should add more checks (e.g. verify types before casting).

Access connectionfactory inside messageListener onMessage

I am creating a rabbitmq messageListener and would like to be able to access the connectionfactory configuration while in the onMessage method, is that possible? It would be useful for logging and other details. Being able to log the vhost from which the message was delivered would be helpful and it is not available in the message itself. Here is my consumer and config
public class Consumer implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
//how can I get the connection factory configuration when a message is sent?
here is the config
public class RabbitConfig {
private static final String SIMPLE_MESSAGE_QUEUE = "qDLX2.dlq";
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory("server");
return connectionFactory;
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory());
return template;
private Consumer consumer;
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
return listenerContainer;
There's no standard way of doing that.
You could inject the connection factory into the consumer field in your listenerContainer bean definition...
You could probably #Autowire it too.
You can then use getRabbitConnectionFactory().getVirtualHost() to access the vhost.
