Unable to install module "hw_scanner" on odoo community10 - odoo-10

I'm planning to use odoo10 community for my small mart but after installed odoo I have to install some mudules to use barcode scanner as I found it in app=>Barcode Scanner Hardware Driver
but after then I get below error
Unable to install module "hw_scanner" because an external dependency is not met: No module named evdev

That's a python module. You need to install it using pip.
sudo pip install evdev


ERROR: Could not build wheels for prophet, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

I am trying to install prophet using
pip install prophet
installation goes well at first, but then fails with the following error
ERROR: Failed building wheel for prophet Failed to build prophet ERROR: Could not build wheels for prophet, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
I use the following technologies:
Python 3.11.0
pip 22.3
windows 11
I suspect that the problem is somehow related to pyproject.toml but I don’t know what it is and how to install it, please tell me how to fix the error and install the prophet correctly
I tried to google a ready solution or advice, but I only found similar errors when installing other libraries using pip
in the answers, people recommend installing another library, but in different topics it is different
I want to understand what I need to install if an error occurs when installing the prophet
This error message suggests that there was a problem building the wheel for the Prophet package.
A wheel is a built package that contains the necessary files for a Python package, and it allows for faster installation. Building a wheel for a package involves compiling the package's code, which can sometimes fail due to various reasons.
Here are a few things you can try to solve the issue:
Try installing the package again with the --no-binary :all: option.
This will force pip to build the package from the source, which may
resolve any issues with the pre-built wheel. The command would look
like this: pip install prophet --no-binary :all:
Make sure your system has all the necessary dependencies and build
tools installed. Prophet requires a C++ compiler and Python
development headers. Try using a virtual environment to install the
Make sure you have the latest version of pip and python installed.
Check if there is any issue related to it on GitHub
It could be helpful to check the Prophet's GitHub issues or documentation for any known compatibility issues or installation troubleshooting tips.

RASA pip installation fail: Multiple requirements incompatible

I am trying to install RASA using instructions here
I created a virtual environment and did a pip install rasa. But below is the error message with multiple dependencies incompatible. Do I install all the specified versions from the error message individually?
I found multiple people having installation issues and tried my best to find a solution in the forum, but couldn't.
error message- list of dependencies
It looks like you are trying to install Rasa1.x in an environment where you had previously installed rasa-nlu and rasa-core separately (pre Rasa 1.x). These are old versions that you can't mix with post-1.x Rasa.
I would recommend creating a new virtual environment, making sure it is active, checking that no rasa-nlu or rasa-core is installed, then running pip install -U rasa or pip install -U rasa==<rasa version that you want> if you want a specific version.

How to install justext package using Conda install when virtual environment is created?

I created virtual environment for python 3.4 version.I cant able to use pip from my network. I cant able to download files even. So i created virtual environment and started to install packages using conda install.
When i was using this command conda install -c syllabs_admin justext, i'm getting notification from my server like:
The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel:
python pkgs/free::python-3.4.5-0 --> pkgs/main::python-2.7.17-h9bab390_0
Can someone actually help me how to install this justext package for my python version 3.4 using conda install?
Unfortunately, no. There is no way that you can use conda install with any public channel to install justext and your python version. Checking the search function on anaconda.org, there are only two channels that provide justext:
moustik / justext 2.2.0
syllabs_admin / justext 2.2.0
Unfortunately, both have only python 2.7 packaged versions of the module.
you should try to fix your networking issues instead. It sounds really werid that conda install would be working while you claim to not be able to even download any files. Please talk to your IT department or Sys Admin about it or ask another question posting the errors you are getting when using pip install or wget https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/6c/5f/c7b909b4b864ebcacfac23ce2f6f01a50c53628787cc14b3c06f79464cab/jusText-2.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

How to install the USB drivers for ROS

i already installed the both cheese and gucv application for simple output from usb, but then i had trouble with installing the usbcam packages for ROS.
How can i install the usbcamera packages?
i tried to install the ros-fuerte-camera-umd, but it says that unable to locate that package.
Please refer to Create a ROS workspace
Then download the package and save it in your_working_space\src\
Later go back to your_working_space and run catkin make it will install the package.

Unable to install Image package in Python (Windows) - zlib is required

I am using PyCharm with Python 3.0 and I want to import Image Module.
While installing the Image module from Project Interpreter, I got a message which says:
ValueError: zlib is required unless explicitly disabled using --disable-zlib, aborting.
There is no package named Zlib to install.
I tried to find several solution, but most of them are for Linux. for example, this solution: no module named zlib
How can I solve this issue in Windows and with PyCharm ?
easy_install Pillow
- this will install dependencies automatically
I had the same error when I wanted to install Mezzanine.
Solution was to install pillow by
- downloading the Windows package from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/3.4.2, and
- installing with "pip install .
Please make sure that you download the correct pillow package for your Python version.
After that, I could install Mezzanine without error.
