dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libgfortran.3.dylib - macos

I am trying to learn Fortran programming language, as a test I wrote a simple program like this:
!Fortran Program
program first
print *, "Hello World"
end program first
Then I threw this code file in to mac terminal and run gfortran first.f95 which then gave me an output of a.out as expected.
However, when I try to run the output in terminal by navigating into the output directory and typing ./a.out. It gave me this error output:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libgfortran.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/liang/Desktop/Programs/Fortran/Test/a.out
Reason: image not found
liang is my username.

I had the same problem, and my problem was caused because the library was not in default path and instead "anaconda" got in the path so that's why the compiler could not load it. I am a pure amateur user so I may explain not accurate in terms of technical words.
What I did was, I uninstalled my anaconda and deleted the folder in my Mac. Installed gcc "brew install gcc" again, and it worked! and then after, I installed my anaconda again, so now everything seemingly is ok.

My situation
I am also just learning, and I had a similar error message after compiling MUMPS library (http://mumps-solver.org).
I compiled the sequential version of MUMPS manually after brew installing the dependencies. When I ran the test examples, I got the same error message that libgfortran.3.dylib could not be loaded.
My brew gnu compiler is gcc version 9 and it is invoked by gcc-9, g++-9 and gfortran-9 (for C, C++ and Fortran respectively). Meanwhile gcc, g++ and gfortran invoke the compilers installed by anaconda.
How I solve it
I recompiled MUMPS using gcc-9 and gfortran-9 instead of gcc-9 and gfortran, and now everything works.


What is the meaning of 'ld: library not found for -lm'

I'm a beginner at Fortran code. I install gfortran from the homebrew to my apple silicon mac. The path show in the terminal when I type which fortran is /opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran
I try to use bash shell to run a 'hello world' fortran file on the Desktop (.f90 file). I typed the following command in the terminal. gfortran prog01_01.f90. But it does not work. The error says: ld: library not found for -lm and collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status. I have no idea how to deal with this problem.
Can anyone please help me this out?
This means that the compiler cannot find the basic mathematical library libm. It should normally be included in your GLIBC or other standard C library installation and be available in the appropriate library directories and I would expect that your package manager would complain that something is missing.
Anyway, you simply have to fix your software installation, we cannot tell you more without details about your system and your software packages. You can try to install GLIBC if you did not install it yet.

I installed Nim without any problem, but it gives me this error, what should I do?

I install Nim Lang but it not works. I get this errors, how can i fix? (I have completed the setup.)
Error: invocation of external compiler program failed. Sistem belirtilen dosayayi bulamiyor.
Additional info: "Requested command not found: \'gcc.exe -c -w -fmax-errors=3 -mno-ms-bitfields -I\"C:\\Program Files\\Nim Language\\lib\" -IC:\\Users\\SyTax\\Desktop -o C:\\Users\\Sytax\Desktop -o C:\\Users\\SyTax\\nimcache\\name_d\\stdlib_io.nim.c.o C:\\Users\\SyTax\\nimcache\\name_d\\stdlib_io.nim.c\'. OS error:" 2
enter image description here
Probably you only installed the first package from Nim's windows installation page. Note that there are other dependencies mentioned on that page. You may also need:
MingW compiler dependency, installed with finish.exe.
DLLs available on your system, like PCRE or OpenSSL, also available for download.
Alternatively you could try installing Nim using Scoop, which seems to be able to install both Nim and the required compiler.
The Nim compiler creates C code, so to compile your code to binary and run, you should install a C compiler. The default is GCC. In linux and mac, it comes with the system, so I am assuming you are using windows.
I am not a Windos user, but AFAIK you neet to install mingw amd gcc

Error while trying trying to run make command

I am trying to install a program and when I run make or make -f Makefile (following the installation instructions) I get the following output:
g77 -O5 -Wall -c prep_output.f -o prep_output.o
dyld: Symbol not found: ___keymgr_global
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/g77
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
make: *** [prep_output.o] Abort trap: 6
I am working on a macOS Mojave 10.14.6. Following some other proposed solutions in similar problems, I've already installed Command line tools in my Xcode but that didn't do the trick. Any suggestions please??
Thanks in advance
I got rid of g77 and installed a compatible version of gcc (gcc8) through MacPorts. After running the make command I get the following:
g77 -O5 -Wall -c prep_output.f -o prep_output.o
make: g77: No such file or directory
make: *** [prep_output.o] Error 1
So I guess the program still needs the g77 setup? This is the program btw ([http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/~arnouts/LEPHARE/install.html]). Is there a way to rely to the gfortran compiler for building the program?
Thanks in advance
P.S. I noticed that when I install g77 I get the following error:
x usr/local/: Can't set user=0/group=0 for usr/local`
`tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
However it still installs g77..
The error message indicates that your installation of g77 is broken. This has nothing to do with make or the particular project you're trying to build, except inasmuch as the project is trying to use g77 in the first place. That is a bit surprising, actually, since g77 has been obsolete for years (gfortran is the current GNU Fortran compiler), but I'm uncertain what exactly to expect from XCode in this area.
On the other hand, since the full path to the binary is /usr/local/bin/g77, I'm further inclined to think that you're not using XCode for this at all. Possibly you've dumped a g77 built on some other system into your /usr/local/bin, and it's not compatible with your Mojave system.
Your best bet is probably to
Get rid of your broken g77 installation.
Install Fink or MacPorts, or a similar project.
Install the Fink / MacPorts / whatever package for gfortran (maybe gcc-gfortran or similar in some of those) to get a working Fortran compiler.
Rely on that compiler to build your project.

Installing BLAS on a mac OS X Yosemite

I'm trying to Install BLAS on my Mac, but every time I run make I get this error (shown below the link). I was trying to follow the instructions on this website:
gfortran -O3 -c isamax.f -o isamax.o
make: gfortran: No such file or directory
make: *** [isamax.o] Error 1
I have no idea what this means or how to fix it so any help would be appreciated. Also I'm trying to install CBLAS and LAPACK so any tips/instructions for that would be nice if you know of a good source...Everything I've found so far is pretty confusing. Also I tried to install ATLAS but it kept not working.
This error is caused because gfortran is apparently not installed, so you'll need to download an installer package for OS X Yosemite 10.10 and install it:
gfortran 5.1 or
gfortran 4.9.2 (info)
Once installed run the make command in the BLAS directory.
How to install Blas/Lapack: don't.
These libraries are the textbook example of enormous performance differences between simple and optimized code. And by optimizations I don't mean compiler: I mean algorithm transformations.
So you definitely do not want to download the "reference blas/lapack" from netlib or another location. If your system doesn't already come with an optimized version (Mac OS X does), see if you can get Intel's MKL library (free for students on Linux?), and otherwise get BLIS or OpenBlas or Atlas which are all open source optimized implementations.

How to compile fortran code to run without gfortran installed

I have downloaded Bellhop, which is an underwater acoustic simulator written in Fortran. It can be found here with the Makefile.
Question 1: I would like to know if it is possible to compile Fortran code, including everything needed, so a user without gfortran installed, can run it.
I have read here the following:
static linking
This section does not apply to Windows users, except for Cygwin users with gcc4-4.3.2-2 or later.
gfortran is composed of two main parts: the compiler, which creates the executable program from your code, and the library, which is used when you run your program afterwards. That explains why, if gfortran is installed in a non-standard directory, it may compile your code fine but the executable may fail with an error message like library not found. One way to avoid this (more ideas can be found on the binaries page) is to use the so-called "static linking", available with option -static gfortran then put the library code inside the program created, thus enabling it to run without the library present (like, on a computer where gfortran is not installed). Complete example is:
gfortran -static myfile.f -o program.exe
Reading this, I suppose that it is possible to do what I'm asking but I'm not very familiarized with fortran and makefiles. I don't understand this:
put the library code inside the program created
Question 2: How can I put the library code inside the program? Where can I find the library? What does "inside the program" means?
I'm running OSX 10.9.4 and gfortran
I solved my problem about compiling Fortran code with gfortran using static libraries.
As #M.S.B. said, using static-libgfortran worked for me under MacOS.
If somebody is having issues with linking the libquadmath.0.dylb library, remove libquadmath.0.dylib and libquadmath.dylib from /usr/local/gfortran/lib/
This doest the trick. Further information can be found here
I think the meaning of the bold part is actually
gfortran then puts the library code inside the
program created
That means using -static should be enough, there is no additional step. Just be advised you will need a static version of all the libraries that you link with.
I know this is very old tracker, but maybe somebody will be still interested in the solution that works.
Let's say we have code:
! fort_sample.f90
program main
write (*,*) 'Hello'
First, compile the stuff:
gfortran -c -o fort_sample.o fort_sample.f90
Then, link stuff
ld -o ./fort_sample -no_compact_unwind \
-arch x86_64 -macosx_version_min 10.12.0 \
-lSystem \
/usr/local/gfortran/lib/libgfortran.a \
/usr/local/gfortran/lib/libquadmath.a \
/usr/local/gfortran/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin16/6.3.0/libgcc.a \
You can execute it
You can notice that quadmath is no longer there
> otool -L fort_sample
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1238.51.1)
I guess this is what you were looking for in a first place. No removing dylibs, no symbolic links, etc.
The current version of the option is -static-libgfortran. This means that the Fortran specific libraries of gfortran will be included into the executable. These are libraries are automatically found for a good installation of gfortran. This should produce an executable that should run on other computers with the same OS, even if that computer doesn't have gfortran installed. This option likely doesn't statically link all libraries, so there is some risk that some other shared library used on your computer won't be available on the other computer.
