JMeter Http Header manager doesn't add header to request - jmeter

I have a JMeter plan using an HTTP sampler that I am trying to add a header to the request. The header should be really simple custom: type
But when I run the test I don't see the header....
What am I missing? Why is my header not showing up in the request?
I also tried this but got the same result.

Your issue is due to wrong scoping of Header Manager.
Either put it as child of Get Session or child of Test plan if it applies to whole Requests of test plan.
If it fails, it could be due to your User Credentials Pre-Processor (which runs before GetSession request is sent), but as you don't show code.
Another option is that you're seeing redirect request instead of initial one, check your config so that you see the 2 requests:

I had the same issue (When editing the HTTP Header at the thread level it would use my old values) I didn't realize I had a HTTP Header at a lower level as well. So make sure to remove any other instance of HTTP Header manager. I had one at the Thread Group level and the https request level. I deleted the one at the https level and it fixed my issue.


How can you add a header to a specific request in JMeter?

I've got a test fragment that makes a few requests, which work fine. I now want to add a new PUT request that uploads a file to a an azure storage account container. I currently get a 400 with an error that a mandatory header hasn't been included. After a little research it appears I need the 'x-ms-blob-type' header with a value of 'BlockBlob'.
This is where my issue lies. I've added an HTTP Header Manager to that particular request, but the header doesn't seem to get added. There is a Header Manager at the fragment level, that is used to apply generic headers to all requests, but this header manager is just for that request. I was expecting the 2 to be merged, but it looks like no headers are being applied to that particular request.
Your expectation is correct, HTTP Header Managers obey JMeter Scoping Rules and top-level headers are being recursively merged to the local HTTP Header Managers.
So try looking at Request -> Request Headers tab of the View Results Tree listener and see what headers are being sent
Additionally you can enable debug logging for JMeter's HTTP components by adding the next line to log4j2.xml file
<Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" />
and upon JMeter restart you should see the outgoing headers in jmeter.log file
You can also add header manager at request level as JMeter gives preference to the request level header manger even it is present at test plan level.
For reference see the attached snapshots.

JMeter multiple header manager issue

I'm creating a record using post method from one user & verifying record with another user using Get method so for this I need 2 different tokens so what I did that I have used one Header Manager at the thread level & another Header Manager at HTTP-Request level now problem is that when I am running this Get API will get called & in the request header token of both user is getting passed. Can anyone know how to handle this?
If you need separate Header Manager per HTTP request, put each Header Manager under each HTTP request and not on thread level so it only affect the relevant request
HTTP Header Manager obeys JMeter Scoping Rules, so if you place it at the same level as Samplers - it will be applied to all Samplers.
If you add a HTTP Header Manager as a child of the Sampler - it will be applied to that Sampler only.

Keep session with Cookies in Jmeter

I am trying to run a simple test in jmeter but i am stuck. The steps are:
Log in
Set the Cookie Manager
Access the landing page
The first 2 steps are successful, but i get status 403 "errorId":"AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED" on the 3rd step. My guess is it is not getting the session from log in, but everything i 've tried hasn't worked. Here is my test plan:
Any suggestions?
JMeter's HTTP Cookie Manager obeys JMeter Scoping Rules, so if you put it as a child of the Setting Cookies request it will be applied to that request only, therefore cookies will not be available to the Landing Page
Try moving the HTTP Cookie Manager one level higher so your test plan would look like:
You should be able to see which cookies are being received and sent out using View Results Tree listener

Session Expired Response in JMeter

I am testing particular application using JMeter 2.9.There My test plan is Thread group--> Transaction Controller.Inside that various recorded requests are there.I am using HTTP request defaults,HTTP Cookie manager and HTTP header manager,and a view result tree for validation.I found one token i.e. CSRF token to be correlated and I did correlation.But for a particular request I am finding "Session expired..Login again" response much before the logout request.My transaction flow is to Login--> Search a content-->Logout.
Please help me finding a solution.
Try put the element: HTTP Cookie Manager in Thread Group, first item.
the problem can be in the following areas:
-you were redirected automatically instead of following redirects
-login hasn't succeeded
-the session id has not been successfully passed on to the request after login
The JMeter documentation states this:
I've set up JMeter to sample the same URLs as my browser, why is JMeter not seeing the same responses?
There are various different reasons for this:
Cookies - make sure you added a Cookie Manager. Browsers process cookies unless you set them up otherwise, but JMeter does not process cookies unless you add a Cookie Manager.
User-Agent - the User-Agent is a header that is sent by browsers; it identifies the browser type. Some servers are sensitive to this setting and generate different results for what they think are different browsers. The Header Manager is used to add headers such as User-Agent.
Hidden fields - if you did not use the JMeter Proxy (or other application) to record the test plan, then it is easy to miss hidden fields from forms.
Dynamic field names/content - some servers use varying names for fields. So although the test plan may be correct at the time of creation, it does not work when replayed.
URL rewriting - TBA

Jmeter - HTTP Headers

I recorded a web page using JMeter which has produced several samplers. Each of those samplers (http request) has a config HTTP Header Manager. Is it really necessary to have that for each sampler or can I just maintain one at the thread group level. Of course some of those Headers have referer header element and some don't.
You don't need one header per request, unless each request need a unique header.
You may not even need ONE at the threadgroup / test plan level, unless you are wanting to specify header information.
When you record, there is a checkbox in the HTTP Proxy to toggle capturing these.
It is enough one Header Manager per Thread. See documantation
