Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem how to get path to local file - outlook

Is there any option to get path to local msg/eml file?
For example: User opens file from local drive. My inspector wrapper should detect is this file located on a specific folder.
Have tried MAPIFolder but it's returns only outlook specific locations like Inbox.
item = (TOutlookItem)Inspector.CurrentItem;
var mail = item as MailItem;
var folder = mail.Parent as MAPIFolder;
var path = folder.FullFolderPath;

There is no way to do that - Outlook always creates a temporary message in the default store and imports the EML / MSG file prior to displaying the message.
The best you can do is check that MailItem.EmtryID == "" and MailItem.Saved == true to detect such a message.


Access the Android Special Folder Path by using Environment

I want to save my logs to a folder which I can access with windows explorer. For example I want to create my log in the following path
This PC\Galaxy A5 (2017)\Phone\Android\data\MyApp\files
So I tried to use Environment variables... I get such as
But here i cannot see the file what I created (using code I can access the path but I want to see in the explorer).
how I can create a path like above with code?
When I tried this code
var finalPath2 = Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory
I get the path "/storage/emulated/0/data"
If i use the code
var logDirectory =Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath
I get the following path like:
var logDirectory =Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath
but unfortunately I cannot access this folder by explorer....
This PC\Galaxy A5 (2017)\Phone\Android\data\MyApp\files
So how to find out this path in c# by using environments?
when I give the following path hardcoded, it creates the file where I want..
logDirectory = "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/MyApp/files/logs";
is there any environment to create this path? I can combine 2 environments and do some string processing in order to create this path. But maybe there is an easier way?
You are looking for the root of GetExternalFilesDir, just pass a null:
var externalAppPathNoSec = GetExternalFilesDir(string.Empty).Path;
Note: This is a Context-based instance method, you can access it via the Android application context, an Activity, etc... (see the link below to the Android Context docs)
Shared storage may not always be available, since removable media can be ejected by the user. Media state can be checked using Environment.getExternalStorageState(File).
There is no security enforced with these files. For example, any application holding Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE can write to these files.
string docFolder = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath
(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "logs");
string libFolder = Path.Combine(docFolder, "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/MyApp/files/logs");
if (!Directory.Exists(libFolder))
string destinationDatabasePath = Path.Combine(libFolder, "temp.db3");
db.Backup( destinationDatabasePath, "main");

QTP/UFT Capturebitmap save directly to Quality Center (QC)

So far All I have seen is different ways to save an existing image as an attachment to Quality Center (QC). That's fine, but is there a way to directly save an image as an attachment to Quality Center?
So for example, I have set specific areas in my automation framework to capture an image using something like:
browser("title:=.").page("title:=.").CaptureBitmap [fullname,override]
This would require to get the path of the folder in Quality Center, but I'm not sure how, is this possible? I would like to save it under a folder in the Test Plan section of Quality Center.
Ok I got it! You can save it to the temp folder which exists on every machine. Then save it to QC!
Dim oWsh, strTempFolderPath, strFilePathToSave, QCConnection, treeManager
Dim LocalFilePath, Screen1, node, att, atta
Set oWsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strTempFolderPath = oWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
strFilePathToSave = strTempFolderPath & "\Test1.png"
browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").CaptureBitmap strFilePathToSave,True
Set QCConnection = QCUtil.QCConnection
Set treeManager = QCConnection.TreeManager
' Specify the local path to the file.
LocalFilePath = strFilePathToSave
' Specify the Quality Center path to the desired folder
Screen1 ="Subject\Path to the folder where you want to save it\"
Set node = treeManager.nodebypath(Screen1)
set att = node.attachments
Set atta = att.AddItem(Null)
atta.FileName = LocalFilePath
atta.Type = 1
Set oWsh = nothing : set QCConnection = nothing : Set treeManager = nothing
Set node = nothing : set att = nothing : set atta = nothing
While the test is running, results are stored in a local temp directory. At the end of the run, the run result is uploaded to QC (and will be re-downloaded if you launch the result viewer to view the run result from QC).
If you put your screenshots underneath that directory (maybe in a separate "screenshots" directory), your screenshots will be part of the run result stored in QC, and thus will be viewable just like other run result entries.
You can get the local temp directory with:
Environment.Value ("ResultDir") & "\Report\".
Everything stored under this directory is considered to be part of the run result and will be uploaded to (and made available in) QC.

How to download a jpg from web to project folder in MVC3?

Hello everyone I would like to ask How can I download .jpg file from web to my project's folder which I have created "uploads" ?
I'm trying to downlaod youtube thumbnail image to my" uploads" folder.
My controller:
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(;
var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/uploads/"), fileName);
Take a look at System.Net.WebClient, a .NET class which allows you to make requests for resources via HTTP.
Checked example provided.
var client = new System.Net.WebClient();
var uri = "";
// Here, we're just using the same filename as the resource we're after.
// You may wish to change this to include extra stuff because you'll
// inevitably run into a naming clash - especially with stuff like 1.jpg
var targetFilename = Path.GetFileName(uri);
Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/uploads"), targetFilename));

Issue with WatchService in java 7

I'm using jdk7's WatchService API for monitoring the folder on file system.I'm sending a new file through
email to that folder, when the file comes into that folder i m triggering the ENTRY_CRATE option. its working fine.
But the issue is its generating two events of ENTRY_CREATE instead of one event which i'm invoking.
Path dir = Paths.get(/var/mail);
WatchService watcher = dir.getFileSystem().newWatchService();
dir.register(watcher, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE);
System.out.println("waiting for new file");
WatchKey watckKey = watcher.take();
List<WatchEvent<?>> events = watckKey.pollEvents();
for(WatchEvent<?> event : events){
if(event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE){
String fileCreated=event.context().toString().trim();
In the above code I'm gettng the events size as 2.
Can any one please help me in finding out the reason why i'm getting two events.
I am guessing that there might be some temporary files being created in the folder at the same time. Just check what are the name/paths of the file being created.

ms access linked image relitive path

I have an Image object.
I have the Picture type set to linked, so I can change the picture if I want.
I have the Picture property set to the picture name.
I would think that access would use relitive addressing and simple looking in the current directory for the image. But it does not and I get an error telling me it cannot find the picture.
Anyone have a solution? (Other than setting the Picture type to embedded or using the full file address?)
Tried this:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim file As String
file = CurrentDb().Name
file = Replace(file, ".mdb", ".bmp")
Me.Image46.Picture = file
End Sub
It works, except I still get the error message. I click O.K. and it works. Just need the error message to go away.
SOLUTION: Use the above code (or the code posted in the answer below) and then set the 'picture type' to "embedded" and then delete the 'picture' field so that it says "(none)".
Save and run.
It should work.
You could set the property on the forms OnLoad event like this
Me.imgMy_image.picture=getDBPath & “mypicture.bmp”
Here is the getDBPath function
Public Function GetDBPath() As String
Dim strFullPath As String
Dim I As Integer
strFullPath = CurrentDb().Name
For I = Len(strFullPath) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(strFullPath, I, 1) = "\" Then
GetDBPath = Left(strFullPath, I)
Exit For
End If
End Function
Before anyone comments yes I know in access 2000 and above you can use currentproject.path but I’m stuck in the land that time forgot so need that custom function, it still works with later versions of access
Current folder depends of the way you open database in Access. At least, if you open it thru "File-Open", current folder changes to the folder of MDB file. But if you open via double-clicking MDB in explorer, it does not.
