How can i specify the user as root inside a docker container - ansible

I am trying to automate packer commands on gitlab-ci , so basically i am running a docker container ubuntu:latest and trying to build an image using packer. How can i specify the user as root? or how should i solve this error
please help!
when i try to execute this command
packer_log=1 packer build image.json
i am getting the below error:
amazon-ebs output will be in this color.
1 error(s) occurred:
* user: could not determine current user from environment.
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

For some reason you don't have the USER environment variable set. You either need to set it correctly or use the user configuration option in the ansible provisioner, see ansible: user in the documentation.


Unable to output container password details when using ansible with podman

when using ansible-podman, I am unable to output the std-out of the container run command as I might do when using the command line. This means that I don't get to see the automatically generated password and keystore password, along with other details.
Even when using the tty parameter of the ansible-podman-container, the logs report:
Auto-configuration will not generate a password for the elastic built-in superuser, as we cannot determine if there is a terminal attached to the elasticsearch process. You can use the bin/elasticsearch-reset-password tool to set the password for the elastic user."
There is no elastic user created, and when I exec into the container, the bin/elasticsearch-reset-password tool fails with:
ROR: Failed to reset password for the [elasticsearch] user
As https is standard on the 8.5 image, I am unable to use it, as I cannot set up auth properly. Also, I cannot use apt to install an editor, as the user elasticsearch does not have sufficient permissions.
If you think this is a podman error then please let me know, and I will hassle the devs, and see if I can't get better output and tty detection etc.
An alternative I have tried is using ansible to run a shell command, but the output is no different.
What I really want is to be able to obtain the password to output to an ansible variable so that I can spin up a pod of containers, including elasticsearch, for running tests.
Alternatively, I can use elasticsearch 7.17.7 with http, but I am going to need encryption for production, and there doesn't seem to be a way to do it with ansible.
Perhaps there is an environment variable that I am missing that I could set to create the password? I have tried setting ELASTIC_PASSWORD, but it is of no help.
I am connecting from django using django-elasticsearch-dsl, and get the following error, when verify_cert is set to false:
AuthenticationException(401, 'security_exception', 'missing authentication credentials for REST request [/forum_posts_index/_search]')
Any help gratefully received...

WinRM: ERROR - Failed to authenticate to 172.x.x.x. WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError

I'm trying to execute some chef commands on a Windows server using Jenkins.
When I run the build on Jenkins to execute the chef commands, I get the error below:
ERROR: Failed to authenticate to as demo-user
Response: WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError
Hint: Make sure to prefix domain usernames with the correct domain name.
Hint: Local user names should be prefixed with computer name or IP address.
EXAMPLE: my_domain\user_namer
ERROR: WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError: WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Trying to figure out how to fix this
I was able to fix the issue
It was caused by my user (demo-user) not belonging to domain name that allowed to connect from Chef to the Windows Server.
All I had to do was to get a user that was part of my organization domain name, replace demo-user with that user in my chef commands, and then run the Jenkins build again.
This time it worked fine.

How to show Docker errors in Bamboo?

I'm currently using Docker for Windows with Bamboo. I'm running into the problem, that when a Docker task fails, the error log only shows that exact message, that the task failed. But it doesn't show the error message from within Docker, like compilation errors, access denied or out of memory. Is there any way to get to these error messages?
You can setup a task in the "Final tasks" area of your job. This job will execute regardless of whether the tasks in the job failed or not.
Depending on how you are running Docker in Bamboo you can make this a Docker task or a script task and use the Docker logs command to output the logs from the container. This should tell you why the container failed to run (e.g., build, run-time error, initialization failure).
Docker Logs CLI

unable to invoke DOCKER using JENKINS user

I am trying to run a docker command as part of a jenkins job using shell. I get a standard error stating
"Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.39/images/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied"
I will require some help on
1. how to find the path where docker is installed which can be added to JENKINS global configuration
2. workaround to fix this permission issue(running as a sudo user/any other specific user)
I have already experimented by adding the JENKINS users to admin group, staff group, made administrator. But, nothing has actually helped. I still get the standard error
Tried the below code on terminal too
sudo -u jenkins docker images
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.39/images/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
I am expecting to run this code without the error. Only then my jenkins pipeline will be complete.
To find the path where docker is installed, simply run a which docker. Usually, it'll be installed somewhere in the standard PATH already, so probably Jenkins will already have access. As you get the permission denied error message, it looks like Jenkins is already using the correct docker executable.
Depending on the distribution or operating system you are using, you will most likely need to add the jenkins user to a docker group, e.g. sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins. To find out which group you need, run:
$ ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 Apr 30 16:20 /var/run/docker.sock
In the second line, you see the group that docker.sock is owned by. Add the jenkins user to that group.

"OCI runtime create failed " issue running script on MacOS using Docker host

I'm trying to run pishrink on MacOS using a Docker host, as explained here. The pishrink script shrinks the size of an .img so it's quicker to burn onto an SD card.
I have Docker Desktop running, and I've add the repo to the top-level in my file system (/pishrink) and and running the following command:
docker-compose run pishrink /pishrink/ /pishrink/big-image.img /pishrink/small-image.img
When I do, I get the following error:
Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "exec: \"/pishrink/\": permission denied": unknown
Can someone help me debug this issue? I'm relatively new to using Docker so I might be making some simple + fundamental mistakes.
I was able to fix this with the following command, using sudo as suggested:
sudo docker-compose run pishrink /pishrink/ /pishrink/big-image.img /pishrink/small-image.img
