Get Authorization fail in creating certificate of let's encrypt - https

I would like to create certificate of let's encrypt.
but I keep getting this error as image.
Can someone help me to give any idea for this?
Thank you.

As it is mentioned in a provided screenshot, the temporary token file, which Let's Encrypt is using to verify the domain name ownership, should be reachable from the net.
In this case, the request from Let's Encrypt servers to this temporary file fails because A record the domain cannot be found.
In other words, it is not possible to get Let's Encrypt certificate while DNS is not properly configured.
Here is the more detailed explanation of the authorization procedure -


AWS Certificate request not issued. Error : The status of this certificate request is "Pending validation"

Record suceessfully created in DNS server but certificate request is Pending.Error is show in the following link
Based on the comments.
The issue was caused by using wrong domain in ACM. The solution was to use correct domain for which OP is owner of.

Cypress: Invalid certificate issue for https website

The browser reports that the connection is insecure, so the certificate hasn't loaded correctly. However, then manually opening the website it loads correctly.
Can anyone tell me how to fix Invalid certificate issue, It's result in to launching the wrong URL.
I tried with "chromeWebSecurity": false in my cypree.json, but no luck.
Please help me to solve this issue.
I haven't done this myself, but Cypress docs say that it's expected: You'll notice Chrome display a warning that the 'SSL certificate does not match'. This is normal and correct.
Note, that Cypress allows you to optionally specify CA / client certificate
So if the fake Cypress certificates are causing issues for you, you can try supplying your own certificates.
if it is not your website, you cannot fix it.
what you can do is verify why it is invalid, and decide to accept it and still open an https connection with the server although the certificate isn't valid.
usually the steps are:
click Advanced button
read and understand
click Accept or close the tab
the common reasons for a certificate to be invalid are:
domain name invalid, the certificate is installed for multiple vhost, and you have accessed the service for a domain name not defined in the certificate. www. is required, only * is specified without empty domain. totally wrong domain name. etc.
certificate is expired. check the date, it might be expired and decided if that makes sense to you
certificate isn't trusted, self-signed or using an authority not trusted by your browser.
if it is your website, these are the same reason, so you should be able to replace the certificate with an appropriate one.
by the way, this might not be a question for stackoverflow, maybe more for superuser, but I am happy to answer it anyway.
hope this helps you and others

Let's Encrypt ACME ID in Caddy

I'm trying to define a ACME account ID 1234567 within the Caddy webserver to validate Let's Encrypt certificates.
The documentation is pretty elaborate on tls automation and ACME options, but I couldn't find any way to implement an account ID.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Thus far I have searched through the following documentations and tried to implement it by changing the ACME URL to one that certbot uses, but unfortunately without success
I also tried following the Let's Encrypt and certbot docs, but as I understand it is different from the CA URL.
ACME options are stored within $CADDYPATH/acme, not with the Caddy config itself.
The Let's Encrypt account ID can be edited in the following JSON file: $CADDYPATH/acme/
Hope this can help anyone else ;)

Coinbase API - Having trouble with the signature in API requests

I'm having trouble using the API to send money from one set account into another account via email address for off-chain transactions. There's probably a simple solution to this but I haven't found anything that has worked for me yet despite reading other questions here, basically whenever I make an API request to send money it has an error 401 saying invalid signature.
Following the instructions on the developers page I am making a POST request to the API, and am authenticating the request using an API Key. Everything seems to be working other than the HMAC sha256 signature.
For example let's say that my API key is abc123def456ghi0 and the API secret is 123qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm456. Epoch time is 12345678, the method is of course POST, the email I want to send Bitcoin to is, the amount is 0.00000015BTC and wallet/account ID is 2bbf394c-193b-5b2a-9155-3b4732659ede.
I make a POST request to and set the body to type=send&
This works fine, the issue I'm having is with the sha256 signature in the header. I'm able to set CB-ACCESS-KEY to abc123def456ghi0 and CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP to 12345678, and I'm able to create sha256 signatures easily and sign them with my secret key, I just think I'm putting the wrong text in
Now I have some variables:timestamp: 12345678method: POSTrequestPath: /v2/accounts/1dcea380-77e6-5fd4-8a5b-28c41be39a57/transactionsbody: type=send&
On the developers page it says to join the timestamp, method, request path and body in the message. I'm doing this and signing it with my secret key but I still get an error. I'm just a hobbyist so don't have much experience, this is the message I have: 12345678POST/v2/accounts/2bbf394c-193b-5b2a-9155-3b4732659ede/transactionstype=send& and then I sign it with my secret key 123qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm456
There must be something simple I'm missing, I know all the variables are being joined properly so maybe I have a / somewhere there isn't supposed to be or maybe I need to switch something around, I just know there's a simple solution to this so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry - turns out my HMAC sha256 encoder was also encoding into base64. I have fixed this and now it is working.

CXF STS client throws Request does not contain Security header/Response message does not contain WS-Addressing properties [duplicate]

When adding an STS reference, I input the my windows azure federation metadata URL and it gives me the error in the title. It works if I create a new namespace, but a lot of stuff is configured on the current namespace, so I can't delete it.
So for anyone that would get this error, it's a simple fix.
You need a X.509 certificate configured as primary in your ACS namespace.
To do this you go under your acs configurations, in certificates and keys then you add a X.509 by uploading a .pfx file to the server and entering the password.
You might also need a symmetric key also set as primary depending on your configuration.
