How can I download the source code of the gradle eclipse plugin? - gradle

I need to download the source code of the plugin eclipse used in gradle, Is it possible because I searched and I didn’t found any source...


whats the purpose of installing maven on MAC

when I search for installing maven, I found videos on how to instal maven on eclipse and how to instal maven on MAc.It may be very basic question but just wondering whats the purpose of installing maven on MAC? I use maven on eclipse already
You would install Maven to be able to execute the mvn command from the command line (usually This is usually because you need to do things that your IDE does not easily allow you to do, or to ensure that your project builds correctly with plain Maven.
This is important because the Maven emulation in Eclipse is good but not perfect (as there are some design decisions in Eclipse that do not work well with the Maven mindset). A typical situation is that Eclipse does not treat src/test different from src/main and Maven does. The easiest way to ensure this, is to build your projects from the command line once in a while.

Install m2e in eclipse without install maven in system

I recently try to use maven in my eclipse project. In maven official website there are several step that I must to accomplish to configure maven side by side with eclipse. But I know there is a m2eclipse plugins if I need to use maven. But I don't know if I can use this plugins with maven installed in system or not.
So can I use this plugins without maven been installed in system or not ?
The m2e plugin brings a copy of Maven 3.0.4 and installs it inside of Eclipse so the plugin can use it. This is enough to build Maven projects inside of Eclipse. No external installation is needed.
You must start Eclipse with a JDK, though. A JRE isn't enough. If you're unsure: Look for the file lib/tools.jar. When it's there: You're good.
This copy isn't accessible from the command line. If you want to build from the command line as well or if you need a newer version of Maven than 3.0, you need to install Maven and configure the plugin accordingly.

android studio 0.8.1: Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing, debugging) will not work properly

Ok here's my problem.
deleting gradle folder
downloading latest gradle 1.10 and 1.12 manually and locating using offline mode
open gradle wrapper properties and build.gradle files and editing as mentioned in other blogs
Invalidate caches and restart
Nothing worked, but when I set
in gradle wrapper properties.... it said: "Gradle project syncing.." and I guess it was downloading gradle 1.12 but it didn't download only said "Gradle project syncing.." for a whole day.
I had this issue and tried many of the posted solutions to no avail. In the end, I actually just did build -> Clean Project and it worked.

How to install maven toll for dependencies in netbeans in windows?

I recently started a project and learnt that I need to install depended packages manually and i'm very much lazy to do so. I searched and got Maven, but installation process is missing. How do I do it?
Download the latest Netbeans from here..
Maven is embedded in Netbeans, then you'd only create a new Maven project from the file menu... And you will manage you dependencies easily..
I have downloaded NetBeans new version when I try to create a new project, Maven Project is already there.

Using the bundled Maven NSIS Plug-in with maven 3.x

I've got an NSIS script for generating an installer for my Java app - I'd like to automate this using Maven.
Rather than using the plugin at Mojo Project,, is it possible to use the bundled plugin in Maven 3.x or is this just for Maven 1.x?
I'm aware of how to use the Mojo Project plugin, thanks to this question, Automating NSIS script build using maven2 , I just want to make sure I'm selecting the correct, support plugin for my version of Maven.
