Process substitution, /dev/fd/63 - file-descriptor

I have a script that takes a file name as input in $1, and processes it...and creates an output file as ${1}.output.log and it works fine. e.g. if i tried
./myscript filename.txt
It'll process and generate output file with name: filename.txt.output.log
But When I tried to substitute a process to give input to this script like
./myscript <(echo something), it failed as it cannot create a file anymore with ${1}. output.log ; because now $1 is not an actual file and doesn't exist in my working directory where script is suppose to create an output.
Any suggestions to work around this problem?

The problem is probably that when using process substitution you are trying to create a file in /dev, more specifically, /dev/fd/63.output.log
I recommend doing this:
output_file="$( sed 's|/dev/fd/|./process_substitution-|' <<< ${1} ).output.log"
echo "my output" >> "$output_file"
We use sed to replace /dev/fd/ to ./process_substitution- so the file gets created in the current working directory (pwd) with the name process_substitution-63.output.log


i am trying this command but keep getting the error of cat: '*.': no such or file directory found

I am new to scripting and i am trying to figure out what does this code do i have tried using every file extension and nothing worked keeps giving me the error of cat: '*.': no such or file directory found
for i in *."$1"
cat $i
You have to pass a parameter. The script will display contents of all
of the files in the current directory that end with the parameter. For
$ echo a > FILE.txt
$ echo b > FILE1.txt
$ ./ txt
You should also put $i in double quotes to prevent word
splitting and add shebang. The script
should be:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
for i in *."$1"
cat "$i"

Create temporary file and redirect output to it in one command

I designed a custom script to grep a concatenated list of .bash_history backup files. In my script, I am creating a temporary file with mktemp and saving it to a variable temp. Next, I am redirecting output to that file using the cat command.
Is there a means to create a temporary file (using mktemp), redirect output to it, then store it in a variable in one command, while preserving newline characters?
The below snippet of code works just fine, but I have a feeling there is a more terse and canonical way to achieve this in one line – maybe using process substitution or something of the like.
# Concatenate all .bash_history files into a temporary file `temp`.
cat "$HOME/.bash_history."* > $temp
trap 'rm -f $temp' 0
# Set `HISTFILE` shell variable to the `temp` file.
# Search for `keyword` using the `history` command
if [[ "$keyword" ]]; then
# Enable history
set -o history
history | grep "$keyword"
# Disable history
set +o history
echo -e "usage: search <keyword>"
exit 0
If you're comfortable with the side effect of making the assignment conditional on tempfile not previously having a nonempty value, this is straightforward via the ${var:=value} expansion:
cat "$HOME/.bash_history" >"${tempfile:=$(mktemp)}"
cat myfile.txt | f=`mktemp` && cat > "${f}"
I guess there is more than one way to do it. I found following to be working for me:
cat myfile.txt > $(echo "$(mktemp)")
Also don't forget about tee:
cat myfile.txt | tee "$(mktemp)" > /dev/null

Bash: How to pass input file content as command argument

I have a command command that takes an input file as argument. Is there a way to call command without actually creating a file?
I would like to achieve the following behavior
$ echo "content" > tempfile
$ command tempfile
$ rm tempfile
if possible:
as a one-liner,
without creating a file,
using either a bash (or sh) feature or a "well-known" command (as standard as xargs)
It feels like there must be an easy way to do it but I can't find it.
Just use a process substitution.
command <(echo "content")
Bash will create a FIFO or other type of temporary file in /dev for the standard output of whatever happens in the process. For example:
$ echo <(echo hi)

Bash - run command using lines from text file

I am a bit new to bash scripting and have not been able to find an answer for what I am about to ask, that is if it is possible.
I have a text file which is created by search a directory using grep for files containing "Name" and outputs the below, say the file is called PathOutput.txt
Now what I would like to do if possible is loop through the file with a command, using a variable to bring in each line in the text file. But I cannot work out a way to run the command againist each line. With all my playing around I did get a results where it would run once against the first line, but this was when the output of grep was piped into another command.
At the moment in a bash script I am just extracting the paths to PathOutput.txt, cat to display the paths, then copy the path I want to a read -p command to create a variable to run against a command. It works fine now, just have to run the script each time for each path. If I could get the command to loop through each line I could output the results to a txt file.
Is it possible?
You could use xargs:
$ xargs -n1 echo "arg:" < file
arg: /mnt/volnfs3rvdata/4007dc45-477a-45b2-9c28-43bc5bbb4f9f/master/vms/4c3483af-b41a-4979-98b7-6f6a4f147670/4c3483af-b41a-4979-98b7-6f6a4f147670.ovf
arg: /mnt/volnfs3rvdata/4007dc45-477a-45b2-9c28-43bc5bbb4f9f/master/vms/5b5538a5-423f-4eaf-9678-d377a6706c58/5b5538a5-423f-4eaf-9678-d377a6706c58.ovf
arg: /mnt/volnfs3rvdata/4007dc45-477a-45b2-9c28-43bc5bbb4f9f/master/vms/0e2d1451-45cc-456e-846d-d174515a60dd/0e2d1451-45cc-456e-846d-d174515a60dd.ovf
arg: /mnt/volnfs3rvdata/4007dc45-477a-45b2-9c28-43bc5bbb4f9f/master/vms/daaf622e-e035-4c1b-a6d7-8ee209c4ded6/daaf622e-e035-4c1b-a6d7-8ee209c4ded6.ovf
arg: /mnt/volnfs3rvdata/4007dc45-477a-45b2-9c28-43bc5bbb4f9f/master/vms/48f52ab9-64df-4b1e-9c35-c024ae2a64c4/48f52ab9-64df-4b1e-9c35-c024ae2a64c4.ovf
Just replace echo "arg:" with the command you actually want to use. If you want to passed all the files at once drop the -n1 option.
If I understand correctly, you may want something like this:
for L in `cat PathOutput.txt`; do
echo "I read line $L from PathOutput.txt"
# do something useful with $L

UNIX: How to run a program with a file as an input

I'm writing a bash script called 'run' that tests programs with pre-defined inputs.
It takes in a file as the first parameter, then a program as a second parameter.
The call would look like
./run text.txt ./check
for example, the program 'run' would run 'check' with text.txt as the input. This will save me lots of testing time with my programs.
right now I have
$2 < text.txt > text.created
So it takes the text.txt and redirects it as input in to the program specified, which is the second argument. Then dumps the result in text.created.
I have the input in text.txt and I know what the output should look like, but when I cat text.created, it's empty.
Does anybody know the proper way to run a program with a file as the input? This seems intuitive to me, but could there be something wrong with the 'check' program rather than what I'm doing in the 'run' script?
Thanks! Any help is always appreciated!
EDIT: the file text.txt contains multiple lines of files that each have an input for the program 'check'.
That is, text.txt could contain
I want to test check with each file asdf1.txt, asdf2.txt, asdf3.txt.
A simple test with
# the whole loop reads $1 line by line
while read
# run $2 with the contents of the file that is in the line just read
xargs < $REPLY $2
done < $1
works fine. Call that file "run" and run it with
./run text.txt ./check
I get the program ./check executed with text.txt as the parameters. Don't forget to chmod +x run to make it executable.
This is the sample check program that I use:
echo "This is check with parameters $1 and $2"
Which prints the given parameters.
My file text.txt is:
and the files textfile1.txt, ... contain one line each for every instance of "check", for example:
lets go
one two
The output:
$ ./run text.txt ./check
This is check with parameters lets and go
This is check with parameters one and two
This is check with parameters uno and dos
This is check with parameters eins and zwei
The < operator redirects the contents of the file to the standard input of the program. This is not the same as using the file's contents for the arguments of the file--which seems to be what you want. For that do
./program $(cat file.txt)
in bash (or in plain old /bin/sh, use
./program `cat file.txt`
This won't manage multiple lines as separate invocations, which your edit indicates is desired. For that you probably going to what some kind scripting language (perl, awk, python...) which makes parsing a file linewise easy.
