Matlab visualization - matlab-figure

I used this link to walk through FDTD code and write it for myself to practice.
This is the code that I wrote (its not verbatim, but extremely similar). When I run the program, I am told that "Field amplitude is too small to visualize properly." I don't understand why. As far as I understand Matlab (I'm very new to it), I am scaling the graph on my own. There is a function called draw1d that is in a protected file here:
How should I fix this?
close all;
clear all;
% Units
meters = 1;
seconds = 1;
%Fundamental constants
c0 = 3e8 * meters/seconds;
e0 = 8.85e-12 * 1/meters;
u0 = 1.26e-6 * 1/meters;
%Figure Window
figure('Color', 'b');
%Simple parameters
dz = 5 * meters;
Nz = 200;
dt = 1e-3 * seconds;
STEPS = 1000;
%Grid Device - let it be air
ER = ones(1, Nz);
UR = ones(1, Nz);
%% Initialize FDTD Parameters
%Initialize Vectors
mEy = (c0*dt)./ER; %unique update coefficient for each place on the grid
mHx = (c0*dt)./UR; %unique update coefficent again
%% Initialize Fields
%Initialize Fields
Ey = zeros(1, Nz);
Hx = zeros(1, Nz);
%Actually doing FDTD
for T = 1 : STEPS
%Update H from E
for nz = 1 : Nz - 1
Hx(nz) = Hx(nz) + mHx(nz)*(Ey(nz+1) - Ey(nz))/dz;
Hx(Nz) = Hx(Nz) + mHx(Nz)*(0 - Ey(Nz))/dz;
%Update E from H
Ey(1) = Ey(1) + mEy(1) * ( Hx(1) - 0 )/dz;
for nz = 2 : Nz
Ey(nz) = Ey(nz) + mEy(nz) * ( Hx(nz) - Hx(nz-1) )/dz;
%Show Status
if ~mod(T, 10)
draw1d(ER, Ey, Hx, dz);
xlim([dz Nz*dz]);
title(['Field at step ' num2str(T) ' of ' num2str(STEPS)]);


Can anyone explain how different is this hybrid PSOGA from normal GA?

Does this code have mutation, selection, and crossover, just like the original genetic algorithm.
Since this, a hybrid algorithm (i.e PSO with GA) does it use all steps of original GA or skips some
of them.Please do tell me.
I am just new to this and still trying to understand. Thank you.
%%% Hybrid GA and PSO code
function [gbest, gBestScore, all_scores] = QAP_PSO_GA(CreatePopFcn, FitnessFcn, UpdatePosition, ...
nCity, nPlant, nPopSize, nIters)
% Set algorithm parameters
constant = 0.95;
c1 = 1.5; %1.4944; %2;
c2 = 1.5; %1.4944; %2;
w = 0.792 * constant;
% Allocate memory and initialize
gBestScore = inf;
all_scores = inf * ones(nPopSize, nIters);
x = CreatePopFcn(nPopSize, nCity);
v = zeros(nPopSize, nCity);
pbest = x;
% update lbest
cost_p = inf * ones(1, nPopSize); %feval(FUN, pbest');
for i=1:nPopSize
cost_p(i) = FitnessFcn(pbest(i, 1:nPlant));
lbest = update_lbest(cost_p, pbest, nPopSize);
for iter = 1 : nIters
if mod(iter,1000) == 0
parents = randperm(nPopSize);
for i = 1:nPopSize
x(i,:) = (pbest(i,:) + pbest(parents(i),:))/2;
% v(i,:) = pbest(parents(i),:) - x(i,:);
% v(i,:) = (v(i,:) + v(parents(i),:))/2;
% Update velocity
v = w*v + c1*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(pbest-x) + c2*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(lbest-x);
% Update position
x = x + v;
x = UpdatePosition(x);
% Update pbest
cost_x = inf * ones(1, nPopSize);
for i=1:nPopSize
cost_x(i) = FitnessFcn(x(i, 1:nPlant));
s = cost_x<cost_p;
cost_p = (1-s).*cost_p + s.*cost_x;
s = repmat(s',1,nCity);
pbest = (1-s).*pbest + s.*x;
% update lbest
lbest = update_lbest(cost_p, pbest, nPopSize);
% update global best
all_scores(:, iter) = cost_x;
[cost,index] = min(cost_p);
if (cost < gBestScore)
gbest = pbest(index, :);
gBestScore = cost;
% draw current fitness
hold on
str=strcat('Best fitness: ', num2str(min(cost_x)));
% Function to update lbest
function lbest = update_lbest(cost_p, x, nPopSize)
sm(1, 1)= cost_p(1, nPopSize);
sm(1, 2:3)= cost_p(1, 1:2);
[cost, index] = min(sm);
if index==1
lbest(1, :) = x(nPopSize, :);
lbest(1, :) = x(index-1, :);
for i = 2:nPopSize-1
sm(1, 1:3)= cost_p(1, i-1:i+1);
[cost, index] = min(sm);
lbest(i, :) = x(i+index-2, :);
sm(1, 1:2)= cost_p(1, nPopSize-1:nPopSize);
sm(1, 3)= cost_p(1, 1);
[cost, index] = min(sm);
if index==3
lbest(nPopSize, :) = x(1, :);
lbest(nPopSize, :) = x(nPopSize-2+index, :);
If you are new to Optimization, I recommend you first to study each algorithm separately, then you may study how GA and PSO maybe combined, Although you must have basic mathematical skills in order to understand the operators of the two algorithms and in order to test the efficiency of these algorithm (this is what really matter).
This code chunk is responsible for parent selection and crossover:
parents = randperm(nPopSize);
for i = 1:nPopSize
x(i,:) = (pbest(i,:) + pbest(parents(i),:))/2;
% v(i,:) = pbest(parents(i),:) - x(i,:);
% v(i,:) = (v(i,:) + v(parents(i),:))/2;
Is not really obvious how selection randperm is done (I have no experience about Matlab).
And this is the code that is responsible for updating the velocity and position of each particle:
% Update velocity
v = w*v + c1*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(pbest-x) + c2*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(lbest-x);
% Update position
x = x + v;
x = UpdatePosition(x);
This version of velocity updating strategy is utilizing what is called Interia-Weight W, which basically mean we are preserving the velocity history of each particle (not completely recomputing it).
It worth mentioning that velocity updating is done more often than crossover (each 1000 iteration).

Kaczmarz animation

i am asking for help.. I want to animate the Kaczmarz method on Matlab. It's method allows to find solution of system of equations by the serial projecting solution vector on hyperplanes, which which is given by the eqations of system.
And i want make animation of this vector moving (like the point is going on the projected vectors).
%% System of equations
% 2x + 3y = 4;
% x - y = 2;
% 6x + y = 15;
A = [2 3;1 -1; 6 1];
f = [4; 2; 15];
resh = pinv(A)*f
x = -10:0.1:10;
e1 = (1 - 2*x)/3;
e2 = (x - 2);
e3 = 15 - 6*x;
grid on
axis([0 4 -2 2])
hold on
hold on
hold on
precision = 0.001; % точность
iteration = 100; % количество итераций
lambda = 0.75; % лямбда
[m,n] = size(A);
x = zeros(n,1);
%count of norms
for i = 1:m
nrm(i) = norm(A(i,:));
for i = 1:1:iteration
j = mod(i-1,m) + 1;
if (nrm(j) <= 0), continue, end;
predx = x;
x = x + ((f(j) - A(j,:)*x)*A(j,:)')/(nrm(j))^2;
p = plot(x);
%pause 0.04;
hold on;
if(norm(predx - x) <= precision), break, end
I wrote the code for this method, by don't imagine how make the animation, how I can use the set function.
In your code there are a lot of redundant and random pieces. Do not call hold on more than once, it does nothing. Also set(p) does nothing, you want to set some ps properties to something, then you use set.
Also, you are plotting the result, but not the "change". The change is a line between the previous and current, and that is the only reason you'd want to have a variable such as predx, to plot. SO USE IT!
Anyway, this following code plots your algorithm. I added a repeated line to plot in green and then delete, so you can see what the last step does. I also changed the plots in the begging to just plot in red so its more clear what is each of the things.
Change your loop for:
for i = 1:1:iteration
j = mod(i-1,m) + 1;
if (nrm(j) <= 0), continue, end;
predx = x;
x = x + ((f(j) - A(j,:)*x)*A(j,:)')/(nrm(j))^2;
plot([predx(1) x(1)],[predx(2) x(2)],'b'); %plot line
c=plot([predx(1) x(1)],[predx(2) x(2)],'g'); %plot it in green
children = get(gca, 'children'); %delete the green line
% hold on;
if(norm(predx - x) <= precision), break, end
This will show:

Find area of two overlapping circles using monte carlo method

Actually i have two intersecting circles as specified in the figure
i want to find the area of each part separately using Monte carlo method in Matlab .
The code doesn't draw the rectangle or the circles correctly so
i guess what is wrong is my calculation for the x and y and i am not much aware about the geometry equations for solving it so i need help about the equations.
this is my code so far :
%supposing that a rectangle will contain both circles so :
% the mid point of the distance between 2 circles will be (0,6)
% then by adding the radius of the left and right circles the total distance
% will be 27 , 11 from the left and 16 from the right
% width of rectangle = 24
for i=1:n
if((x(i))^2+(y(i))^2<=25 && (x(i))^2+(y(i)-12)^2<=100)
hold on
elseif(~(x(i))^2+(y(i))^2<=25 &&(x(i))^2+(y(i)-12)^2<=100)
hold on
Here are the errors I found:
x = 27*rand(n,1)-5
y = 24*rand(n,1)-12
The rectangle extents were incorrect, and if you use rand(n-1) will give you a (n-1) by (n-1) matrix.
first If:
(x(i))^2+(y(i))^2<=25 && (x(i)-12)^2+(y(i))^2<=100
the center of the large circle is at x=12 not y=12
Second If:
~(x(i))^2+(y(i))^2<=25 &&(x(i)-12)^2+(y(i))^2<=100
This code can be improved by using logical indexing.
For example, using R, you could do (Matlab code is left as an excercise):
n = 10000
x = 27*runif(n)-5
y = 24*runif(n)-12
r = (x^2 + y^2)<=25 & ((x-12)^2 + y^2)<=100
g = (x^2 + y^2)<=25
b = ((x-12)^2 + y^2)<=100
which gives:
Here is my generic solution for any two circles (without any hardcoded value):
function [ P ] = circles_intersection_area( k1, k2, N )
% Adnan A.
x1 = k1(1);
y1 = k1(2);
r1 = k1(3);
x2 = k2(1);
y2 = k2(2);
r2 = k2(3);
if sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2)) >= (r1 + r2)
% no intersection
P = 0;
% Wrapper rectangle config
a_min = x1 - r1 - 2*r2;
a_max = x1 + r1 + 2*r2;
b_min = y1 - r1 - 2*r2;
b_max = y1 + r1 + 2*r2;
% Monte Carlo algorithm
n = 0;
for i = 1:N
rand_x = unifrnd(a_min, a_max);
rand_y = unifrnd(b_min, b_max);
if sqrt((rand_x - x1)^2 + (rand_y - y1)^2) < r1 && sqrt((rand_x - x2)^2 + (rand_y - y2)^2) < r2
% is a point in the both of circles
n = n + 1;
plot(rand_x,rand_y, 'go-');
hold on;
plot(rand_x,rand_y, 'ko-');
hold on;
P = (a_max - a_min) * (b_max - b_min) * n / N;
Call it like: circles_intersection_area([-0.4,0,1], [0.4,0,1], 10000) where the first param is the first circle (x,y,r) and the second param is the second circle.
Without using For loop.
n = 100000;
data = rand(2,n);
data = data*2*30 - 30;
x = data(1,:);
y = data(2,:);
inside5 = find(x.^2 + y.^2 <=25);
hold on
plot (x(inside5),y(inside5),'bo');
hold on
inside12 = find(x.^2 + (y-12).^2<=144);
plot (x(inside12),y(inside12),'g');
hold on
insidefinal1 = find(x.^2 + y.^2 <=25 & x.^2 + (y-12).^2>=144);
insidefinal2 = find(x.^2 + y.^2 >=25 & x.^2 + (y-12).^2<=144);
% plot(x(insidefinal1),y(insidefinal1),'bo');
hold on
% plot(x(insidefinal2),y(insidefinal2),'ro');
insidefinal3 = find(x.^2 + y.^2 <=25 & x.^2 + (y-12).^2<=144);
% plot(x(insidefinal3),y(insidefinal3),'ro');
area2= (60^2)*(length(insidefinal3)/n);

How to accelerate matlab code?

I'm using matlab to implement a multilayer neural network. In the code I represent
the value of each node AS netValue{k}
the weight between layer k and k + 1 AS weight{k}
Since these data is three-dimensional, I have to use cell to hold a 2-D matrix to enable matrix multiply.
So it becomes really really slow to train the model, which I expect to have resulted from the usage of cell.
Can anyone tell me how to accelerate this code? Thanks
close all;
clear all;
input = [-2 : 0.4 : 2;-2:0.4:2];
ican = 4;
depth = 4; % total layer - 1, by convension
[featureNum , sampleNum] = size(input);
levelNum(1) = featureNum;
levelNum(2) = 5;
levelNum(3) = 5;
levelNum(4) = 5;
levelNum(5) = 2;
weight = cell(0);
for k = 1 : depth
weight{k} = rand(levelNum(k+1), levelNum(k)) - 2 * rand(levelNum(k+1) , levelNum(k));
threshold{k} = rand(levelNum(k+1) , 1) - 2 * rand(levelNum(k+1) , 1);
runCount = 0;
sumMSE = 1; % init MSE
minError = 1e-5;
afa = 0.1; % step of "gradient ascendence"
% training loop
while(runCount < 100000 & sumMSE > minError)
sumMSE = 0; % sum of MSE
for i = 1 : sampleNum % sample loop
netValue{1} = input(:,i);
for k = 2 : depth
netValue{k} = weight{k-1} * netValue{k-1} + threshold{k-1}; %calculate each layer
netValue{k} = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-netValue{k})); %apply logistic function
netValue{depth+1} = weight{depth} * netValue{depth} + threshold{depth}; %output layer
e = 1 + sin((pi / 4) * ican * netValue{1}) - netValue{depth + 1}; %calc error
assistS{depth} = diag(ones(size(netValue{depth+1})));
s{depth} = -2 * assistS{depth} * e;
for k = depth - 1 : -1 : 1
assistS{k} = diag((1-netValue{k+1}).*netValue{k+1});
s{k} = assistS{k} * weight{k+1}' * s{k+1};
for k = 1 : depth
weight{k} = weight{k} - afa * s{k} * netValue{k}';
threshold{k} = threshold{k} - afa * s{k};
sumMSE = sumMSE + e' * e;
sumMSE = sqrt(sumMSE) / sampleNum;
runCount = runCount + 1;
x = [-2 : 0.1 : 2;-2:0.1:2];
y = zeros(size(x));
z = 1 + sin((pi / 4) * ican .* x);
% test
for i = 1 : length(x)
netValue{1} = x(:,i);
for k = 2 : depth
netValue{k} = weight{k-1} * netValue{k-1} + threshold{k-1};
netValue{k} = 1 ./ ( 1 + exp(-netValue{k}));
y(:, i) = weight{depth} * netValue{depth} + threshold{depth};
plot(x(1,:) , y(1,:) , 'r');
hold on;
plot(x(1,:) , z(1,:) , 'g');
hold off;
Have you used the profiler to find out what functions are actually slowing down your code? It shows what lines take the most time to execute.

vectorize/optimize this code in MATLAB?

I am building my first large-scale MATLAB program, and I've managed to write original vectorized code for everything so for until I came to trying to create an image representing vector density in stereographic projection. After a couple failed attempts I went to the Mathworks file exchange site and found an open source program which fits my needs courtesy of Malcolm Mclean. With a test matrix his function produces something like this:
And while this is almost exactly what I wanted, his code relies on a triply nested for-loop. On my workstation a test data matrix of size 25000x2 took 65 seconds in this section of code. This is unacceptable since I will be scaling up to a data matrices of size 500000x2 in my project.
So far I've been able to vectorize the innermost loop (which was the longest/worst loop), but I would like to continue and be rid of the loops entirely if possible. Here is Malcolm's original code that I need to vectorize:
dmap = zeros(height, width); % height, width: scalar with default value = 32
for ii = 0: height - 1 % 32 iterations of this loop
yi = limits(3) + ii * deltay + deltay/2; % limits(3) & deltay: scalars
for jj = 0 : width - 1 % 32 iterations of this loop
xi = limits(1) + jj * deltax + deltax/2; % limits(1) & deltax: scalars
dd = 0;
for kk = 1: length(x) % up to 500,000 iterations in this loop
dist2 = (x(kk) - xi)^2 + (y(kk) - yi)^2;
dd = dd + 1 / ( dist2 + fudge); % fudge is a scalar
dmap(ii+1,jj+1) = dd;
And here it is with the changes I've already made to the innermost loop (which was the biggest drain on efficiency). This cuts the time from 65 seconds down to 12 seconds on my machine for the same test matrix, which is better but still far slower than I would like.
dmap = zeros(height, width);
for ii = 0: height - 1
yi = limits(3) + ii * deltay + deltay/2;
for jj = 0 : width - 1
xi = limits(1) + jj * deltax + deltax/2;
dist2 = (x - xi) .^ 2 + (y - yi) .^ 2;
dmap(ii + 1, jj + 1) = sum(1 ./ (dist2 + fudge));
So my main question, are there any further changes I can make to optimize this code? Or even an alternative method to approach the problem? I've considered using C++ or F# instead of MATLAB for this section of the program, and I may do so if I cannot get to a reasonable efficiency level with the MATLAB code.
Please also note that at this point I don't have ANY additional toolboxes, if I did then I know this would be trivial (using hist3 from the statistics toolbox for example).
Mem consuming solution
yi = limits(3) + deltay * ( 1:height ) - .5 * deltay;
xi = limits(1) + deltax * ( 1:width ) - .5 * deltax;
dx = bsxfun( #minus, x(:), xi ) .^ 2;
dy = bsxfun( #minus, y(:), yi ) .^ 2;
dist2 = bsxfun( #plus, permute( dy, [2 3 1] ), permute( dx, [3 2 1] ) );
dmap = sum( 1./(dist2 + fudge ) , 3 );
handling extremely large x and y by breaking the operation into blocks:
blockSize = 50000; % process up to XX elements at once
dmap = 0;
yi = limits(3) + deltay * ( 1:height ) - .5 * deltay;
xi = limits(1) + deltax * ( 1:width ) - .5 * deltax;
bi = 1;
while bi <= numel(x)
% take a block of x and y
bx = x( bi:min(end, bi + blockSize - 1) );
by = y( bi:min(end, bi + blockSize - 1) );
dx = bsxfun( #minus, bx(:), xi ) .^ 2;
dy = bsxfun( #minus, by(:), yi ) .^ 2;
dist2 = bsxfun( #plus, permute( dy, [2 3 1] ), permute( dx, [3 2 1] ) );
dmap = dmap + sum( 1./(dist2 + fudge ) , 3 );
bi = bi + blockSize;
This is a good example of why starting a loop from 1 matters. The only reason that ii and jj are initiated at 0 is to kill the ii * deltay and jj * deltax terms which however introduces sequentiality in the dmap indexing, preventing parallelization.
Now, by rewriting the loops you could use parfor() after opening a matlabpool:
dmap = zeros(height, width);
yi = limits(3) + deltay*(1:height) - .5*deltay;
matlabpool 8
parfor ii = 1: height
for jj = 1: width
xi = limits(1) + (jj-1) * deltax + deltax/2;
dist2 = (x - xi) .^ 2 + (y - yi(ii)) .^ 2;
dmap(ii, jj) = sum(1 ./ (dist2 + fudge));
matlabpool close
Keep in mind that opening and closing the pool has significant overhead (10 seconds on my Intel Core Duo T9300, vista 32 Matlab 2013a).
PS. I am not sure whether the inner loop instead of the outer one can be meaningfully parallelized. You can try to switch the parfor to the inner one and compare speeds (I would recommend going for the big matrix immediately since you are already running in 12 seconds and the overhead is almost as big).
Alternatively, this problem can be solved in using kernel density estimation techniques. This is part of the Statistics Toolbox, or there's this KDE implementation by Zdravko Botev (no toolboxes required).
For the example code below, I get 0.3 seconds for N = 500000, or 0.7 seconds for N = 1000000.
N = 500000;
data = [randn(N,2); rand(N,1)+3.5, randn(N,1);]; % 2 overlaid distrib
tic; [bandwidth,density,X,Y] = kde2d(data); toc;
