Running time of for loop with i=i*2 - algorithm

what will be the running time of the following code?
for(i=1; i<= n; i=i∗2)
the outer loop run log_2(n) times so, what is the running the of inner loop ?

As inner loop is increasing linearly it won't have any impact on itself from outer loop. So it will run n times. And in this case n will change in accordance with the value of i.

PS: Last summation is equal to 2(n - 1) which is O(n).

Well the easiest is to try an example (which is not proof, but it depends, if you have to prove it, or just finding correct answer is enough)
So for n=1024
up to 1024
Extra info: The outerloop is run log_2(n) times (but we dont need this information for calculating)
The inner loop is run with the value of i, which is
1+2+4+8...+1024=1024*2 - 1 = 2*n - 1 = O(n)
The answer: There will be up to 2*n - 1 Hello printed. It can be lower if the n is not in this format 2^k=n where k is whole number. It can be lower by half (n=512 and n=1023 will have same results)
(Hellos printed) >= n AND (HELLOS printed) <= 2*n - 1


How is this nested loop algorithm analyzed?

So i have this algorithm analysis from my lecturer i need some help why the outer loop is n - 1 , isn't it should be n - 2? and the inner loop should be log3 (n) instead of log3(n) + 1
for(int a=3; a<=n; a++) n+1-2 = n-1
for(int a=1; a<n; a=a*3) log3 (n) +1
System.out.println(a); log3 (n)
Total =(n - 1)* (log3 (n)+1+log3 (n))
=(n-1)*(2 log3(n) + 1)
=2(n log3(n))+n -1 – 2 log3(n)
=n log3(n) + n – log3(n)
Is this correct answer for algorithmn analysis? thats what my lecturer showed me. Anyone can explain to me?
If you want a very precise count of the operations, it's important to specify: what operations are you counting? Number of increments a++? Number of comparisons a<=n? Number of executions of the loop body?
If you don't specify which operation you're counting, then there is not much sense in worrying about an extra +1 or -1.
Note that the variable used as counter for the outer loop is called a and the variable used as counter for the inner loop is also called a. While this is possible to do in C++, I strongly recommend not doing it. It's confusing and a good source of errors.
The outer loop is going to run for n-2 iterations. The inner loop is going to run for ceil(log3(n)) iterations (where ceil is the ceiling function). The line System.out.println(a) is not a loop, it's just one line of code, so you could write "1" on that line if you wanted; there is not much sense in writing "log3(n)" here.
The total number of times the line System.out.println(a) is executed is thus:
(n - 2) ceil(log3(n)).
It is possible that you might want to count the exact number of characters written. Again, we're coming back to the fact that you didn't specify what it is that you were counting. The number of characters depends on the exact value of a, so it changes at each iteration of the loop. But all in all, each call to System.out.println(a) prints about log10(n) characters, since we're writing in decimal.

How to calculate big O notation for this nested loop?

if I have for example this simple code
for (i =1;i<=n;i++)
for (j=1 ;j<=i;j++)
for this line
for (i =1;i<=n;i++)
if I say that the time for 'i' to get a value is T then i will increase n+1 times since the condition is i<=n so the time for increasing i is (n+1)*T the condition will be asked n+1 times so lets say that the time needed to check the condition is T aswell then the total time for it to complete is (n+1)*T and i++ will be executed n times because when the condition is asked if i(in this case i is n+1) <=n it will be false so it wont increase i so the total time for executing this single loop would be (n+1)*T+(n+1)T+nT or (n+1+n+1+n)*T = (3n+2)T so big O for this case would be n
but I dont know how to calculate for the second loop I was thinking if it would be n[(3n+2)*T] and big O for this would be n^2 but I am not too sure if you dont understand what I am saying or if I made a mistake with first loop too if you can please explain in details how to I calculate it for that code .
First loop will execute n times, second loop i times, for each i from the outer loop. At the beginning, i=1, so the inner loop will have only one iteration, then i=2, i=3.. until i reaches the value n. Therefore, the total number of iterations is 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n * (n + 1) / 2, which gives O(n^2).

Why is this algorithm O(nlogn)?

I'm reading a book on algorithm analysis and have found an algorithm which I don't know how to get the time complexity of, although the book says that it is O(nlogn).
Here is the algorithm:
for(k=1; k<=n; k*=2)
for(j=1; j<=n; j++)
Perhaps the easiest way to convince yourself of the O(n*lgn) running time is to run the algorithm on a sheet of paper. Consider what happens when n is 64. Then the outer loop variable k would take the following values:
1 2 4 8 16 32 64
The log_2(64) is 6, which is the number of terms above plus one. You can continue this line of reasoning to conclude that the outer loop will take O(lgn) running time.
The inner loop, which is completely independent of the outer loop, is O(n). Multiplying these two terms together yields O(lgn*n).
In your first loop for(k=1; k<=n; k*=2), variable k reaches the value of n in log n steps since you're doubling the value in each step.
The second loop for(j=1; j<=n; j++) is just a linear cycle, so requires n steps.
Therefore, total time is O(nlogn) since the loops are nested.
To add a bit of mathematical detail...
Let a be the number of times the outer loop for(k=1; k<=n; k*=2) runs. Then this loop will run 2^a times (Note the loop increment k*=2). So we have n = 2^a. Solve for a by taking base 2 log on both sides, then you will get a = log_2(n)
Since the inner loop runs n times, total is O(nlog_2(n)).
To add to #qwerty's answer, if a is the number of times the outer loop runs:
    k takes values 1, 2, 4, ..., 2^a and 2^a <= n
    Taking log on both sides: log_2(2^a) <= log_2(n), i.e. a <= log_2(n)
So the outer loop has a upper bound of log_2(n), i.e. it cannot run more than log_2(n) times.

Calculating time complexity of inner loops

So I am learning how to calculate time complexities of algorithms from Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen. The example given in the book is insertion sort:
1. for i from 2 to length[A]
2. value := A[i]
3. j := i-1
4. while j > 0 and A[j] > value
5. A[j+1] := A[j]
6. j := j-1
7. A[j+1] = value
Line 1. executes n times.
Line 4., according to the book, executes times.
So, as a general rule, is all inner loops' execution time represented by summation?
Anecdotally, most loops can be represented by summation. In general this isn't true, for example I could create the loop
for(int i = n; i > 1; i = ((i mod 2 == 0) ? i / 2 : 3 * i + 1)))
i.e. initialize i to n, on each iteration if i is even then divide it by two, else multiply i by three and add one, halt when i <= 1. What's the big-oh for this? Nobody knows.
Obviously I've never seen a real-life program using such a weird loop, but I have seen while loops that either increase and decrease the counter depending on some arbitrary condition that might change from iteration to iteration.
When the inner loop has a condition, the times the program will iterate through it(ti) will differ in each iteration of the outer loop. That's why it's equal to the summation of all the (ti)s.
However, if the inner loop was a for loop, the times the program will iterate through it is constant. So you just multiply the times of the outer loop by the times of the inner loop.
like this:
for i=1 to n
for j=1 to m
the complexity here is n*m

How to calculate the worst case (Big O) of a program

Please excuse the intentional verbosity
Here is a small program excerpt:
for i=1 to n
j= 0;
If I have to find the complexity(Big O) of this code:
I'll first count how many times the inner loop will execute which in this case is n+1 times because from 1 to n, it is n times and since j is 0, it adds to the while looping. So in total n+1 times for the while loop.
The number of times the outer for loop will execute is n times because from 1 to n, the total count is n.
Hence the grand total is n+1+n is 2n+1.
Discarding all constants it's big O(n).
Is it correct? The web page from where I found this example says the outer loop will run n(n+1)/2 times. I didn't understand this. Please help!
For each value i is getting (and there are n of those), you run the while (inner) loop n+1 times (j=0,j=1,...j=n).
Thus, the total number of times the line j=j+1 is being executed is n*(n+1), which is in O(n^2)
