Stop Sphinx from Hyphenating - python-sphinx

I have a similar question to this, except for Sphinx and RST. Namely, I would like to prevent text from being hyphenated at the end of the line.
For example I want this:
This is my long sent-
To be:
This is my long
How do I do this?

Hyphenation is implemented by the stylesheet basic.css in the Sphinx theme "basic".
div.body p, div.body dd, div.body li, div.body blockquote {
-moz-hyphens: auto;
-ms-hyphens: auto;
-webkit-hyphens: auto;
hyphens: auto;
You can override these styles with your own. See my answer to How do I customize Sphinx RtD Theme default search settings?
Your theme may have JavaScript or other styles that implement hyphenation.
For PDF output, see

After reading pointers from #steve-piercy, I managed to find a solution for the problem. I need to customize in my project. My has the following settings:
# ...
# ...
# -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
'papersize': 'a4paper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
'pointsize': '12pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
'preamble': r'''
# Latex figure (float) alignment
# 'figure_align': 'htbp',
# ...
# ...
I am using Sphinx 1.8.2, MikTex 2.9 and Strawberry Perl 5.28.1. This new change in will download new perl package(s).


HexaPDF add font when importing other document's page

I have app that adding texts for original pdf and generate new pdf.
All is good until I have page that contain different font, then target pdf have no glyphs(boxes instead of characters), when source_doc saved, it displays font properly.
Perhaps something to do with how .import method work but i did not found way :/
Here is part of code:
target_doc =
source_doc ="source.pdf")
page = source_doc.pages[0]
canvas = page.canvas(type: :overlay)
# ... some code filling the doc with the text
font_file = "new_font.ttf"
canvas.font font_file
canvas.text(text, at: [x, y])
# back to default font
canvas.font(FONT_FAMILY, size: FONT_SIZE)
source_doc.pages.each { |page| target_doc.pages << target_doc.import(page) }
I have tried to .add font to target_doc but it did not added(tried before and after import)
In the target_doc.fonts I can see font loaded in loaded_fonts_cache and in glyphs.
Anyone has any clue how can I import pages including font used in it ?
Document used:
In order to import page with missing information(like new fonts), need to call this method before importing pages to a new pdf, after source_doc.fonts.add(font_file) because this info available only after all glyps are known to the source document.
Thanks to Thomas, author of HexaPDF <3

RinohType sphinx customize the styles in PDF

I am using RinohType for generating my RST files to PDF.
I am trying to understand how to provide custom styles in the PDF for my logo and other elements.
I somehow felt the explanation in the Default matcher doesn't provide examples on how to do this.
rinoh_documents = [dict(doc='index', # top-level file (index.rst)
name = my article configuration
template = article
stylesheet = my_stylesheet.rts
parts =
language = fr
abstract_location = title
contents = 'Contents'
caution = 'Careful!'
warning = 'Please be warned'
paper_size = A5
page_number_format = lowercase roman
end_at_page = left
page_number_format = number
top_margin = 2cm
Here I am trying to change the width of my logo in the PDF.
What is the correct way to give the css properties here.
width: 100px
The default matcher defines the title page logo style. To adjust the style of this element, you can create a style sheet that builds upon the default sphinx style sheet and tweak the title page logo style:
name=My Style Sheet
description=My tweaks to the Sphinx style sheet
[title page logo]
width = 4cm
This style accepts the FlowableStyle style attributes. In the linked documentation, you can see the width attribute supports a bunch of units but not px.
Please stay tuned for better documentation. Something is actually happening in that area!
P.S. If you want to make more changes to the styling of your document, the style log can be very useful to find out which style name corresponds to a particular document element.

First line indentation in Sphinx

I do not manage to force sphinx to apply first line indentation to paragraphs with the ReadTheDoc theme. I tried
texinfo_elements = {'paragraphindent': 2}
but it does not seem to work. Is there another thing to do?
You can use a custom style with text-indent.
You can add this style to a custom.css file and include it in your as a configuration option html_css_files.
p {
text-indent: 1em;
html_css_files = ['custom.css']

How do I use multiple fonts ie a composite font in HexaPDF

Our users are giving us Emoji and a lot of other weird characters and the built-in Helvetica can't handle it. Neither can Google's Noto fonts by themselves - I need to figure out how to declare the Noto Font Family in HexaPDF and I can't figure out how to do that with the given documentation. OpenSans was an improvement, but I still want more glyph coverage than that.
I used this method to set the font:
def self.pdf_summary_font
##pdf_summary_font ||='public',
'OpenSansEmoji.ttf'), 'r')
canvas = page.canvas(type: :overlay)
canvas.font(self.class.pdf_summary_font, size: 10)
However, no Noto font ever worked with this - I would get errors like "Missing glyph - 'A'"
The best I could do was to use OpenSansEmoji, and replace missing glyphs with the following block:
style = canvas.font, fill_color: color, stroke_color: color, align: :left, valign: :center)
fragment = HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment.create(str, style)
layouter =[fragment], w, h).draw(canvas, x1, y2)
rescue HexaPDF::Error => e
if e.message.include?('Glyph for')
glyph = e.message.match(/\{(.*?)\}/).captures.first
str = do |char|
if char.dump.include?(glyph)
Have a look at and the configuration option "font_map". This allows you to declare any TrueType file and use it.
You could also use the path to the font file directly with the Canvas#font method.
If you need to cover a wide array of characters you need to use a single font that covers all of them, one of the fonts included in this ZIP file should probably work (Google says 582 languages, 237 regions included).

How change the header labels TYPO3 7 LTS fluid_styled_content

I use TYPO3 7.6.2 LTSwith the new fluid_styled_content. It's brilliant! Very easy to change the header types or upload elements or text/image stuff ...
But how can I change the Labels at Backend-TCA for the Header element f.e. Is it still over TSconfig or a locallang-file? And where it is?
And how can I disable some headlines. I only use Layout 1-3. If I found this, i'll never go back to css_styled_content..
Thanks for your advice.
The old way was like this TSconfig ..
TCEFORM.tt_content.header_layout.altLabels {
1 = H2 rot
2 = Grafische Ueberschrift
3 = Versteckt (CSS)
4 = Nicht ausgeben
TCEFORM.tt_content.header_layout.removeItems = 5,6,7,8,9,10,100
And TS setup
lib.stdheader = CASE
lib.stdheader {
key.field = header_layout ..
Nothing should have changed within TSconfig ... tested it ... works like a charm.
The frontend rendering of the header is not defined via TS any more (mostly), but via partials. Checkout the path settings in the TypoScript of lib.fluidContent. You can overwrite the default templates, partials and layout with your own fluid templates.
