Dynamic variable created in function not available in future calls - bash

I have a script that is (supposed to be) assigning a dynamic variable name (s1, s2, s3, ...) to a directory path:
savedir() {
declare -i n=1
while test "${!sn}" != ""; do
declare $sn=$PWD
echo "SAVED ($sn): ${!sn}"
The idea is that the user is in a directory they'd like to recall later on and can save it to a shell variable by typing 'savedir'. It -does- in fact write out the echo statement successfully: if I'm in the directory /home/mrjones and type 'savedir', the script returns:
SAVED (s1): /home/mrjones
...and I can further type:
echo $sn
and the script returns:
...but typing either...
> echo $s1
echo ${!sn}
...both return nothing (empty strings). What I want, in case it's not obvious, is this:
echo $s1
Any help is greatly appreciated! [apologies for the formatting...]

To set a variable using a name stored in another variable I use printf -v, in this example:
printf -v "$sn" '%s' "$PWD"
declare here is creating a variable local to the function, which doesn't seem to be what you want. Quoting from help declare:
When used in a function, declare makes NAMEs local, as with the local
command. The -g option suppresses this behavior.
so you can either try the -g or with the printf

Use an array instead.
savedir() {
echo "SAVED (s[$((${#s[#]}-1))]): ${s[${#s[#]}-1]}"


Saving function output into a variable named in an argument

I have an interesting problem that I can't seem to find the answer for. I am creating a simple app that will help my dev department auto launch docker containers with NginX and config files. My problem is, for some reason I can't get the bash script to store the name of a folder, while scanning the directory. Here is an extremely simple example of what I am talking about....
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder
for d in */ ; do
return $folder
getFolder FOLDER
echo "Using folder: $FOLDER"
I then save that simple script as folder_test.sh and put it in a folder where there is only one folder, change owner to me, and give it correct permissions. However, when I run the script I keep getting the error...
./folder_test.sh: 8 ./folder_test.sh: =test_folder/: not found
I have tried putting the $folder=$d part in different types of quotes, but nothing works. I have tried $folder="'"$d"'", $folder=`$d`, $folder="$d" but none of it works. Driving me insane, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If you want to save your result into a named variable, what you're doing is called "indirect assignment"; it's covered in BashFAQ #6.
One way is the following:
# ^^^^ not /bin/sh; bash is needed for printf -v
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder d
for d in */ ; do
printf -v "$__myResultFolder" %s "$folder"
getFolder folderName
echo "$folderName"
Other approaches include:
Using read:
IFS= read -r -d '' "$__myResultFolder" < <(printf '%s\0' "$folder")
Using eval (very, very carefully):
# note \$folder -- we're only trusting the destination variable name
# ...not trusting the content.
eval "$__myResultFolder=\$folder"
Using namevars (only if using new versions of bash):
getFolder() {
local -n __myResultFolder=$1
# ...your other logic here...
The culprit is the line
which is treating the folder names to stored with a = sign before and tried to expand it in that name i.e. literally treats the name =test_folder/ as an executable to be run under shell but does not find a file of that name. Change it to
Also, bash functions' return value is only restricted to integer types and you cannot send a string to the calling function. If you wanted to send a non-zero return code to the calling function on $folder being empty you could add a line
if [ -z "$folder" ]; then return 1; else return 0; fi
(or) if you want to return a string value from the function, do not use return, just do echo of the name and use command-substitution with the function name, i.e.
getFolder() {
local __myResultFolder=$1
local folder
for d in */ ; do
echo "$folder"
folderName=$(getFolder FOLDER)
echo "$folderName"

Accessing function-definition-time, not evaluation-time, value for a variable in bash

I hope that I can do something like this, and the output would be "hello"
dummy() {
local local_foo=`echo $foo`
echo $local_foo
This question means that I would like to capture the value of some global values at definition time, usually used via source blablabla.bash and would like that it defines a function that captures current variable's value.
The Sane Way
Functions are evaluated when they're run, not when they're defined. Since you want to capture a variable as it exists at definition time, you'll need a separate variable assigned at that time.
# By convention, global variables prefixed by a function name and double underscore are for
# the exclusive use of that function.
readonly dummy__foo="$foo" # capture foo as of dummy definition time, and prevent changes
dummy() {
local local_foo=$dummy__foo # ...and refer to that captured copy
echo "$local_foo"
The Insane Way
If you're willing to commit crimes against humanity, however, it is possible to do code generation to capture a value. For instance:
# usage: with_locals functionname k1=v1 [k2=v2 [...]]
with_locals() {
local func_name func_text assignments
func_name=$1; shift || return ## fail if out of arguments
(( $# )) || return ## noop if not given at least one assignment
func_text=$(declare -f "$func_name")
for arg; do
if [[ $arg = *=* ]]; then ## if we already look like an assignment, leave be
printf -v arg_q 'local %q; ' "$arg"
else ## otherwise, assume we're a bare name and run a lookup
printf -v arg_q 'local %q=%q; ' "$arg" "${!arg}"
# suffix first instance of { in the function definition with our assignments
eval "${func_text/{/{ $assignments}"
dummy() {
local local_foo="$foo"
echo "$local_foo"
with_locals dummy foo ## redefine dummy to always use the current value of "foo"
Well, you can comment out or remove the foo='' line, and that will do it. The function dummy does not execute until you call it, which is after you've blanked out the foo value, so it makes sense that you would get a blank line echoed. Hope this helps.
There is no way to execute the code inside a function unless that function gets called by bash. There is only an alternative of calling some other function that is used to define the function you want to call after.
That is what a dynamic function definition is.
I don't believe that you want that.
An alternative is to store the value of foo (calling the function) and then calling it again after the value has changed. Something hack-sh like this:
dummy() {
${global_foo+false} &&
global_foo="$foo" ||
echo "old_foo=$global_foo new_foo=$foo"
foo="a whole new foo"
Calling it will print:
$ ./script
old_foo=hello new_foo=new
old_foo=hello new_foo=a whole new foo
As I am not sure this address your real problem, just: Hope this helps.
After inspired by #CharlesDuffy, I think using eval might solve some of the problems, and the example can be modified as following:
eval "
dummy() {
local local_foo=$foo
echo \$local_foo
Which will give the result 'hello' instead of nothing.
#CharlesDuffy pointed out that such solution is quite dangerous:
local local_foo=$foo is dangerously buggy: If your foo value contains
an expansion such as $(rm -rf $HOME), it'll be executed
Using eval is good in performance, however being bad in security. And therefore I'd suggest #CharlesDuffy 's answer.

returning values from functions in bash [duplicate]

I'd like to return a string from a Bash function.
I'll write the example in java to show what I'd like to do:
public String getSomeString() {
return "tadaa";
String variable = getSomeString();
The example below works in bash, but is there a better way to do this?
function getSomeString {
echo "tadaa"
There is no better way I know of. Bash knows only status codes (integers) and strings written to the stdout.
You could have the function take a variable as the first arg and modify the variable with the string you want to return.
set -x
function pass_back_a_string() {
eval "$1='foo bar rab oof'"
pass_back_a_string return_var
echo $return_var
Prints "foo bar rab oof".
Edit: added quoting in the appropriate place to allow whitespace in string to address #Luca Borrione's comment.
Edit: As a demonstration, see the following program. This is a general-purpose solution: it even allows you to receive a string into a local variable.
set -x
function pass_back_a_string() {
eval "$1='foo bar rab oof'"
pass_back_a_string return_var
echo $return_var
function call_a_string_func() {
local lvar=''
pass_back_a_string lvar
echo "lvar='$lvar' locally"
echo "lvar='$lvar' globally"
This prints:
+ return_var=
+ pass_back_a_string return_var
+ eval 'return_var='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ return_var='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo foo bar rab oof
foo bar rab oof
+ call_a_string_func
+ local lvar=
+ pass_back_a_string lvar
+ eval 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ lvar='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'' locally'
lvar='foo bar rab oof' locally
+ echo 'lvar='\'''\'' globally'
lvar='' globally
Edit: demonstrating that the original variable's value is available in the function, as was incorrectly criticized by #Xichen Li in a comment.
set -x
function pass_back_a_string() {
eval "echo in pass_back_a_string, original $1 is \$$1"
eval "$1='foo bar rab oof'"
return_var='original return_var'
pass_back_a_string return_var
echo $return_var
function call_a_string_func() {
local lvar='original lvar'
pass_back_a_string lvar
echo "lvar='$lvar' locally"
echo "lvar='$lvar' globally"
This gives output:
+ return_var='original return_var'
+ pass_back_a_string return_var
+ eval 'echo in pass_back_a_string, original return_var is $return_var'
++ echo in pass_back_a_string, original return_var is original return_var
in pass_back_a_string, original return_var is original return_var
+ eval 'return_var='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ return_var='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo foo bar rab oof
foo bar rab oof
+ call_a_string_func
+ local 'lvar=original lvar'
+ pass_back_a_string lvar
+ eval 'echo in pass_back_a_string, original lvar is $lvar'
++ echo in pass_back_a_string, original lvar is original lvar
in pass_back_a_string, original lvar is original lvar
+ eval 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ lvar='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'' locally'
lvar='foo bar rab oof' locally
+ echo 'lvar='\'''\'' globally'
lvar='' globally
All answers above ignore what has been stated in the man page of bash.
All variables declared inside a function will be shared with the calling environment.
All variables declared local will not be shared.
Example code
echo function starts
local WillNotExists="It still does!"
DoesNotExists="It still does!"
echo function ends
echo $DoesNotExists #Should print empty line
echo $WillNotExists #Should print empty line
f #Call the function
echo $DoesNotExists #Should print It still does!
echo $WillNotExists #Should print empty line
And output
$ sh -x ./x.sh
+ echo
+ echo
+ f
+ echo function starts
function starts
+ local 'WillNotExists=It still does!'
+ DoesNotExists='It still does!'
+ echo function ends
function ends
+ echo It still 'does!'
It still does!
+ echo
Also under pdksh and ksh this script does the same!
Bash, since version 4.3, feb 2014(?), has explicit support for reference variables or name references (namerefs), beyond "eval", with the same beneficial performance and indirection effect, and which may be clearer in your scripts and also harder to "forget to 'eval' and have to fix this error":
declare [-aAfFgilnrtux] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
typeset [-aAfFgilnrtux] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
Declare variables and/or give them attributes
-n Give each name the nameref attribute, making it a name reference
to another variable. That other variable is defined by the value
of name. All references and assignments to name, except for⋅
changing the -n attribute itself, are performed on the variable
referenced by name's value. The -n attribute cannot be applied to
array variables.
When used in a function, declare and typeset make each name local,
as with the local command, unless the -g option is supplied...
and also:
A variable can be assigned the nameref attribute using the -n option to the
declare or local builtin commands (see the descriptions of declare and local
below) to create a nameref, or a reference to another variable. This allows
variables to be manipulated indirectly. Whenever the nameref variable is⋅
referenced or assigned to, the operation is actually performed on the variable
specified by the nameref variable's value. A nameref is commonly used within
shell functions to refer to a variable whose name is passed as an argument to⋅
the function. For instance, if a variable name is passed to a shell function
as its first argument, running
declare -n ref=$1
inside the function creates a nameref variable ref whose value is the variable
name passed as the first argument. References and assignments to ref are
treated as references and assignments to the variable whose name was passed as⋅
$1. If the control variable in a for loop has the nameref attribute, the list
of words can be a list of shell variables, and a name reference will be⋅
established for each word in the list, in turn, when the loop is executed.
Array variables cannot be given the -n attribute. However, nameref variables
can reference array variables and subscripted array variables. Namerefs can be⋅
unset using the -n option to the unset builtin. Otherwise, if unset is executed
with the name of a nameref variable as an argument, the variable referenced by⋅
the nameref variable will be unset.
For example (EDIT 2: (thank you Ron) namespaced (prefixed) the function-internal variable name, to minimize external variable clashes, which should finally answer properly, the issue raised in the comments by Karsten):
# $1 : string; your variable to contain the return value
function return_a_string () {
declare -n ret=$1
local MYLIB_return_a_string_message="The date is "
and testing this example:
$ return_a_string result; echo $result
The date is 20160817
Note that the bash "declare" builtin, when used in a function, makes the declared variable "local" by default, and "-n" can also be used with "local".
I prefer to distinguish "important declare" variables from "boring local" variables, so using "declare" and "local" in this way acts as documentation.
EDIT 1 - (Response to comment below by Karsten) - I cannot add comments below any more, but Karsten's comment got me thinking, so I did the following test which WORKS FINE, AFAICT - Karsten if you read this, please provide an exact set of test steps from the command line, showing the problem you assume exists, because these following steps work just fine:
$ return_a_string ret; echo $ret
The date is 20170104
(I ran this just now, after pasting the above function into a bash term - as you can see, the result works just fine.)
Like bstpierre above, I use and recommend the use of explicitly naming output variables:
function some_func() # OUTVAR ARG1
local _outvar=$1
local _result # Use some naming convention to avoid OUTVARs to clash
... some processing ....
eval $_outvar=\$_result # Instead of just =$_result
Note the use of quoting the $. This will avoid interpreting content in $result as shell special characters. I have found that this is an order of magnitude faster than the result=$(some_func "arg1") idiom of capturing an echo. The speed difference seems even more notable using bash on MSYS where stdout capturing from function calls is almost catastrophic.
It's ok to send in a local variables since locals are dynamically scoped in bash:
function another_func() # ARG
local result
some_func result "$1"
echo result is $result
You could also capture the function output:
function getSomeString() {
echo "tadaa!"
echo $return_var
# Alternative syntax:
echo $return_var
Looks weird, but is better than using global variables IMHO. Passing parameters works as usual, just put them inside the braces or backticks.
The most straightforward and robust solution is to use command substitution, as other people wrote:
local x
echo "$x"
x=$(assign) # This assigns string "Test" to x
The downside is performance as this requires a separate process.
The other technique suggested in this topic, namely passing the name of a variable to assign to as an argument, has side effects, and I wouldn't recommend it in its basic form. The problem is that you will probably need some variables in the function to calculate the return value, and it may happen that the name of the variable intended to store the return value will interfere with one of them:
local x
eval "$1=\$x"
assign y # This assigns string "Test" to y, as expected
assign x # This will NOT assign anything to x in this scope
# because the name "x" is declared as local inside the function
You might, of course, not declare internal variables of the function as local, but you really should always do it as otherwise you may, on the other hand, accidentally overwrite an unrelated variable from the parent scope if there is one with the same name.
One possible workaround is an explicit declaration of the passed variable as global:
local x
eval declare -g $1
eval "$1=\$x"
If name "x" is passed as an argument, the second row of the function body will overwrite the previous local declaration. But the names themselves might still interfere, so if you intend to use the value previously stored in the passed variable prior to write the return value there, be aware that you must copy it into another local variable at the very beginning; otherwise the result will be unpredictable!
Besides, this will only work in the most recent version of BASH, namely 4.2. More portable code might utilize explicit conditional constructs with the same effect:
if [[ $1 != x ]]; then
local x
eval "$1=\$x"
Perhaps the most elegant solution is just to reserve one global name for function return values and
use it consistently in every function you write.
As previously mentioned, the "correct" way to return a string from a function is with command substitution. In the event that the function also needs to output to console (as #Mani mentions above), create a temporary fd in the beginning of the function and redirect to console. Close the temporary fd before returning your string.
# file: func_return_test.sh
returnString() {
exec 3>&1 >/dev/tty
local s=$1
s=${s:="some default string"}
echo "writing directly to console"
exec 3>&-
echo "$s"
my_string=$(returnString "$*")
echo "my_string: [$my_string]"
executing script with no params produces...
# ./func_return_test.sh
writing directly to console
my_string: [some default string]
hope this helps people
You could use a global variable:
declare globalvar='some string'
string ()
eval "$1='some other string'"
} # ---------- end of function string ----------
string globalvar
echo "'${globalvar}'"
This gives
'some other string'
To illustrate my comment on Andy's answer, with additional file descriptor manipulation to avoid use of /dev/tty:
exec 3>&1
returnString() {
exec 4>&1 >&3
local s=$1
s=${s:="some default string"}
echo "writing to stdout"
echo "writing to stderr" >&2
exec >&4-
echo "$s"
my_string=$(returnString "$*")
echo "my_string: [$my_string]"
Still nasty, though.
The way you have it is the only way to do this without breaking scope. Bash doesn't have a concept of return types, just exit codes and file descriptors (stdin/out/err, etc)
Addressing Vicky Ronnen's head up, considering the following code:
function use_global
eval "$1='changed using a global var'"
function capture_output
echo "always changed"
function test_inside_a_func
local _myvar='local starting value'
echo "3. $_myvar"
use_global '_myvar'
echo "4. $_myvar"
_myvar=$( capture_output )
echo "5. $_myvar"
function only_difference
local _myvar='local starting value'
echo "7. $_myvar"
local use_global '_myvar'
echo "8. $_myvar"
local _myvar=$( capture_output )
echo "9. $_myvar"
declare myvar='global starting value'
echo "0. $myvar"
use_global 'myvar'
echo "1. $myvar"
myvar=$( capture_output )
echo "2. $myvar"
echo "6. $_myvar" # this was local inside the above function
will give
0. global starting value
1. changed using a global var
2. always changed
3. local starting value
4. changed using a global var
5. always changed
7. local starting value
8. local starting value
9. always changed
Maybe the normal scenario is to use the syntax used in the test_inside_a_func function, thus you can use both methods in the majority of cases, although capturing the output is the safer method always working in any situation, mimicking the returning value from a function that you can find in other languages, as Vicky Ronnen correctly pointed out.
The options have been all enumerated, I think. Choosing one may come down to a matter of the best style for your particular application, and in that vein, I want to offer one particular style I've found useful. In bash, variables and functions are not in the same namespace. So, treating the variable of the same name as the value of the function is a convention that I find minimizes name clashes and enhances readability, if I apply it rigorously. An example from real life:
function GetChar() {
# assume failure
# if someone previously "ungot" a char
if ! [ -z "$UnGetChar" ]; then
return 0 # success
# else, if not at EOF
elif IFS= read -N1 GetChar ; then
return 0 # success
return 1 # EOF
function UnGetChar(){
And, an example of using such functions:
function GetToken() {
# assume failure
# if at end of file
if ! GetChar; then
return 1 # EOF
# if start of comment
elif [[ "$GetChar" == "#" ]]; then
while [[ "$GetChar" != $'\n' ]]; do
UnGetChar "$GetChar"
# if start of quoted string
elif [ "$GetChar" == '"' ]; then
# ... et cetera
As you can see, the return status is there for you to use when you need it, or ignore if you don't. The "returned" variable can likewise be used or ignored, but of course only after the function is invoked.
Of course, this is only a convention. You are free to fail to set the associated value before returning (hence my convention of always nulling it at the start of the function) or to trample its value by calling the function again (possibly indirectly). Still, it's a convention I find very useful if I find myself making heavy use of bash functions.
As opposed to the sentiment that this is a sign one should e.g. "move to perl", my philosophy is that conventions are always important for managing the complexity of any language whatsoever.
In my programs, by convention, this is what the pre-existing $REPLY variable is for, which read uses for that exact purpose.
function getSomeString {
echo $REPLY
This echoes
But to avoid conflicts, any other global variable will do.
declare result
function getSomeString {
echo $result
If that isn’t enough, I recommend Markarian451’s solution.
They key problem of any 'named output variable' scheme where the caller can pass in the variable name (whether using eval or declare -n) is inadvertent aliasing, i.e. name clashes: From an encapsulation point of view, it's awful to not be able to add or rename a local variable in a function without checking ALL the function's callers first to make sure they're not wanting to pass that same name as the output parameter. (Or in the other direction, I don't want to have to read the source of the function I'm calling just to make sure the output parameter I intend to use is not a local in that function.)
The only way around that is to use a single dedicated output variable like REPLY (as suggested by Evi1M4chine) or a convention like the one suggested by Ron Burk.
However, it's possible to have functions use a fixed output variable internally, and then add some sugar over the top to hide this fact from the caller, as I've done with the call function in the following example. Consider this a proof of concept, but the key points are
The function always assigns the return value to REPLY, and can also return an exit code as usual
From the perspective of the caller, the return value can be assigned to any variable (local or global) including REPLY (see the wrapper example). The exit code of the function is passed through, so using them in e.g. an if or while or similar constructs works as expected.
Syntactically the function call is still a single simple statement.
The reason this works is because the call function itself has no locals and uses no variables other than REPLY, avoiding any potential for name clashes. At the point where the caller-defined output variable name is assigned, we're effectively in the caller's scope (technically in the identical scope of the call function), rather than in the scope of the function being called.
function call() { # var=func [args ...]
REPLY=; "${1#*=}" "${#:2}"; eval "${1%%=*}=\$REPLY; return $?"
function greet() {
case "$1" in
us) REPLY="hello";;
nz) REPLY="kia ora";;
*) return 123;;
function wrapper() {
call REPLY=greet "$#"
function main() {
local a b c d
call a=greet us
echo "a='$a' ($?)"
call b=greet nz
echo "b='$b' ($?)"
call c=greet de
echo "c='$c' ($?)"
call d=wrapper us
echo "d='$d' ($?)"
a='hello' (0)
b='kia ora' (0)
c='' (123)
d='hello' (0)
You can echo a string, but catch it by piping (|) the function to something else.
You can do it with expr, though ShellCheck reports this usage as deprecated.
bash pattern to return both scalar and array value objects:
url_parse() { # parse 'url' into: 'url_host', 'url_port', ...
local "$#" # inject caller 'url' argument in local scope
local url_host="..." url_path="..." # calculate 'url_*' components
declare -p ${!url_*} # return only 'url_*' object fields to the caller
main() { # invoke url parser and inject 'url_*' results in local scope
eval "$(url_parse url=http://host/path)" # parse 'url'
echo "host=$url_host path=$url_path" # use 'url_*' components
Although there were a lot of good answers, they all did not work the way I wanted them to. So here is my solution with these key points:
Helping the forgetful programmer
Atleast I would struggle to always remember error checking after something like this: var=$(myFunction)
Allows assigning values with newline chars \n
Some solutions do not allow for that as some forgot about the single quotes around the value to assign. Right way: eval "${returnVariable}='${value}'" or even better: see the next point below.
Using printf instead of eval
Just try using something like this myFunction "date && var2" to some of the supposed solutions here. eval will execute whatever is given to it. I only want to assign values so I use printf -v "${returnVariable}" "%s" "${value}" instead.
Encapsulation and protection against variable name collision
If a different user or at least someone with less knowledge about the function (this is likely me in some months time) is using myFunction I do not want them to know that he must use a global return value name or some variable names are forbidden to use. That is why I added a name check at the top of myFunction:
if [[ "${1}" = "returnVariable" ]]; then
echo "Cannot give the ouput to \"returnVariable\" as a variable with the same name is used in myFunction()!"
echo "If that is still what you want to do please do that outside of myFunction()!"
return 1
Note this could also be put into a function itself if you have to check a lot of variables.
If I still want to use the same name (here: returnVariable) I just create a buffer variable, give that to myFunction and then copy the value returnVariable.
So here it is:
myFunction() {
if [[ "${1}" = "returnVariable" ]]; then
echo "Cannot give the ouput to \"returnVariable\" as a variable with the same name is used in myFunction()!"
echo "If that is still what you want to do please do that outside of myFunction()!"
return 1
if [[ "${1}" = "value" ]]; then
echo "Cannot give the ouput to \"value\" as a variable with the same name is used in myFunction()!"
echo "If that is still what you want to do please do that outside of myFunction()!"
return 1
local returnVariable="${1}"
local value=$'===========\nHello World\n==========='
echo "setting the returnVariable now..."
printf -v "${returnVariable}" "%s" "${value}"
Test cases:
var1="I'm not greeting!"
myFunction var1
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo "myFunction(): SUCCESS" || echo "myFunction(): FAILURE"
printf "var1:\n%s\n" "${var1}"
# Output:
# setting the returnVariable now...
# myFunction(): SUCCESS
# var1:
# ===========
# Hello World
# ===========
returnVariable="I'm not greeting!"
myFunction returnVariable
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo "myFunction(): SUCCESS" || echo "myFunction(): FAILURE"
printf "returnVariable:\n%s\n" "${returnVariable}"
# Output
# Cannot give the ouput to "returnVariable" as a variable with the same name is used in myFunction()!
# If that is still what you want to do please do that outside of myFunction()!
# myFunction(): FAILURE
# returnVariable:
# I'm not greeting!
var2="I'm not greeting!"
myFunction "date && var2"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo "myFunction(): SUCCESS" || echo "myFunction(): FAILURE"
printf "var2:\n%s\n" "${var2}"
# Output
# setting the returnVariable now...
# ...myFunction: line ..: printf: `date && var2': not a valid identifier
# myFunction(): FAILURE
# var2:
# I'm not greeting!
myFunction var3
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo "myFunction(): SUCCESS" || echo "myFunction(): FAILURE"
printf "var3:\n%s\n" "${var3}"
# Output
# setting the returnVariable now...
# myFunction(): SUCCESS
# var3:
# ===========
# Hello World
# ===========
#Implement a generic return stack for functions:
push() {
STACK+=( "${1}" )
pop() {
export $1="${STACK[${#STACK[#]}-1]}"
unset 'STACK[${#STACK[#]}-1]';
my_func() {
push "Hello world!"
push "Hello world2!"
my_func ; pop MESSAGE2 ; pop MESSAGE1
echo ${MESSAGE1} ${MESSAGE2}
agt#agtsoft:~/temp$ cat ./fc
fcall='function fcall { local res p=$1; shift; fname $*; eval "$p=$res"; }; fcall'
function f1 {
function f2 {
local a;
eval ${fcall//fname/f1} a 2 3;
echo f2:$a;
echo after:a=$a, res=$res
agt#agtsoft:~/temp$ ./fc
after:a=3, res=

ksh: Defining a parameter name with another parameter's value

I have a ksh script that reads a profile script with a number of sessions defined. Each session defines its own parameters as such:
The script gets the SESSION parameter from the command line, but I simply set it for the example.
I want to let the SESSION parameter value define part of another parameter name, that I need the value from, like:
That gives me a compile error.
I also tried
But that returns $SESSION_ONE_USER
I want it to return the value of the parameter SESSION_ONE_USER instead.
Does anyone have any solutions?
This is what eval is for:
eval echo \$${SESSION}_USER
should display the value of $SESSION_ONE_USER.
Don't monkey with variable names, use associative arrays instead
typeset -A users
typeset -A pwd
for key in "${!users[#]}"; do
echo "user for session $key is ${users[$key]}"
echo "pwd for session $key is ${pwd[$key]}"
Try this:
echo $USER
echo $PASS
The "!" does a level of indirection. See Shell Parameter Expansion.
If this is ksh, then this is a job for nameref
alias nameref='typeset -n'
Example Solution
function session_parameters { set -u
typeset session=${1:?session name}
nameref user=SESSION_${session}_USER
nameref pass=SESSION_${session}_PASS
print session=$session user=$user pass=$pass
for s in ONE TWO THREE; do
session_parameters $s
Sample output
session=ONE user=User1 pass=Pass1
session=TWO user=User2 pass=Pass2
test_session_parameters[12]: session_parameters: line 5:
SESSION_THREE_USER: parameter not set
Note the usage of set -u to force the error message on line 3.
nameref usage: (from the builtin help text)
typeset - declare or display variables with attributes
typeset [ options ] [name[=value]...]
Name reference.
The value is the name of a variable that name references. name cannot contain a ... Cannot be use with any other options.

Create variable from string/nameonly parameter to extract data in bash?

I want to save the variable name and its contents easily from my script.
Currently :-
echo "TEST : ${TEST}" >> ${LOGFILE}
Desired :-
function save()
echo "$1 : $1" >> ${LOGFILE}
save TEST
Obviously the above save function just saves TEST : TEST
Want I want it to save is TEST : /file/path
Can this be done? How? Many thanks in advance!
You want to use Variable Indirection. Also, don't use the function keyword, it is not POSIX and also not necessary as long as you have () at the end of your function name.
echo "$1 : ${!1}" >> ${LOGFILE}
save TEST
Proof of Concept
$ TEST=foo; save(){ echo "$1 : ${!1}"; }; save TEST
TEST : foo
Yes, using indirect expansion:
echo "$1 : ${!1}"
Quoting from Bash reference manual:
The basic form of parameter expansion is ${parameter} [...] If the first character of parameter is an exclamation point (!), a level of variable indirection is introduced. Bash uses the value of the variable formed from the rest of parameter as the name of the variable; this variable is then expanded and that value is used in the rest of the substitution, rather than the value of parameter itself. This is known as indirect expansion
Consider using the printenv function. It does exactly what it says on the tin, prints your environment. It can also take parameters
$ printenv
You could do printenv and then grep for any vars you know you have defined and be done in two lines, such as:
$printenv | grep "VARNAME1\|VARNAME2"
