I am having a hard time figuring out the ordering found after topological soft of this given graph. if anyone could explain to me I would appreciate it!
In order to do a topological sort, you run a depth-first search on the graph. Note: for this to work, it must be a Directed Acyclic Graph. This graph is directed (edges go one-way) and acyclic (there are no cycles), so topological sort works here. You can start at any node that has no incoming edges, and then once you complete a node (that is, you've already visited all of the node's children), you add it to the front of your topological ordering. Note: There can be multiple topological orderings for a DAG.
Here, A is the only node with no incoming edges. Let's run our DFS where, when given a choice between children, we pick the one that comes first in the alphabet.
A goes to B, which goes to C, then D, then G, then F. F has no children, so that is finished and will be the last thing in our topological ordering. We go back up to G, which takes us to H, which also has no children, so we put it before F in the ordering. From here, we continue the DFS until the ordering is complete.
I won't solve it fully for you, but I hope you can see how to complete the ordering.
I am wondering as to why all Directed Acyclic Graph have more than one topological sort order.
I have searched up google and saying most of it just breeze through the fact that they have at least one topo sort. But i am thinking along the lines of how a singly linked list is implemented :
A -> B -> C -> D
This might mean that there is only one way the toposort can technically go through - D, C, B, A...
However, it may be the case that that is not a directed acyclic graph but i am not sure how to refute the case since it is directed (A to B, etc) , Acyclic (There are no cycles back to any start) Graph (it is technically a tree)..
Thank you so much for any clarifications provided !
It's not true that all DAGs have more than one topological sort. Remember that we can construct a topological sort by removing vertices with no incoming edges in order.
Consider a DAG that contains a continuous path that connects all its vertices (Note that this path does not form a cycle, otherwise it won't be a DAG). We can start by removing a vertex with no incoming edge and repeat. We'll find that the topological sort has an edge between each consecutive pair of vertices. If we wanted to form another topological sort, we could have started by removing some other vertex with no incoming edge, but this would mean that there are at least 2 edges with no incoming edges and in that case, it would be impossible to start a path from one vertex and connect all others.
Since we started with a DAG having a path connecting all the vertices, we are met with a contradiction. Hence, it is proven that a DAG with a path connecting all the vertices will have a unique topological sort.
I have been through multiple definitions of DAG and all of them say that it is a directed graph without cycles. Also, it is said that it has topological ordering.
Now the following figure is directed graph and does not have cycles.
But looking at the ordering of edges (look at edge (2,1)), it is not topologically ordered.
Is this still a DAG or every edge must be topologically ordered for this graph to be a DAG??
Yes this is a DAG. To check: you cannot go from one node and reach it again following the edges in the graph. As a matter of fact, the graph is complete directed acyclic graph in a sense that it holds the maximum number of possible edges in a DAG of 3 nodes. Adding any new edge would turn it into a cyclic digraph.
For complete DAGs, there is only one topological order. In your case it is 0>2>1.
An informal way to generate a topological ordering:
pick the source -- the one with zero incoming edges (in case there
are many, choose anyone).
Remove it from the graph (with its outgoing edges of course).
Repeat until you end up with empty graph.
This is a question from Algorithm Design by Steven Skiena (for interview prep):
An articulation vertex of a graph G is a vertex whose deletion disconnects G. Let G be a graph with n vertices and m edges. Give a simple O(n + m) that finds a deletion order for the n vertices such that no deletion disconnects the graph.
This is what I thought:
Run DFS on the graph and keep updating each node's oldest reachable ancestor (based on which we decide if it's a bridge cut node, parent cute node or root cut node)
If we find a leaf node(vertex) or a node which is not an articulation vertex delete it.
At the end of DFS, we'd be left with all those nodes in graph which were found to be articulation vertices
The graph will remain connected as the articulation vertices are intact. I've tried it on a couple of graphs and it seems to work but it feels too simple for the book.
in 2 steps:
make the graph DAG using any traversal algorithm
do topology sort
each step finishes without going beyond O(m+n)
Assuming the graph is connected, then any random node reaches a subgraph whose spanning tree may be deleted in post-order without breaking the connectedness of the graph. Repeat in this manner until the graph is all gone.
Utilize DFS to track the exit time of each vertex;
Delete vertices in the order of recorded exit time;
If we always delete leaves of a tree one by one, rest of the tree remain connected. One particular way of doing this is to assign a pre-order number to each vertex as the graph is traversed using DFS or BFS. Sort the vertices in descending order (based on pre-order numbers). Remove vertices in that order from graph. Note that the leaves are always deleted first.
I know the answer to this particular question is O(V + E) and for a Graph like a tree, it makes sense because each Vertex is being explored once only.
However let's say there is a cycle in the graph.
For example, let's take up an undirected graph with four vertices A-B-C-D.
A is connected to both B and C, and Both B and C are connected to D. So there are four edges in total. A->B, A->C, B->D, C->D and vice versa.
Let's do DFS(A).
It will explore B first and B's neighbor D and D's neighbor C. After that C will not have any edges so it will come back to D and B and then A.
Then A will traverse its second edge and try to explore C and since it is already explored it will not do anything and DFS will end.
But over here Vertex "C" has been traversed twice, not once. Clearly worst case time complexity can be directly proportional to V.
Any ideas?
If you do not maintain a visited set, that you use to avoid revisitting already visited nodes, DFS is not O(V+E). In fact, it is not complete algorithm - thus it might not even find a path if there is a one, because it will be stuck in an infinite loop.
Note that for infinite graphs, if you are looking for a path from s to t, even with maintaining a visited set, it is not guaranteed to complete, since you might get stuck in an infinite branch.
If you are interested in keeping DFS's advantage of efficient space consumption, while still being complete - you might use iterative deepening DFS, but it will not trivially solve the problem if you are looking to discover the whole graph, and not a path to a specific node.
EDIT: DFS pseudo code with visited set.
for each u such that (v,u) is an edge:
if (u is not in visited):
It is easy to see that you invoke the recursion on a vertex if and only if it is not yet visited, thus the answer is indeed linear in the number of vertices and edges.
You can visit each vertex and edge of the graph a constant number of times and still be O(V+E). An alternative way of looking at it is that the cost is charged to the edge, not to the vertex.
I have a set of data on which I need to perform a topological sort, with a few assumptions and constraints, and I was wondering if anyone knew an existing, efficient algorithm that would be appropriate for this.
The data relationships are known to form a DAG (so no cycles to worry about).
An edge from A to B indicates that A depends on B, so B must appear before A in the topological ordering.
The graph is not necessarily connected; that is, for any two nodes N and M there may be no way to get from N to M by following edges (even if you ignore edge direction).
The data relationships are singly linked. This means that when there is an edge directed from A to B, only the A node contains information about the existence of the edge.
The problem can be formulated as follows:
Given a set of nodes S in graph G which may or may not have incoming edges, find a topological ordering of the subgraph G' consisting of all of the nodes in G that are reachable from any node in set S (obeying edge direction).
This confounds the usual approaches to topological sorting because they require that the nodes in set S do not have any incoming edges, which is something that is not true in my case. The pathological case is:
A --> B --> D
| ^ ^
| | |
\---> C ----/
Where S = {B, C}. An appropriate ordering would be D, B, C, but if a normal topological sort algorithm happened to consider B before C, it would end up with C, D, B, which is completely wrong. (Note that A does not appear in the resulting ordering since it is not reachable from S; it's there to give an example where all of the nodes in S might have incoming edges)
Now, I have to imagine that this is a long-solved problem, since this is essentially what programs like apt and yum have to do when you specify multiple packages in one install command. However, when I search for keyphrases like "dependency resolution algorithm", I get results describing normal topological sorting, which does not handle this particular case.
I can think of a couple of ways to do this, but none of them seem particularly elegant. I was wondering if anyone had some pointers to an appropriate algorithm, preferably one that can operate in a single pass over the data.
I don't think you'll find an algorithm that can do this with a single pass over the data. I would perform a breadth-first search, starting with the nodes in S, and then do a topological sort on the resulting subgraph.
I think you can do a topological sorting of the entire graph and then select only the nodes which are reachable from the set of nodes (you can do some depth first searches from the nodes in the set, in the order resulted after the sorting, and you'll get in the subtree of a node if it wasn't visited before).