How to resolve error "Cannot load JDBC driver class" displayed in jmeter 4.0 - jmeter

I recently updated to jmeter 4.0 from jmeter 3.2. In jmx file, i have query to execute and it was running fine in jmeter 3.2 . But the jmx file fails with error "Response message: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class ''" in jmeter 4.0. Please help me in resolving this issue.
below is the screenshot of JDBC Connection Configuration

You need to
Download Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
Extract mssql-jdbc-x.x.x.jrex.jar somewhere to JMeter Classpath
Restart JMeter to pick the .jar up
See Building a Database Test Plan and How to use Different JDBC Drivers articles for more details on how to use JMeter for database testing.


Unable to connect to couchbase from jmeter

I am trying to query couchbase from within JMeter in mac.
I downloaded connector-couchbase-10.0.2.jar. I put the jar file in the jmeter lib folder. I have the couchbase URL of my org and I can connect to it and query it directly.
I put the couchbase uRL in the jmeter JDBC Connector Configuration element. However, it is not clear what to put in the JDBC Driver class.
I keep getting the error message "“Cannot load JDBC driver class”. Any idea what should I do? Is there a way to add the couchbase connector through the JMeter Plugins Manager?
I appreciate any clues to this.
Add also connector's dependencies to JMeter's lib folder
Dependencies teiid-api, teiid-common-core, jboss-connector-api_1.7_spec, couchbase-api, java-client,
Use JDBC Driver as cdata.jdbc.couchbase.CouchbaseDriver, see couchbase JDBC docs
Provide the JDBC URL. For example:

Cannot load JDBC driver class '' error display while running JMeter load test in VSTS

I am trying to run the JMeter load test in VSTS. As this load test runs successfully on my local machine, but displays an error message while using VSTS.
I am using JDBC Connection Configuration step to create a connection with SQL server database.
2019-12-12 11:58:14,882 WARN o.a.j.p.j.p.AbstractJDBCProcessor: SQL Problem in JDBC PostProcessor: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class ''
What you can do is to just simply include the required jar files(in this case jdbc driver jar) along with the other supported files(e.g any csv file for data).
This message usually means that the jar file for class was not found in VSTS classpath.
Have a look at this thread which sheds some light on how to achieve this:
Visual Studio Code, Java Extension, howto add jar to classpath

Jmeter and Oracle Connections - JDBC Request

When I try to use the JDBC Connector I'm getting this error when I go to try and send a SQL.
I'm getting a weird error that I don't understand when trying to connect a JDBC request to an Oracle DB.
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method abstract isValid(I)Z of interface java.sql.Connection.
at or
What's going on here? #jmeter
JDBC driver might be outdated. Does ojdbc8.jar exist in your Jmeter/lib directory?
If not, try downloading it to that directory from the link below. Then, re-start Jmeter and reattempt the connection.
You should add ojdbc7.jar to your Test Plan
You can click on Browse and add it, Save Test Plan and restart JMeter

Not able to send jdbc request in JMeter

No suitable driver found for jdbc:oracle for JDBC request in JMeter.
Configuration details:
Suggest if any changes required to resolve it.
Make sure your add Oracle JDBC driver to JMeter Classpath and restart JMeter afterwars.
I am not sure that copying and pasting tnsnames.ora into the JDBC URL is supported, as far as I'm aware you need to set system property and use TNS entry in the JDBC URL like jdbc:oracle:thin:#your_entry_name_here
I also believe you should change your "Validation query" to SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
More information:
DBCP - validationQuery for different Databases
Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference
The Real Secret to Building a Database Test Plan With JMeter

BIRT Report not connected with sql server jdbc 4.0

When I deployed sample test report in apache tomcat 7.0.67, it was running correctly and another report connected with SQL server 2012. Report design preview is also working. BIRT report design manage driver, jdbc driver have been added and test connection found ok.
sqljdbc4.0.jar has been added to the Apache tomact BIRT\WEBINF\lib
but local host showing following error: An exception occurred during processing. Please see the following message for details:
Cannot open the connection for the driver: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.8 is not supported by this driver.
Use the sqljdbc4.jar class library, which provides support for JDBC 4.0.
