Erlang 'typer' command is not found (Homebrew installation on macOS) - macos

I installed Erlang (version 20.3.1) using brew install erlang on macOS 10.13.3.
erl and dialyzer seem to be working fine, but typer is unavailable:
mac:user$ typer my_module.erl
-bash: typer: command not found
mac:user$ which erl
Does typer need to be installed separately?
I thought it was a part of the standard distribution.

It's not symlinked via Homebrew, but it is installed.
It's at /usr/local/Cellar/erlang/$ERL_VERSION/lib/erlang/bin/typer.


Terminal shows wrong version of Python after fresh installation on M1 Mac

I downloaded Python 3.9.7 universal2 installer and installed Python on my M1-chip MacBook. Note that this was the first Python installation on this machine except for Apple-provided Python 2.7.16.
Then after running python3 --version line in the Terminal I've got this output xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at '/Applications/', requesting install. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line developer tools. and a pop-up window was opened suggesting installing necessary software. I installed it.
After that I ran python3 --version line again and got this output: Python 3.8.2. The expected output is Python 3.9.7.
What happened? Did I do anything wrong? How to fix it?
It turns out that at least for M1 Macs Apple provides two versions of Python: 2.7.16 and 3.8.2 by default. The commands python --version and python3 --version correspond to them as they appear. The command needed to be used is python3.9 --version which outputs Python 3.9.7 as expected.

I'm trying to install homebrew in my 32 bit ubuntu machine. But it's not working and I got this error

I used to site to install homebrew
after I run this command I got below error on terminal
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Error in terminal:
Error: No Homebrew ruby 2.6.3_2 available for i686 processors!
Error: Failed to install Homebrew Portable Ruby and cannot find another Ruby 2.6!
If there's no Homebrew Portable Ruby available for your processor:
install Ruby 2.6 with your system package manager (or rbenv/ruby-build)
make it first in your PATH
try again
Even I installed Ruby 2.6 in my machine, still I faced the same issue.
Can anyone help me to fix this issue?
As documented in here, the official homebrew installation requirements are:
A 64-bit Intel CPU
macOS High Sierra (10.13) (or higher)
Command Line Tools (CLT) for Xcode: xcode-select --install, or Xcode
A Bourne-compatible shell for installation (e.g. bash or zsh)
For 32 bit machines, there is something called Tigerbrew maintained by Homebrew core maintainer. Follow the separate installation over there, you should be in the good state to install your first formula.

Xcode: Command not found

I have installed Xcode on my MacBook.
I checked that I have the XCode command line tool also installed as shown below:
I need to use Xcode command to install some dependencies, so I opened my terminal and run the command:
But I get Xcode: Command not found error. Why? How to get rid of this issue?
Okk, if you're trying to install the AWS ELastic beanstalk CLI (you're coming from EB CLI Installer on Github here)
then the line Xcode openssl zlib readline refers to all the packages that are prerequisites to the installation and not a command that you should run.
In short use:
brew install openssl
brew install zlib
brew install readline
And make sure Xcode is installed through which g++ if you get /usr/bin/g++
you're all set and you can proceed to the following steps

Wine is installed but running command wine returns "bash: wine: command not found"

I recently successfully installed wine 3.0 rc2, and double checked to make sure it was installed.
I did this all through commandline using homebrew.
However, when I run the command
wine APP.exe
it returns
-bash: wine: command not found
I tried
brew unlink wine
brew link wine
but got
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/wine
Any help? It is installed, 100%. I tried reinstalling as well, but to no avail.

how to install libX11 on OSx 10.9?

I am trying to install ROOT ( When I run ./configure , I get a message that libX11 is missing and must be installed.
I did some research and found that I need to install
) XQuartz (I already have the latest version.)
) Command line tools in Xcode.
I tried installing Command Line Tools from apple's developer website. The installation goes through smoothly but how do I know whether it has been installed? I still get libX11 missing error with root's configure command.
I also tried xcode-select --install and it once went through smoothly and then later again gives error saying this package is no longer maintained - or something of that sort.
I understand I may have multiple installations... But I am still facing the problem of not having libX11 and not being able to install ROOT.
This link and the one referenced in it suggests you use homebrew (brew) to install it
$ ruby <(curl -fsS
$ brew doctor
Remember to add the Homebrew directory to your PATH by adding the directory (found with brew --prefix) to your .bashrc, .zshrc or whatever shell file you’re using (.bashrc is the OS X default). We’ll also add the XQuartz binaries to the PATH in case anything needs them in the future.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:$PATH
Start a new Terminal session to pick up the changes.
Now that Homebrew is installed, we can use it to install the required dependencies. Each may take some time as Homebrew generally compiles from source.
$ brew install gfortran # Fortran compiler
$ brew install python # Python interpreter
$ brew install pcre # Regular Expressions library
$ brew install fftw # Fast Fourier Transforms
$ brew install cmake # Cross-platform make
install root
$ brew tap homebrew/science
$ brew install --with-cocoa root
You don't say whether you have installed XCode as well as the commandline tools but I think you will need it
