fastlane package questions:Couldn't find app '' on the account of '' on iTunes Connect - testflight

enter image description here
this is my first time to use fastlane, i want to upload ipa file to testflight, in the Fastfile, i write this:
enter image description here
but when i excuted 'fastlane beta' in command line, it appeared error "Couldn't find app '' on the account of '' on iTunes Connect", i don't know what's wrong, hope someone to help me, thanks very much.

EDIT 2022: This issue popped back up as I was attempting upload to Testflight
FURTHER EDIT: Fastlane 2.204.2 is the official fix - bump to that one or remove the explicit version dependency for 2.204.1 to resolve
I started seeing the same issue this week after not touching the files for quite some time (we use Deliver and Pilotfiles for upload/submissions). From Fastlanes release pages: "There is an issue with how App Store Connect API is handling /v1/apps?filter[bundleId]= where the bundle identifier is greater than 25 characters."
As an interim solution please update fastlane versions to point to 2.204.1 (had to manually specify the version in our Gemfile) this is going to be a temp fix though, so watch for upcoming releases and flip back accordingly

I faced this same issue when running fastlane ios beta despite having the app correctly set up on my account, and found the cause to be the app identifier in my project's fastlane configuration was mis-spelt using the wrong case (eg 'com.Pxxx' instead of 'com.pxxx').
Correcting this in the first line of ios/fastlane/Appfile fixed the issue for me.


Trubleshooting xcode Upload Issues [duplicate]

I rejected a binary i had which was 1.0 (1.0).
The status went into Rejected by developer.
I went to upload a new binary and ran into this issue, i then saw that i needed to increment my build.
I increased both the app version and build to 1.1, this was a mistake.
I got some error about the app version not matching, understood.
Then i tried app version 1.0 and many different build numbers.
1.1, 1.0.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.0.3..nothing works.
I keep getting this error. There is only one build listed on itunes connect (1.0)
I tried submitting with no binary and it says i need one.
I even tried changing the app version to 1.1 in itunes connected and then uploading
1.1 (1.0) and that fails as well with the same duplicate issue.
Anyone ever have this issue?
The workaround of changing the build number is working for me, with the following context:
the app version status is "Prepare for submission"
the new version number is well saved in iTunesConnect (pressing the save button on version page in iTunesConnect)
the CFBundleShortVersionString is matching the version number in iTunesConnect (e.g. "1.2")
the CFBundleVersion in the Info.plist is incremented (e.g. 1.2.1)
In this way, several build are associated to the iTunesConnect version.
Here is how it looks like in iTunesConnect (1.2 is the short version number, 1.2 and 1.2.1 are the bundle versions):
I was trying for hours with no luck, after waiting a few more hours i got a reply from apple support asking for more info.
When i went to replicate the issue again for screenshots i decided to use a build number of 2.0, i was hoping maybe it wanted the major version to be higher.
This worked!
Everywhere online that i read said that 1.0 to 1.1 would work fine...or 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
I, for some reason, had to go from 1.0 to 2.0.
Or there is always the possibility that waiting a few more hours did something.
Solved this issue by incrementing build version by 1 instead of sub-version. i.e. 1.0 to 2.0 instead of 1.0 to 1.1
I experienced this also, just increase the build number fixed it for me. I changed the build version to 1.0.1 and it worked. This can be found in the 'General' Tab in Xcode. Make sure you archive and validate again before submitting to App Store.
You need not to change the version number ,just change the Build number. But you should know that the Build number must be higher than last version you had uploaded. For example, your version number is 2.6.8 and Build number is 2.6.8 then you can change the Build number to 2.6.9. If you change the Build number to it will occur a error say that the Build number( must be higher than the exist one(2.6.8) . So the key point is Build number.
#Jayprakash Dubey
Tried many different build numbers myself. The only option that worked for me was to give a 4 figures build number : (1.1 being my app version number on iTunes Connect).
Hope it helps!
I guess, since Apple has integrated test flight into itunesconnect, there is a difference between version and Build (which is the wording they use in project-settings->target->generalScreen) and in info.plist its equivalent is "Bundle Version String short" and "Bundle Version". Here the wording has never made real sense to me.
I have gotten the error with version 2.2 and build 2.2. I changed it to version 2.2 and build 1 (because it was my first upload) and it worked.
For certain reason, Apple provided the build field on the General Tab in Xcode.
I have also encountered this issue and as much as you do, I am getting the same error over and over again even if I was changing the version numbers.
What is suppose to be done here is to update the build number only even using the same version number.
In my case, I have an App version 0.0.1, every time I upload a binary I need to change the build number eg:
Upload build 0.0.0 - Reject Binary and
Upload build 0.0.1 - Reject Binary and
Upload build 0.0.2
I tried ApplicationLoader 2.9.1, it's working for me.
ApplicationLoader 2.9.1 can download from itunes connect.
I've had this problem before and have solved it like you have, by upping my build number every time. It has always worked.
Now however, I am completely stuck. I have just added the Today Extension to my app, and now when I try to upload it always comes back with a 4238, no matter what version / build combination I put in. It's crazy, been at it for 2 hours now.
I'm wondering if there is any way certain build settings could make the uploader think there are 2 binaries?
I have a separate distribution profile for the main app and the extension, I also have 'Build Active Architectures Only' set to NO. That is all I can think of that would mess this up.
Any thoughts?
My issue was that the build number that I was updating in the General tab of Xcode wasn't changing the bundle version in the app's plist - so the uploader thought I was uploading the same build every time no matter what build number I was using. Once I changed the bundle version in the plist, everything worked fine.
I solved same problem...I uploaded a version 1.01 and build 1.1 then I decided to reject this compilation. I Changed on i-tunes version to 1.1 and tried to upload new version 1.1 build 1.1 and I got error. Then I change on xcode to build 1.2 and upload ok.
In my case I had to make build numer higher that last build number I uploaded. I had on iTunes Connect app with build number 3, then rewrote app from scratch and tried to upload new app with build number 1 I got same error, after changing to build number 4 it worked fine.
Check if you have used the run script:
if the answer is yes, then you have to submit your changes to your git server, then the script will increase your build version number automatically!
Solved this problem by Modifying the Build Number under General -> Identity in the Target build of the Xcode project. Afterwards go to the Product menu, select Clean and Build your app.
From Build : 1
To Build : 1.2
Finally, repeat the app submission process by running Product -> Archive and follow the screen prompts.
I have uploaded the app, but for missing screenshots for 3.5", I got the same error.
And could not upload again from xcode.
(So I make an ipa file, in xcode organizer and export as ipa).
But when I press the upload build in the itunesconnect then it take the old uploaded file (give me an option to choose).
And then after saving this, I got the option for submit for review.
(If you go to the pre release tab in itunesconnect, you can see the previously uploaded app.)

How do I archive/validate a Swift App that uses a framework in Xcode

I have an App that uses Admod and Firebase from Google. Since I am using Swift they want me to use frameworks when loading them from CocoaPods. When I try to archive/validate the App I get the error:
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.GoogleToolboxForMac'
What is the correct way to provision an app that uses someone else's frameworks so it can be uploaded to iTunes Connect? I tried to find something in Apple's documentation but I haven't found anything.
I previously had answered my own question, since I had thought I had found a solution. My reply was:
Problem Solved. Turns out I was using an App-ID that I am having Apple look into as being corrupt. I had already created a new App-ID to prove the one I want to use is not working and retried with that and it Validates. This required a lot of help from the Google Ads Mobile SDK team. Thanks.
So the correct answer is: Now Incorrect
You should not get this error unless you are using a Bundle-ID that is not already registered on iTunes Connect, but, you should never be able to create an archive that does not have a Bundle-ID that is not already registered on iTunes Connect. So this is caused by an abnormal situation.
This is no longer true
I used my new working project and got 4 whole builds out of it and into iTunes Connect. In the process I was trying to clean up the mess caused by trying to solve this problem, like loosing my git history. I tried to modify my old App to get it to work and without modifying my new working project, But my new project started failing with the above error. I even used my time machine and went back to the directory as it was when I made the last build, but no help. So, any answers?
Further Update:
I pulled all the code related to Google Firebase and Admob out of the code and removed the cocoaPods and Archived/Validated and now I get the error:
You must supply a CFBundleIdentifer for this request.
Which is the error message I was getting with my other App-ID that tracked that App-ID in iTunesConnect. This time it does not track the App-ID so it must be something in my project. Will report what I find.
I think Apple has been modifying their code for validation at the same time I was trying different things. At one point it told me I was using CFBundleSignature instead of CFBundlePackageType set to APP and I fixed this and got the code to validate. Understand I am copying complete projects and renaming everything to debug this problem, so this must have come from the original program. I ended up with a project that was renamed from my original but archived/validated but when I went to compile for Test I got errors that I debugged until I got lots of Mach-O link errors. I decided to complete the loop and go back to my original code and try using the new Bundle-ID which points to the new App-ID, the one that works, and add all the knowledge I have learned. But when I get it done I have an project that can test but does not validate. The only difference is this project has the old identifier which has the same name as the suffix of the App-ID that has a bug.
Am I missing something?
Final UpDate?
On a whim I renamed the Scheme file to be the same as my Suffix to the Bundle-ID and I got my original Project to Validate! I have worked on this for over a month and you might not believe the astonishment I feel in this.
Back to Unit Test!
I have come to the conclusion that the Identity of the App, the name at the far top of the right side Utilities window, has something to do with the way iTunes Connect validates the App. This is the name in the left hand column of the Organizer window. It is like it overrides the suffix of the Bundle-ID and since I can't use that Identifier because the associated App-ID is corrupt. Or the name of the Scheme.

ITunesConnect - unable to select build

I am using Xcode 8 and I am trying to submit a newer version of my app to iTunesConnect. However I could not select any build version even though I tried to change the build number. See screenshot
I also tried waiting for a couple of hours with no impact.
Surprisingly Apple started sending out emails which tells you why your build wasn't accepted. I didn't see this email until the next day.
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for . To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSContactsUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
Once I fixed the issues and re-submitted the binary, I didn't see my build instantly. However after 10min or so, I get an email from Apple
iTunes Connect: Version 5.2 has completed processing.
Now when I look at iTunes .. the plus symbol next to the 'Build' section appears.
Hope this post helps others who run into the same issue.

"/Applications/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid" error while validating Xcode installation

Today I got the memo from Apple as probably every other Apple developer about potentially infected Xcode installations. (
I followed the instructions and tried to validate my Xcode app using the command mentioned. (spctl --assess --verbose /Applications/ The program ran for a while and exited with a "/Applications/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid" message.
The article says "Any result other than ‘accepted’ or any source other than ‘Mac App Store’, ‘Apple System’ or ‘Apple’ indicates that the application signature is not valid for Xcode." However, I'm actually pretty sure my Xcode copy is legitimate (downloaded and updated via App Store with Gatekeeper enabled) so I thought maybe there could be another problem preventing it to validate as it should.
Do you have any ideas what this error message actually means? Do you think I need to reinstall Xcode just in case?
Thanks in advance for your help.
The false positive validation issue appears to be caused by containing previous iOS SDKs in order to be backwards compatible.
A clean install will completely wipe the SDK directories. When you run the validation test after a clean install it will pass. Once you copy previous iOS versions, which, for us, is iOS 8 for iPhone, the validation will fail.
This scenario was tested after updating to XCode 7.0.1 (7A1001) which was released earlier this afternoon.
In order to avoid a clean install, you can temporarily remove the previous SDK version from their respective location, and run the validation. Then, once the validation passes, copy the files back where they belong.
I was getting the same message "a sealed resource is missing or invalid". However i was able to rectify the issue by going into the App Store and downloading the latest version of Xcode - Version 7.0 (7A220), and this seems to have rectified the issue.
Although i did first try updating Xcode through the updates section on the App Store, but for some reason this didn't work. So i would recommend going into the App Store > Search for Xcode > Then install the latest version available to you.
Depending upon gatekeeper settings.please check gatekeeper settings to allow anywhere and revalidate Xcode.

Failed to submit app to iTunes Store

I am having some problems when trying to submit my iPhone app to store using Xcode 5 that my app is always failed validation with below errors:
Apple's web service operation was not successful
Unable to authenticate the package: [My app id, ex: 123456789].itmsp
ERROR ITEMS-9000: "The bundle [Bundle ID, ex:] at bundle path 'Payload/[My App Name].app' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate." at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
I am quite sure about settings (bundle id, certificate, profile, entitlement) because this is not first time I submit app to store, jut don't know why these issues come up, I have tried to search and found some related article but they don't help.
I have this issue for 1 week.
I just selected Standard Architectures in both Project and Target, and it worked for me.
I had the exact the same error, after hours of trying, adjusting all the parameters like the bundle ID or display name, etc. None of them worked.
Finally I got it work. Here is what I did.
I started all over by deleting all the records in keychain, certificates and provision profiles. And just added one certificate and profile for app distribution. There was only one record to make no confusion. And then boom, it uploaded successfully.
I guess my mistake was to submit multiple times of certificates or provision profiles earlier (although I deleted multiple entries but I did see something strange) because I thought the creation process was stuck so I refreshed the browser. Being patient in each steps will eventually saves more time! :) Good luck!
I got the same error today with xCode 7. I resubmitted with no changes and it went through. Probably Apple bug. I am letting you know that sometimes it is not an issue with our project/target settings.
As far as I can tell, this specific error is intermittent and not caused by anything in the app package. I think many of the answers here are people that saw this error, changed something, and saw the error go away, and assumed that their change made it go away.
I would suggest, if you get this error, just try again (worked for me). If it fails in this exact way a second time, and you have some theory about what will fix it, do that and try again. If that works, undo your fix and see if the failure comes back. In this way you will have proven that there was an identified root cause and a fix.
I don't know the cause, but I had the same exact issue crop up this week and just got things to work. I had checked the build, distribution certificate, provisioning profile. I went through all of the troubleshooting steps in Technical Note TN2250 -- no luck! However, I just got it to upload successfully. I happened to have an old Mac Mini that had Application Loader 2.5.1 on it. I created a zip file from the .app within the Payload folder of the .ipa, put this on a USB drive, and watched as it finally uploaded after trying about 50 times with both Xcode organizer and Application Loader v2.9.
Other people have reccomended reverting to a previous Application Loader version. Perhaps the web service endpoint uses a different (and properly working) certificate validation method for older AL versions.
I too have had the same problem and after many hours I managed to solve.
I finally fixed the problem. You needed to download the "Apple Root Certificate Authority" ( and put it in your login keychain & system, I also put your iPhone disitrbution certified in your system and set all keychian trust values ​​for all certificates to "system default". Finally went through!
For me the problem was in selecting the wrong iOS distribution code signing identity, where I was using a different team as the provisioning profile.
Probably make sure your Code Signing Identity is set to automatic, which will probably fix this issue.
In XCode 6.3, You have connect actual device and selected in the XCode.
I didn't see this listed on here, but I received this issue and realized that I already had a build for this specific Version # waiting for review on iTunes Connect. I rejected the build in ITC and then tried uploading the build again and it uploaded correctly after that. Just in case this could possibly help anyone else out there with this issue!
