Manually update access_token for google oauth2 in python - google-api

I'm using google oauthlib to get an access_token and use it to get gmail atom feed using requests because it is not supported by the python lib.
When using supported services such as drive, the token is automatically refreshed, how to do that in my case?

Assuming you have your refresh token you can use it to request a new Access token using HTTP POST
this Link may help Google 3 legged oauth2 flow


How to get new acess token from refres token for google api in postman

I am trying to get new access token from my refresh token for google drive api. In my google playground it works but when I want to create the same request in postman or my code it doesn't work and I always get error "Invalid grand type". I don't know to find what is problem.
google developers playground
postman headers and body
You need to understand that there is three steps to the Oauth2 dance.
step one is requesting access of the user and getting the authorization code.
HTTP GET{clientid}
Note &response_type=code tells the server you want an authorization code returned.
step two is to exchange that code for an access token and refresh token.
Note the part where it says &grant_type=authorization_code. this tells the server you are giving them an authorization code.
3 the final step is refreshing your access token.
Note &grant_type=refresh_token you are telling the server you are sending them a refresh token.
You appear to be sending a refresh token with the wrong grant type.
I have a video on how to set up postman to use google oauth2
How to set up Oauth2 in PostMan.
Google 3 Legged OAuth2 Flow
Note: Due to a recent change with Making Google OAuth interactions safer by using more secure OAuth flows redirect uri of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob is going to stop working soon.

Is it possible to get google api access token by using any REST API Client

I am looking for tips or tutorial where I can fetch data from youtube data api.
By using only api key, I can use any rest api client in order to fetch many informations from
And now, I would like to get auditDetails which needs authorization token
By following the steps below (Using OAuth guides), I can now make request but I have an error 400 which is redirect_uri_mismatch:
The redirect URI in the request, http://localhost:9874, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client
In my console developer configuration, I set the redirect authorized url to http://localhost/authorize.php
So I do not understand why during the authentification, it uses http://localhost:9874

Django rest framework working with multiple apps

My aim is to authorize browsable API(first app) using the JWT token generated(second app).
I have two apps created,
1. API - has all the data
2. Authentication - generate JWT tokens after validating the user.
Now, when I try to access the API after generating the token it says,
Authentication credentials were not provided.
Trying to access the API (passing the bearer whatevertoken)
I mean, is there a way to authenticate the Browsable API using JWT token? Instead of creating a user session.
Passing Authorization header as,
"Authorization: JWT token"
authenticates the user.
But, limits me to browse the API in a browser. Is there any way we can implement Browsable API using JWT authentication?
A thorough reading on
Authentication classes
Permission classes
Django settings
Helped in understanding the core concepts and apply appropriate solutions.

Sign in using Google

My project had implemented google sign in with company name as domain.
I need to sign in to get idtoken send by Google on successful authentication.
I tried all searching but still not able to get this done.
If you're talking about this Google Sign-In you basically need to obtain the Bearer token and add it to your requests using HTTP Header Manager
As JMeter cannot execute JavaScript you have the following options:
Use hard-coded token which you can get from the Google Developer Console
Obtain the token dynamically using a real browser with WebDriver Sampler
Obtain the token programmatically using Google API Client libraries from the JSR223 Sampler

Outlook API: getting access-token from front-end, how can i use it in web API backend to get Outlook messages

Im writing a application for outlook, front-end Angular, backend Web API.
I'm successfully getting access-token using adal in front-end, sessionStorage is:
Now i'm sending access-token to backend, and i want to get messages from outlook API, but how can i do it.
Searched for outlook REST api, and tested using POSTMAN, but not working.(401 error)
Authorization: Bearer access-token
Accept: application/json
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you are trying to complete the on-behalf-of flow.
This is where a front-end API gets an access token to a middle tier service, which subsequently gets an access token to a back-end API. Let's assume that the token from the front-end to the middle tier has user context. You are able to get a token from the middle tier, to the back-end using the same user context, by requesting a new access token using the original access token.
Here are more details on the flow: Find the section titled Delegated User Identity with OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of Draft Specification
Here is a code sample integrating this flow:
Just to note, in this specific case, that the 401 error implies that you do not have the correct permissions for calling and accessing the API you want. Can you make sure you have selected the right permissions for the resource you want to access, for the client that you are accessing it with?
I hope this is what you are looking for!
