Unknown UTM campaign name using facebook pixel - facebook-analytics

I'm running ads on Facebook with additional URL parameters:
I've checked the preview Url and it seems that the values are filled properly.
However, I don't see any data about the ads source/campaign/ad on my pixel analytics page, everything is classified as unknown.
what am I missing?
Maybe the parameters of Facebook analytics are different from the above?

I believe the URL params are named differently, i.e. utm_source=X&utm_medium=Y&utm_campaign=Z&utm_content=W


Multiple table tabs with persistent URL

I am trying to pull in information from a table of businesses - company names, addresses, phone numbers - that are formatted similarly. I'm able to pull in that information through IMPORTHTML (and IMPORTXML) for the first page of results when I load the URL. However, there are multiple tabs of the table under the same URL.
How do I write the IMPORTHTML formula so it will pull in relevant information from the other table tabs?
URL (in A2 of Google Sheets): https://www.tcia.org/TCIA/Directories/FindQualifiedTreeCare.aspx?State=MD
unfortunately, that is not possible in Google Sheets because the URL is the same for all page views
As mentioned by #player0, this is not possible because URL is same for every Page.
Take a look at javascript function for each links
For the Page 1:
For the Page 2:
For the Page 3:
So when you put this function in your browser console, you will be redirected to corresponded page.
Is it possible do add this function into location bar so we can get a direct URL?
It is not possible for security reasons, browsers block this practice in general.
Any ways to bypass it?
Here are the steps what I would do:
You can use python browser driver to simulate user behavior in browser
Web scrape the data to your local machine
Upload data using Google Sheets API
Parse it how ever you want with Apps Script
I hope it helps

Google My Business API Get location profile image or logo

I am working with Google My Business API.
I need to retrieve a location profile image or location logo url.
According to documentation I need MediaItem with Enum PROFILE or LOGO
Problem is that I found only bulk request:
GET https://mybusiness.googleapis.com/v4/{name=accounts/*/locations/*/media/*}
which returns all location media (any Enum).
In this case I have to run through response to find item I am searching for and it might be necessary to run multiple requests to access next feed pages.
This approach is irrational on my opinion.
Maybe I am missing something, so is there any way to get what I want in just one request?
Thanks in advance!
The only way is iterate through all MediaItem's

How to track Google conversions with Joomla Chronoforms?

I have multiple form pages and one thank you-page.
I want to track if a form has successfully submitted, but I don't know how.
When a user submits a form and gets redirected to the thank you page, it'll add different parameters to the url of the thank you page. This depends on where the user came from.
E.g www.mywebsite.com/page/nameofpage?chronoform=nameofpage&event=submit
How can I track this?
You can set this up completely outside of Chronoforms. Within Google Analytics, go to Admin section, then Goals and set up a new website goal. The key is to select it to be a destination type goal and set that to your thank you page url.
https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1032415?hl=enhttps://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1116091?hl=enIf you want to have the conversion work in Google Adwords conversions as well, you will need to add a code snippet to a custom HTML module in the debug position: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6331314
You should not use two conversion trackings for the same thing because you would end up double counting your conversions.
I see that your url has an event. Instead of using destination goals in google analytics you can use events to track a goal. After you do this you will have to link google analytics with google adwords and import the goal in google adwords.
Have in mind that conversion tracking from google analytics has a big conversion lag. Having said that, the best option is to use google adwords conversion tracking but this would require to have a unique url for each thank you page.

Disable indoor view of buildings in Google Street View Image API

I'm using Google Street View Image API (not the Javascript API) to construct a URL which returns a street view image. The problem is, that sometimes it returns an image of the inside of the building, rather than the image of the building at the provided address. I know this can be disabled using the Javascript API, but can it be disabled via a URL parameter in the Image API?
You should add &source=outdoor as an url parameter
You can make a call to the Geocoding API in order to get the lat/lang coordinates to an address.
Then the you use the results.geometry.location from the response to get the coordinates you need to create the Street View Image URL
The Geocoder will always give you a location outside at the entrance, other APIs like Directions API may give you the same indoor problem.
You can call the Google Street View Image Metadata API to get the copyright info of the image. If this is not equal to "© Google, Inc.", it's a real streetview image.
I know that it's not the best solution, but it works.

Is it possible to get larger image size for company logos via the Linkedin API?

See the one that comes back from
it's quite small! https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/p/6/005/056/054/057ffb7.png
Would be great if could get a larger version
(note, the apigee console here may be helpful)
The information you're looking for is in the member profile field documentation on LinkedIn's developer website: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/fields/basic-profile
A URL to the member's original unformatted profile picture. This
image is usually larger than the picture-url value above.
