Maven plugin removed is still usable - maven

I added to my maven project the a PMD and checkstyle plugins. And when I run them the work perfectly. But when I remove them from the pom.xml I can still run mvn checkstyle:checkstyle or mvn pmd:pmd even though I removed them. Also after removing them I ran mvn clean install. ANy idea of what could happen ?

The commands you execute are plugin goals (plugin:goal) and unlike "mvn install" not a phase.
you can run almost any plugin on a project if maven can find it. The apache maven plugins allow that shortcut notation (pmd:pmd) since maven will try to resolve them in the apache namespace.
Plugins from other sources would need to be run with their full name, for example:
The plugin itself decides if it can run a goal on its own or if it requires a running reactor and only works within the maven life-cycle (usually because it depends on outputs from other phases)
So in your case: mvn install should not run the pmd plugin anymore if its not in the pom - and install is a phase. mvn pmd:pmd will run it directly with its default config - since pmd:pmd is a plugin goal.
The default plugins per packaging and phase are documented here. These may run if in the pom or not (depending on whats in the project).


Execute maven install phase without executing maven compile

Working with a multi-module project. Want to run maven commands as follows:
mvn clean compile
Then maven install phase without again executing maven compile
Not possible.
You would need to call the goals directly, phases cannot be run separately.
you can (now) skip phases by directly calling the goal via
mvn <plugin>:<goal>
mvn compiler:compile
see this answer for details.
for install it should be mvn install:install

What is the supported way to change version on deploy for Artifactory Maven Jenkins plugin

I'm using the Maven jfrog plugin:
I want to change the version of the artifact on deploy so it has the feature branch name in it.
I tried to run the set version goal. It succeeds but just totally ignores the version
rtMavenRun (
pom: "pom.xml",
goals: 'versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT clean install',
resolverId: 'resolver-unique-id',
deployerId: 'deployer-unique-id'
The problem is the following: You call the goal versions:set and the phases clean and install in one Maven run. Before the first goal runs, Maven has already resolved the version for all goals/phases that are run. Therefore, you change the version in the POM, but as Maven has already read it, you will not be able to see it during this run.
What are possible solutions?
You can run versions:set first and then clean install in a separate Maven run.
You can use the property ${revision} in the definition of <version> and then set this property on the command line.

Why should run first mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover, then: mvn sonar:sonar

Based on the question Sonar + Clover only runs on src-instrumented, it is suggested using first mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover, then: mvn sonar:sonar.
Just wonder why we cannot use mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover sonar:sonar?
In the past it was the recommended way to run goal sonar:sonar alone. This is no more the case since SonarQube Scanner for Maven stopped trying to run unit tests + collect coverage for you by forking a new Maven lifecycle.
General advice is now to run goals in a single command. For example mvn clean package sonar:sonar
In the case of Clover the clover:setup goal will alter the Maven Model to make all other plugins (like surefire) use instrumented classes instead of original source code. This is indeed a problem because it will prevent SonarQube to match class files. So in your case you should either stick with two separate goals, or manually configure sonar.sources to refer to original source code.
Compared the maven logs and found the possible reason:
The "mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover sonar:sonar" seems having issue to find the Source dirs. The log shows it uses ${project}\target\clover\src-instrumented and ${project}\target\generated-sources\annotations as the source dirs.
If explicitly specify src/main/java, then this single command works well. The only tricky thing is why running the goals separately doesn't need to specify sonar.sources but the plugin can still find the right folder for source dirs.

Is there a way to simplify this maven command for sonar?

I'm running the following sonar command with maven:
mvn clean compile sonar:sonar
I'd like to just run:
mvn sonar:sonar
(ie have the sonar task trigger the clean and compile steps)
Is there a way to express this as a dependency in maven?
Quick Answer: No - not by declaring dependencies nor by having the plugin be in charge of the lifecycles and their phases to be run prior to the plugin's goal.
By mvn clean compile sonar:sonar you are instructing Maven to first run the entire clean-lifecycle with all its phases - then continoue with the default lifecycle to the phase compile and finally to call the goal sonar of the plugin sonar - i personally think the command is relativly short for what is going on and must not be simplified any further (what would be the actual benefit of a shorter command executing the same phases/ goals in the background?).
You can however bind plugins to certain build phases so that if the phase is run (say the phase process-classes right after phase compile in the default lifecycle) the plugin's goal will be executed automaticially.
This would abstract the need of explicitly calling sonar:sonar and allow for example to just call mvn clean process-classes and have sonar:sonar beeing executed in the process-classes phase of the default lifecycle.
Now to come back to your question one could generally ask if a Maven plugin can take controll of the lifecycles and phases beeing executed prior to its own goal which is as faar as i know not possible with "standard Maven techniques" (I however dont know of the possibilities if you write your own plugin).

Disable the integration test phase in pom.xml

There is a open source project called Apache Any23 , the instructions to checkout and build it are listed at the link below.
I am unable to to do a mvn clean install by following the instructions because the integration test phase gets invoked by the maven invoker plugin , I have user -Dskipstests etc , but the invoker plugin still gets invoked , I need you to bypass/suppress the integration test phase and the surefire plugin tests and do a successful build.
It this requires a pom.xml change, I need you to send me the updated file and let me know what changes were made.
Does the project use the Failsafe plugin to run the integration tests? If so, try to skip them this way:
mvn install -DskipTests
However, since skipTests is also supported by the Surefire Plugin, this will have the effect of not running any tests. If, instead, you want to skip only the integration tests being run by the Failsafe Plugin, you would use the skipITs property instead:
mvn install -DskipITs
If you absolutely must, you can also use the maven.test.skip property to skip compiling the tests. maven.test.skip is honored by Surefire, Failsafe and the Compiler plugins.
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Read more about this here.
