Nightwatch demo test - nightwatch.js

on the website, the nightwatch.js demo script is not valid anymore, Google changed the search engine result page html/css, so the earlier element access does not work. Tried some new ways using elements and xpath but I did not find a solution yet.
module.exports = {
'Demo test Google' : function (client) {
.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000)
.setValue('input[type=text]', 'rembrandt van rijn')
.waitForElementVisible('button[name=btnG]', 1000)
.assert.containsText('ol#rso li:first-child',
'Rembrandt - Wikipedia')
Any idea what to change that runs the test fully and returns correct results?

This one worked for me.
module.exports = {
'Demo test Google' : function (client) {
.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000)
.setValue('input[type=text]', ['rembrandt van rijn', client.keys.ENTER])
.waitForElementVisible('input[name=btnK]', 1000)
.assert.containsText('div.srg > div:first-child',
'Rembrandt - Wikipedia')


No Code Coverage for Fastify Integration Tests Using NYC/Istanbul written in Typescript

I'm currently trying to get code coverage on my fastify routes using Mocha and NYC.
I've tried instrumenting the code beforehand and then running the tests on the instrumented code as well as just trying to setup NYC in various ways to get it to work right.
Here is my current configuration. All previous ones produced the same code coverage output):
nyc config
"nyc": {
"extends": "#istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript",
"extension": [
"exclude": [
"reporter": [
"sourceMap": true,
"instrument": true
Route file:
const routes = async (app: FastifyInstance, options) => {'/code', async (request: FastifyRequest, response: FastifyReply<ServerResponse>) => {
// route logic in here
The integration test:
import * as fastify from fastify;
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as chai from 'chai';
const expect = chai.expect;
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');
describe('When/code POST is called', () => {
let app;
before(() => {
app = fastify();
// load routes for integration testing
after(() => {
it('then a code is created and returned', async () => {
const {statusCode} = await apiTester.inject({
url: '/code',
method: 'POST',
payload:{ code: 'fake_code' }
My unit test call looks like the following:
nyc mocha './test/unit/**/*.test.ts' --require ts-node/register --require source-map-support/register --recursive
I literally get 5% code coverage just for the const routes =. I'm really banging my head trying to figure this one out. Any help would be greatly appreciated! None of the other solutions I have investigated on here work.
I have a detailed example for typescript + mocha + nyc. It also contains fastify tests including route tests (inject) as well as mock + stub and spy tests using sinon. All async await as well.
It's using all modern versions and also covers unused files as well as VsCode launch configs. Feel free to check it out here:
Specifically I think that
instrumentation: true
messes up the results. Heres my working .nycrc.yml
extends: "#istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript"
- html
- lcovonly
- clover
# those 2 are for commandline outputs
- text
- text-summary
report-dir: coverage
I have proper coverage even for mocked ans tub parts of fastify in my above mentioned example.

Directory path is incorrect when running from cypress test runner

When I login from normal browser the login is successful with the URL :
But when I run the script from Cypress the directory location is not appended and the new URL after login is formed as :
I have tried setting cypress.json with
"chromeWebSecurity": false,
"modifyObstructiveCode" : false
I have tried on chrome/electron(head and headless).
Below is my code snippet:
describe('My First Test Suite', function() {
it('My First test case', function() {
When I run the script from Cypress the directory location is not appended and the new URL after login is formed as :
It should be redirected as :
Can anyone help me on this?
This sounds like an issue with "Frame Busting". There's a related discussion for Cypress GitHub Issue #992 which may lend some help.
Your application code may contain problematic frame busting code like the following:
if ( !== window.self) { = window.self.location.href;
You can get around this by changing your application code's reference to window.self from the Application Window to the Cypress Test Runner window (
Cypress emits a series of events as it runs in your browser. You can use the emitted window:before:load application event to ensure it's done before you attempt to login.
// cypress/support/index.js
Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
Object.defineProperty(win, 'self', {
get: () => {

Webdriver.IO: How do I run a specific 'it' statement in Jasmine using WDIO

I am trying to pull out a smoke suite from my regression suite written using the Jasmine framework (wdio-jasmine-framework).
Is it possible to just add a tag on specific testcases in Jasmine?
If I remember correctly from my Jasmine/Mocha days, there were several ways to achieve this. I'll detail a few, but I'm sure there might be some others too. Use the one that's best for you.
1. Use the it.skip() statement inside a conditional operator expression to define the state of a test-case (e.g: in the case of a smokeRun, skip the non-smoke tests using: (smokeRun ? it.skip : it)('not a smoke test', () => { // > do smth here < });).
Here is an extended example:
// Reading the smokeRun state from a system variable:
const smokeRun = (process.env.SMOKE ? true : false);
describe('checkboxes testsuite', function () {
// > this IS a smoke test! < //
it('#smoketest: checkboxes page should open successfully', () => {;
// I am a mock test...
// I do absolutely nothing!
// > this IS NOT a smoke test! < //
(smokeRun ? it.skip : it)('checkbox 2 should be enabled', () => {;
// > this IS NOT a smoke test! < //
(smokeRun ? it.skip : it)('checkbox 1 should be enabled after clicking on it', () => {;
2. Use it.only() to achieve mainly the same effect, the difference being the test-case refactor workload. I'll summarize these ideas as:
if you have more smoke tests than non-smoke tests, use the it.skip() approach;
if you have more non-smoke tests than smoke tests, use the it.only() approach;
You can read more about pending-tests here.
3. Use the runtime skip (.skip()) in conjunction with some nested describe statements.
It should look something like this:
// Reading the smokeRun state from a system variable:
const smokeRun = (process.env.SMOKE ? true : false);
describe('checkboxes testsuite', function () {
// > this IS a smoke test! < //
it('#smoketest: checkboxes page should open successfully', function () {;
// I am a mock test...
// I do absolutely nothing!
describe('non-smoke tests go here', function () {
before(function() {
if (smokeRun) {
// > this IS NOT a smoke test! < //
it('checkbox 2 should be enabled', function () {;
// > this IS NOT a smoke test! < //
it('checkbox 1 should be enabled after clicking on it', function () {;
!Note: These are working examples! I tested them using WebdriverIO's recommended Jasmine Boilerplace project.
!Obs: There multiple ways to filter Jasmine tests, unfortunately only at a test-file(testsuite) level (e.g: using grep piped statements, or the built-in WDIO specs & exclude attributes).

Jasmine custom report is not loading all the tests under Sauce labs tab in VSTS

Automated the e2e tests in CI enabled framework with protractor and jasmine in VSTS. Used the jasmine custom reporter to load the e2e test results under sauce labs tab in VSTS build definition. But, it is not loading all the tests. It is displaying only the last e2e test ran in the build. Console log is getting printed for all the e2e tests. Please see the code below.
let sauceLabsReporter: jasmine.CustomReporter = {
specDone: (result: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void => {
Util.log('*** sauceLabsReporter: result.fullName:', result.fullName);
Util.log('*** sauceLabsReporter: result.status:', result.status);
Util.log('*** sauceLabsReporter: result.testCaseId:', result.testCaseId);
if (result.testCaseId) {
result.fullName = `(Testcase ID: ${result.testCaseId}): ${result.fullName}`;
Util.log('*** sauceLabsReporter: UPDATED result.fullName:', result.fullName);
if (result.status) {
export function updateSauceLabsJobTitle(title: string): promise.Promise<void> {
let fullTitle: string = `${title} | (${getHostname()})`;
return browser.executeScript(`sauce:job-name=${fullTitle}`)
.then(() => browser.getSession())
.then((session: Session) => {
if (isThisVSTSBuildAgent()) {
//The VSTS Sauce Labs add-on gets information by parsing the console log.
console.log(`SauceOnDemandSessionID=${session.getId()} job-name=${fullTitle}`);
export function updateSauceLabsTestState(state: string): promise.Promise<{}> {
return browser.executeScript(`sauce:job-result=${state}`);
I work on the same project as Padma. It had to do with restartBrowserBetweenTests being set to false which conflates all tests into a single job. After setting it to true, each test became its own job.

Nightwatch.js navigate behaves differently across drivers

I want to use Nightwatch.js v.0.9.8 for E2E testing.
My page object:
module.exports = {
url() {
return path.join(this.api.launchUrl, 'Home/Index');
My test:
module.exports = {
'Sample 1'(client) {
'Sample 2'(client) {
This works flawlessly in Chrome.
However in Firefox (geckodriver 0.11.1 x64), Sample 2 ends up with running at http://localhost:3535/localhost:3535/Home/Index.
IE (IEDriverServer 2.53.1 x64) opens with a dialog window:
Cannot find path 'http:\localhost:3535\Home\Index'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.
Am I missing something obvious?
Solved it - my mistake. The problem is that path.join(this.api.launchUrl, 'Home/Index') flips slashes. I replaced it with simple string concatenation and it works correctly.
