Getting detailed exception info for unhandled exceptions in Xamarin Android - visual-studio

If I get an unhandled exception in Xamarin Android, like always when debugging with Visual Studio, I get the following popup:
If I click Copy Details I get
Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. occurred
How can I drill down into the inner exceptions?

Here's a snippet from one of our applications, we simply create a delegate against the UnhandledException event for the current domain, we do this within our applications 'MainApplication' class (Some people use 'MainActivity' instead if they have not implemented the lifecycle call back plugin).
Basically you want to do this in whichever class is you're applications primary starting point.
For reference 'ApplicationLog' is just a class I created to write to a file directory into a log file, you can do whatever you want inside this class, the key here is that 'e' will contain your stack trace information.
Regards you're exception it is worth noting that an AggregateException is most commonly thrown by code within a Task, or Parallel ForEach statements, or even SQL commands etc.
Hope this helps.
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) =>
// Record the error in our application logs
DateTime.Now.ToString() + " : " + "[CRITICAL GLOBALLY HANDLED EXCEPTION] - Critical exception has been hit! - Message: " + e.ExceptionObject +
System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
"========= Critcal Error has been hit, application closed =========" +
System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine


How to see exception info while debugging without declaring "ex" variable

While debugging, I've always been able to see information about the exception once a catch block was entered even if my catch just looked like this:
Since updating to Visual Studio 2017 though, I am only able to get exception information if I've actually declared a variable like so:
catch (Exception ex)
This is super annoying because there are a number of places where the exception is not declared (and normally does not need to be) but I do need to see what the exception is while debugging if there is one. How can I get the behavior back where it always shows me about the exception regardless of whether I've declared a variable for it or not?
In the locals window you should see a pseudo variable $exception that has the exception object for you to inspect. You can also add a watch expression for $exception in any of the watch windows.
Docs with more info and other pseudovariables is at:

Application.Current.Properties - System.AggregateException

I'm trying to get some data from Application.Current.Properties storage. Unfortunately, any time I want to use this Dictionary, I see this error:
An exception of type 'System.AggregateException' occurred in but was not handled in user code
Additional information: One or more errors occurred.
And in details I found this:
{"Error in line 1 position 206. Element '' contains data of the '' data contract. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this contract. Add the type corresponding to 'ArrayOfstring' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer."}
It seems like I tried to save some non-string data to Application.Current.Properties. Unfortunately I can't run .Clear() method to erease all data, bacause I receive this error any time I'm trying to access this property.
What should I do to make it work?
Well, as its name suggests AggregateException, is just a container for one or more exceptions which may be thrown when using PLINQ or TPL.
As such exceptions may be thrown on different threads and may also occur concurrently, the system automatically catches and rethrows them within an AggregateException wrapper to ensure that they all get reported in one place. The exceptions themselves are exposed via the InnerExceptions property.
You can catch an AggregateException and check which exceptions it actually contains with code such as the following:
// perform some parallel operation
catch (AggregateException aex)
string messages = "";
foreach(Exception ex in aex.InnerExceptions)
messages += ex.Message + "\r\n";
So I suggest you do this to see what is causing the problem
Please, remove your app from your device, Settings - Applications- Uninstall, this works for me. The Auth Object was crash in debug mode.Clean and Rebuild can be Helpfull to.

MissingMetadataException when building UWP app with .Net native

I have this UWP app that uses a project (UWP class library) which itself uses EF7 and SQLite.
I tried to build the app in the Release mode using .Net native tool chain, the build completes successfully (after a good long time, and after eating as much memory as it can), but the application crashes just after leaving the splash screen.
After following some advice on SO I tried the .Net native with Debug mode, the build finishes just like in the Release mode, but I get many errors on the output window and it is the same scenario as this one UWP - .NET Native tool chain compilation error
I followed #Matt Whilden advice, and I got rid of those errors, then tried again.
This time I got hit by this famous MissingMetadataException :
The output window shows this :
Exception thrown: 'System.AggregateException' in System.Private.Threading.dll
Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in System.Linq.Expressions.dll
Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in System.Linq.Expressions.dll
Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in System.Linq.Expressions.dll
The thread 0x2a30 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Exception thrown: 'System.Reflection.MissingMetadataException' in System.Private.Reflection.Core.dll
Additional information: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCacheOptions' is missing
metadata. For more information, please visit
I tried to follow my code, during execution and I found out that it is caused by the first ever call to a DbSet table from my DbContext
public long GetLastTimeStamp()
//-----> Here is the line causing the error
var sortedArticles = DbContext.Articles.OrderByDescending(article => article.ArticlePubDate).ToList();
if (sortedArticles != null && sortedArticles.Count != 0)
DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
TimeSpan elapsedTime = sortedArticles.First().ArticlePubDate - epoch;
return (long)elapsedTime.TotalSeconds;
return 0;
This method above is called inside an Async method, just to know.
I tried, desperately, to call .ToList() by doing :
var sortedArticles = DbContext.Articles.ToList().OrderByDescending(article => article.ArticlePubDate).ToList();
But still get the same error.
This is really frustrating, I don't know how to solve this problem, not sure what and how I should change the Default.rd.xml, any one can help telling me how to achieve this build correctly ?
Please try to add type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCacheOptions' in Default.rd.xml (already present in your project).
For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Directives xmlns="">
<Type Name="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCacheOptions" Dynamic="Required All" />

Raising obfuscated events with moq throws error

We have using Moq for two month now. However there is a problem which can not solve somehow.
In visual studio all tests succeeded just fine. On the build server there are several tests which failed. What they have in common is, that they use the "raise" method to throw an event. Our build server tests obfuscated what is good to find obfuscation errors. Every "normal" expectation like "Setup(something).Returns(something)" works. Only the raise event fails. the stacktrace looks like the following:
Test method Ade.Graphic.Presenter.Test.RoutingEngineTest.TestRouteOverLadderLinesWithFbd threw exception:
System.ArgumentException: Could not locate event for attach or detach method Void ᜀ(ᦜ[ᢈ]).
bei Moq.Extensions.GetEvent[TMock](Action`1 eventExpression, TMock mock)
bei Moq.Mock`1.Raise(Action`1 eventExpression, EventArgs args)
bei Ade.Graphic.Presenter.Test.RoutingEngineTest.TestRouteOverLadderLinesWithFbd()
The code for this is:
documentEventHandler.Raise(stub => stub.DocumentChanged += null,
new DocumentChangeEventArgs(DocumentChangeTypes.ViewUpdate));
We have no idea what is the difference between the code above and this
eventHandler.SetupGet(stub => stub.DocumentChangeNotify).Returns(documentEventHandler.Object);
because this code works fine.
Does anyone had the same problem or at least can tell what the difference is?
The error comes probably (not sure as not tested) from the fact that events (i.e. DocumentChanged) are actually generated as 2 accessors: add_DocumentChanged and remove_DocumentChanged . This is similar to the properties that have the get and set accessors.
What the obfuscator did most probably is rename this add_DocumentChanged and remove_DocumentChanged. However, looking at the moq source code, I can see that moq relies on the events accessor keeping the same name:
var ev = addRemove.DeclaringType.GetEvent(
addRemove.Name.Replace("add_", string.Empty).Replace("remove_", string.Empty));
ev == null in this case, which raises an error.
In your second examples, you're using delegates which are not broken down into add_ and remove_ accessors.
You're probably better off not obfuscating events.

Editing in Telerik RadGrid

I'm working off of the following example to implement editing of a cell in my grid when the cell is clicked:
I'd like it to work just like in the example, but based on a single-click. I can't get it to work as I keep getting the following error buried away in Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource:
0x800a139e - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: The string was not recognized as a valid format.
If anyone can lend any assistance, I will you owe you my first-born, as I am pulling my hair out trying to get this to work.
Thank you
Initially, the error was here but it didn't seem essential:
protected void detailsGrid_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridDataItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode)
((e.Item as GridDataItem)["detailsGridMonthOneCol"].Controls[0] as RadNumericTextBox).Width = Unit.Pixel(50); // ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Specified argument was out of the range of valid values
detailsGridMonthOneCol is the name of the column I double-clicked. This didn't seem essential, so I commented it out and that's when I got the following error:
Unhandled exception at line 15, column 16485 in http://localhost:63919/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=RadScriptManager1_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_=;;System.Web.Extensions,+Version=,+Culture=neutral,+PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35:en-US:10a773fc-9022-49ec-acd6-8830962d8cbb:ea597d4b:b25378d2;Telerik.Web.UI,+Version=2012.2.815.40,+Culture=neutral,+PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4:en-US:bd12f06c-2391-4523-868e-0017245d9792:16e4e7cd:ed16cbdc:f7645509:24ee1bba:e330518b:1e771326:8e6f0d33:6a6d718d:58366029:4b09f651:a2c5be80:874f8ea2:c172ae1e:f46195d3:9cdfc6e7:2003d0b8:c8618e41:e4f8f289
0x800a139e - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: The string was not recognized as a valid format.
The code is buried away but here's where the exception gets thrown:
var e=this._get_eventHandlerList().getHandler("endRequest"),b=false;if(e){var c=new Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs(a,f?f.dataItems:{},d);e(this,c);b=c.get_errorHandled()}if(a&&!b)throw a}
In your Script Manager add a handler to the OnAsyncPostBackError="myScriptManager_AsyncPostBackError" and in code behind just put one breakpoint on the open curly brace of the method.
protected void myScriptManager_AsyncPostBackError(object sender, AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs e)
{ // breakpoint this line.
doing this, probaly, this breakpoint will be hit and you could debug your code, and inspect who was thwrowing the exception.
This can help, but, the only way to help you, in fact, is if you provide the full source code. I suggest you to create another project, isolate the code that you want to work, and publish this code on github, ftp, etc.
Please, post your code and i will help.
The code is not really buried away. Javascript is showing you this error. However. the error is happening on the server side (Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException)
Check the Event Viewer (start => Run => eventvwr) it will show you more details of the error.
