Running artisan command from controller or route - laravel

I use Spatie Laravel package I can take backup by running this command
php artisan backup:run
but I want to take back up form admin panel and running this command form controller, I create a route and controller and in the controller, I do this
public function backup(){
return "successfully!";
when I route to this finally I got the success message but in the backup file, nothing added.

You can put artisan command in sheduler. It will make back up for example every day at the same time. You do it in app/console/Kernel.php
Remember to set your server for cron jobs:
* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Read more:


Setting up Cron jobs for Laravel on Hostinger's hpanel

I have a Laravel project that is already deployed on a live server using Hostinger's web service. I have a task scheduled to run every minute that will basically check if there are organizations that have already expired subscription dates, which will revert their subscription type back to "Free". I tried it first on my local machine and it works great.
However, when I tried to implement this task scheduling in Hostinger, it doesn't work.
I followed Laravel's official documentation for running a Scheduler on a live server. Since Hostinger doesn't allow special characters, I created a bash file containing the artisan run command with special characters following their article.
Here's the content of my created bash file:
/usr/bin/php /home/u482004401/domains/ && php artisan schedule:run > /dev/null 2>&1
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
$schedule->call(function () {
CharitableOrganization::whereDate('subscription_expires_at', '>=', now())
'subscription' => 'Free',
'subscribed_at' => null,
'subscription_expires_at' => null
When I try to view the output of my cron job in Hostinger, it just shows a generic message of a list of artisan commands.
I have test data on my database that should be updated with this Cron job, but it did not change at all. Has anyone successfully tried setting up cron jobs on Hostinger for a Laravel project?
Looks like I wrote the wrong syntax. I fixed it by replacing my bash file:
/usr/bin/php /home/u482004401/domains/ && php artisan schedule:run > /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/bin/php /home/u482004401/domains/ schedule:run
Once I saw that the output is now what I expected, I then returned back the
/dev/null 2>&1

Check if Task Scheduling works on local, Laravel

I am using Task Scheduling from Laravel, on local env. and till now I test it with php artisan word:weeklyUpdate , but I want to check if the Cron Job run automatically on a specific date, like in my code.
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
$scheduler = new LkpSchedulerUpdateDate;
$scheduler = $scheduler->first()->toArray();
$schedule->command('word:weeklyUpdate')->weeklyOn($scheduler->date, $scheduler->time);
//ex: weeklyOn(3, 05:49:00)
Create a schedule that runs just some minuts after the current time (let's say 5 minuts from now), wait, then check the results.
It's because when you run php artisan word:weeklyUpdate` you execute the command directly.
The scheduled task your wrote is equivalent to execute php artisan word:weeklyUpdate in console every week.
Also, in your locale did you activated the cronJob scheduler?
* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Laravel scheduled job did not resume after maintance mode

I did a maintanace on my laravel app by php artisan down. Then again after 15 minutes I did php artisan up.
But the scheduled jobs have not still resumed. They are not being executed as it was before.
Schedueled jobs are not being executed even when I manually give the command. ex: php artisan my:command
I think by making logs of your cronjobs will help you.
First Method
remove this part from you cronjob
>> /dev/null
Now add log file path in you cronjob
* * * * * php /var/www/html/project/artisan schedule:run >> /var/www/html/project/mylog.log 2>&1
create a log file and this file 777 (writable) permission.
so you can check what actually happening
Second Method
Or you can use method appendOutputTo() in your kernal.php
$filePath is a path of a log file you can give a public path or storage path

Laravel task scheduler permission problem with cleanDirectory command

I've set up a console command with a handle() function like this:
public function handle()
$fileSystem = new Filesystem;
And in the console kernel I set up the command:
The superuser's crontab has the following entry:
* * * * * php /var/www/website/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
I can see the task scheduler getting executed every minute by looking at the /var/log/syslog, so cron does it's job, but the folder contents are not cleaned. When I run the task directly on the terminal by: php artisan schedule:run I have the same effect; no files are deleted. Finally when I run the schedule with sudo php artisan schedule:run I see it works, files get deleted and output is written to taskoutput.log.
How can I solve this so the task runs with necessary permissions? Or is there anything else I miss here? Thanks.

How to setup Laravel 5's task scheduling in Heroku?

I'm trying to follow the Laravel Documentation on how to Run Cron Jobs,
and I want to add this
* * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
But I don't know how to add it to Heroku.
I created this Scheduler which runs once a minute and is part of your own app.
It creates a new Dyno type called Scheduler which you start one of.
Make sure you run jobs on your queue to avoid this scheduler over running once per minute.
To use this scheduler with Laravel 5.4+ add this file to /app/Console/Commands/RunScheduler.php
Register this file in app/Console/Kernel.php
protected $commands = [
Add this line to your Procfile:
scheduler: php -d memory_limit=512M artisan schedule:cron
Heroku has a cron scheduler addon that you can use for scheduled tasks.
You can install it like this:
$ heroku addons:create scheduler:standard
Have a look at this article for more information.
It's been a while since this question was asked but recently I've had a similar issue and was able to overcome it using this blog post:
You can basically create a console command using this artisan generator:
php artisan make:command SchedulerDaemon
then you can edit app/Console/Commands/SchedulerDaemon.php and edit some lines as described below:
class SchedulerDaemon extends Command
// Change $signature value
protected $signature = 'schedule:daemon {--sleep=60}';
// Change $description value
protected $description = 'Triggers scheduler every minute or --sleep seconds interval';
public function handle()
// Change handle() function body to this:
while (true) {
$this->info('Calling scheduler');
Then, add this line to Procfile:
scheduler: php artisan schedule:daemon
And remember to enable scheduler process on heroku dashboard or run:
heroku ps:scale scheduler=1
I hope it becomes helpful to others in the future!
Cron To Go is an add-on that allows you to run Laravel's task scheduler every minute (* * * * * in cron). Simply install the add-on, add a job with * * * * * as the schedule and php artisan schedule:run as the command, sit back and relax! If your Laravel logs don't show up for the scheduler, there's a quick fix for log routing described here.
A free alternative can be to use the free worker dyno and configure it as follows in the Procfile
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/
worker: bash -c "while [ true ]; do (php artisan schedule:run &); sleep 60; done"
This command creates a while loop for run schedule:run every minute.
Then you must exec heroku ps:scale web=1 worker=1 to enable worker dyno.
