Opening multiple TFS diff files in Visual Studio using multi-selection - visual-studio

Multi-selection doesn't seem to be supported in Visual Studio's Team Explorer when attempting to compare multiple files. Is there another mean to this end?
The following procedure I've been using to review Pending Changes or Changeset Details requires a lot of extra keystrokes and also mouse interaction (to manually dock each diff file).
Navigate to Pending Changes (Changeset Details)
Ctrl+0, P (Ctrl+\, Ctrl+M)
Highlight a file and Compare with Workspace Version (multi-selection?)
, W (Enter)
Float the diff tab
Alt+-, F
Use mouse to dock floating diff tabs together.

The following method requires less mouse interaction, but disproportionately more keystrokes (multi-selection support in Pending Changes or Changeset Details would seem to help).
Open a file to compare from Pending Changes (Changeset Details).
Ctrl+0, P (Ctrl+\, Ctrl+M)
, W (Enter)
Pin Tab
Alt+-, P (note: Ctrl+Alt+Home keeps tab open w/o pinning)
Repeat steps 1-2 until all files to compare are opened.
The diff tabs should fill from left to right as they are pinned, leaving the last one opened in the left-most position (right-most in VS 2015).
Multi-select all diff tabs (press PgUp once for each tab while holding Ctrl+Alt+Shift)
Ctrl+Alt+Shift, PgUp
Float all selected/highlighted diff tabs into a single window
Alt+-, F
Position floating window of diff tabs


Visual Studio 2020 how to stop filenames from being shortened in the tab

In Visual Studio (2020 for me), the filename of open files are written in the tabs at the top of the screen. If the filename is too long, it will be automatically shortened, i.e. instead of ReallyLongFilename.cs it will say ReallyL...lename.cs.
I want the entire filename to be displayed. I realize that I can hover my mouse on the tab to see the entire path, and I realize that I can select the dropdown on the top right to see all open files. That requires mouse and eye movement, when I just want eye movement.
Is there a setting for this?
Not really, but you can mitigate the problem by changing the tab minimum/maximum width via Tools > Options > Environment > Tabs and Windows > Minimum Tab Width and Maximum Tab Width. The default minimum is 60 and the default maximum is 215. Changing the Maximum Tab Width will allow you to see more of the filename.

How to navigate back to the last cursor position with respect to *same* file in Visual Studio Code?

Alt+Left navigate backs to the last cursor position and if the last cursor position was in a different file then it navigates to that file.
But, I want to navigate to the last cursor position with respect to the currently focused file only. It is really useful when I have 2 split file editors and want to navigate back exclusive to each other.
Is it possible?
I hope you understand the question, let me know if further explanation is required.
Basic Functionality
You can use the cursor undo / cursor redo commands via the command palette.
Undo also comes with a keyboard shortcut by default (Mac: cmd+u, Windows/Linux: ctrl+u), and you can configure a keybinding for redo.
Advanced Functionality
Note, however, that the file's cursor history is only saved while it has focus in an editor group. So if you have split editors, multiple focused files can have their own cursor history saved. And if the same file is opened and focused in two different editor groups, it has two different cursor history states.
But as soon as you focus another file in an editor group, the previously focused file will lose its cursor history (in that editor group).
The VSCode team is currently working on a variety of open issues to improve local history across the board, but I don't believe that saving cursor history for blurred (or closed) files is in the plans yet. If you need that functionality, you may want to create a feature request.
Note, with VSCode 1.40 (Oct. 2019):
The Soft Undo command has been renamed to Cursor Undo
This action is useful, for example when using Ctrl+D to select the next match and going one time too far, as it undoes only the last cursor state change.
Additionally, we now have added Cursor Redo, which redoes the previously undone cursor state change.

Visual Studio 2015 - arbitrary cursor position on empty line

Initial note: I'm not getting any responses over on superuser to my question, so please allow me to ask this here:
I inherited a VS solution with a bunch of unorthodox settings. I'm not at liberty to wipe out all those settings and start over. So there is 1 setting I want to change back to VS default but cannot find it.
In a normal/default VS c# environment, when you click the mouse on a line of code that hasn't been written yet (empty, no spaces, no code, no tabs), the cursor automatically positions to the beginning of where the line of code should begin. If it's just inside a foreach, if, or etc, it will indent a bit from the left edge according to tab rules, etc.
But in the weird VS settings I have, wherever I click, the cursor positions at that exact spot. So if I click on col 20 of the next line, the cursor remains at col 20 rather than auto-repositioning to col 5 or wherever it should be. This is SO annoying because I can't always eyeball where the cursor should be and I end up clicking at the end of the previous line, then hitting ENTER, at which time it goes to the next line and positions the cursor at the right place.
How can I fix this?
It is controlled by the Enable virtual space option. See Visual Studio options - Text Editor - C#. By default it is off/unchecked.
I resolved this issue by applying Sergey's suggested change (Visual Studio options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Enable Virtual Space [check]), but also enabled (Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Tabs -> Smart).

How do I go to the next conflict in the Xcode merge tool?

When I choose to merge a git branch into another via Xcode 5, I get an interface that shows me all the files that are going to be changed including those with conflicts. Before I go ahead with the merge, I am supposed to click on each file with a red C and fix the conflicts.
Imagine one of the files has 100 changes and only 3 of them are in conflict. How can I easily jump to the next conflict in the file? (Besides either manually scrolling and looking for something red, or by tapping the next arrow button 100 times.)
Update: This is specifically referring to the merge window you access by invoking the Source Control > (working copy) > Merge to/from branch command which displays a window such as:
(image source)
You can do it by pressing
cmd + D for next conflict
cmd + shift + D for previous conflict
Arrow keys!
Down arrow to go to the next issue, left and right keys to chose the code. You may need to click on the frame between your two sources to enter this mode.

Changing Ctrl + Tab behavior for moving between documents in Visual Studio

Is it possible to change how Ctrl + Tab and Shift + Ctrl + Tab work in Visual Studio? I have disabled the popup navigator window, because I only want to switch between items in the tab control. My problem is the inconsistency of what switching to the next and previous document do.
Every other program that uses a tab control for open document I have seen uses Ctrl + Tab to move from left to right and Shift + Ctrl + Tab to go right to left. Visual Studio breaks this with its jump to the last tab selected. You can never know what document you will end up on, and it is never the same way twice.
It is very counterintuitive. Is this a subtle way to encourage everyone to only ever have two document open at once?
Let's say I have a few files open. I am working in one, and I need to see what is in the next tab to the right. In every other single application on the face of the Earth, Ctrl + Tab will get me there. But in Visual Studio, I have no idea which of the other tabs it will take me to. If I only ever have two documents open, this works great. As soon as you go to three or more, all bets are off as to what tab Visual Studio has decided to send you to.
The problem with this is that I shouldn't have to think about the tool, it should fade into the background, and I should be thinking about the task. The current tab behavior keeps pulling me out of the task and makes me have to pay attention to the tool.
In Visual Studio 2015 (as well as previous versions of VS, but you must install Productivity Power Tools if you're using VS2013 or below), there are two new commands in Visual Studio:
Window.NextTab and
Just go remap them from Ctrl+Alt+PageUp/Ctrl+Alt+PageDown to Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab in:
Menu Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
Note: In earlier versions such as Visual Studio 2010, Window.NextTab and Window.PreviousTab were named Window.NextDocumentWellTab and
Visual Studio 2010 has, built in, a way to solve this.
By default, Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab are assigned to Window.[Previous/Next]..Document, but you can, through
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard,
remove those key assignments and reassign them to Window.[Next/Previous]Tab to add the desired behavior.
it can be changed, at least in VS 2012 (I think it should work for 2010 too).
1) TOOLS > Options > Environment > Keyboard
(Yes TOOLS, its VS2012 !) Now three shortcuts to check.
2) Window.NextDocumentWindow - you can reach there quickly by typing on the search pane on top. Now this is your enemy. Remove it if you dont like it. Change it to something else (and dont forget the Assign button) if want to have your own, but do remember that shortcut whatever it is in the end. It will come handy later.
(I mean this is the shortcut that remembers your last tab)
3) Now look for Window.NextDocumentWindowNav - this is the same as above but shows a preview of opened tabs (you can navigate to other windows too quickly with this pop-up). I never found this helpful though. Do all that mentioned in step 2 (don't forget to remember).
4) Window.NextTab - your magic potion. This would let you cycle through tabs in the forward order. May be you want CTRL+TAB? Again step 2 and remember.
5) Now place cursor in the Press shortcut keys: textbox (doesn't matter what is selected currently, you're not going to Assign this time), and type first of the three (or two or one) shortcuts.
You'll see Shortcut currently used by: listed. Ensure that you have no duplicate entry for the shortcut. In the pic, there are no duplicate entries. In case you have (a rarity), say X, then go to X, and remove the shortcut. Repeat this step for other shortcuts as well.
6) Now repeat 1-5 for Previous shortcuts as well (preferably adding Shift).
7) Bonus: Select VS2005 mapping scheme (at the top of the same box), so now you get F2 for Rename members and not CTRL+R+R, and F7 for View Code and not CTRL+ALT+0.
I'm of the opinion VS has got it right by default. I find it extremely useful that VS remembers what I used last, and makes switching easier, much like what the OS itself does (on ALT+TAB). My browser does the same too by default (Opera), though I know Firefox behaves differently.
In Visual Studio 2012 or later (2013, 2015, 2017...):
Browse the menu Tools / Options / Environment / Keyboard.
Search for the command 'Window.NextTab', set the shortcut to Ctrl+Tab
Search for the command 'Window.PreviousTab', set the shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Navigate to the blog post Visual Studio Tab Un-stupidifier Macro and make use of the macro. After you apply the macro to your installation of Visual Studio you can bind your favorite keyboard shortcuts to them. Also notice the registry fix in the comments for not displaying the macro balloon since they might get annoying after a while.
Ctl + Alt + PgUp or PgDn shortcuts worked to toggle next/prev tab out of the box for me...
After a couple of hours of searching I found a solution how to switch between open documents using CTRL+TAB which move from left to right and SHIFT+ CTRL+ TAB to go right to left.
In short you need to copy and paste this macro:
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Module TabCtrl
Public Sub TabForward()
Dim i As Integer
Dim activateNext As Boolean = False
For i = 1 To DTE.Windows.Count
If DTE.Windows().Item(i).Kind = "Document" Then
If activateNext Then
GoTo done
End If
If DTE.Windows().Item(i) Is DTE.ActiveWindow Then
activateNext = True
End If
End If
' Was the last window... go back to the first
If activateNext Then
For i = 1 To DTE.Windows.Count
If DTE.Windows().Item(i).Kind = "Document" Then
GoTo done
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub TabBackward()
Dim i As Integer
Dim activateNext As Boolean = False
For i = DTE.Windows.Count To 1 Step -1
If DTE.Windows().Item(i).Kind = "Document" Then
If activateNext Then
GoTo done
End If
If DTE.Windows().Item(i) Is DTE.ActiveWindow Then
activateNext = True
End If
End If
' Was the first window... go back to the last
If activateNext Then
For i = DTE.Windows.Count To 1 Step -1
If DTE.Windows().Item(i).Kind = "Document" Then
GoTo done
End If
End If
End Sub
End Module
The macro comes from:
If you never add a macro to Visual Studio there is a very useful link how to do it.
The philosophy of the Visual Studio tab order is very counterintuitive since the order of the displayed tabs differs from the tab-switching logic, rendering the ordering of the tabs completely useless.
So until a better solution arises, change the window layout (in Environment->General) from tabbed-documents to multiple-documents; it will not change the behaviour, but it reduces the confusion caused by the tabs.
That way you will also find the DocumentWindowNav more useful!
I'm 100% in agreement with Jeff.
I had worked on Borland C++ Builder for several years and one of the features I miss most is the 'correct' document tabbing order with Ctrl-Tab. As Jeff said, "The current tab behavior keeps pulling me out of the task and makes me have to pay attention to the tool " is exactly how I feels about this, and I'm very much surprised by the fact that there aren't many people complaining about this.
I think Ctrl-F6 - NextDocumentWindowNav - navigates documents based on the document's last-activated time. This behavior is a lot like how MDI applications used to behave in old days.
With this taken this into account, I usually use Ctrl+F6 to switch between 2 documents (which is pretty handy in switching between .cpp and .h files when working on c++ project) even when there are more than 2 currently opened documents. For example, if you have 10 documents open (Tab1, Tab2, Tab3, ...., Tab10), I click on Tab1 and then Tab2. When I do Ctrl+F6 and release keys, I'll jump to Tab1. Pressing Ctrl+F6 again will take me back to Tab2.
I guess you want what VSS calls Next(Previous)DocumentWindow. By default, it's on Ctrl(-Shift)-F6 on my VSS 8. On Ctrl(-Shift)-Tab they have Next(Previous)DocumentWindowNav. You can change key assignments via Tools/Options/Keyboard.
In registry branch:
add DWORD named "UseMRUDocOrdering" with value of 1.
It will order documents so most recently used are placed on the left. It's not perfect but better than the default misbehaviour.
Updated to VS 2017+, where, according to #J-Bob's comment under #thepaulpage's answer, (emphasis added):
Looks like the commands have changed again. It's now 2017 and the keyboard shortcuts are called Open Next Editor and Open Previous Editor. You don't need any extensions for this.
You can find the options under Settings, which can be accessed via the gear symbol in the lower left, or by the [Ctrl]+, command.
I feel the top answer at the moment is outdated. In Visual Studio 2021 (v1.56), you do not need to install any extensions or mess around with any configuration files. You simply need to do the following steps:
Click the gear icon in the bottom-left.
Select 'Keyboard Shortcuts'.
Search for 'workbench.action.previousEditor' and 'workbench.action.nextEditor' and edit their keybindings by clicking the pencil icon on the left side of the row.
If you do change to 'Ctrl+tab' or any other shortcut that is already in use by another command, it will let you know and give you the option to change those. I personally changed them to 'Ctrl+PgUp' and 'Ctrl+PgDn' so it was just a straight swap.
I don't use Visual Studio (yes, really, I don't use it), but AutoHotkey can remap any hotkey globally or in a particular application:
#IfWinActive Microsoft Excel (application specific remapping)
; Printing area in Excel (# Ctrl+Alt+A)
Send !ade
; Closes the active window (make double tapping F4 works like ALT+F4)
if f4_cnt > 0
f4_cnt += 1
f4_cnt = 1
SetTimer, f4_Handler, 250
SetTimer, f4_Handler, off
if (f4_cnt >= 2) ; Pressed more than two times
SendInput !{f4}
} else {
; Resend f4 to the application
Send {f4}
f4_cnt = 0
These are two remappings of my main AutoHotKey script. I think it's an excellent tool for this type of tasks.
