Getting the V8 engine version in Opera browser - v8

It is easy to get V8 version in chrome by typing chrome://version/. But how to do it in opera?
Thanks for any answer or advice in advance.

It doesn't seem to be exposed directly, but one possible workaround is:
go to opera://about, and look at the Chrome version in the user agent string, e.g. "Chrome/65.0.3325.162"
go to and use the "Version Information" box to map the Chrome version to a V8 version, e.g. 65.0.3325.162 has V8 version
Fine print: I don't know how accurate the user agent information is, i.e. whether the Opera binary is actually built from exactly the sources of the indicated Chrome version. But even if it isn't, the steps above should give a good approximation.


mGWT debugging on Android emulators

I’m developing with MGWT 2.0.1 for iOS and Android platforms.
I need to debug my application on Cordova emulators and I read the article for using Super Dev Mode with MGWT. I followed all instructions until the end of the article, so I can view the choice “Super Dev Mode: On” that you display as the latest image.
Now, how can I insert a breakpoint on app client-side and track the execution on Java source code?
To complete my question, I report you that I connected a Cordova-Android emulator with the remote debugger in Developer Chrome Tools.
I uploaded two snapshots here to explain better my situation: I cannot see Java sources:
How can I solve this issue?
Thank you very much,
best regards,
The blog post you linked is a bit outdated, maybe the mgwt wiki is more helpful.
As for the Java sources, the tricky bit on Android is when you try to load the source maps. If you try to load them from localhost, this will be interpreted as the Android emulator's localhost (which is You can check if this is happening in the network tab.
Can you provide more information, which GWT version are you using? 2.7.0? What value did you give the -bindAddress parameter?

-webkit-backface-visibility doesn't work in node-webkit on Windows

I'm using node-webkit to build a self-contained web app demo, and for some reason, the -webkit-backface-visibility CSS3 property doesn't work – but only when I run the app on Windows, not on Mac.
When I say it doesn't work, I mean it's exactly as if the property isn't supported: when I flip an element over on its back, I see it reversed, rather than hidden.
The issue isn't only with my particular code, either, as online demos of -webkit-backface-visibility (like this one) don't work when I run them in the app on Windows:
Is this a bug in node-webkit? Is there any way I can get this to work?
Well, it sounds like a bug. It might be the same issue that causes WebGL not to be available with specific hardware/driver combinations on Windows:
On Windows with some hardware and driver, WebGL won't work until you copy D3DCompiler_43.dll and d3dx9_43.dll to node-webkit's directory, or install DirectX 9 redistributable.
For license reasons we cannot ship those DLLs.
This seems to have fixed a similar problem with backface-visibility reported here:
CSS: backface-visibility and perspective doesn't work
It WORKS! Thanks a lot! I've added two dll files two node-webkit package and it works!

Are there standalone libraries for Firefox Sync?

For example, I'd like to write a script that retrieves all my bookmarks that contain the word "html5" in the title, and adds the tag "web-development" to those bookmarks.
I know there is an Client API specification, but it seems like a complicated protocol, and I figure someone must have developed a library already. It's hard to see which documentation and libraries are up-to-date. There's this page on the Mozilla Wiki, but it has this message:
Warning: Most of the information on this page is outdated. Weave has been renamed Firefox Sync and is now part of Firefox 4. Many APIs documented here have evolved.
What's the current version of the Firefox Sync protocol used?
I've found this code inside Android Sync (a month old), and weaveclient-python (2 years old). Are there any standalone libraries I can use in my own programs?
It seems no stand-alone lib to use. You can also check shaman's project page
Hope this can help.
There is a FirefoxData-android library which can help you to integrate an Android app with Firefox Sync

Are there any plans for a native windows version of NodeJs?

I'm wondering if anyone has any information or speculation as to when or if there will be a native windows version/port of Node.js.
There is an ongoing effort to provide a mingw port of Node.js. Version 0.3.6+ can be build that way.
However that is still experimental and anything but ready for more than quick and dirty development. Even in case this version matures, I suppose that it will always lag behind the *nix versions, mainly due to the fact that the event loop implementations that Node uses were originally written for those systems and APIs.
The windows version may become stable for development at some point in the future, but I hardly doubt it will ever be usable for production.
July 2011 Update:
#nodejs v0.5.1 is the first to ship with an official Windows executable. We're hoping to get some good feedback.
Microsoft has officially gotten involved with joyent in making node.js work natively on windows.
If one or two Windows C++ developers would put in the effort, then they could fill the gaps in the native Windows version and produce a node.js implementation that would be usable for production.
For now, there is a working Cygwin version and I don't know of any testing that shows it to be unsuitable for production. It certainly works fine (version 0.5.0pre) for development.
Have a look at:
Which is based on the work of these guys here
Both good ways of getting node on windows if you dont have cygwin. However after many heartaches I found developing Node stuff on windows easiest by just using virtualbox with the ubuntu image.
I am strictly a Windows Dev and I have wanted to mess around with Node.js for quite a while.
It looks like Microsoft, and the Node.js team are planning on working together port Node.js to Windows.
So, it's not hear yet but it should be soon. w00t!
The Official Node.js Blog
The first stable version has been released: Release details here.
Be sure to check for the latest version as the link above will go out of date.

Use Google Chrome/ Chromium instead of WebKit on MacOS

I would like to use Google Chrome instead of the WebKit Framework in one of my projects. I found the 'chromiumembedded' project for Windows but nothing similar for Mac. Best would be to have it in form of a Framework to just drop it into a XCode project.
Question: Is there an easy way to integrate the Webkit of Google Chromium in own MacOS X projects?
There are xcode project files throughout the Chromium code and you'll find that WebKit has its own xcodeproj files. Note that Chromium's WebKit routinely merges with the trunk WebKit and upstreams its changes. I don't really see why you'd want to go through the trouble of pulling from the Chromium's WebKit tree rather than getting it from the head WebKit revision. However you should be able to grab the {$chromium_trunk}/src/third_party/WebKit directory to get Chromium's version of WebKit. There aren't any dependencies on the Chromium browser specific code so that won't be an issue.
What are you trying to get from this; a rendering engine or a browser? The ambiguity in your question leaves a lot of confusion in interpretation.
If your looking at embedded browsers you may want to check out Android's WebKit browser. Android is open source as well.
Are you aware that Google Chrome already uses WebKit?
Quote from here
We owe a great debt to many open source projects, and we're committed to continuing on their path. We've used components from Apple's WebKit and Mozilla's Firefox, among others - and in that spirit, we are making all of our code open source as well. We hope to collaborate with the entire community to help drive the web forward.
Answering to my own question:
Since they don't seem to have a working Mac version up for the general public, I would assume that this does not exist unless you happen to be a Google employee.
