How to consume (or iterate over) an array in ATS - ats

Suppose we declare an array as the following:
dataview myarray
( a:t#ype (* element types *)
, addr (* location *)
, int (* size *)
) =
| {l:addr}
myarray_nil(a, l, 0)
| {l:addr}{n:int}
myarray_cons(a, l, n + 1) of (a#l, myarray(a, l + sizeof(a), n))
I would like to iterate over such an array. I have tried the following way:
{l: addr}{n: nat}
(pf: !myarray(a, l, n) | p0: ptr(l), f:a-<cloref1>a): void = let
prval myarray_cons(pf1, pf2) = pf
val elm = ptr_get<a>(pf1 | p0)
val () = ptr_set<a>(pf1 | p0, f(elm))
val p1 = ptr_succ<a>(p0)
(pf:= myarray_cons(pf1, pf2); myarray_map(pf | p1, f))
The issue is when I hit the myarray_nil case, the prval becomes unmatched.
Since pf is a linear resource, I cannot do
case+ pf of
| myarray_nil() =>
| myarray_cons(pf1, pf2) =>
Because pf is consumed here but it must be retained according to the function definition. How can I iterate through myarray in this way and ensure that pf is matched exhaustively while not being consumed?
Thank you!

Following the advice given in the comments, I wrote the following which typechecks:
{l: addr}{n: nat | n > 0}
(pf: !myarray(a, l, n) | p0: ptr(l), n: int(n), f:a-<cloref1>a): void = let
prval myarray_cons(pf1, pf2) = pf
val elm = ptr_get<a>(pf1 | p0)
val () = ptr_set<a>(pf1 | p0, f(elm))
val p1 = ptr_succ<a>(p0)
if n = 1
then ()
else myarray_map(pf2 | p1, n - 1, f); pf := myarray_cons(pf1, pf2)


Ocaml- partial derivative of a regular expression

I got this code:
type regexp =
| V (* void *)
| E (* epsilon *)
| C of char (* char *)
| U of regexp * regexp (* a + b *)
| P of regexp * regexp (* a.b *)
| S of regexp (* a* *)
module ReS = Set.Make (struct
type t = regexp
let compare = compare
(* module/type for pairs of sets of regular expressions *)
module RePS = Set.Make (struct
type t = ReS.t * ReS.t
let compare = compare
(*module/type for set of chars *)
module CS = Set.Make(Char)
let ewps = ReS.exists ewp;;
let atmost_epsilons = ReS.for_all atmost_epsilon;;
let infinitys = ReS.exists infinity;;
let rigth_concat s = function
| V -> ReS.empty
| E -> s
| r -> (fun e -> P (e,r)) s
let ( *.* ) = rigth_concat;;
(* partial derivative of a regular expression *)
let rec pd a re = function
| V | E -> ReS.empty
| C b when b=a -> ReS.singleton E
| C b -> ReS.empty
| U (r, s) -> ReS.union (pd a r) (pd a s)
| P (r, s) when ewp a -> ReS.union ((pd a r) *.* s) (pd a s)
| P (r, s) -> (pd a r) *.* s
| S r as re -> (pd a r) *.* re
let rec unions f s =
ReS.fold (fun re acc -> ReS.union (f re) acc ) s ReS.empty
let rec pds a s = unions (pd a) s;;
let rec pdw (sr: ReS.t) = function
| [] -> sr
| a::tl -> pds a (pdw sr tl)
I checked the types of return values and i think they are correct, but it returns the following error and I am not sure why.
This expression has type regexp -> ReS.t but an expression was
expected of type ReS.t
In function "pd" in line that has error
| U (r, s) -> ReS.union (pd a r) (pd a s)
I believe your problem is caused by the fact that function supplies an implicit parameter. This expression:
function None -> 0 | Some x -> x
is a function with one parameter. So in your case you have defined pd to have three parameters. It looks to me like you're expecting it to have two parameters.
You can probably change your function ... to match re with instead. Or you can remove the explicit re parameter, and use the parameter that's implicit in function.

Competitive programming using Haskell

I am currently trying to refresh my Haskell knowledge by solving some Hackerrank problems.
For example:
I've already implemented an imperative solution in C++ which got accepted for all test cases. Now I am trying to come up with a pure functional solution in (reasonably idiomatic) Haskell.
My current code is
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Debug.Trace
-- precompute factorials
compFactorials :: Int -> Int -> IntMap.IntMap Int
compFactorials n m = go 0 1 IntMap.empty
go a acc map
| a < 0 = map
| a < n = go a' acc' map'
| otherwise = map'
map' = IntMap.insert a acc map
a' = a + 1
acc' = (acc * a') `mod` m
-- precompute invs
compInvs :: Int -> Int -> IntMap.IntMap Int -> IntMap.IntMap Int
compInvs n m facts = go 0 IntMap.empty
go a map
| a < 0 = map
| a < n = go a' map'
| otherwise = map'
map' = IntMap.insert a v map
a' = a + 1
v = (modExp b (m-2) m) `mod` m
b = (IntMap.!) facts a
modExp :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
modExp b e m = go b e 1
go b e r
| (.&.) e 1 == 1 = go b' e' r'
| e > 0 = go b' e' r
| otherwise = r
r' = (r * b) `mod` m
b' = (b * b) `mod` m
e' = shift e (-1)
-- precompute frequency table
initFreqMap :: C.ByteString -> Map.Map Char (IntMap.IntMap Int)
initFreqMap inp = go 1 map1 map2 inp
map1 = Map.fromList $ zip ['a'..'z'] $ repeat 0
map2 = Map.fromList $ zip ['a'..'z'] $ repeat IntMap.empty
go idx m1 m2 inp
| C.null inp = m2
| otherwise = go (idx+1) m1' m2' $ C.tail inp
m1' = Map.update (\v -> Just $ v+1) (C.head inp) m1
m2' = foldl' (\m w -> Map.update (\v -> liftM (\c -> IntMap.insert idx c v) $ Map.lookup w m1') w m)
m2 ['a'..'z']
query :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Map.Map Char (IntMap.IntMap Int)
-> IntMap.IntMap Int -> IntMap.IntMap Int -> Int
query l r m freqMap facts invs
| x > 1 = (x * y) `mod` m
| otherwise = y
calcCnt cs = cr - cl
cl = IntMap.findWithDefault 0 (l-1) cs
cr = IntMap.findWithDefault 0 r cs
f1 acc cs
| even cnt = acc
| otherwise = acc + 1
cnt = calcCnt cs
f2 (acc1,acc2) cs
| cnt < 2 = (acc1 ,acc2)
| otherwise = (acc1',acc2')
cnt = calcCnt cs
n = cnt `div` 2
acc1' = acc1 + n
r = choose acc1' n
acc2' = (acc2 * r) `mod` m
-- calc binomial coefficient using Fermat's little theorem
choose n k
| n < k = 0
| otherwise = (f1 * t) `mod` m
f1 = (IntMap.!) facts n
i1 = (IntMap.!) invs k
i2 = (IntMap.!) invs (n-k)
t = (i1 * i2) `mod` m
x = Map.foldl' f1 0 freqMap
y = snd $ Map.foldl' f2 (0,1) freqMap
main :: IO()
main = do
inp <- C.getLine
q <- readLn :: IO Int
let modulo = 1000000007
let facts = compFactorials (C.length inp) modulo
let invs = compInvs (C.length inp) modulo facts
let freqMap = initFreqMap inp
forM_ [1..q] $ \_ -> do
line <- getLine
let [s1, s2] = words line
let l = (read s1) :: Int
let r = (read s2) :: Int
let result = query l r modulo freqMap facts invs
putStrLn $ show result
It passes all small and medium test cases but I am getting timeout with large test cases.
The key to solve this problem is to precompute some stuff once at the beginning and use them to answer the individual queries efficiently.
Now, my main problem where I need help is:
The initital profiling shows that the lookup operation of the IntMap seems to be the main bottleneck. Is there better alternative to IntMap for memoization? Or should I look at Vector or Array, which I believe will lead to more "ugly" code.
Even in current state, the code doesn't look nice (by functional standards) and as verbose as my C++ solution. Any tips to make it more idiomatic? Other than IntMap usage for memoization, do you spot any other obvious problems which can lead to performance problems?
And is there any good sources, where I can learn how to use Haskell more effectively for competitive programming?
A sample large testcase, where the current code gets timeout:
For comparison my C++ solution:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#define MOD 1000000007L
long mod_exp(long b, long e) {
long r = 1;
while (e > 0) {
if ((e & 1) == 1) {
r = (r * b) % MOD;
b = (b * b) % MOD;
e >>= 1;
return r;
long n_choose_k(int n, int k, const std::vector<long> &fact_map, const std::vector<long> &inv_map) {
if (n < k) {
return 0;
long l1 = fact_map[n];
long l2 = (inv_map[k] * inv_map[n-k]) % MOD;
return (l1 * l2) % MOD;
int main() {
std::string s;
int q;
std::cin >> s >> q;
std::vector<std::vector<long>> freq_map;
std::vector<long> fact_map(s.size()+1);
std::vector<long> inv_map(s.size()+1);
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
freq_map.emplace_back(std::vector<long>(s.size(), 0));
std::vector<long> acc_map(26, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {
freq_map[j][i] = acc_map[j];
fact_map[0] = 1;
inv_map[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= s.size(); i++) {
fact_map[i] = (i * fact_map[i-1]) % MOD;
inv_map[i] = mod_exp(fact_map[i], MOD-2) % MOD;
while (q--) {
int l, r;
std::cin >> l >> r;
std::vector<long> x(26, 0);
long t = 0;
long acc = 0;
long result = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
auto cnt = freq_map[i][r-1] - (l > 1 ? freq_map[i][l-2] : 0);
if (cnt % 2 != 0) {
long n = cnt / 2;
if (n > 0) {
acc += n;
result *= n_choose_k(acc, n, fact_map, inv_map);
result = result % MOD;
if (t > 0) {
result *= t;
result = result % MOD;
std::cout << result << std::endl;
DanielWagner's answer has confirmed my suspicion that the main problem in my code was the usage of IntMap for memoization. Replacing IntMap with Array made my code perform similar to DanielWagner's solution.
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array (Array)
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
-- precompute factorials
compFactorials :: Int -> Int -> Array Int Int
compFactorials n m = A.listArray (0,n) $ scanl' f 1 [1..n]
f acc a = (acc * a) `mod` m
-- precompute invs
compInvs :: Int -> Int -> Array Int Int -> Array Int Int
compInvs n m facts = A.listArray (0,n) $ map f [0..n]
f a = (modExp ((A.!) facts a) (m-2) m) `mod` m
modExp :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
modExp b e m = go b e 1
go b e r
| (.&.) e 1 == 1 = go b' e' r'
| e > 0 = go b' e' r
| otherwise = r
r' = (r * b) `mod` m
b' = (b * b) `mod` m
e' = shift e (-1)
-- precompute frequency table
initFreqMap :: C.ByteString -> Map.Map Char (Array Int Int)
initFreqMap inp = Map.fromList $ map f ['a'..'z']
n = C.length inp
f c = (c, A.listArray (0,n) $ scanl' g 0 [0..n-1])
g x j
| C.index inp j == c = x+1
| otherwise = x
query :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Map.Map Char (Array Int Int)
-> Array Int Int -> Array Int Int -> Int
query l r m freqMap facts invs
| x > 1 = (x * y) `mod` m
| otherwise = y
calcCnt freqMap = cr - cl
cl = (A.!) freqMap (l-1)
cr = (A.!) freqMap r
f1 acc cs
| even cnt = acc
| otherwise = acc + 1
cnt = calcCnt cs
f2 (acc1,acc2) cs
| cnt < 2 = (acc1 ,acc2)
| otherwise = (acc1',acc2')
cnt = calcCnt cs
n = cnt `div` 2
acc1' = acc1 + n
r = choose acc1' n
acc2' = (acc2 * r) `mod` m
-- calc binomial coefficient using Fermat's little theorem
choose n k
| n < k = 0
| otherwise = (f1 * t) `mod` m
f1 = (A.!) facts n
i1 = (A.!) invs k
i2 = (A.!) invs (n-k)
t = (i1 * i2) `mod` m
x = Map.foldl' f1 0 freqMap
y = snd $ Map.foldl' f2 (0,1) freqMap
main :: IO()
main = do
inp <- C.getLine
q <- readLn :: IO Int
let modulo = 1000000007
let facts = compFactorials (C.length inp) modulo
let invs = compInvs (C.length inp) modulo facts
let freqMap = initFreqMap inp
replicateM_ q $ do
line <- getLine
let [s1, s2] = words line
let l = (read s1) :: Int
let r = (read s2) :: Int
let result = query l r modulo freqMap facts invs
putStrLn $ show result
I think you've shot yourself in the foot by trying to be too clever. Below I'll show a straightforward implementation of a slightly different algorithm that is about 5x faster than your Haskell code.
Here's the core combinatoric computation. Given a character frequency count for a substring, we can compute the number of maximum-length palindromes this way:
Divide all the frequencies by two, rounding down; call this the div2-frequencies. We'll also want the mod2-frequencies, which is the set of letters for which we had to round down.
Sum the div2-frequencies to get the total length of the palindrome prefix; its factorial gives an overcount of the number of possible prefixes for the palindrome.
Take the product of the factorials of the div2-frequencies. This tells the factor by which we overcounted above.
Take the size of the mod2-frequencies, or choose 1 if there are none. We can extend any of the palindrome prefixes by one of the values in this set, if there are any, so we have to multiply by this size.
For the overcounting step, it's not super obvious to me whether it would be faster to store precomputed inverses for factorials, and take their product, or whether it's faster to just take the product of all the factorials and do one inverse operation at the very end. I'll do the latter, because it just intuitively seems faster to do one inversion per query than one lookup per repeated letter, but what do I know? Should be easy to test if you want to try to adapt the code yourself.
There's only one other quick insight I had vs. your code, which is that we can cache the frequency counts for prefixes of the input; then computing the frequency count for a substring is just pointwise subtraction of two cached counts. Your precomputation on the input I find to be a bit excessive in comparison.
Without further ado, let's see some code. As usual there's some preamble.
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array (Array)
import qualified Data.Array as A
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
Like you, I want to do all my computations on cheap Ints and bake in the modular operations where possible. I'll make a newtype to make sure this happens for me.
newtype Mod1000000007 = Mod Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Num Mod1000000007 where
fromInteger = Mod . (`mod` 1000000007) . fromInteger
Mod l + Mod r = Mod ((l+r) `rem` 1000000007)
Mod l * Mod r = Mod ((l*r) `rem` 1000000007)
negate (Mod v) = Mod ((1000000007 - v) `rem` 1000000007)
abs = id
signum = id
instance Integral Mod1000000007 where
toInteger (Mod n) = toInteger n
quotRem a b = (a * b^1000000005, 0)
I baked in the base of 1000000007 in several places, but it's easy to generalize by giving Mod a phantom parameter and making a HasBase class to pick the base. Ask a fresh question if you're not sure how and are interested; I'll be happy to do a more thorough writeup. There's a few more instances for Mod that are basically uninteresting and primarily needed because of Haskell's wacko numeric class hierarchy:
instance Show Mod1000000007 where show (Mod n) = show n
instance Real Mod1000000007 where toRational (Mod n) = toRational n
instance Enum Mod1000000007 where
toEnum = Mod . (`mod` 1000000007)
fromEnum (Mod n) = n
Here's the precomputation we want to do for factorials...
type FactMap = Array Int Mod1000000007
factMap :: Int -> FactMap
factMap n = A.listArray (0,n) (scanl (*) 1 [1..])
...and for precomputing frequency maps for each prefix, plus getting a frequency map given a start and end point.
type FreqMap = Map Char Int
freqMaps :: String -> Array Int FreqMap
freqMaps s = go where
go = A.listArray (0, length s)
(M.empty : [M.insertWith (+) c 1 (go A.! i) | (i, c) <- zip [0..] s])
substringFreqMap :: Array Int FreqMap -> Int -> Int -> FreqMap
substringFreqMap maps l r = M.unionWith (-) (maps A.! r) (maps A.! (l-1))
Implementing the core computation described above is just a few lines of code, now that we have suitable Num and Integral instances for Mod1000000007:
palindromeCount :: FactMap -> FreqMap -> Mod1000000007
palindromeCount facts freqs
= toEnum (max 1 mod2Freqs)
* (facts A.! sum div2Freqs)
`div` product (map (facts A.!) div2Freqs)
(div2Freqs, Sum mod2Freqs) = foldMap (\n -> ([n `quot` 2], Sum (n `rem` 2))) freqs
Now we just need a short driver to read stuff and pass it around to the appropriate functions.
main :: IO ()
main = do
inp <- getLine
q <- readLn
let freqs = freqMaps inp
facts = factMap (length inp)
replicateM_ q $ do
[l,r] <- map read . words <$> getLine
print . palindromeCount facts $ substringFreqMap freqs l r
That's it. Notably I made no attempt to be fancy about bitwise operations and didn't do anything fancy with accumulators; everything is in what I would consider idiomatic purely-functional style. The final count is about half as much code that runs about 5x faster.
P.S. Just for fun, I replaced the last line with print (l+r :: Int)... and discovered that about half the time is spent in read. Ouch! Seems there's still plenty of low-hanging fruit if this isn't fast enough yet.

how to match dna sequence pattern

I am getting a trouble finding an approach to solve this problem.
Input-output sequences are as follows :
**input1 :** aaagctgctagag
**output1 :** a3gct2ag2
**input2 :** aaaaaaagctaagctaag
**output2 :** a6agcta2ag
Input nsequence can be of 10^6 characters and largest continuous patterns will be considered.
For example for input2 "agctaagcta" output will not be "agcta2gcta" but it will be "agcta2".
Any help appreciated.
Explanation of the algorithm:
Having a sequence S with symbols s(1), s(2),…, s(N).
Let B(i) be the best compressed sequence with elements s(1), s(2),…,s(i).
So, for example, B(3) will be the best compressed sequence for s(1), s(2), s(3).
What we want to know is B(N).
To find it, we will proceed by induction. We want to calculate B(i+1), knowing B(i), B(i-1), B(i-2), …, B(1), B(0), where B(0) is empty sequence, and and B(1) = s(1). At the same time, this constitutes a proof that the solution is optimal. ;)
To calculate B(i+1), we will pick the best sequence among the candidates:
Candidate sequences where the last block has one element:
B(i )s(i+1)1
B(i-1)s(i+1)2 ; only if s(i) = s(i+1)
B(i-2)s(i+1)3 ; only if s(i-1) = s(i) and s(i) = s(i+1)
B(1)s(i+1)[i-1] ; only if s(2)=s(3) and s(3)=s(4) and … and s(i) = s(i+1)
B(0)s(i+1)i = s(i+1)i ; only if s(1)=s(2) and s(2)=s(3) and … and s(i) = s(i+1)
Candidate sequences where the last block has 2 elements:
B(i-3)s(i)s(i+1)2 ; only if s(i-2)s(i-1)=s(i)s(i+1)
B(i-5)s(i)s(i+1)3 ; only if s(i-4)s(i-3)=s(i-2)s(i-1) and s(i-2)s(i-1)=s(i)s(i+1)
Candidate sequences where the last block has 3 elements:
Candidate sequences where the last block has 4 elements:
Candidate sequences where last block has n+1 elements:
For each possibility, the algorithm stops when the sequence block is no longer repeated. And that’s it.
The algorithm will be some thing like this in psude-c code:
B(0) = “”
for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
// Calculate all the candidates for B(i)
for (j=1; j<=i; j++) {
Calculate all the candidates of length (i)
do {
Candidadte = B([i-j]*r-1) s(i-j+1)…s(i-1)s(i) r
If ( (BestCandidate==null)
|| (Candidate is shorter that BestCandidate))
} while ( ([i-j]*r <= i)
&&(s(i-j*r+1) s(i-j*r+2)…s(i-j*r+j) == s(i-j+1) s(i-j+2)…s(i-j+j))
Hope that this can help a little more.
The full C program performing the required task is given below. It runs in O(n^2). The central part is only 30 lines of code.
EDIT I have restructured a little bit the code, changed the names of the variables and added some comment in order to be more readable.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
// This struct represents a compressed segment like atg4, g3, agc1
struct Segment {
char *elements;
int nElements;
int count;
// As an example, for the segment agagt3 elements would be:
// {
// elements: "agagt",
// nElements: 5,
// count: 3
// }
struct Sequence {
struct Segment lastSegment;
struct Sequence *prev; // Points to a sequence without the last segment or NULL if it is the first segment
int totalLen; // Total length of the compressed sequence.
// as an example, for the sequence agt32ta5, the representation will be:
// {
// lastSegment:{"ta" , 2 , 5},
// prev: #A,
// totalLen: 8
// }
// and A will be
// {
// lastSegment{ "agt", 3, 32},
// prev: NULL,
// totalLen: 5
// }
// This function converts a sequence to a string.
// You have to free the string after using it.
// The strategy is to construct the string from right to left.
char *sequence2string(struct Sequence *S) {
char *Res=malloc(S->totalLen + 1);
char *digits="0123456789";
int p= S->totalLen;
while (S!=NULL) {
// first we insert the count of the last element.
// We do digit by digit starting with the units.
int C = S->lastSegment.count;
while (C) {
Res[p] = digits[ C % 10 ];
C /= 10;
p -= S->lastSegment.nElements;
strncpy(Res + p , S->lastSegment.elements, S->lastSegment.nElements);
S = S ->prev;
return Res;
// Compresses a dna sequence.
// Returns a string with the in sequence compressed.
// The returned string must be freed after using it.
char *dnaCompress(char *in) {
int i,j;
int N = strlen(in);; // Number of elements of a in sequence.
// B is an array of N+1 sequences where B(i) is the best compressed sequence sequence of the first i characters.
// What we want to return is B[N];
struct Sequence *B;
B = malloc((N+1) * sizeof (struct Sequence));
// We first do an initialization for i=0
B[0].prev = NULL;
// and set totalLen of all the sequences to a very HIGH VALUE in this case N*2 will be enougth, We will try different sequences and keep the minimum one.
for (i=1; i<=N; i++) B[i].totalLen = INT_MAX; // A very high value
for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
// at this point we want to calculate B[i] and we know B[i-1], B[i-2], .... ,B[0]
for (j=1; j<=i; j++) {
// Here we will check all the candidates where the last segment has j elements
int r=1; // number of times the last segment is repeated
int rNDigits=1; // Number of digits of r
int rNDigitsBound=10; // We will increment r, so this value is when r will have an extra digit.
// when r = 0,1,...,9 => rNDigitsBound = 10
// when r = 10,11,...,99 => rNDigitsBound = 100
// when r = 100,101,.,999 => rNDigitsBound = 1000 and so on.
do {
// Here we analitze a candidate B(i).
// where the las segment has j elements repeated r times.
int CandidateLen = B[i-j*r].totalLen + j + rNDigits;
if (CandidateLen < B[i].totalLen) {
B[i].lastSegment.elements = in + i - j*r;
B[i].lastSegment.nElements = j;
B[i].lastSegment.count = r;
B[i].prev = &(B[i-j*r]);
B[i].totalLen = CandidateLen;
if (r == rNDigitsBound ) {
rNDigitsBound *= 10;
} while ( (i - j*r >= 0)
&& (strncmp(in + i -j, in + i - j*r, j)==0));
char *Res=sequence2string(&(B[N]));
return Res;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char *compressedDNA=dnaCompress(argv[1]);
return 0;
Forget Ukonnen. Dynamic programming it is. With 3-dimensional table:
sequence position
subsequence size
number of segments
TERMINOLOGY: For example, having a = "aaagctgctagag", sequence position coordinate would run from 1 to 13. At sequence position 3 (letter 'g'), having subsequence size 4, the subsequence would be "gctg". Understood? And as for the number of segments, then expressing a as "aaagctgctagag1" consists of 1 segment (the sequence itself). Expressing it as "a3gct2ag2" consists of 3 segments. "aaagctgct1ag2" consists of 2 segments. "a2a1ctg2ag2" would consist of 4 segments. Understood? Now, with this, you start filling a 3-dimensional array 13 x 13 x 13, so your time and memory complexity seems to be around n ** 3 for this. Are you sure you can handle it for million-bp sequences? I think that greedy approach would be better, because large DNA sequences are unlikely to repeat exactly. And, I would suggest that you widen your assignment to approximate matches, and you can publish it straight in a journal.
Anyway, you will start filling the table of compressing a subsequence starting at some position (dimension 1) with length equal to dimension 2 coordinate, having at most dimension 3 segments. So you first fill the first row, representing compressions of subsequences of length 1 consisting of at most 1 segment:
a a a g c t g c t a g a g
1(a1) 1(a1) 1(a1) 1(g1) 1(c1) 1(t1) 1(g1) 1(c1) 1(t1) 1(a1) 1(g1) 1(a1) 1(g1)
The number is the character cost (always 1 for these trivial 1-char sequences; number 1 does not count into the character cost), and in the parenthesis, you have the compression (also trivial for this simple case). The second row will be still simple:
2(a2) 2(a2) 2(ag1) 2(gc1) 2(ct1) 2(tg1) 2(gc1) 2(ct1) 2(ta1) 2(ag1) 2(ga1) 2(ag1)
There is only 1 way to decompose a 2-character sequence into 2 subsequences -- 1 character + 1 character. If they are identical, the result is like a + a = a2. If they are different, such as a + g, then, because only 1-segment sequences are admissible, the result cannot be a1g1, but must be ag1. The third row will be finally more interesting:
2(a3) 2(aag1) 3(agc1) 3(gct1) 3(ctg1) 3(tgc1) 3(gct1) 3(cta1) 3(tag1) 3(aga1) 3(gag1)
Here, you can always choose between 2 ways of composing the compressed string. For example, aag can be composed either as aa + g or a + ag. But again, we cannot have 2 segments, as in aa1g1 or a1ag1, so we must be satisfied with aag1, unless both components consist of the same character, as in aa + a => a3, with character cost 2. We can continue onto 4 th line:
4(aaag1) 4(aagc1) 4(agct1) 4(gctg1) 4(ctgc1) 4(tgct1) 4(gcta1) 4(ctag1) 4(taga1) 3(ag2)
Here, on the first position, we cannot use a3g1, because only 1 segment is allowed at this layer. But at the last position, compression to character cost 3 is agchieved by ag1 + ag1 = ag2. This way, one can fill the whole first-level table all the way up to the single subsequence of 13 characters, and each subsequence will have its optimal character cost and its compression under the first-level constraint of at most 1 segment associated with it.
Then you go to the 2nd level, where 2 segments are allowed... And again, from the bottom up, you identify the optimum cost and compression of each table coordinate under the given level's segment count constraint, by comparing all the possible ways to compose the subsequence using already computed positions, until you fill the table completely and thus compute the global optimum. There are some details to solve, but sorry, I'm not gonna code this for you.
After trying my own way for a while, my kudos to jbaylina for his beautiful algorithm and C implementation. Here's my attempted version of jbaylina's algorithm in Haskell, and below it further development of my attempt at a linear-time algorithm that attempts to compress segments that include repeated patterns in a one-by-one fashion:
import Data.Map (fromList, insert, size, (!))
compress s = (foldl f (fromList [(0,([],0)),(1,([s!!0],1))]) [1..n - 1]) ! n
n = length s
f b i = insert (size b) bestCandidate b where
add (sequence, sLength) (sequence', sLength') =
(sequence ++ sequence', sLength + sLength')
j' = [1..min 100 i]
bestCandidate = foldr combCandidates (b!i `add` ([s!!i,'1'],2)) j'
combCandidates j candidate' =
let nextCandidate' = comb 2 (b!(i - j + 1)
`add` ((take j . drop (i - j + 1) $ s) ++ "1", j + 1))
in if snd nextCandidate' <= snd candidate'
then nextCandidate'
else candidate' where
comb r candidate
| r > uBound = candidate
| not (strcmp r True) = candidate
| snd nextCandidate <= snd candidate = comb (r + 1) nextCandidate
| otherwise = comb (r + 1) candidate
uBound = div (i + 1) j
prev = b!(i - r * j + 1)
nextCandidate = prev `add`
((take j . drop (i - j + 1) $ s) ++ show r, j + length (show r))
strcmp 1 _ = True
strcmp num bool
| (take j . drop (i - num * j + 1) $ s)
== (take j . drop (i - (num - 1) * j + 1) $ s) =
strcmp (num - 1) True
| otherwise = False
*Main> compress "aaagctgctagag"
*Main> compress "aaabbbaaabbbaaabbbaaabbb"
Linear-time attempt:
import Data.List (sortBy)
group' xxs sAccum (chr, count)
| null xxs = if null chr
then singles
else if count <= 2
then reverse sAccum ++ multiples ++ "1"
else singles ++ if null chr then [] else chr ++ show count
| [x] == chr = group' xs sAccum (chr,count + 1)
| otherwise = if null chr
then group' xs (sAccum) ([x],1)
else if count <= 2
then group' xs (multiples ++ sAccum) ([x],1)
else singles
++ chr ++ show count ++ group' xs [] ([x],1)
where x:xs = xxs
singles = reverse sAccum ++ (if null sAccum then [] else "1")
multiples = concat (replicate count chr)
sequences ws strIndex maxSeqLen = repeated' where
half = if null . drop (2 * maxSeqLen - 1) $ ws
then div (length ws) 2 else maxSeqLen
repeated' = let (sequence,(sequenceStart, sequenceEnd'),notSinglesFlag) = repeated
in (sequence,(sequenceStart, sequenceEnd'))
repeated = foldr divide ([],(strIndex,strIndex),False) [1..half]
equalChunksOf t a = takeWhile(==t) . map (take a) . iterate (drop a)
divide chunkSize b#(sequence,(sequenceStart, sequenceEnd'),notSinglesFlag) =
let t = take (2*chunkSize) ws
t' = take chunkSize t
in if t' == drop chunkSize t
then let ts = equalChunksOf t' chunkSize ws
lenTs = length ts
sequenceEnd = strIndex + lenTs * chunkSize
newEnd = if sequenceEnd > sequenceEnd'
then sequenceEnd else sequenceEnd'
in if chunkSize > 1
then if length (group' (concat (replicate lenTs t')) [] ([],0)) > length (t' ++ show lenTs)
then (((strIndex,sequenceEnd,chunkSize,lenTs),t'):sequence, (sequenceStart,newEnd),True)
else b
else if notSinglesFlag
then b
else (((strIndex,sequenceEnd,chunkSize,lenTs),t'):sequence, (sequenceStart,newEnd),False)
else b
addOne a b
| null (fst b) = a
| null (fst a) = b
| otherwise =
let (((start,end,patLen,lenS),sequence):rest,(sStart,sEnd)) = a
(((start',end',patLen',lenS'),sequence'):rest',(sStart',sEnd')) = b
in if sStart' < sEnd && sEnd < sEnd'
then let c = ((start,end,patLen,lenS),sequence):rest
d = ((start',end',patLen',lenS'),sequence'):rest'
in (c ++ d, (sStart, sEnd'))
else a
segment xs baseIndex maxSeqLen = segment' xs baseIndex baseIndex where
segment' zzs#(z:zs) strIndex farthest
| null zs = initial
| strIndex >= farthest && strIndex > 0 = ([],(0,0))
| otherwise = addOne initial next
next#(s',(start',end')) = segment' zs (strIndex + 1) farthest'
farthest' | null s = farthest
| otherwise = if start /= end && end > farthest then end else farthest
initial#(s,(start,end)) = sequences zzs strIndex maxSeqLen
areExclusive ((a,b,_,_),_) ((a',b',_,_),_) = (a' >= b) || (b' <= a)
combs [] r = [r]
combs (x:xs) r
| null r = combs xs (x:r) ++ if null xs then [] else combs xs r
| otherwise = if areExclusive (head r) x
then combs xs (x:r) ++ combs xs r
else if l' > lowerBound
then combs xs (x: reduced : drop 1 r) ++ combs xs r
else combs xs r
where lowerBound = l + 2 * patLen
((l,u,patLen,lenS),s) = head r
((l',u',patLen',lenS'),s') = x
reduce = takeWhile (>=l') . iterate (\x -> x - patLen) $ u
lenReduced = length reduce
reduced = ((l,u - lenReduced * patLen,patLen,lenS - lenReduced),s)
buildString origStr sequences = buildString' origStr sequences 0 (0,"",0)
buildString' origStr sequences index accum#(lenC,cStr,lenOrig)
| null sequences = accum
| l /= index =
buildString' (drop l' origStr) sequences l (lenC + l' + 1, cStr ++ take l' origStr ++ "1", lenOrig + l')
| otherwise =
buildString' (drop u' origStr) rest u (lenC + length s', cStr ++ s', lenOrig + u')
l' = l - index
u' = u - l
s' = s ++ show lenS
(((l,u,patLen,lenS),s):rest) = sequences
compress [] _ accum = reverse accum ++ (if null accum then [] else "1")
compress zzs#(z:zs) maxSeqLen accum
| null (fst segment') = compress zs maxSeqLen (z:accum)
| (start,end) == (0,2) && not (null accum) = compress zs maxSeqLen (z:accum)
| otherwise =
reverse accum ++ (if null accum || takeWhile' compressedStr 0 /= 0 then [] else "1")
++ compressedStr
++ compress (drop lengthOriginal zzs) maxSeqLen []
where segment'#(s,(start,end)) = segment zzs 0 maxSeqLen
combinations = combs (fst $ segment') []
takeWhile' xxs count
| null xxs = 0
| x == '1' && null (reads (take 1 xs)::[(Int,String)]) = count
| not (null (reads [x]::[(Int,String)])) = 0
| otherwise = takeWhile' xs (count + 1)
where x:xs = xxs
f (lenC,cStr,lenOrig) (lenC',cStr',lenOrig') =
let g = compare ((fromIntegral lenC + if not (null accum) && takeWhile' cStr 0 == 0 then 1 else 0) / fromIntegral lenOrig)
((fromIntegral lenC' + if not (null accum) && takeWhile' cStr' 0 == 0 then 1 else 0) / fromIntegral lenOrig')
in if g == EQ
then compare (takeWhile' cStr' 0) (takeWhile' cStr 0)
else g
(lenCompressed,compressedStr,lengthOriginal) =
head $ sortBy f (map (buildString (take end zzs)) (map reverse combinations))
*Main> compress "aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbb" 100 []
*Main> compress "aaabbbaaabbbaaabbbaaabbb" 100 []

Filter an array or list by consecutive pairs based on a matching rule

This is probably trivial, and I do have a solution but I'm not happy with it. Somehow, (much) simpler forms don't seem to work and it gets messy around the corner cases (either first, or last matching pairs in a row).
To keep it simple, let's define the matching rule as any two or more numbers that have a difference of two. Example:
> filterTwins [1; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 15; 17]
val it : int list = [2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 15; 17]
The code I currently use is this, which just feels sloppy and overweight:
let filterTwins list =
let func item acc =
let prevItem, resultList = acc
match prevItem, resultList with
| 0, []
-> item, []
| var, [] when var - 2 = item
-> item, item::var::resultList
| var, hd::tl when var - 2 = item && hd <> var
-> item, item::var::resultList
| var, _ when var - 2 = item
-> item, item::resultList
| _
-> item, resultList
List.foldBack func list (0, [])
|> snd
I intended my own original exercise to experiment with List.foldBack, large lists and parallel programming (which went well) but ended up messing with the "easy" part...
Guide through the answers
Daniel's last, 113 characters*, easy to follow, slow
Kvb's 2nd, 106 characters* (if I include the function), easy, but return value requires work
Stephen's 2nd, 397 characters*, long winded and comparably complex, but fastest
Abel's, 155 characters*, based on Daniel's, allows duplicates (this wasn't a necessity, btw) and is relatively fast.
There were more answers, but the above were the most distinct, I believe. Hope I didn't hurt anybody's feelings by accepting Daniel's answer as solution: each and every one solution deserves to be the selected answer(!).
* counting done with function names as one character
Would this do what you want?
let filterTwins l =
let rec filter l acc flag =
match l with
| [] -> List.rev acc
| a :: b :: rest when b - 2 = a ->
filter (b::rest) (if flag then b::acc else b::a::acc) true
| _ :: t -> filter t acc false
filter l [] false
This is terribly inefficient, but here's another approach using more built-in functions:
let filterTwinsSimple l =
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.filter (fun (a, b) -> b - 2 = a)
|> Seq.collect (fun (a, b) -> [a; b])
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.toList
Maybe slightly better:
let filterTwinsSimple l =
seq {
for (a, b) in Seq.pairwise l do
if b - 2 = a then
yield a
yield b
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.toList
How about this?
let filterPairs f =
let rec filter keepHead = function
| x::(y::_ as xs) when f x y -> x::(filter true xs)
| x::xs ->
let rest = filter false xs
if keepHead then x::rest else rest
| _ -> []
filter false
let test = filterPairs (fun x y -> y - x = 2) [1; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 15; 17]
Or if all of your list's items are unique, you could do this:
let rec filterPairs f s =
|> Seq.windowed 2
|> Seq.filter (fun [|a;b|] -> f a b)
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.distinct
let test = filterPairs (fun x y -> y - x = 2) [1; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 15; 17]
Or here's another alternative which I find elegant. First define a function for breaking a list into a list of groups of consecutive items satisfying a predicate:
let rec groupConsec f = function
| [] -> []
| x::(y::_ as xs) when f x y ->
let (gp::gps) = groupConsec f xs
| x::xs -> [x]::(groupConsec f xs)
Then, build your function by collecting all results back together, discarding any singletons:
let filterPairs f =
groupConsec f
>> List.collect (function | [_] -> [] | l -> l)
let test = filterPairs (fun x y -> y - x = 2) [1; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 15; 17]
The following solution is in the spirit of your own, but I use a discriminate union to encapsulate aspects of the algorithm and reign in the madness a bit:
type status =
| Keep of int
| Skip of int
| Tail
let filterTwins xl =
(Tail, [])
|> List.foldBack
(fun cur (prev, acc) ->
match prev with
| Skip(prev) when prev - cur = 2 -> (Keep(cur), cur::prev::acc)
| Keep(prev) when prev - cur = 2 -> (Keep(cur), cur::acc)
| _ -> (Skip(cur), acc))
|> snd
Here's another solution which uses a similar discriminate union strategy as my other answer but it works on sequences lazily so you can watch those twin (primes?) roll in as they come:
type status =
| KeepTwo of int * int
| KeepOne of int
| SkipOne of int
| Head
let filterTwins xl =
let xl' =
(fun prev cur ->
match prev with
| KeepTwo(_,prev) | KeepOne prev when cur - prev = 2 ->
KeepOne cur
| SkipOne prev when cur - prev = 2 ->
| _ ->
SkipOne cur)
seq {
for x in xl' do
match x with
| KeepTwo(a,b) -> yield a; yield b
| KeepOne b -> yield b
| _ -> ()
for completeness sake, I'll answer this with what I eventually came up with, based on the friendly suggestions in this thread.
The benefits of this approach are that it doesn't need Seq.distinct, which I believe is an improvement as it allows for duplicates. However, it still needs List.rev which doesn't make it the fastest. Nor is it the most succinct code (see comparison of solution in question itself).
let filterTwins l =
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.fold (fun a (x, y) ->
if y - x = 2 then (if List.head a = x then y::a else y::x::a)
else a) [0]
|> List.rev
|> List.tail

Hashtable indexed on several fields

I'm currently programming an OCaml module defining a type corresponding to a CPU register. The interface of this module is the following :
* Defines a type which represents a R3000 register.
type t =
| R0 (* Always 0 *)
| AT (* Assembler temporary *)
| V0 | V1 (* Subroutine return values *)
| A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 (* Subroutine arguments *)
| T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 (* Temporary registers *)
| S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 (* Register variables *)
| T8 | T9 (* Temporary registers *)
| K0 | K1 (* Reserved for kernels *)
| GP | SP | FP (* Global/Stack/Frame pointer *)
| RA (* Return address *)
* Conversion from/to [|0, 31|].
val of_int : int -> t
val to_int : t -> int
* Conversion to string for display.
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
However, I would like the implementation to be fast and not too repetitive. For example, I could code the of_int function like this :
let of_int = function
| 0 -> R0
| 1 -> AT
(* ... *)
But it would be awful and unmaintainable. I do not want to do this as it conflicts with my programming religion. Moreover, I would need to do this kind of dirty code not only one time, but for the four functions.
The first solution I found would be to use a preprocessor (either Camlp4 or cpp) to generate the code I want. I find this to be overkill but would use this method if you can't help me with my second idea.
After a bit of thought, I thought I could do something like this :
type regdescr = {
reg : t ;
name : string ;
index : int
let regs =
let htbl = Hashtbl.create 32 in
let li = [ (* regdescr defs here *) ] in
List.iter (Hashtbl.add htbl) li ;
However, in this case, I must choose what field I want to hash. Is there another solution than using three different hashtables in this case ? Maybe a data-structure I do not know about is able to hash over three fields and perform searches on the three of them.
Sorry for the long question for which the answer may be trivial :) .
Looks like a perfect fit for deriving.
* Defines a type which represents a R3000 register.
type t =
| R0 (* Always 0 *)
| AT (* Assembler temporary *)
| V0 | V1 (* Subroutine return values *)
| A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 (* Subroutine arguments *)
| T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 (* Temporary registers *)
| S0 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 (* Register variables *)
| T8 | T9 (* Temporary registers *)
| K0 | K1 (* Reserved for kernels *)
| GP | SP | FP (* Global/Stack/Frame pointer *)
| RA (* Return address *)
deriving (Enum,Show)
let of_int x = Enum.to_enum<t>(x)
let to_int x = Enum.from_enum<t>(x)
let to_string x =<t>(x)
let pr = Printf.printf
let () =
pr "%i %i %i\n" (to_int R0) (to_int RA) (to_int T8);
pr "%s %s %s\n"
(to_string (of_int 0)) (to_string (of_int 31)) (to_string (of_int 24));
pr "%s %s %s\n"
(to_string (Enum.pred<t>(A1))) (to_string A1) (to_string (Enum.succ<t>(A1)));
Output :
0 31 24
R0 RA T8
A0 A1 A2
Compile with :
ocamlc -pp deriving -I ~/work/contrib/deriving/0.1.1-3.11.1-orig/lib deriving.cma -o q
Just have three separate hash tables?
Instead of using a hashtable for going from one partial representation of a register to another, have you thought of forcing yourself to always manipulate only pointers to complete descriptions, so that you can access any aspect you like (index, string representation, ...) with just a pointer dereference?
You can use the representation (your type regdescr) as the register.
How often do you need to pattern-match a value of type register?
If you never do, you can even do away with the reg field completely.
module Register :
type t = private { name : string ; index : int }
val r0 : t
val at : t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
end =
type t = { name : string ; index : int }
let r0 = { name = "R0" ; index = 0 }
let at = { name = "AT" ; index = 1 }
let equal r1 r2 = r1.index = r2.index
let hash r1 = Hashtbl.hash (r1.index)
let compare r1 r2 = r1.index r2.index
Note: you can make the whole thing more readable by using files and register.mli to define the Register module.
If you sometimes need pattern-matching, you can keep the constructor field so that it is possible to write nice pattern-matchings:
match r.reg with
R0 -> ...
| AT -> ...
But force yourself to write only functions that accept (and pass their callees) the full Register.t.
EDIT: For indexing, first write the generic function below:
let all_registers = [ r0 ; at ]
let index projection =
let htbl = Hashtbl.create 32 in
let f r =
let key = projection r in
Hashtbl.add htbl key r
List.iter f all_registers ;
Hashtbl.find htbl
Then pass it all the projections you need:
let of_int = index (fun r -> r.index)
let of_name = index (fun r ->
