Conditional Event Triggering Anylogic - events

Is there another way to use the conditional event to monitor parking spots? The end goal is to see on the events output log, when a car has parked and where. I made an event, that calls a function, that runs a loop through each parking space and returns true on a spot that is taken. I wanted to trigger this event whenever a car has parked but the looping is causing the simulation to freeze.
for(int i = 0; i<29; i++) //29 = number of parking spaces
if(parkingLot2.getCarOnSpace(i) != null) //if spot i taken
return true;
//true sent back to event, is then triggered
return false;
condition: Function();
Action: event.restart();

So first the event.restart() function only applies if the event has trigger type: timeout and mode: user control, otherwise your event.restart() function does nothing...
Second, you need to call your function not on a conditional event, but on the moment a car parks... You can do this on the "on exit" action of the carMoveTo block.
And your function can be done better using nSpaces instead of 29:
for(int i = 0; i<parkingLot2.nSpaces(); i++)
if(parkingLot2.getCarOnSpace(i) != null)
return true;
return false;
You can use a similar function to know in what space the car parked, but you need to have a separate array collecting info on which spaces are free or not since the parkingLot object doesn't have that function.
Imagine you have an array with size parkingLot2.nSpaces() and boolean elements all starting with false since all the parking spaces are free. Whenever your car enters the parking space, you use the same function but instead of "return true" you set the array to be true in that particular index. And you have to set the array to false when the car exits.


Responsive asynchronous search-as-you-type in Java 8

I'm trying to implement a "search as you type" pattern in Java.
The goal of the design is that no change gets lost but at the same time, the (time consuming) search operation should be able to abort early and try with the updated pattern.
Here is what I've come up so far (Java 8 pseudocode):
AtomicReference<String> patternRef
AtomicLong modificationCount
ReentrantLock busy;
Consumer<List<ResultType>> resultConsumer;
// This is called in a background thread every time the user presses a key
void search(String pattern) {
// Update the pattern
synchronized {
try {
if (!busy.tryLock()) {
// Another search is already running, let it handle the change
// Get local copy of the pattern and modCount
synchronized {
String patternCopy = patternRef.get();
long modCount = modificationCount.get()
while (true) {
// Try the search. It will return false when modificationCount changes before the search is finished
boolean success = doSearch(patternCopy, modCount)
if (success) {
// Search completed before modCount was changed again
// Try again with new pattern+modCount
synchronized {
patternCopy = patternRef.get();
modCount = modificationCount.get()
} finally {
boolean doSearch(String pattern, long modCount)
... search database ...
if (modCount != modificationCount.get()) {
return false;
... prepare results ...
if (modCount != modificationCount.get()) {
return false;
resultConsumer.accept(result); // Consumer for the UI code to do something
return modCount == modificationCount.get();
Did I miss some important point? A race condition or something similar?
Is there something in Java 8 which would make the code above more simple?
The fundamental problem of this code can be summarized as “trying to achieve atomicity by multiple distinct atomic constructs”. The combination of multiple atomic constructs is not atomic and trying to reestablish atomicity leads to very complicated, usually broken, and inefficient code.
In your case, doSearch’s last check modCount == modificationCount.get() happens while still holding the lock. After that, another thread (or multiple other threads) could update the search string and mod count, followed by finding the lock occupied, hence, concluding that another search is running and will take care.
But that thread doesn’t care after that last modCount == modificationCount.get() check. The caller just does if (success) { break; }, followed by the finally { busy.unlock(); } and returns.
So the answer is, yes, you have potential race conditions.
So, instead of settling on two atomic variables, synchronized blocks, and a ReentrantLock, you should use one atomic construct, e.g. a single atomic variable:
final AtomicReference<String> patternRef = new AtomicReference<>();
Consumer<List<ResultType>> resultConsumer;
// This is called in a background thread every time the user presses a key
void search(String pattern) {
if(patternRef.getAndSet(pattern) != null) return;
// Try the search. doSearch will return false when not completed
while(!doSearch(pattern) || !patternRef.compareAndSet(pattern, null))
pattern = patternRef.get();
boolean doSearch(String pattern) {
//... search database ...
if(pattern != (Object)patternRef.get()) {
return false;
//... prepare results ...
if(pattern != (Object)patternRef.get()) {
return false;
resultConsumer.accept(result); // Consumer for the UI code to do something
return true;
Here, a value of null indicates that no search is running, so if a background thread sets this to a non-null value and finds the old value to be null (in an atomic operation), it knows it has to perform the actual search. After the search, it tries to set the reference to null again, using compareAndSet with the pattern used for the search. Thus, it can only succeed if it has not changed again. Otherwise, it will fetch the new value and repeat.
These two atomic updates are already sufficient to ensure that there is only a single search operation at a time while not missing an updated search pattern. The ability of doSearch to return early when it detects a change, is just a nice to have and not required by the caller’s loop.
Note that in this example, the check within doSearch has been reduced to a reference comparison (using a cast to Object to prevent compiler warnings), to demonstrate that it can be as cheap as the int comparison of your original approach. As long as no new string has been set, the reference will be the same.
But, in fact, you could also use a string comparison, i.e. if(!pattern.equals(patternRef.get())) { return false; } without a significant performance degradation. String comparison is not (necessarily) expensive in Java. The first thing, the implementation of String’s equals does, is a reference comparison. So if the string has not changed, it will return true immediately here. Otherwise, it will check the lengths then (unlike C strings, the length is known beforehand) and return false immediately on a mismatch. So in the typical scenario of the user typing another character or pressing backspace, the lengths will differ and the comparison bail out immediately.

Throw error when an Observable hasn't been set in combineLatest

In the application combineLatest is used to combine three observables:
class SomeComponent {
private heightProvider = new SubjectProvider<any>(this);
private marginsProvider = new SubjectProvider<any>(this);
private domainProvider = new SubjectProvider<any>(this);
arbitraryMethod(): void {
map(([height, margins, domain]) => {
// ...
setHeight(height: number): void {;
setMargins(margins: {}): void {;
setDomain(domain: []): void {;
However, I've noticed a few times already that I am sometimes forgetting to set one of these observables.
Is there a way I can build in error handeling that throws to console once one of these isn't set?
Observables aren't typically 'set' or 'not set'. I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you have a predicate that can check your observables, here is how you might use it.
// predicate
function notSet(o: Observable<any>): Boolean{
scale$: Observable<any> = defer(() => {
const combining = [
const allSet = !combining.find(notSet)
if(!allSet) console.log("Not Set Error");
return !allSet?
map(([height, margins, domain]) => {
// ...
Ensursing source observables have emitted
If I understand your problem properly, you want to throw an error if any of your source observables haven't emitted yet. At its heart, this feels like a simple problem, but it happens to be a problem for which there doesn't exist a single general solution.
Your solution has to be domain-specific to some extent.
A simplified example of a similar problem
What you're asking a similar to this:
How do I throw an error if 'add' isn't invoked with a second number?
const add = (a: number) => (b: number): number => {
// How do I throw an error if this function
// isn't invoked with a second number?
return a + b;
* Example 1
// add is being called with one number
const add5 = add(5);
/* More code here */
// add is being called with a second number
const result = add5(50);
console.log(result); // Prints "55"
* Example 2
const result = add(5)(20); // Add is being called with both numbers
console.log(result); // Prints "55"
* Example 3
// add is being called with one number
const add5 = add(5);
/* More code here */
// add was never given a second number
// Add throws an error? How?
How can you write add such that it throws an error if the second number isn't 'set'? Well, there's no simple answer. add doesn't know the future and can't guess whether that second number was forgotten or will still be set in the future. To add, those two scenarios look the same.
One solution is to re-write add so that it must take both parameters at once. If either is missing, throw an error:
const add = (a: number, b: number): number => {
if(a != null && b != null){
return a + b;
throw "add: invalid argument error";
This solution fundamentally changes how add works. This solution doesn't work if I have a requirement that add must take its arguments one at a time.
If I want add to keep that behaviour, perhaps I can set a timer and throw an error if the second argument isn't given fast enough.
const add = (a: number) => {
const t = setTimeout(
() => throw "add: argument timeout error"),
1000 // wait 1 second
return (b: number): number => {
clearTimeout(t); // cancel the error
return a + b;
Now add takes its arguments one at a time, but is a timeout really how I want this to work? Maybe I only care that add is given a second parameter before some other event (an API call returns or a user navigates away from the page) or something.
Hopefully, you can begin to understand how such a "simple" problem has only domain-specific solutions.
Your question, as writ, doesn't tell us enough about what you're trying to accomplish to guess what behaviour you want.
Observables have a lot of power built into them to allow you to design a solution specific to your needs. It's almost certain that you can throw an error if one of your observables isn't set, but first, you must define what this even means.
Is it not set quickly enough? Is it not set in time for a certain function call? Not set when an event is raised? Never set? How would you like to define never? When the program is shut down?
Maybe you could switch your Subjects for BehaviourSubjects so that they MUST always have a value set (sort of like add taking both arguments at once instead of one at a time).
All of these things (and many many many more) are possible.

Recursive Print Function for Linked List

So my professor would like us to design recursive functions for a linked list from this class 'addressBookType' which is derived from 4 other classes. The program basically creates an address book with the person's name, address, date, and relationship, each of those has their own classes.
The recursive functions she wants to make are a print, append, delete, and sequential search.
But here's the problem. The main premise around a function being recursive is that it's supposed to call itself in the function definition right? I successfully made the recursive append function, but I'm having trouble with the recursive print function.
Here is what the original print function and the recursive print function are:
void addressBookType::displayList() const
ListNode *nodePtr; // To move through list
nodePtr = head; // start at the head of list
while(nodePtr != NULL) // while nodePtr points to a node, move through list
nodePtr = nodePtr->next;
void addressBookType::displayListRecursive(ListNode *node) const
if(node != NULL)
The trouble I'm having is that when I run the program, everything prints and then it starts printing at the second object until there is one object left. Here's what I mean when it prints:
I would paste what the actual output is but it is VERY lengthy, as each object displays the person's first name, last name, address, street, zipcode, city, state, date, and relationship type.
Whenever I take out the displayListRecursive(node->next) in the displayListRecursive function, everything prints fine. But then it's not really a recursive function right? Or is it? Anyone have some answers that can explain this? (I'm REALLY new to recursive)
I think the recursive definition is fine. It will print the node you provide and then call itself with the next one until its NULL.
So you just need to call the recursive function from the first node.
The problem is that you are calling it multiple times with all the nodes in the while loop of displayList.
I think that if you just remove the while loop it should work as you expect.
Something like this:
void addressBookType::displayList() const
void addressBookType::displayListRecursive(ListNode *node) const
if(node != NULL)

Q Promises - Create a dynamic promise chain then trigger it

I am wondering if there's a way to create a promise chain that I can build based on a series of if statements and somehow trigger it at the end. For example:
// Get response from some call
callback = (response) {
var chain = Q(response.userData)
if (!response.connected) {
chain = chain.then(connectUser)
if (!response.exists) {
chain = chain.then(addUser)
// etc...
// Finally somehow trigger the chain
chain.trigger().then(successCallback, failCallback)
A promise represents an operation that has already started. You can't trigger() a promise chain, since the promise chain is already running.
While you can get around this by creating a deferred and then queuing around it and eventually resolving it later - this is not optimal. If you drop the .trigger from the last line though, I suspect your task will work as expected - the only difference is that it will queue the operations and start them rather than wait:
var q = Q();
q = q.then(function(el){ return Q.delay(1000,"Hello");
} else {
q = q.then(function(el){ return Q.delay(1000,"Hi");
console.log(res); // logs "Hi"
The key points here are:
A promise represents an already started operation.
You can append .then handlers to a promise even after it resolved and it will still execute predictably.
Good luck, and happy coding
As Benjamin says ...
... but you might also like to consider something slightly different. Try turning the code inside-out; build the then chain unconditionally and perform the tests inside the .then() callbacks.
function foo(response) {
return = Q().then(function() {
return (response.connected) ? null : connectUser(response.userData);
}).then(function() {
return (response.exists) ? null : addUser(response.userData);//assuming addUser() accepts response.userData
I think you will get away with returning nulls - if null doesn't work, then try Q() (in two places).
If my assumption about what is passed to addUser() is correct, then you don't need to worry about passing data down the chain - response remains available in the closure formed by the outer function. If this assumption is incorrect, then no worries - simply arrange for connectUser to return whatever is necessary and pick it up in the second .then.
I would regard this approach to be more elegant than conditional chain building, even though it is less efficient. That said, you are unlikely ever to notice the difference.

Thread safety question about one container

Let's talk about theory a bit. We have one container, let's call it TMyObj that looks like this:
struct TMyObj{
bool bUpdated;
bool bUnderUpdate;
Let a class named TMyClass have an array of the container above + 3 helpful functions. One for getting an object to be updated. One for adding update info to a certain object and one for getting an updated object. It's also called in this order. Here's the class
class TMyClass{
TmyObj entries[];
TMyObj GetObjToUpdate;
//Enter critical section
for(int i=0; i<Length(entries); i++)
return entries[i];
//Leave critical section
//the parameter here is always contained in the Entries array above
void AddUpdateInfo(TMyObj obj)
//Do something...
//Enter critical section
if(updateInfoOver) obj.bUpdated=true; //left bUnderUpdate as true so it doesn't bother us
//Leave critical section
TmyObj GetUpdatedObj
//<-------- here
for(int i=0; i<Length(entrues); i++)
if(entries[i].bUpdated) then return entries[i];
//<-------- and here?
Now imagine 5+ threads using the first two and another one for using the last function(getUpdadtedObj) on one instance of the class above.
Question: Will it be thread-safe if there's no critical section in the last function?
Given your sample code, it appears that it would be thread-safe for a read. This is assuming entries[] is a fixed size. If you are simply iterating over a fixed collection, there is no reason that the size of the collection should be modified, therefore making a thread-safe read ok.
The only thing I could see is that the result might be out of date. The problem comes from a call to GetUpdatedObj -- Thread A might not see an update to entries[0] during the life-cycle of
for(int i=0; i<Length(entrues); i++)
if(entries[i].bUpdated) then return entries[i];
if Thread B comes along and updates entries[0] while i > 0 -- it all depends if that is considered acceptable or not.
