Calculate total time in oracle - oracle

i have same problem like here
how to calculate sum time with data type char in oracle
but little different. i have 2 table like this :
table employee
emp_id emp_name emp_birth_date
123456 sacha 18/07/1980
Using this query
create table employee (emp_id char(10), emp_name char(10), emp_birth_date date);
insert into employee values ('123456', 'sacha', (TO_DATE('18/07/1980', 'dd/mm/yyyy')));
and table dept
table dept
emp_id emp_reg_date emp_time_in emp_time_off
123456 25/12/2011 10:00:00 19:00:00
using this query
create table dept (emp_id char(10), emp_reg_date date, emp_time_in char(10), emp_time_off char(10));
insert into dept values ('123456', (TO_DATE('25/12/2011', 'dd/mm/yyyy')), '10:00:00', '19:00');
all data type is char except birth_date and reg_date
i can display emp_id, emp_name, emp_reg_date, emp_time_in, emp_time_off using this query select employee.emp_id, employee.emp_name, dept.emp_date_reg, dept.emp_time_in, dept.emp_time_off from employee, dept where employee.emp_id = dept.emp_id;
but how to calculate total time in table dept for emp_time_in and emp_time_off for a day and a month?

What an awful design; what made you create EMP_TIME_IN and EMP_TIME_OFF VARCHAR2 columns? Those should have been DATE ones. I suggest you change that.
Meanwhile, you'll have to concatenate EMP_REG_DATE and those IN and OFF columns in order to get DATE value; then, by subtracting two dates, you'd get number of DAYS and - using a little bit of mathematics - get hours, minutes, or whatever you want.
For example:
SQL> create table test
2 (empno number,
3 emp_reg_date date,
4 emp_time_in varchar2(10),
5 emp_time_off varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> insert into test values (1, date '2018-03-20', '10:00', '19:00');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test values (1, date '2018-03-21', '11:30', '12:30');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test values (2, date '2018-03-25', '13:00', '16:20');
1 row created.
Employee 1 worked 9 hours + 1 hour = 10 hours in total.
Employee 2 worked 3 hours 20 minutes.
SQL> with dates as
2 (select
3 empno,
4 to_date(to_char(emp_reg_date, '') || emp_time_in , ' hh24:mi') date_in,
5 to_date(to_char(emp_reg_date, '') || emp_time_off, ' hh24:mi') date_off
6 from test
7 ),
8 summary as
9 (select empno,
10 sum(date_off - date_in) diff_days
11 from dates
12 group by empno
13 )
14 select empno,
15 trunc(diff_days * 24) hours,
16 round((diff_days * 24 - trunc(diff_days * 24)) * 60) minutes
17 from summary;
---------- ---------- ----------
1 10 0
2 3 20
Note that there's practically no control over what you enter into VARCHAR2 columns TIME_IN and TIME_OUT; what prevents you from entering AX:FM or 99:45 or A-b-e_XF in there? All those are valid strings, but invalid times.
Once again: fix data model.


Training schedule till end of year

I have a schedule of my training, three times a week, for example -
MON, WED,FRI. I need to generate records for my schedule table with dates till the end of the current year when I have training.
The schedule table is:
CREATE TABLE trainingSchedule (
training_date DATE
If training date already exist - don’t insert a record.
Here's one option. Read comments within code.
SQL> CREATE TABLE trainingSchedule
2 (id NUMBER,
3 training_date DATE
4 );
Table created.
SQL> create sequence seq_tra;
Sequence created.
SQL> -- initial insert (just to show that MERGE will skip it
SQL> insert into trainingschedule values (seq_tra.nextval, date '2021-03-22');
1 row created.
MERGE will skip rows that are already inserted. I understood that you want to insert only dates that follow today's date; if that's not so, just remove the last condition.
SQL> merge into trainingschedule t
2 using (-- this is a calendar for current year
3 select trunc(sysdate, 'yyyy') + level - 1 datum
4 from dual
5 connect by level <= add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'yyyy'), 12) - trunc(sysdate, 'yyyy')
6 ) c
7 on (c.datum = t.training_date)
8 when not matched then insert (id, training_date) values (seq_tra.nextval, c.datum)
9 -- insert only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
10 where to_char(c.datum, 'dy', 'nls_date_language = english') in ('mon', 'wed', 'fri')
11 -- insert only dates that follow today's date ("till the end of the current year")
12 and datum >= trunc(sysdate);
122 rows merged.
What's in there?
SQL> select id,
2 to_char(training_date, ', dy', 'nls_date_language = english') tr_date
3 from trainingschedule
4 order by training_date;
---------- ------------------------
1 22.03.2021, mon --> see? No duplicates
311 24.03.2021, wed
309 26.03.2021, fri
207 29.03.2021, mon
354 31.03.2021, wed
321 02.04.2021, fri

Insert Birthdate with only YY format for period before 2000 Oracle DB

I have afile where i recieve Birthdates and insert them into my Database.
the format is like the following
I use the following script to insert the date
update data."PersonBDates" set BIRTHDATE = to_date('13-SEP-47', 'DD-MON-YY');
and i also used
update data."PersonBDates" set BIRTHDATE = to_date('13-SEP-47', 'DD-MON-RR');
but when i check if find it 2074 not 1947.
How to insert this date into my oracle database?
Generally speaking, RR should work, but - not in all cases. You'll have to fix data first because RR will return different values:
for years from 00 to 49 you'll get this century, 20xx, while
50 to 99 will return previous century, 19xx
Here's an example:
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = '';
Session altered.
SQL> select
2 to_date('03-07-52', 'dd-mm-rr') rr1,
3 to_date('03-07-52', 'dd-mm-yy') yy1 ,
4 --
5 to_date('03-07-47', 'dd-mm-rr') rr2,
6 to_date('03-07-47', 'dd-mm-yy') yy2
7 from dual;
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
03.07.1952 03.07.2052 03.07.2047 03.07.2047
As you can see, both RR and YY format mask for year 47 return 2047.
What to do? Concatenate 19 to all years, e.g.
SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select '03-07-52' from dual union all
3 select '03-07-47' from dual
4 )
5 select col,
6 to_date(substr(col, 1, 6) || '19' || substr(col, -2), 'dd-mm-rrrr') result
7 ---------------- ---------------
8 -- this is "03-07-" "19" the last 2 digits
9 --
10 from test;
-------- ----------
03-07-52 03.07.1952
03-07-47 03.07.1947
If your current inserting script works OK - which I doubt, regarding error code you mentioned in a comment:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
which means that not all input data have the same, expected & correct format of DD-MON-YY, then a simple way to fix birthdates might be this:
subtract 100 years from all dates whose year is larger than 2000
Here's how:
SQL> create table test (birthdate date);
Table created.
SQL> insert into test
2 select to_date('03-07-52', 'dd-mm-rr') from dual union all
3 select to_date('03-07-47', 'dd-mm-rr') from dual;
2 rows created.
SQL> select * from test;
SQL> update test set
2 birthdate = add_months(birthdate, -100 * 12)
3 where extract (year from birthdate) > 2000;
1 row updated.
SQL> select * from test;
You can modify that, of course, if there's someone who actually was born in 2000 or later.
As of error you got (ORA-01858), well, fixing it depends on how exactly you're entering those values into a table.
if it was a SQL*Loader, invalid values would be rejected and stored into the .bad file and you could fix them and reprocess them later
if it was using an external tables, you could use a where clause and omit invalid rows; for example, use regexp_like
Or, your best option is to make sure that all input values are valid dates. Then any option you choose (I mentioned previously) would work without ORA-xxxxx errors.
Alternate way of concatenating 19 to all years, as Littlefoot suggested.
to_date(regexp_replace('13-SEP-47', '([0-9]+$)', '19\1'), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
I would suggest to implement the solution where 01 is not considered as 1901 but 2001 or something similar (I assume that birthday year is not 1901 for any person in your system).
Case when substr(col, -2) < to_char(sysdate,'YY')
then to_date(col, 'DD-MON-YY')
else to_date(substr(col, 1, 6) || '19' || substr(col, -2), 'dd-mm-rrrr'

Oracle update from random on another table

I have some fields in table1 to update with random values from some fields in table2.
I have to random into rows of table2 and update each rows of table1 with the same rows values of table2.
Here is my SQL code, but it doesn't work.
update owner.table1 t1
set (t1.adress1, t1.zip_code, = (select t2.adress, t2.zip_code,
from table1 t2
where id = trunc(dbms_random.value(1,20000)))
Result: all rows are updated with the same values, like no random on table 2 rows
How about switching to analytic ROW_NUMBER function? It doesn't really create a random value, but might be good enough.
Here's an example: first, create test tables and insert some data:
SQL> create table t1 (id number,address varchar2(20), town varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> create table t2 (id number, address varchar2(20), town varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> insert into t1
2 select 1, 'Ilica 20', 'Zagreb' from dual union all
3 select 2, 'Petrinjska 30', 'Sisak' from dual union all
4 select 3, 'Stradun 12', 'Dubrovnik' from dual;
3 rows created.
SQL> insert into t2
2 select 1, 'Pavelinska 15', 'Koprivnica' from dual union all
3 select 2, 'Baščaršija 11', 'Sarajevo' from dual union all
4 select 3, 'Riva 22', 'Split' from dual;
3 rows created.
SQL> select * From t1 order by id;
---------- -------------------- ----------
1 Ilica 20 Zagreb
2 Petrinjska 30 Sisak
3 Stradun 12 Dubrovnik
SQL> select * From t2 order by id;
---------- -------------------- ----------
1 Pavelinska 15 Koprivnica
2 Baščaršija 11 Sarajevo
3 Riva 22 Split
Update t1 with rows from t2:
SQL> update t1 set
2 (t1.address, =
3 (select x.address,
4 from (select row_number() over (order by address) id, t2.address,
5 from t2
6 ) x
7 where =;
3 rows updated.
SQL> select * From t1 order by id;
---------- -------------------- ----------
1 Baščaršija 11 Sarajevo
2 Pavelinska 15 Koprivnica
3 Riva 22 Split

What is the Best way to Perform Bulk insert in oracle ?

With this, I mean Inserting millions of records in tables. I know how to insert data using loops but for inserting millions of data it won't be a good approach.
I have two tables
col1 NUMBER,
valu VARCHAR2(30),
created_Date DATE,
col2 NUMBER,
fk_col1 NUMBER,
valu VARCHAR2(30),
modified_Date DATE,
FOREIGN KEY (fk_col1) REFERENCES test1(col1)
Please suggest a way to insert some dummy records upto 1 million without loops.
As a fairly simplistic approach, which may be enough for you based on your comments, you can generate dummy data using a hierarchical query. Here I'm using bind variables to control how many are created, and to make some of the logic slightly clearer, but you could use literals instead.
First, parent rows:
var parent_rows number;
var avg_children_per_parent number;
exec :parent_rows := 5;
exec :avg_children_per_parent := 3;
-- create dummy parent rows
insert into test1 (col1, valu, created_date)
select level,
dbms_random.string('a', dbms_random.value(1, 30)),
trunc(sysdate) - dbms_random.value(1, 365)
from dual
connect by level <= :parent_rows;
which might generate rows like:
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
1 rYzJBVI 2016-11-14
2 KmSWXfZJ 2017-01-20
3 dFSTvVsYrCqVm 2016-07-19
4 iaHNv 2016-11-08
5 AvAxDiWepPeONGNQYA 2017-01-20
Then child rows, which a random fk_col1 in the range generated for the parent:
-- create dummy child rows
insert into test2 (col2, fk_col1, valu, modified_date)
select level,
round(dbms_random.value(1, :parent_rows)),
dbms_random.string('a', dbms_random.value(1, 30)),
trunc(sysdate) - dbms_random.value(1, 365)
from dual
connect by level <= :parent_rows * :avg_children_per_parent;
which might generate:
select * from test2;
---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----------
1 2 AqRUtekaopFQdCWBSA 2016-06-30
2 4 QEczvejfTrwFw 2016-09-23
3 4 heWMjFshkPZNyNWVQG 2017-02-19
4 4 EYybXtlaFHkAYeknhCBTBMusGAkx 2016-03-18
5 4 ZNdJBQxKKARlnExluZWkHMgoKY 2016-06-21
6 3 meASktCpcuyi 2016-10-01
7 4 FKgmf 2016-09-13
8 3 JZhk 2016-06-01
9 2 VCcKdlLnchrjctJrMXNb 2016-05-01
10 5 ddL 2016-11-27
11 4 wbX 2016-04-20
12 1 bTfa 2016-06-11
13 4 QP 2016-08-25
14 3 RgmIahPL 2016-03-04
15 2 vhinLUmwLwZjczYdrPbQvJxU 2016-12-05
where the number of children varies for each parent:
select fk_col1, count(*) from test2 group by fk_col1 order by fk_col1;
---------- ----------
1 1
2 3
3 3
4 7
5 1
To insert a million rows instead, just change the bind variables.
If you needed more of a relationship between the children and parents, e.g. so the modified date is always after the created date, you can modify the query; for example:
insert into test2 (col2, fk_col1, valu, modified_date)
select *
from (
select level,
round(dbms_random.value(1, :parent_rows)) as fk_col1,
dbms_random.string('a', dbms_random.value(1, 30)),
trunc(sysdate) - dbms_random.value(1, 365) as modified_date
from dual
connect by level <= :parent_rows * :avg_children_per_parent
) t2
where not exists (
select null from test1 t1
where t1.col1 = t2.fk_col1 and t1.created_date > t2.modified_date
You may also want non-midnight times (I set everything to midnight via the trunc() call, based on the column name being 'date' not 'datetime'), or some column values null; so this might just be a starting point for you.

How to assign a value to variable from select statement (PL/SQL Developer)

I'm working with PL/SQL Developer.
I'm trying to update values in a column(existing table).
The values used to populate rows should be auto incremented. The starting value is the maximum value that already exist in such field.
An example, I have the following table
20 CAR 50
After running the query I would expect the table to look like:
20 CAR 50
21 VAN 100
22 BIKE 10
23 BOAT 300
The query I created so far is:
temp_order_id number;
:temp_order_id = SELECT ISNULL(MAX((ORDER_ID)),0) + 1 FROM SALES_ACC;
update SALES_ACC
set (ORDER_ID) = :temp_order_id , :temp_order_id = :temp_order_id + 1
where (ORDER_ID) is null;
Oracle doesn't like assigning a value from select statement to the temp_order_id variable.
Does anyone has any idea how to fix it?
You don't need pl/sql for this - you can do it in a single update statement - eg:
create table test1 as
select 20 order_id, 'CAR' t_name, 50 t_price from dual union all
select null order_id, 'VAN' t_name, 100 t_price from dual union all
select null order_id, 'BIKE' t_name, 10 t_price from dual union all
select null order_id, 'BOAT' t_name, 300 t_price from dual;
update test1
set order_id = (select max(order_id) from test1) + rownum
where order_id is null;
select * from test1
order by 1;
---------- ------ ----------
20 CAR 50
21 VAN 100
22 BIKE 10
23 BOAT 300
drop table test1;
As a side note, it sounds like order_id is something that should really be the primary key of the table - if you had that, then you wouldn't be allowed to add a row without a value. Plus, you would also need a sequence that you would then use when inserting data into the table - e.g.:
insert into test1 (order_id, t_name, t_price)
values (test1_seq.nextval, 'TRIKE', 30);
ORACLE's recomended way for this is either:
Create a sequence and a trigger on the table to assign order_id as soon as row is being inserted
or, for Oracle 12c, you can have an IDENTITY column
See How to create id with AUTO_INCREMENT on Oracle?, both approaches are described there.
Within the DECLARE ... BEGIN ... END; section you are in PL/SQL syntax. That is not equal to the SQL syntax. Within PL/SQL syntax you should make use of the so called select into statement.
into :temp_order_id
