I can't run any heroku cli commands - everything is completely unresponsive - heroku

I followed the directions to uninstall and then re-install Heroku here (homebrew instructions): https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
And now whenever I type heroku <anything> everything simply hangs. I can't ctrl+break out or anything. Oddly enough, I can close the iTerm window without a warning that a process is running.
Any help would be immensely appreciated. No idea what exactly to do about this.

I filed a ticket with Heroku yesterday about the same issue.
It turns out there is currently a bug in the .netrc parser. Try moving or removing the ~/.netrc file on your local machine and then log back in. This should resolve your issue.


Git Errors with interactive rebase. Unable to move the cache: Access is denied

I'm using Git on windows on version 2.38.1
I'm currently having some errors when I'm trying to do an interactive rebase. Fortunately the operation still works at least. Here are the errors :
I tried the following:
Delete the cache folder. This only brought more issue where I was not able to clone repos
reinstalled git for windows. This solved some of the issue but I still have the errors that are in the screenshot
I found a couple of forum/blog that gave me things to try bu as of now it always led me to another dead end.
Would anyone have a clue on how I could get rid of those errors?
Thank you in advance for the help
Try first to make the git rebase -i from a simple CMD session, not from an editor (like VSCode) to see if the issue persists.
Do that in a local cloned repository in C:\users\macaron\myRepository (replace myRepository with your actual repository name).
If it works outside an IDE, but not inside, then, as seen here, it is probably due to a concurrent process which keeps an handle on those resources (Cache folders), preventing the git command to proceed.

XQuartz $DISPLAY problems, cannot open xclock locally, cannot ssh -X

I am trying to solve a cascading series of bugs that started with me not able to copy to my macOS clipboard from remote ssh and has lead me to realize my X11 situation is seriously messed up. I have read a few other stackoverflow threads and they do not address my particular problems.
First my setup is macOS Mojave 10.14.5. I have xquartz 2.7.11 installed from the website. When I run echo $DISPLAY locally (on macOS) I get /private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.waagOnO6Qm/org.macosforge.xquartz:0.
Since I don't know where the error actually is I will list two problems I can identify currently.
Two problems:
If I run xclock locally nothing happens inside my terminal. I do notice that an "active" dot appears under the XQuartz dock icon for a second and then disappears. But after this happens my terminal still just hangs at xclock as though it is running.
If I try to ssh -X remote into a remote machine my terminal is locked out. I cannot keyboard interrupt. I ran this with -vvv to try to debug and I see that it hangs with xauth:
debug2: client_x11_get_proto: /opt/X11/bin/xauth -f /var/folders/jw/ltyk9x9n0_xb61jhdnct27fr0000gn/T//ssh-vcqwT7qh5yk2/xauthfile generate /private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.waagOnO6Qm/org.macosforge.xquartz:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 untrusted timeout 1260 2>/dev/null
Attempts to Solve
Other related stack threads have suggested reinstalling XQuartz, which I have done, both manually and with Homebrew. I have logged back out and in following reinstallation.
This thread suggested I solve my xauth problem by deleting .XAuthority file and recreating it. However, when I
xauth generate :0 . trusted
My XQuartz pops up a window saying XQuartz quit unexpectedly which I can provide the Report for if it helps. Then in the terminal it says
xauth: (argv):1: unable to open display ":0". Also I'm not sure this is the problem anyway because my .XAuthority file already contained an entry that it looks like this is trying to produce:
$HOST/unix:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 db7738324ca3662767b20b97b4a68680
Though it is concerning that running xauth is causing my xquartz to repeatedly quit unexpectedly (this dialog box is appearing multiple times).
This has been very frustrating to debug because I am not sure where the problem is, with xauth or xquartz somehow even though it is newly installed. Further, existing StackOverflow threads I have found detail the problem only with ssh -X but clearly I'm having problems locally, given that I can't even run xclock.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The dot appearing and disappearing quickly indicates that the server process is terminating. This means that either the server crashed, the managing client (eg ~/.xinitrc) terminated, or we failed to even start xinit.
Almost every case I have ever seen of this has been due to someone doing something wrong in their init scripts (eg: ~/.bash*, ~/.profile, ~/.xinitrc).
Remove those and try again, then bisect to figure out the underlying issue.
However, the crash dialog from your "ssh" case indicates that it is likely the server crashing. You will need to look at the crash log for more information (or provide it here if you want help with that).

Heroku CLI only works from root

I'm not sure why, but I can only run the Heroku CLI from root, not from a user.
When I run from user I get
>>heroku -v
and that's it. Nothing comes, nothing happens, it just freezes.
However when I open a new terminal window and change to root, it works fine
>>sudo su
>>heroku -v
heroku-cli/6.15.26 (darwin-x64) node-v9.6.1
I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling over and over again, I've used the Heroku direct download, as well as Homebrew, but I can't get it to work. I'm not really sure what I did to break my CLI, but how do I fix it? Where should I even look to see what the actual problem is?
I've also changed shell types, and that did nothing to fix the issue either. The shell lists Terminal -- node /usr/local/bin/heroku -v at the top, if that helps.
As per the comments below, we tried copying the directory that the root user uses into my .local/share but this did not solve the problem either.
Further, I opened my activity monitor, and any time I try to run Heroku, it shows that node is taking up 95-100% of my CPU.
Spent nearly 12 days chatting with heroku staff. It turns out if your .netrc file is long (mine was 1.9 million lines), their parser has issues reading it.
$ rm ~/.netrc
$ heroku login
Once the file is removed and you re-login it will create a new .netrc file without issues.
Why this happens:
My crontab uses an expect script to login to the blank environment. If you login over, and over and over, the .netrc file becomes huge.

Postgres databases and roles disappeared

Yesterday evening I closed my macbook's lid and left work. Came back this morning, turned my computer on, and upon trying to log into psql got a warning that the postgres role didn't exist... Upon further inspection, it seems that all but one of my databases are gone (and the default template0/1, postgres and my user's), as well as every roles but mine (<user>). \du+ in the psql console confirms my user has superuser rights. I still tried $ psql -d database_that_disappeared, to no avail. Tried switching to the other postgres versions I have installed locally (9.5.3 --> 9.6.2 --> 9.5.3), with no luck.
I obviously haven't run any brew update or upgrade, nor has OSX automatically updated anything, as I've turned automatic updates off. I have tried both shutting down and rebooting, to no avail either.
Edit: /usr/local/var/postgres/base shows 26 folders + pgsql_tmp, which makes me feel that the data itself isn't gone?
Just to let you know.
I was facing the very same problem.
Realised I had a process called "Google" that was listening to the port 5432 (found out using the command:
lsof -i -n -P | grep 5432
Besides that, my user (in the OS) disappeared as well!
Well, I found out the problem was that I did have two instances of PostgreSQL installed. When my mac restarted for an update, it started automatically the wrong one!
That looks to have happened due to updating the PGAdmin3 to 4. The 4th installs a new version of the PostgreSQL with it and, instead of replacing the previous version (as I expected) it kept both side by side.
Again, this is what I THINK has happened, because I realised I'm suddenly using a previous version of PGAdmin, with the newest version of Postgres (it even triggers a warning message saying there is a version mismatch).
I hope this has helped someone :)
And if you figure out WHY/HOW that happened, let me know.

"No such file or directory - getcwd" error on rubygems on Mac Os Lion

I'm trying to launch a heroku console that uses rubygems but I keep getting this error:
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:471:in `expand_path': No such file or directory - getcwd (Errno::ENOENT)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:471:in `find_files'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:470:in `map'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:470:in `find_files'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1103
from /usr/bin/heroku:9:in `require'
from /usr/bin/heroku:9
I'm using Mac OS Lion 10.7.3. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!
Maybe the current working directory of the shell that's used to start your heroku process doesn't exist (maybe removed by another process, as in my case), and therefore getcwd throws an error.
This happened to me. It turned out I had deleted the folder I was running the command in.
I had that same issue.... running sudo gem update --system fixed the problem... give it a try.
I had the same thing, just type cd in the terminal, then navigate back to where you were and it works.
Tried starting the rails server in another console tab.
cd . solved it for me
Faced a similar issue while setting up rails app locally.
The issue was that the server was running in a directory which i had removed from another terminal window to recreate the app.
Close terminal and do it again or go to some other directory and come back and do it...
Anything should work..It did for me.
I encounter a same one, it happened when the working directory has actually been removed.
This doesn't appear to be Heroku issue as something in your code is requiring this getcwd.
What happens if you run this application locally in production mode? Have you defined all of your dependencies for Heroku (either via a .gems file or Bundler)
In my case, I was in a directory that had "unusual" characters in its name: /Volumes/Members/Finance & Accounting/-MC 2008, 7848/2020.
And also, I was in a remote directory, as Mac users will recognize.
I simply did push ~ and ran the command again, then did popd to get back to my remote directory with odd characters in the name.
It could be that gem is ill-behaved in the face of directory names containing whitespace, or it could be that it doesn't work on networked directories.
The bash built-in pwd worked just fine in the remote directory with the funny name.
This whole thing makes me a bit nervous about gem.
solved for me
cd ..
cd -
you have to go back and return to current directory.
Ended up on this page from searching for the same error on AWS Elastic beanstalk.
The problem with getcwd is because EB is trying to repeat the deployment process endlessly. It changes the /var/app/staging directory before it is able to finish the current action. getcwd fails because the directory was already replaced. Try deploying a stable version or a sample app
This just happened to me while I was running a Sinatra app on my localhost and this is what I found.
I'm using Git as my version control and I switched branches from development to master to merge my branches. After the merge, with an active server running, I made a minor html change which shouldn't have blown up the app and when I went to check the change in my broswer my "request" came back with OP's error - just to note this app isn't deployed to heroku.
My guess:
I'm not familiar with the intricacies of Webbrick (or equivalent programs) but I'm guessing you had an active server running (like me) and it was was looking for specific file(s) in memory and when they were modified on a possible branch change or an important file was modified/deleted - Webbrick freaked out and didn't know where to find it/them and threw up this error.
I'm not sure what version control you're using but I know git is popular for heroku so I think this might have something to do with your issue.
Fixing the issue for myself was as simple as restarting the server, hope this helps future trouble shooters.
I solved this problem by closing and restarting my terminal, setting the correct Ruby version in the new Terminal to
$ rvm use 2.1.1
(or whatever Ruby version is relevant to your program)
as explained by gerardk
you could try this before launching back heroku console
$ pwd #ie: /mywork
$ cd ..
$ cd [pwd] #ie: cd mywork
now go launch back heroku console
Restart system fixed this problem in my case
I worked around this error by shutting down the server, restarting my terminal, then restarting the server.
sudo gem update --system (as Israfil Havilah mentioned) and rebooting the server (Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS) helped me
Make sure, you are not switching git branches. To me, it happened due to switching between GIT branches deleted my folder.
