macos: Bash shows commands instead files - bash

Bash on my macOS shows all (probably) commands from $PATH when I double-TAB instead of files and folders. Same when I can use TAB once - it does not work at all. Commands like CD works fine.
I have no idea where the problem is - $PATH seems normal to me:
~/.profile is this:
export PATH=/usr/local/php5/bin:$PATH
export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH"
~/.bash_profile has only this:
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"
Same behavior under PhpStorm's terminal. So I believe, the problem is somewhere deeper.
Can you help, please?

Command-line completion in Bash is achieved through readline, a well-known utility library used by many GNU and other Open Source products.
Basic completion is using the {TAB} key, and the actual completion depends on context. If the text does not start with a special character then commands are listed if they match, only if commands don't match are filenames listed.
If completion can be achieved, enough characters are supplied to make the completion unique, then it will be done, otherwise a second {TAB} will give a list of possibilities.
From man bash (Completing):
Bash attempts completion treating the text as a variable (if the text
begins with $), username (if the text begins with ~), hostname
(if the text begins with #), or command (including aliases and
functions) in turn. If none of these produces a match, filename
completion is attempted.


How to make fish shell delete words like bash does

I'm giving a second try to the fish shell. One thing that really annoys me is the "new" behaviour of Ctrl+w shortcut.
Consider following situation:
$ vim ~/.config/fish/
...having the cursor at the end of the line.
When you press Ctrl+w, following happens:
in bash: ~/.config/fish/ is deleted
in fish: only is deleted
How can I make fish delete words that are separated by spaces only?
"\cw" (in fish's notation) is bound to "backward-kill-path-component" (which bind \cw will tell you).
If you wish, you can bind it to something else, including input functions like "backward-kill-word" or any fish script - bind \cw backward-kill-word or bind \cw "commandline -rt ''" (which will remove the entire current token) or bind \cw backward-kill-bigword. See the bind documentation or bind --help for more information.
The difference between "word" and "bigword" here is that "word" will only go to the next non-word-character, which can be a "." or "/" or "-", among others, while "bigword" will truly go to the next whitespace character.
Note that the "bigword" functions have only been introduced in fish 2.3.0.
You can try these incantations in an interactive shell. If you decide to make it permanent, you'll need to add them to a function called fish_user_key_bindings.

Blacklist program from bash completion

Fedora comes with "gstack" and a bunch of "gst-" programs which keep appearing in my bash completions when I'm trying to quickly type my git aliases. They're of course installed under /usr/bin along with a thousand other programs, so I can't just remove their directory from my PATH. Is there any way in Linux to blacklist these specific programs from appearing for completion?
I've tried the FIGNORE and GLOBIGNORE environment variables but they don't work, it looks like they're only for file completion after you've entered a command.
In 2016 Bash introduced an option for that. I'm reproducing the text from this newer answer by zuazo:
This is rather new, but in Bash 4.4 you can set the EXECIGNORE variable:
aa. New variable: EXECIGNORE; a colon-separate list of patterns that
will cause matching filenames to be ignored when searching for commands.
From the official documentation:
A colon-separated list of shell patterns (see Pattern Matching) defining the list of filenames to be ignored by command search using
PATH. Files whose full pathnames match one of these patterns are not
considered executable files for the purposes of completion and command
execution via PATH lookup. This does not affect the behavior of the [,
test, and [[ commands. Full pathnames in the command hash table are
not subject to EXECIGNORE. Use this variable to ignore shared library
files that have the executable bit set, but are not executable files.
The pattern matching honors the setting of the extglob shell option.
For Example:
$ EXECIGNORE=$(which pytest)
Or using Pattern Matching:
$ EXECIGNORE=*/pytest
I don't know if you can blacklist specific files, but it is possible to complete from your command history instead of the path. To do that add the following line to ~/.inputrc:
TAB dynamic-complete-history
FIGNORE is for SUFFIXES only. It presumes for whatever reason that you want to blacklist an entire class of files. So you need to knock off the first letter.
E.g. To eliminate gstack from autocompletion:
Will rid gstack but also rid anything else ending in stack.

Insert current path in bash command line

To run a program in bash, I normally use relative paths because it's faster to type; for example, something like
me#host:~/dir/appX$ ./ runserver
The command will then be stored in the history. To recall the command from history (CTRL+R normally), I need to be on the same path as when I ran it, making the recall function less useful.
One solution is to insert the full path the first time, but it takes a lot of writing.
me#host:~/dir/appX$ /home/me/dir/appX/ runserver
Is there a way (preferably built in) to insert the current path in the command line?
Or maybe a better solution (should work on bash)?
You can do this in bash using Tilde Expansion. You need two tilde expansion related features, just showing the relevant parts from man bash below:
Tilde Expansion
If the tilde-prefix is a `~+', the value of the shell variable PWD
replaces the tilde-prefix.
tilde-expand (M-&)
Perform tilde expansion on the current word.
As it says, you can type ~+ to get the current path. And then to expand it you need to type M-&. So the key sequence ~+M-& is all you need.
I found it a little difficult pressing all these keys, so I created a key binding for this. Add a line like below in your ~/.inputrc file:
With this I can now type ctrl+a on my keyboard to get the current path on the command line.
PS: It's possible that ctrl+a is already bound to something else (perhaps beginning of line) in which case it might be better to use another key combination. Use bind -p to check current bindings.

What in PS1 is causing my commands to get stuck on the screen?

When cycling through statements entered to the console, I occasionally find that the text I entered isn't refreshed and the prompt is moved to the right.
My original, intended prompt:
What happens after hitting the Up and Down arrows about a dozen times:
In case the screenshots aren't clear, the underlined text (in this case, "vim ~/.bas") is getting "added" to the prompt. I can't delete it out. However, if I delete as much as I can, clearing any text after the prompt, and hit Enter, I'm greeted with my clean, original prompt again:
Here's what ~/.bash_profile contains:
# Simpler bash prompt in
#export PS1='\e[0;36m\w$ \e[0m'
export PS1="$promptColor\w$ $endColor"
# Syntax highlighting for commands like `ls` and such
alias ls="ls -G"
# PATH ammendment to put Homebrew-installed apps in front of system-provided ones
export PATH=$homebrew:$PATH
I've narrowed the culprit down to the PS1 variable. (You can see I've tried this a few different ways.) Based on what I've read, I'm using the color codes correctly.
Any help would be fantastic. Thanks.
This is a FAQ. In order for Bash to be able to compute the display length of the prompt correctly, any non-printing sequences such as color codes need to be inside a \[...\] sequence.
I think you want:
export PS1="$promptColor"'\w$ '"$endColor"
(Notice all the subtle changes from double to single-quotes)
The problem is that bash is doing expansion on the following when they need to be interpreted explicitly:
Single-quotes and double-quotes mean different things in shell: Strong Quoting vs. Weak Quoting.
I would also just copy and paste the lines with escaped characters and modify them (note that they aren't the same as literal representations)

saving bash functions

First of all, I'd like to be corrected on my vocabulary. I assume Terminal provides an environment for bash, which is a type/version of shell. Is this correct?
I'm trying to utilize bash and shell more in my development processes to speed up deployment. However, I'm only beginning to understand the basics outside the commands I've learned from growing up.
I've started making functions in Terminal to help automate some of my more repetitious tasks. This is all find and dandy until I exit terminal.
I assume that shell runs in an instance, so that instance is lost when I exit terminal. I notice that shell leaves a .bash_history, also accessible using 'history', where I can see my old functions from old sessions. However, of course, they no longer appear to execute.
I recognize that I could create a shell script, but this introduces compiling issues as well as having to pay more attention to where the scripts are stored relatively.
Question: When I create bash scripts using command(){}, they do not persist after closing the terminal. Can I make them do that so on new terminal sessions I have access to my old functions without resorting to shell scripts?
Edit: I also wanted to mention that I tried extensively to find an issue to this using traditional means, but "save" and "exit" in the search term often will direct to other aspects of shell.
Your first statement is correct. A terminal instance runs a type of shell (bash, sh, csh)
You can add them to your ~/.bashrc file or add the saved script path (no compiling needed) to your PATH variable.
You could also just copy scripts to /usr/local/bin for quick access anytime. You would have no need to keep track of where they are relatively. This is quite handy and makes your scripts available to other users (or not if permissions are set correctly)
See the Using History Interactively section of the Bash Reference Manual for ways you can execute commands from your history.
For example, typing !?foo and pressing Enter will execute the most recent command containing "foo". I like to have shopt -s histverify histreedit in my ~/.bashrc so I can edit and confirm the command, if necessary rather than executing it immediately.
Also see the Commands For Manipulating The History section for keystrokes you can use to search for history entries to recall and execute.
For example, pressing Ctrl-r and typing foo will recall the most recent command containing "foo". You can press Ctrl-r additional times to continue searching in reverse for additional matching commands. Press Enter when you're ready to execute the one currently shown or Ctrl-g to abort the search.
If you add stty -ixon to your ~/.bashrc, then you can use Ctrl-s to search forward through history after you've begun searching backward.
Of course, you can save your functions by editing ~/.bashrc and adding them to it. I prefer to keep my functions in a file I created called ~/bin/functions and then add a line to ~/.bashrc to source that file. The line looks like . ~/bin/functions.
I save larger scripts in /usr/local/bin or ~/bin. The former should already be in your path and you can add the latter to your path by editing ~/.bashrc.
After you type in the functions on the command-line you could recall them using command-line editing (as #Dennis Williamson mentioned), but there is an easier method: declare -f. This command lists all current functions, and you can redirect them to a file:
home/user1> function myfunc {
> echo "Hollow world!"
> }
/home/user1> declare -f > myfuncs
/home/user1> more myfuncs
myfunc ()
echo "Hollow world"
Note how Bash changes the function syntax from Korn shell to Bourne shell! Fortunately there is no difference between the two in Bash (unlike ksh93).
When you need to load the function it is a simple matter:
/home/user1> source myfuncs
/home/user1> myfunc
Hollow world!
You don't need execute permissions by the way, only read.
You could (as others have said) add this to one of your start-up files, like .bashrc.
You can create a simple library which would contain all your functions. This would basically solve your problem of storing functions.
yeshwantnaik$ cat my_functions.lib
function do_something(){
#your code goes here
Save it wherever you want. Preferably to your $HOME directory.
Load the library. Don't miss the dot in the beginning.
yeshwantnaik$ . $HOME/my_functions.lib
Now you can run your function directly.
yeshwantnaik$ do_something
Let Linux do stuff for you
You can skip the step of manually loading the library by letting Linux do it for you when you log in automatically.
Run below commands
echo ". $HOME/my_functions.lib" >> ~/.bashrc
echo ". $HOME/my_functions.lib" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
That's it. You can directly execute your function from the command line without doing anything.
