Apollo readQuery Fails Even Though Target Object is Present? - graphql

I'm working on a call to readQuery. I'm getting an error message:
Error: Can't find field resolutions({"id":"Resolution:DHSzPa8bvPCDjuAac"})
on object (ROOT_QUERY) {
"resolutions": [
"type": "id",
"id": "Resolution:AepgCCio9KWGkwyMC",
"generated": false
"type": "id",
"id": "Resolution:DHSzPa8bvPCDjuAac", // <==ID I'M SEEKING
"generated": false
"user": {
"type": "id",
"id": "User:WWv57KsvqWeAoBNHY",
"generated": false
The object with that id appears to be plainly visible as the second entry in the list of resolutions.
Here's my query:
query Resolutions($id: String!) {
resolutions(id: $id) {
goals {
...and here's how I'm calling it:
update={(cache, {data: {createGoal}}) => {
let id = 'Resolution:' + resolutionId;
const {resolutions} = cache.readQuery({
variables: {
What am I missing?
Per the GraphQL Dev Tools extension for Chrome, here's the whole GraphQL data store:
"data": {
"resolutions": [
"_id": "AepgCCio9KWGkwyMC",
"name": "testing 123",
"completed": false,
"goals": [
"_id": "TXq4nvukpLcqQhMRL",
"name": "test goal abc",
"completed": false,
"__typename": "Goal"
"__typename": "Resolution"
"_id": "DHSzPa8bvPCDjuAac",
"name": "testing 345",
"completed": false,
"goals": [
"_id": "PEkg5oEEi2tJ6i8LH",
"name": "goal abc",
"completed": false,
"__typename": "Goal"
"_id": "X4H4dFzGm5gkq5bPE",
"name": "goal bcd",
"completed": false,
"__typename": "Goal"
"_id": "hYunrXsMq7Gme7Xck",
"name": "goal cde",
"completed": false,
"__typename": "Goal"
"__typename": "Resolution"
"user": {
"_id": "WWv57KsvqWeAoBNHY",
"__typename": "User"

Posted as answer for fellow apollo users with similar problems:
Remove the prefix of Resolution:, the query should only take the id.
Then the question arises how is your datastore filled?
To read a query from cache, the query needs to have been called with exactly the same arguments on the remote API before. This way apollo knows what the result for a field is with specific arguments. If you never called the remote endpoint with the arguments you want to use but know what the result would be, you can circumvent that and resolve the query locally by implementing a cache resolver. Have a look at the example in the documentation. Here the store contains a list of books (in your case resultions) and the query for a single book by id can be resolved with a simple cache lookup.


Dynamics 365 Search Resource Availability With Constraints

I've been trying to add filters to my Search Resource Availability api call following this page: Search resource availability API
No matter what I do I can't seem to filter by Organizational Unit.
Here's my http call body:
"Version": "3",
"IsWebApi": true,
"Requirement": {
"msdyn_fromdate": "2021-11-01T00:00:00Z",
"msdyn_todate": "2021-11-30T23:59:00Z",
"msdyn_remainingduration": 60,
"msdyn_duration": 60,
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_resourcerequirement"
"Settings": {
"ConsiderSlotsWithProposedBookings": false,
"MovePastStartDateToCurrentDate": true,
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando"
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"ResourceTypes#odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
"ResourceTypes": [
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"value": "3"
"Constraints": {
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"OrganizationalUnits#odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"value": "b2054232-a114-ec11-b6e7-000d3a842ab8"
And here's the response I get:
"#odata.context": "https://orga215da53.api.crm3.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.2/$metadata#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_SearchResourceAvailabilityResponse",
"TimeSlots": [],
"Resources": [],
"Related": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"TimeSlots#odata.type": "#Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.crmbaseentity)",
"TimeSlots": [],
"Resources#odata.type": "#Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.crmbaseentity)",
"Resources": []
"Exceptions": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando"
But i KNOW that that organization unit exists in CRM.
I tried changing the odata.type to the actual Organization Unit CRM type (msdyn_organizationalunit) but that just gives me an error (An error occurred while validating input parameters: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null)
What is it that I'm doing wrong?
Good day,
I'm not sure but maybe "Constraints" should be outside "ResourceSpecification" like:
"Version": "3",
"IsWebApi": true,
"Requirement": {
"msdyn_fromdate": "2021-11-01T00:00:00Z",
"msdyn_todate": "2021-11-30T23:59:00Z",
"msdyn_remainingduration": 60,
"msdyn_duration": 60,
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_resourcerequirement"
"Settings": {
"ConsiderSlotsWithProposedBookings": false,
"MovePastStartDateToCurrentDate": true,
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando"
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"ResourceTypes#odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
"ResourceTypes": [
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"value": "3"
"Constraints": {
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"OrganizationalUnits#odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
"value": "b2054232-a114-ec11-b6e7-000d3a842ab8"

contentful graphql nested structure

I have a page in contentful which I retrieve content to my react app with graphql.
In this page, a link a content model called Person which is like that:
"name": "Person",
"description": "",
"displayField": "name",
"fields": [
"id": "name",
"name": "Name",
"type": "Symbol",
"localized": false,
"required": true,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"omitted": false
"id": "profilePic",
"name": "profile pic",
"type": "Link",
"localized": false,
"required": true,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"omitted": false,
"linkType": "Asset"
"id": "socialLinks",
"name": "social links",
"type": "Array",
"localized": false,
"required": false,
"validations": [],
"disabled": false,
"omitted": false,
"items": {
"type": "Link",
"validations": [
"linkContentType": [
"linkType": "Entry"
ProfilePic is another content model which include name and picUrl.
SocialLinks is an array of socialLink content model which contain name and link
I can retrieve without problem my profilePic name or picUrl but I cannot get the socialLinks.
I have read the contentful documentation about one-to-many but is not clear to me how to apply to my case: https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/graphql/#/reference/schema-generation/one-to-many-multi-type-relationships
My query:
...rest of the query..
socialLinksCollection {
items {
... rest of the query...
Can somoene help me understand why it doesn't work as a normal collection?
Should I maybe use this concept of linkedFrom? But how exactly?
I had to add (limit: 1) to my socialLinksCollections otehrwise there were too many calls and wasn't possible to get the data back.
Thanks to #stefan judis for the suggestion where to look out for the errors.

Cannot retreive virtual card number in test mode via stripe API using Go examples

Trying to follow the example here: https://stripe.com/docs/issuing/cards/virtual
When I add params.AddExpand("number"), no number is returned, yet via the dashboard I was able to see the card numbers. Here's sample code and redacted info for the Req and Resp.
func (ac *appContext) CardRetrieve(id string) *stripe.IssuingCard {
stripe.Key = ac.Config.Stripe.SecretKey
params := stripe.IssuingCardParams{}
ic_num, _ := card.Get(id, &params)
return ic_num
"id": "ic_redacted",
"object": "issuing.card",
"brand": "Visa",
"cancellation_reason": null,
"cardholder": {
"id": "ich_redacted",
"object": "issuing.cardholder",
"billing": {
"address": {
"city": "A Beach",
"country": "US",
"line1": "404 Main St.",
"line2": "Suite #302",
"postal_code": "19001",
"state": "DE"
"company": null,
"created": 1613338532,
"email": "redacted#notreal.com",
"individual": {
"dob": {
"day": 20,
"month": 10,
"year": 1990
"first_name": "User",
"last_name": "Testing",
"verification": {
"document": {
"back": null,
"front": null
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "User Testing",
"phone_number": "+15165551212",
"requirements": {
"disabled_reason": "under_review",
"past_due": [
"spending_controls": {
"allowed_categories": [
"blocked_categories": [
"spending_limits": [
"amount": 1,
"categories": [
"interval": "daily"
"spending_limits_currency": "usd"
"status": "active",
"type": "individual"
"created": 1613338532,
"currency": "usd",
"exp_month": 1,
"exp_year": 2024,
"last4": "0088",
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"replaced_by": null,
"replacement_for": null,
"replacement_reason": null,
"shipping": null,
"spending_controls": {
"allowed_categories": null,
"blocked_categories": null,
"spending_limits": [
"amount": 1,
"categories": [
"interval": "daily"
"spending_limits_currency": "usd"
"status": "inactive",
"type": "virtual"
What confuses me is the documentation found here:
It says: You can retrieve both the full unredacted card number and CVC from the API. For security reasons, these fields are only available for virtual cards and will be omitted unless you explicitly request them with the expand property. Additionally, they are only available through the Retrieve a card endpoint. That links to the issue card retrieval end point, but the params defined in the virtual cards example references the CardParams{} struct.
No of the examples show what imported module their aliasing for card to exec card.Get, but it stands to reason given the flow of the documentation that this should be IssuingCardParams{} and that the card alias is referencing: "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/issuing/card"
I also find it strange that we're defining params in the example but not passing it into the card.Get()
I went digging through the module and it seems like to get the card details you have to call: details, _ := card.Details(id, params) but I get a 404 when trying to call that. The object returned is actually the right object and I see number and cvc, albeit nil.
I get the following error:
2021/02/15 00:33:06 Request error from Stripe (status 404): {"status":404,"message":"Unrecognized request URL (GET: /v1/issuing/cards/ic_redacted/details). Please see https://stripe.com/docs
So it seems you need to include a /v72 in the import:
The documentation should be updated to show this and the virtual card example for go should also be updated.

Strapi mongodd de-populate

Is there any way to prevent a call like this strapi.services.MODEL_NAME.find(query) from populating its relations?
In my specific case I have a simple Message model:
"attributes": {
"body": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"required": true,
"maxLength": 300
"chat": {
"model": "chat"
"user": {
"model": "user",
"plugin": "users-permissions"
and in a particular case I wish not to populate user & chat, just reference their IDs.
I believe in my case the solution would be to add an empty array:
strapi.services.MODEL_NAME.find(query, [])
You can add autoPopulate option to false.
"user": {
"model": "user",
"plugin": "users-permissions",
"autoPopulate": false

Filter where attribute is in supplied array

Suppose I have these documents in a Things table:
"name": "Cali",
"state": "CA"
"name": "Vega",
"state": "NV",
"name": "Wash",
"state": "WA"
My UI is a state-picker where the user can select multiple states. I want to display the appropriate results. The SQL equivalent would be:
SELECT * FROM Things WHERE state IN ('CA', 'WA')
I have tried:
r.db('test').table('Things').filter(r.expr(['CA', 'WA']).contains(r('state')))
but that doesn't return anything and I don't understand why that wouldn't have worked.
This works for getting a single state:
r.db('test').table('Things').filter(r.expr(['CA', 'WA']).contains(r.row('state')))
seems to be working in some versions and returns
"id": "b20cdcab-35ab-464b-b10b-b2f644df73e6" ,
"name": "Cali" ,
"state": "CA"
} ,
"id": "506a4d1f-3752-409a-8a93-83385eb0a81b" ,
"name": "Wash" ,
"state": "WA"
Anyway, you can use a function instead of r.row:
r.db('test').table('Things').filter(function(row) {
return r.expr(['CA', 'WA']).contains(row('state'))
