Is Spring SimpMessagingTemplate thread safe? - thread-safety

We are using the Spring WebSocket library for sending events to clients.
We are using the org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessagingTemplate object to send messages - simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend()
Is SimpMessagingTemplate thread safe? The source code shows that it internally uses another class- org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel.
Is MessageChannel thread safe?

Both if them are tread-safe because they don't change any internal state.
What make you to think otherwise?
Maybe you need to dig farther what it is used after already and there is an issue?


difference between usage of #RabbitListener() and usage of DirectMessageListenerContainer in consuming from a rabbitMQ in springboot

I am trying to configure concurrent consumers in spring to consume messages from RabbitMQ, in order to achieve that i have configured consumers in two ways
1.annotated a method with #RabbitListener(queues = "name of queue")
2.implementing "MessageListener" interface and overriding onMessage(Message message)
In my case both the ways worked fine, but i am unable to figure out what is the advantage/disadvantage of using #RabbitListener() for starting a consumer over the other way.
Also adding to that i have configured "DirectMessageListenerContainer" in my configuration and mapped it to "MessageListener" implementation to achieve concurrent consumers, my question here is can we do the same mapping for consumer implemented through #RabbitListener() and if so how. I couldnt find any source on how a consumer started with a #RabbitListener() annotated method can be configured with a "DirectMessageListenerContainer"
Any Help is appreciated.
#RabbitListener is simply a higher-level abstraction. It uses the listener container underneath.
When using spring boot, use the ...listener.type application property to specify which type of container you want.
The default is simple.

JMS listener using thread pool

I'm using a Spring project where I have an implementation of JMS Event listener to process messages from a queue.
To be precise, I'm using a SQS (AWS) queue.
All works fine.
My point is this:
I not configured anything about the concurrency but I would like to have more threads as listener to increase the performances (speed) about the messages processing from the queue.
I'm thinking about the possibility to configure a ThreadPool (TaskExecutor) and adding the annotation #Async on my methods about the message processing.
So, I will have a onMessage method into my listener where, after message validation I will call this async methods.
Is this a good practice? Will I have some issues using this approach?
I'm looking on the web for this and I see that I's possible to configure directly the concurrency value on the listener.
I'm very confusing there are a lot of possible ways to have this and I'm not able to understand the best approach.
Are these equivalent solutions?
Do not use #Async - simply increase the concurrency of the listener container and it will be handled for you automatically by spring-jms.

Does Spring make "calling its own controller" multithread?

I have an spring boot application that pulls message from an cloud message queue and put it back to a cloud db. I realize that my program is single thread(I am not using request mapping, just pull,process,put to db). I want Spring handle concurrency things. So can I make a dispatcher function, which calls controller in the application with #RequestMapping?
public class GatewayController {
public void InvokeService(...) {...}
I need mutithread to call other service for response, which I don't want it to block others. If I recieve 10 messages, I want it to call /test/service... which have 10 threads processing them.
My question is:
Will Spring make the controller multithread?
How to call its own controller? Send request to the url? (I don't need response from controller, just let controller call a service to put response in a db on could)
RequestMapping is MVC thing - intended to issue http requests. And yes, it uses tomcat under the hood.
If you'll inject RestController into your class it won't issue any HTTP requests, you'll only call the controller as a regular bean. If you consume messages in one thread, it won't become multithreaded to answer your first question.
You can, of course, create HTTP request but frankly it's just wrong. So don't do it. This answers your second question to some extent :)
Now, there is nothing wrong conceptually if your microservice acts as a consumer and producer and deals with queues, not all microservices have to be accessible via HTTP.
In order to work in a multi threaded environment:
Check whether you can consume messages in a multi-threaded manner. Maybe the client of your "cloud message queue" offers multi-threaded configuration (thread pool or something).
If it's not possible, create a thread pool executor by yourself and upon each message submit the processing task to this thread pool. This will make the processing logic multithreaded with a parallelism level confined by the thread pool size and thread pool configurations.

jms queue receiver which always run in backgrond

I want a Java class (jms receiver) which always run in background and check for any message arrive in jms queue.How it can be possible? Please help.
What you want is a JMS MessageListener. Create your JMS client resources (e.g. connection/context, session, etc.) like normal and then invoke setMessageListener on your consumer passing in your implementation of the MessageListener interface. This is pretty basic JMS stuff so you can find more detailed tutorials online.

Spring JavaMailSender: Making it asynchronous and persistent

Is there an easy/lightweight way to add persistence to Spring's JavaMailSender and have it operate asynchronously? Does Spring provide any "built-in" support for this? I'm currently looking at queues with JMS, but they seem like overkill for the task at hand (looking at ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ). Is there a lightweight JMS option?
Your approach with jms is fine. Unfortunately persistence and asynchronous processing is not such a simple task and you will have to code a bit.
However have a look at Spring integration, it provides built-in support for JMS inbounds and e-mail outbounds - all you have to do is connect the pieces via XML DSL.
If you want to make any method in Spring asynchronous, all you need to do is configure task namespace in the xml config via <task:annotation-driven/>. Then, you just annotate the method with #Async and it will run in its own thread. Note that an async call will run in its own transaction, as Spring grabs a new thread from its internal pool to service the call. If you do this, then you don't need JMS for aynchronous processing.
