After aborting the installer if i try to install again, installer is still pointing to old path - windows

I am trying to install a installer developed using InstallShield 2008. While installing after selecting the destination path i am aborting the installation.
When i try to install again by default it is taking the destination path as previously given path which was provided before aborting the installation.
And also it is not allowing me to install in different path.
For Example:
*Step1 : Installation starts
Step2: Destination path as C:\Installer
Step3: Click next and abort installation
Step4: Start the installation again
Step5: Provide Different destination path as C:\Installer1*
Here installation is failed. Because destination is still pointing to Step2
My question is from where Installer is taking the old path.?

Persisted Path: The technicalities appear to be relatively straightforward: the old path is read back either from the registry or from disk each time the setup is launched, and a custom action in the setup's GUI sequence must have persisted the path "somewhere" during the first run (this is erroneous design, see technical comment below). Reading back the value can be done by using AppSearch (built-in MSI feature) or by means of a custom action.
Registry / Disk: As to finding where the value is read from. The easiest would be to just search the registry first for the literal path. Just open regedit.exe and search for the path there. You can also look for the custom action that does the persisting (or the AppSearch or custom action that does the retrieval) and see if it is a script with code you can see - then you should be able to see where it has persisted the path. Use Orca or a similar tool to view the Custom Action table. The custom action can also be compiled and undecipherable. Do you have the setup source? The path can also be persisted to disk, but the registry is most commonly used. Remember to search both HKCU and HKLM.
Involved Debugging: I can't see why you would, but it is also possible to use ProcMon.exe to monitor what registry locations your MSI reads and / or writes to. This is involved debugging and should never be needed for something this simple. Just mentioning it as a technical option. Generally the last resort we have to figure out the strangest problems.
Technical Comment: MSI setups are not supposed to write anything to the registry or disk from the setup's user interface sequence (setup dialogs). All changes should be made from the installation sequence (InstallExecuteSequence) which also generally runs with elevated rights - the user interface normally runs with user rights. This InstallExecuteSequence sequence is kicked off from the last dialog in the GUI sequence, and runs the file copy and system change operations. Control then returns to the GUI sequence to show the setup complete dialogs. It is also possible to run the setup silently, in which case the InstallUISequence never runs and all custom actions inserted there fail to run. Accordingly custom actions should be present in the InstallExecuteSequence as well as the InstallUISequence if they are to run in silent mode. This potential design flaw is a very common silent deployment error which occurs when setups are not designed properly for silent running. Remember that all corporate deployment runs silently. Setup GUI is highly overrated (in my opinion - a "fact" that could change in the future).
It is still possible for an MSI setup to write to the registry or disk from the InstallUISequence by using a custom action to do so. Such a custom action would normally not have access to write to HKLM or to protected parts of the disk - unless the whole setup runs elevated because it was launched from an elevated command prompt (for example), or launched by an admin who elevates it via the UAC prompt.
In other words: this setup is badly designed, but I guess that is clear already.


Windows installer is too clever, tries to repair when tester deletes config file

Our application is deployed to the target machine with an msi file. All works nicely. Our tester has gone through his plan, and one of the tests requires deleting the application's configuration file. The application is designed to alert the user with a dialog on startup saying "missing config". However, what happens is that - somehow! - the software starts the installer again and retrieves the missing file from the msi! Which is nice, but not what we want. How do we disable that behaviour?
without going into much depth of the windows installer mechanics (if you interested in that there a plenty of articles about this), the shortcut of the software is probably advertised, which means the windows installer checks if everything is in its place before the software is started.
if you can edit the msi, make the shortcut non advertised.
if you can't, install it with DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS
e.g. msiexec /i myMsi.msi DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1
please note that this is only a quick (and dirty) workaround,
to fix this proper you need to understand the whole windows installer advertising (also called repair or self resiliency) mechanism.
but explaining all the causes and the mechanism of the repair is far beyond this answer and there are quite some articles and posts about that on the internet (and especially on MSDN and stackoverflow)
There is a more correct answer to this, and it is NOT DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS. You set the component id to null in the MSI file to prevent repair of that individual file. See ComponentId comments here:
Edit the MSI file with Orca to delete the Componenty ID, and write an uninstall custom action to delete the file at uninstall if it's there.
In addition, that's a redundant test. Windows will restore that file for you if it's missing, so the idea that you need a test to notify that it's missing is pointless. The true test should be that Windows will restore the file if it's lost, and your app needs to do potentially nothing about the missing file.
You don't mention what tool you are using to make your MSI but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Visual Studio Deployment Projects (.VDRPOJ).
One of the (many) horrible things about this tool was that it fails to expose the foundational concept of components. Instead it makes every file a key file of it's own component and hides the existence of the component from you. I say 'was' because Microsoft killed this project type in VS. There are around 50k people complaining on UserVoice to bring this tool back and I'm guessing that 49,990 of them don't know what a key path is.
Windows Installer has a concept called the component rules and each component has a keypath. The keypath teaches MSI how to handle repair scenarios. But your tool has to allow you to be able to control this to make it work.
Windows Installer is functioning exactly the way it's supposed to function. You just aren't up to speed on what that is.
However, if you want to ignore Windows Installer best practices and continue using the tool you use today, the trick is to install the app.config file as a different file. Then have the application copy the file to the real file name on run. Windows Installer won't service what it didn't install.
Several answers have been provided that can work:
You can install the file with a blank guid. Then you need to remove it on uninstall using the RemoveFile feature. You will also run into issues if you want to replace it during an upgrade. Could be tricky at times.
You can disable the advertised shortcut(s), but this affects too much in my opinion.
Finally you can use my suggestion to install a separate non-advertised shortcut to use to launch the application. Such a shortcut bypasses the self-repair check. It may still be invoked by other means such as missing file associations, COM registration or similar, but those are exception states.
However, my preference is that an application can start without a config file present, if at all possible. I always suggest a good startup routine with "internal defaults" available. The startup routine should also degrade gracefully if faced with any file system access denied conditions.
Most importantly you should place this config file in the userprofile so you can generate the file on first launch for the user in question. It can even be copied from a read-only copy in the main installation directory.
When you generate a file from internal defaults and put it in a userprofile location, the file will have no interference with Windows Installer at all. The issues that results is how to clean up user data on uninstall. I discussed this with Stefan Kruger (MSI MVP) at one point, and I agree with his notion that user data is indeed user data and should not be automatically dealt with by your installer at all. Leave it installed, and clean it up via system administrator tools if necessary - for example logon scripts.

WIX removefiles and Windows delete registry entry

I’m been wondering during uninstall, how to control the sequence of removefiles and Windows delete registry entry through WIX.
One of my program's registry
is deleted before removefiles. If then removefiles failed, the uninstall process abort. But the registry is already deleted, that would be a disaster。
I would recommend adding a new custom action that will be scheduled to run after removefiles during uninstallation and that will clean up the registry as you need. At the same time you will need another custom action that will be scheduled to run during installation and that will create the registry entries. Therefore you would have to remove your registry definitions out of WiX XML.
The custom actions can be written even as shell commands I believe. Otherwise writing C# custom actions is also a good option.
Please don't forget when creating the conditions when to run the custom actions on cases as minor/major upgrades and repair. Fiddling the right conditions might be quite tedious. However all this really depends on your installation scenarios.

VS2010 Deployment Project: Issues with multi-user-install and registry entry

I have issues setting up my deployment project in Visual Studio 2010. Im using Windows 7 x64. Here's my problem:
The setup is supposed to install my program for all users. During the setup three registry keys are written to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Something folder, containing the setup variables for Serial, Name and Organization as values - [COMPANYNAME], [PIDKEY], [USERNAME].
What happens:
User1 (Admin) installs the software, entering his username, serial and company. Everything works. The keys can be found and values read by the program, using Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(path). The first thing I don't get is that I cannot find the registry entries, using the regedit.exe. Anyway, the code above finds them.
Now, User2 (Non-admin) tries to execute the freshly installed program. The installer is launched again, saying "Wait for ... to configure ...". The user specific folders for User2 are created correctly. The program is started, but the registry keys cannot be found by the program anymore.
Now, finally, User1 tries opening the program again. (The registry entries cannot be found anymore.) Edit: The registry entries are actually there, but its values are empty.
So, my questions:
Why can't I see the registry entries with regedit after the install, although they are obviously there?
(2. Why are the registry entries deleted, when the second user tries launching the program for the first time and how can I avoid that?)
2. Why are the registry values set to empty strings, when the second user tries launching the program for the first time and how can I avoid that?
Cheers from Auckland and thanks!
You might be missing the registry entries if you have a 32 bit package installed on a x64 machine. In this case the registry entries would be redirected under "HKLM\Wow6432Node...". This is the standard behavior for x64 Windows machines. The same happens with the file redirection to Program Files and Program Files(x86).
That is strange. It could happen that the second launch of the installer, a normal automatic repair operation, has removed the registry entries by mistake. To get more details about the actions executed during the second launch I recommend you enable permanent logging on the OS.
Wonder why the Find-function didn't find the keys though?
Probably the API used is considering the keys do not exist if all the values are empty. You should check its docs.
Obviously the "second installer" performs the entry again, without having values for that. Do you have an idea how to solve that?
This usually happens if the registry are written with values from public properties. During the automatic repair the properties don't have their initial install values so they are considered to contain an empty string, which is than used to replace the registry values.
The only solution you have is to make a small custom action that runs during repair, as immediate, which searches the registry entries before they get overwritten and places their values in the properties your are using. This way the overwrite operation will use the correct values.

How to delete application file from AppData\Roaming folder

I am using windows installer to create setup project.
How I can remove/delete application files from AppData\Roaming folder when application uninstalled.
I tried added a special folder and set DefaultLocaltion to [AppDataFolder] but it didn't working.
Do I need to do anything else?
I'd need to understand what you are trying to do to give you specific advice. In general what you are trying to do would be OK removing files from CommonAppDataFolder but not AppDataFolder as trying to clanup user data from multiple user profiles is not a best practice. Additionally trying to cleanup Roaming Profile User data is outright impossible because the other users aren't logged on.
You'll want to read:
Managing Roaming User Data Deployment Guide
Assuming you are trying to do what I think you are, you'll need a cleanup script / exe that you leave behind on uninstall and a custom action to write to the registry during uninstall ( MSI can't do this natively ) to call that script/EXE. You'll want to leverage the Active Setup trick as described here:
Using Active Setup to Repair User Settings
The way it'll work is your uninstall leaves the EXE and registry entry behind so that when a user logs on it's roaming data gets pulled down from the server to local and Active Setup realizes it hasn't run the script yet. The script runs (once) and the data is deleted. When the user logs off the data is replicated / deleted on the server. Then they log on again it doesn't run again.
By default Windows Installer does not remove the files created by your application, after the installation. To do that you need to either write your own custom action, that will run upon uninstall, or depending on the tool used for authoring the MSI, you can use built-in options for cleaning the application locations, as some tools have this support.

Understanding Vital attribute in Windows Installer File Table

Suppose you have an MSI that's trying to add or replace file, and that operation fails. If is marked as vital (with msidbFileAttributesVital) in the File table of the MSI, then the installation will roll back. If the file is not vital, then the user is prompted and allowed to decide if the error should be ignored or if the installation should be rolled back.
What if the operation fails and the installer is running in silent mode (/qn)? The user cannot be prompted.
It appears (from an MSI log I have) that the installation rolls back, even though the file is not vital. Is there some way to have a silent install proceed in this case?
From my knowledge silent installations always rollback if an error is encountered, no matter what flags and settings you use. This prevents broken installations (for example missing files).
In your case a solution is to use basic UI to prompt the user. Another solution is to use a non-MSI installer which can ignore installation errors.
