How to hidden the border of button in sweetalert2 - sweetalert2

The border of button appears automatically. How to close it so that it will never appear? Thanks.
The button in sweetalert2

I guess you are talking about the outline of a focused button:
It's possible to remove that outline from buttons, but PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT.
There's a reason for that ugly outline!
You're killing the keyboard accessibility of your app. People with vision disabilities, as well as keyboard-ninjas, will hate you for that.
SweetAlert2 authors were working hard to make that plugin accessible to all users, by removing buttons outline you simply ruin their effort.


How to change Display Alert default focus on a button?

I am using Xamarin forms DisplayAlert. I have two buttons in it one is light blue and another is Darker blue. I guess it is focus effect causing the difference.
can I set focus as per requirement? I tried to search documentation but no luck.
DisplayAlert("Caption", "Message", "Cancel", "Send");
Cancel and send are buttons on display alert. Default focus on Cancel.I want to switch focus to Send without changing position of buttons.
I am pretty sure that Xamarin doesn't (and will not) support providing focus to a specific button using a DisplayAlert since this feature exists in iOS only. Remember that Xamarin.Forms is meant to target all platforms, and not iOS only, and introducing a "focus" variable for a single platform would thus be a no-go.
What you can do, is to swap your two buttons around as you mentioned yourself.
If that is not an option, have a look at what you can achieve using third party libraries such as Acr.UserDialogs.
If that doesn't help you either, you will probably need to write a Custom Control or use an ActionSheet instead.
Good luck.

JavaFX 2.0 custom Window frame buttons

I want to add a button to my applications window frame. At the moment I have the regular windows look: "minimize, maximize and close". I were thinking that I should make a whole new window frame with my own buttons, but what I really need is just an additional button that has the functionality of "Log out". Kinda like Skype:
I have been searching the web for some pointers and hints, but I've gotten no longer.
So if anybody has any comments or code that would help me, it would be greatly appreciated!
The JavaFX Ensemble Sample application demonstrates custom buttons for "minimize, maximize and close", you can get it's source code here.

Scrolling issues with SIP (keyboard) open on wp7

I am developing an application for WP7 platform (actually WP7.1 sdk). I have a page with an image and couple textboxes in a Grid encapsulated in scrollviwer, that supports both portrait and landscape orientation. I am facing some odd behaviors that rised my two questions:
Is there a solution or at least explanation why in Portrait mode when I focus on any textbox and SIP comes up I cannot scroll through the page in the rest of viewable area? When I try to scroll it with SIP up it always bounces back to the focused textbox so to select another textbox I have to tap elswere to hide the SIP and select another textbox. (its annoying and user unfriendly) In a landscape mode though, I can scroll through the page easily (without bouncing) and select whatever I want with SIP up. I think it has to do something with a fact that in portrait mode without sip you can see all elements and in landscape you have to scroll down to see some textboxes. But if I look into some system apps I see similar pages and it doesnt bounce to focused textbox with the keyboard up, so I dunno what am I doing wrong.
Is there any workaround to correctly position dropdown from autocompletebox control from toolkit while it is declared inside of scrollviewer? Its position is always messed up, most of the time I tried to solve this it showed up over the textbox itself hiding it.
Thanks for your time.
I already did some research but didnt solve anything :-/
Could you please try my solution ?
I would recommend you to read Alex's article on the subject. I think it should answer your problem just fine.
Not really. And you shouldn't have a AutoCompleteBox in a ScrollViewer.

SketchFlow wizard-like window

Is there a way to create a wizard-like window in SketchFlow 4?
it needs the standard prev/next buttons, and of course the "Finish" button on the last page.
Are you having problems creating that? Sounds like a straightforward use of the prototyping features in SketchFlow. Simply link the sequence of screens together and use buttons with navigation behaviors to navigate between the screens.
I'm doing the same thing right now. We came at it two different ways - up to you which you prefer.
One is to use a TabControl and use the tabs as the steps of the wizard. This means you don't have to deal with adding the nav links back and forth, but you might have trouble getting the look you're hoping for.
The other way, as Chuck mentions, is just to essentially clone each step of the wizard screen as its own individual SketchFlow screen, with just the content section changed. Then you can link up each screen with the navigation hooks in the SketchFlow Map.
The latter is certainly more customizable, and once you get the hang of how to reuse sections of your design, tends to work better.

Windows mobile controlling scroll bar with finger

I have a question about the windows mobile development.
I created a mobile form on the windows mobile 6.0 test project. But that example form slightly larger than the vertically normal pocketpc forms. I now everybody said you can press the scrollbar for accessing bottom or any location of the form.
But i need to use the finger for easy navigating form areas. This kind of iphone :)
Is it possible ? how can i make this ?
Windows Mobile 6.5 adds gesture support, that is supposed to allow such functionality for finger control. Of course, your code has to take advantage of it.
You can also write your own, which isn't difficult, but still cumbersome.
My answer could be classified as subjective. I try to now show the scroll bar when possible for just that reason. On most devices that have touch screen, you can scroll using you finger (and I'm a somewhat large guy -- 6'3" with farmer kid hands).
But if you are displaying a grid, that isn't always possible. The results can go off the screen very easily. Oh well, grab a pen and hit the scrollbar.
Other screen elements that can help: tab control. separate your controls into groups and put each group on a separate tab. I also do a lot of wizards with LARGE next and previous buttons.
But in all of this, if it is designed to be stylus free, just pray the user doesn't have to type anything using the screen soft keyboard. That just doesn't work with a finger.
