Pass get_url downloaded zip files as variable to unarchive - ansible

I've just started to use Ansible to automate binary deployments.
When downloading the zip files and trying to unzip it by passing the downloaded zip files as variable to be unzipped/unarchived but an error is always thrown.
Snippet of the YML below:
- name: Download binaries
url={{ download_server }}
url_username={{ username }}
url_password={{ passwd }}
dest={{ base_dir }}
register: bin_files
- set_fact:
my_unzipped_file: "{{ bin_files[0].stdout }}"
- name: UNZIPPING the files
unarchive: src={{ base_dir }}/{{ item }} dest={{ base_dir }} copy=no
with_items: my_unzipped_file

If it wasn't a user/pass protected URL you could erase the 'get_url' module and place the URL in the src: of Unarchive module.
Check the examples:
another way is to download all your files into a directory {{ bin_dir }} for example and use within the unarchive module 'with_fileglob' to unzip all .zip/.tar.gz and such
- name: UNZIPPING the files
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ base_dir }}/"
copy: no
- "{{ base_dir }}/*.zip"
- "{{ base_dir }}/*.tar.gz"
another tip for you IMHO you should drop the '=' code style in modules and move to ':' as you can see above, it's more human-readable
You corrected SNIPPET:
- name: Download binaries
url: {{ download_server }}
url_username: {{ username }}
url_passwor: {{ passwd }}
dest: {{ base_dir }}
register: bin_files
- name: UNZIPPING the files
src: {{ base_dir }}/{{ item }}
dest: {{ base_dir }}
copy: no
- "{{ bin_files.stdout }}"


Ansible loop in items and then loop again with a module (nested loop)

I have a list of items in my playbook.
- 'host1.domain.tld'
- 'host2.domain.tld'
- 'host3.domain.tld'
- 'anotherhost.domain.tld'
Each of it has it's own SSL files, like host1.domain.tld.key host1.domain.tld.crt host1.domain.tld.fullchain ... and so on. Now I using this playbook to send out this files:
- name: Copy the {{ item }} key files
src: "{{ item }}/{{ item }}.key"
dest: '/etc/ssl/{{ item }}.key'
owner: 'root'
group: 'root'
mode: '0644'
loop: "{{ x_ssl_certs }}"
- name: Copy the {{ item }} crt files
src: "{{ item }}/{{ item }}.crt"
dest: '/etc/ssl/{{ item }}.crt'
owner: 'root'
group: 'root'
mode: '0644'
loop: "{{ x_ssl_certs }}"
- name: Copy the {{ item }} fullchain files
src: "{{ item }}/{{ item }}.fullchain"
dest: '/etc/ssl/{{ item }}.fullchain'
owner: 'root'
group: 'root'
mode: '0644'
loop: "{{ x_ssl_certs }}"
and so on, 1 task for every file. I would like to integrate this into one or two task, so it should lookup the x_ssl_certs list and send out each file which belongs to them. This files are the same naming convention for each item in the list.
This should be a loop in the loop, nested loop, or something like that, but based on the documentation it is not exactly clear for me how to make that.
Use with_nested. For example,
- debug:
msg: "Copy {{ item.0 }}.{{ item.1 }}"
- "{{ x_ssl_certs }}"
- [key, crt, fullchain]
msg: Copy host1.domain.tld.key
msg: Copy host1.domain.tld.crt
msg: Copy host1.domain.tld.fullchain
msg: Copy host2.domain.tld.key
msg: Copy host2.domain.tld.crt
msg: Copy host2.domain.tld.fullchain
msg: Copy host3.domain.tld.key
msg: Copy host3.domain.tld.crt
msg: Copy host3.domain.tld.fullchain
msg: Copy anotherhost.domain.tld.key
msg: Copy anotherhost.domain.tld.crt
msg: Copy anotherhost.domain.tld.fullchain

how to pass many variables in ansible?

I faced problems when I don't know how to pass many variables in with_items:
I have these vars:
- vars:
- /tmp/tecom/python3/
- /tmp/tecom/pip/
- /tmp/tecom/psycopg2/
- /tmp/tecom/docker/
- /tmp/tecom/postgresql/
- python3.tar
- pip.tar
- psycopg2.tar
- docker.tar
- postgresql.tar
And I have the task that should extract the archives:
- name: unarchive "{{ item }}"
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: # should take the paths above. Every path should match it's own `.tar` file.
with_items: "{{ files }}"
Every path should match its own .tar file.
For example,
- debug:
msg: "unarchive {{ item }} to {{ _path }}"
loop: "{{ files }}"
_path: "{{ path }}/{{ item|splitext|first }}/"
path: /tmp/tecom
- python3.tar
- pip.tar
- psycopg2.tar
- docker.tar
- postgresql.tar
gives (abridged)
msg: unarchive python3.tar to /tmp/tecom/python3/
msg: unarchive pip.tar to /tmp/tecom/pip/
msg: unarchive psycopg2.tar to /tmp/tecom/psycopg2/
msg: unarchive docker.tar to /tmp/tecom/docker/
msg: unarchive postgresql.tar to /tmp/tecom/postgresql/
Q: "How do I unarchive those files to the folders?"
A: Use the expressions as appropriate, e.g.
- name: "unarchive {{ item }}"
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ path }}/{{ item|splitext|first }}/"
loop: "{{ files }}"
(not tested)
It's up to you where you put the variables files and path. See Variable precedence: Where should I put a variable?

Ansible: Copy multiple files from multiple sources to multiple destinations in single command

I am trying to copy some configuration files from /tmp to /opt.
Here first I am recursively searching for the files in /tmp and /opt directories and storing it in the variable tmp_file_path and code_file_path respectively, which has an attribute files.path that I need to use in the source and destination for copy
- name: Find files in tmp
paths: /tmp/
file_type: file
recurse: yes
- file1
- file2
- file3
register: tmp_file_path
- debug:
var: tmp_file_path
- name: Find files in code
paths: /opt/
file_type: file
recurse: yes
- file1
- file2
- file3
register: code_file_path
- debug:
var: code_file_path
Here the source file paths can be /tmp/folder1/file1, /tmp/folder2/file2, /tmp/folder13/file3.
Destinations can be /opt/folderA/file1, /opt/folderB/file3, /opt/folderC/file3
As of now I have managed to write the task as below
- name: Copy files from tmp to code directory
src: "{{item.path}}"
dest: "{{item.path}}"
remote_src: yes
- { "{{ tmp_file_path.files }}", "{{ code_file_path.files }}" }
The copy has to be done in a single command so that I do not end up hardcoding the paths for source and destination. Can anyone help me with achieving this?
Below piece of code worked for recursively copying files from code_file_path to /tmp
- name: Copy files from code directory to tmp
src: "{{item.path}}"
dest: /tmp/
remote_src: yes
with_items: "{{code_file_path.files}}"
Try this
- name: Copy files from tmp to code directory
src: "{{ item.0 }}"
dest: "{{ item.1 }}"
remote_src: yes
- "{{ tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
- "{{ code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
Try with debug first
- debug:
- "src: {{ item.0 }}"
- "dest: {{ item.1 }}"
- "{{ tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
- "{{ code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
It might be useful to test the sanity first
- debug:
msg: The numbers of files do not match
when: tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|length !=
Q: "This did not work as expected because the files which I am searching in code_file_path has multiple sub-directories. It is sorting on the entire file path returned by code_file_path.files rather than just the file name."
A: Create a list with both paths and names. Then sort the list by the name. For example
- set_fact:
code_files: "{{ code_files|default([]) +
[{'path': item, 'name': item|basename}] }}"
loop: "{{ code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"
- debug:
- "src: {{ item.0 }}"
- "dest: {{ item.1.path }}"
- "{{ tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
- "{{ code_files|sort(attribute='name') }}"
shell> tree tmp
├── file1
├── file2
└── file3
shell> tree opt
├── bar
│   └── file2
├── baz
│   └── file3
└── foo
└── file1
The tasks below
- set_fact:
code_files: "{{ code_files|default([]) +
[{'path': item, 'name': item|basename}] }}"
loop: "{{ code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"
- debug:
var: code_files|sort(attribute='name')
- debug:
- "src: {{ item.0 }}"
- "dest: {{ item.1.path }}"
- "{{ tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
- "{{ code_files|sort(attribute='name') }}"
"code_files|sort(attribute='name')": [
"name": "file1",
"path": "/export/test/opt/foo/file1"
"name": "file2",
"path": "/export/test/opt/bar/file2"
"name": "file3",
"path": "/export/test/opt/baz/file3"
"msg": [
"src: /export/test/tmp/file1",
"dest: /export/test/opt/foo/file1"
"msg": [
"src: /export/test/tmp/file2",
"dest: /export/test/opt/bar/file2"
"msg": [
"src: /export/test/tmp/file3",
"dest: /export/test/opt/baz/file3"
You may achieve this with this condition : every filenames are unique in the way that if 2 files have the same name in your list from /opt directory, then their content should be the same.
If it's the case, then you may use the with_nested loop and using a conditionnal when on filename.
For example:
- name: Copy files from tmp to code directory
src: "{{ item.0 }}"
dest: "{{ item.1 }}"
remote_src: yes
- item.0|basename == item.1|basename
- "{{ tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"
- "{{ code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"
The only "problem" with this solution is that you'll run the loop a lot of times...
You may also want to use the loop synthax over with_ synthax and use some loop_control in order to choose what is printed:
If you have the extension loaded (in your ansible.cfg: jinja2_extensions = you may then contruct a dict with your paths:
- name: Make a dict
files_dict: |
{%- set out_dict = dict() -%}
{%- for tmp_file in tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list -%}
{%- do out_dict.update({tmp_file|basename: {'tmp': tmp_file}}) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for opt_file in code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list -%}
{%- do out_dict[opt_file|basename].update({'opt': opt_file}) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ out_dict }}
- name: Copy from dict
src: "{{ item.value.tmp }}"
dest: "{{ item.value.opt }}"
remote_src: yes
with_dict: "{{ files_dict }}"

Ansible: Archive module does not take into account exclude_path param

I want to archive the following directory:
temp_build_directory: /tmp/mdr-upgrade
$ ls -1 /tmp/mdr-upgrade
and the task is:
- name: archive_artifacts.yml --> Archive artifacts
path: "{{ temp_build_directory }}/*"
dest: "{{ target_tmp_dir }}/{{ artifacts_file_name }}"
exclude_path: "{{ target_tmp_dir }}/{{ ansible_dir }}"
And ansible_dir: ansible
Tarball ends up always containing the ansible folder.
Why is that?
edit: I am using target_tmp_dir: "/tmp"
exclude_path needs an absolute path (see docs).
Try again with:
- name: archive_artifacts.yml --> Archive artifacts
path: "{{ temp_build_directory }}/*"
dest: "{{ target_tmp_dir }}/{{ artifacts_file_name }}"
exclude_path: "{{ temp_build_directory }}/{{ ansible_dir }}"

Can the templates module handle multiple templates / directories?

I believe the Ansible copy module can take a whole bunch of "files" and copy them in one hit. This I believe can be achieved by copying a directory recursively.
Can the Ansible template module take a whole bunch of "templates" and deploy them in one hit? Is there such a thing as deploying a folder of templates and applying them recursively?
The template module itself runs the action on a single file, but you can use with_filetree to loop recursively over a specified path:
- name: Ensure directory structure exists
path: '{{ templates_destination }}/{{ item.path }}'
state: directory
with_community.general.filetree: '{{ templates_source }}'
when: item.state == 'directory'
- name: Ensure files are populated from templates
src: '{{ item.src }}'
dest: '{{ templates_destination }}/{{ item.path }}'
with_community.general.filetree: '{{ templates_source }}'
when: item.state == 'file'
And for templates in a single directory you can use with_fileglob.
This answer provides a working example of the approach laid down by #techraf
with_fileglob expects only files to live within the templates folder - see
with_fileglob will only parse files in the templates folder
with_filetree maintains the directory structure when moving the template files to dest. It auto creates those directories for you at dest.
with_filetree will parse all files in the templates folder and nested directories
- name: Approve certs server directories
state: directory
dest: '~/{{ item.path }}'
with_filetree: '../templates'
when: item.state == 'directory'
- name: Approve certs server files
src: '{{ item.src }}'
dest: '~/{{ item.path }}'
with_filetree: '../templates'
when: item.state == 'file'
Essentially, think of this approach as copying and pasting a directory and all its contents from A to B and whilst doing so, parsing all templates.
I could not manage to do it with the other answers. This is what worked for me:
- name: Template all the templates and place them in the corresponding path
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ destination_path }}/{{ item.path | regex_replace('\\.j2$', '') }}"
force: yes
with_filetree: '{{ role_path }}/templates'
when: item.state == 'file'
In my case folder contain both files and jinja2 templates.
- name: copy all directories recursively
file: dest={{templates_dest_path}}/{{ item|replace(templates_src_path+'/', '') }} state=directory
with_items: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'find '+ templates_src_path +'/ -type d').split('\n') }}"
- name: copy all files recursively
copy: src={{ item }} dest={{templates_dest_path}}/{{ item|replace(templates_src_path+'/', '') }}
with_items: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'find '+ templates_src_path +'/ -type f -not -name *.j2 ').split('\n') }}"
- name: copy templates files recursively
template: src={{ item }} dest={{templates_dest_path}}/{{ item|replace(templates_src_path+'/', '')|replace('.j2', '') }}
with_items: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'find '+ templates_src_path +'/*.j2 -type f').split('\n') }}"
I did it and it worked. \o/
- name: "Create file template"
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ your_dir_remoto }}/{{ item.dest }}"
- { src: '../templates/file1.yaml.j2', dest: 'file1.yaml' }
- { src: '../templates/file2.yaml.j2', dest: 'file2.yaml' }
