Add x^2 to every "nonzero" coefficient with sed/awk - bash

I have to write, as easy as possible, a script or command which has to use awk or/and sed.
Input file:
23 12 0 33
3 4 19
1st line n=3
2nd line n=2
In each line of file we have string of numbers. Each number is coefficient and we have to add x^n where n is the highest power (sum of spaces between numbers in each line (no space after last number in each line)) and if we have "0" in our string we have to skip it.
So for that input we will have output like:
Please help me to write a short script solving that problem. Thank you so much for your time and all the help :)
My idea:
linescount=$(cat numbers|wc -l)
for i in spaces=$(cat numbers|sed 1p | sed " " )
sed -i 's/ /x^spaces/g'

Following awk may help you on same too.
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i!="" && $i){val=(val?val "+" $i:$i)(NF-i==0?"":(NF-i==1?"x":"x^"NF-i))} else {pointer++}};if(val){print val};val=""} pointer==NF{print;} {pointer=""}' Input_file
Adding a non-one liner form of solution too here.
awk '
if($i!="" && $i){
val=(val?val "+" $i:$i)(NF-i==0?"":(NF-i==1?"x":"x^"NF-i))}
else {
if(val) {
print val};
pointer==NF {
' Input_file
EDIT: Adding explanation too here for better understanding of OP and all people's learning here.
awk '
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ ##Starting a for loop from variable 1 to till the value of NF here.
if($i!="" && $i){ ##checking if variable i value is NOT NULL then do following.
val=(val?val "+" $i:$i)(NF-i==0?"":(NF-i==1?"x":"x^"NF-i))} ##creating variable val here and putting conditions here if val is NULL then
##simply take value of that field else concatenate the value of val with its
##last value. Second condition is to check if last field of line is there then
##keep it like that else it is second last then print "x" along with it else keep
##that "x^" field_number-1 with it.
else { ##If a field is NULL in current line then come here.
pointer++}}; ##Increment the value of variable named pointer here with 1 each time it comes here.
if(val) { ##checking if variable named val is NOT NULL here then do following.
print val}; ##Print the value of variable val here.
val="" ##Nullifying the variable val here.
pointer==NF { ##checking condition if pointer value is same as NF then do following.
print} ##Print the current line then, seems whole line is having zeros in it.
pointer="" ##Nullifying the value of pointer here.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

Offering a Perl solution since it has some higher level constucts than bash that make the code a little simpler:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my #terms;
while (my $line = readline(*DATA)) {
my $degree = () = $line =~ / /g;
my #coefficients = split / /, $line;
my #terms;
while ($degree >= 0) {
my $coefficient = shift #coefficients;
next if $coefficient == 0;
push #terms, $degree > 1
? "${coefficient}x^$degree"
: $degree > 0
? "${coefficient}x"
: $coefficient;
continue {
say join '+', #terms;
23 12 0 33
3 4 19
Example output:
hunter#eros  ~  perl
Any information you want on any of the builtin functions used above: readline, chomp, push, shift, split, say, and join can be found in perldoc with perldoc -f <function-name>

$ cat a.awk
function print_term(i) {
# Don't print zero terms:
if (!$i) return;
# Print a "+" unless this is the first term:
if (!first) { printf " + " }
# If it's the last term, just print the number:
if (i == NF) printf "%d", $i
# Leave the coefficient blank if it's 1:
coef = ($i == 1 ? "" : $i)
# If it's the penultimate term, just print an 'x' (not x^1):
if (i == NF-1) printf "%sx", coef
# Print a higher-order term:
if (i < NF-1) printf "%sx^%s", coef, NF - i
first = 0
first = 1
# print all the terms:
for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i) print_term(i)
# If we never printed any terms, print a "0":
print first ? 0 : ""
Example input and output:
$ cat file
23 12 0 33
3 4 19
0 0 0
0 1 0 1
$ awk -f a.awk file
23x^3 + 12x^2 + 33
3x^2 + 4x + 19
x^2 + 1

$ cat ip.txt
23 12 0 33
3 4 19
5 3 0
34 01 02
$ # mapping each element except last to add x^n
$ # -a option will auto-split input on whitespaces, content in #F array
$ # $#F will give index of last element (indexing starts at 0)
$ # $i>0 condition check to prevent x^0 for last element
$ perl -lane '$i=$#F; print join "+", map {$i>0 ? $_."x^".$i-- : $_} #F' ip.txt
$ # with post processing
$ perl -lape '$i=$#F; $_ = join "+", map {$i>0 ? $_."x^".$i-- : $_} #F;
s/\+0(x\^\d+)?\b|x\K\^1\b//g' ip.txt

One possibility is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
linemax=$(grep -oEc '(( |^)[0-9]+)+' inputFile)
while [ $line -lt $linemax ]; do
degree=$(($(grep -oE ' +' - <<<$(grep -oE '(( |^)[0-9]+)+' inputFile | head -$line | tail -1) | cut -d : -f 1 | uniq -c)+1))
coeffs=($(grep -oE '(( |^)[0-9]+)+' inputFile | head -$line | tail -1))
while [ $i -lt $degree ]; do
if [ ${coeffs[$i]} -ne 0 ]; then
if [ $(($degree-$i-1)) -gt 1 ]; then
echo -n "${coeffs[$i]}x^$(($degree-$i-1))+"
elif [ $(($degree-$i-1)) -eq 1 ]; then
echo -n "${coeffs[$i]}x"
echo -n "${coeffs[$i]}"
The most important lines are:
# Gets degree of the equation
degree=$(($(grep -oE ' +' - <<<$(grep -oE '(( |^)[0-9]+)+' inputFile | head -$line | tail -1) | cut -d : -f 1 | uniq -c)+1))
# Saves coefficients in an array
coeffs=($(grep -oE '(( |^)[0-9]+)+' inputFile | head -$line | tail -1))
Here, grep -oE '(( |^)[0-9]+)+' finds lines containing only numbers (see edit). grep -oE ' +' - ........... |cut -d : -f 1 |uniq counts the numbers of coefficients per line as explained in this question.
Edit: An improved regex for capturing lines with only numbers is
grep -E '(( |^)[0-9]+)+' inputfile | grep -v '[a-zA-Z]'

sed -r "s/(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)/\1x^3+\2x^2+\3x+\4/; \
s/(.*) (.*) (.*)/\1x^2+\2x+\3/; \
s/\+0x(^.)?\+/+/g; \
s/^0x\^.[+]//g; \
s/\+0$//g;" koeffs.txt
Line 1: Handle 4 elements
Line 2: Handle 3
Line 3: Handle 0 in the middle
Line 5: Handle 0 at start
Line 5: Handle 0 at end

Here is a more bashy, less sedy answer which is better readable, than the sed one, I think:
# 0 4 12 => 12x^3
# 2 4 12 => 12x
# 3 4 12 => 12
term () {
pot=$((leng - 1 - p))
case $pot in
0) echo -n '+'${fac} ;;
1) echo -n '+'${fac}x ;;
*) echo -n '+'${fac}x^$pot ;;
handleArray () {
# mapfile puts a counter into the array, starting with 0 for the 1st
# get rid of it!
# echo ${coeffs[#]}
while (( cnt < len ))
if [[ ${coeffs[$cnt]} != 0 ]]
term $cnt $len ${coeffs[$cnt]}
echo # -e '\n' # extra line for dbg, together w. line 5 of the function.
mapfile -n 0 -c 1 -C handleArray < ./koeffs.txt coeffs | sed -r "s/^\++//;s/\++$//;"
The mapfile reads data and produces an array. See help mapfile for a brief syntax introduction.
We need some counting, to know, to which power to raise. Meanwhile we try to get rid of 0-terms.
In the end I use sed to remove leading and trailing plusses.

sh solution
while read line ; do
set -- $line
while test $1 ; do
case $1 in
0) ;;
*) case $i in
0) j="" ;;
1) j="x" ;;
*) j="x^$i" ;;
echo "${result%+}"
done < infile

$ cat tst.awk
out = sep = ""
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if ($i != 0) {
pwr = NF - i
if ( pwr == 0 ) { sfx = "" }
else if ( pwr == 1 ) { sfx = "x" }
else { sfx = "x^" pwr }
out = out sep $i sfx
sep = "+"
print out
$ awk -f tst.awk file

First, my test set:
$ cat file
23 12 0 33
3 4 19
0 1 2
2 1 0
Then the awk script:
$ awk 'BEGIN{OFS="+"}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)$i=$i (NF-i?"x^" NF-i:"");gsub(/(^|\+)0(x\^[0-9]+)?/,"");sub(/^\+/,""}1' file
And an explanation:
$ awk '
OFS="+" # separate with a + (negative values
} # would be dealt with in gsub
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) # process all components
$i=$i (NF-i?"x^" NF-i:"") # add x and exponent
gsub(/(^|\+)0(x\^[0-9]+)?/,"") # clean 0s and leftover +s
sub(/^\+/,"") # remore leading + if first component was 0
}1' file # output

This might work for you (GNU sed);)
sed -r ':a;/^\S+$/!bb;s/0x\^[^+]+\+//g;s/\^1\+/+/;s/\+0$//;b;:b;h;s/\S+$//;s/\S+\s+/a/g;s/^/cba/;:c;s/(.)(.)\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2\2/\1\1\2/;tc;s/([a-z])\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1/9/;s/([a-z])\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1/8/;s/([a-z])\1\1\1\1\1\1\1/7/;s/([a-z])\1\1\1\1\1\1/6/;s/([a-z])\1\1\1\1\1/5/;s/([a-z])\1\1\1\1/4/;s/([a-z])\1\1\1/3/;s/([a-z])\1\1/2/;s/([a-z])\1/1/;s/[a-z]/0/g;s/^0+//;G;s/(.*)\n(\S+)\s+/\2x^\1+/;ba' file
This is not a serious solution!
Shows how sed can count, kudos goes to Greg Ubben back in 1989 when he wrote wc in sed!


Foreach command with table [duplicate]

I have a huge tab-separated file formatted like this
X column1 column2 column3
row1 0 1 2
row2 3 4 5
row3 6 7 8
row4 9 10 11
I would like to transpose it in an efficient way using only bash commands (I could write a ten or so lines Perl script to do that, but it should be slower to execute than the native bash functions). So the output should look like
X row1 row2 row3 row4
column1 0 3 6 9
column2 1 4 7 10
column3 2 5 8 11
I thought of a solution like this
cols=`head -n 1 input | wc -w`
for (( i=1; i <= $cols; i++))
do cut -f $i input | tr $'\n' $'\t' | sed -e "s/\t$/\n/g" >> output
But it's slow and doesn't seem the most efficient solution. I've seen a solution for vi in this post, but it's still over-slow. Any thoughts/suggestions/brilliant ideas? :-)
awk '
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
a[NR,i] = $i
NF>p { p = NF }
for(j=1; j<=p; j++) {
for(i=2; i<=NR; i++){
str=str" "a[i,j];
print str
}' file
$ more file
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11
$ ./
0 3 6 9
1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
Performance against Perl solution by Jonathan on a 10000 lines file
$ head -5 file
1 0 1 2
2 3 4 5
3 6 7 8
4 9 10 11
1 0 1 2
$ wc -l < file
$ time perl file >/dev/null
real 0m0.480s
user 0m0.442s
sys 0m0.026s
$ time awk -f test.awk file >/dev/null
real 0m0.382s
user 0m0.367s
sys 0m0.011s
$ time perl file >/dev/null
real 0m0.481s
user 0m0.431s
sys 0m0.022s
$ time awk -f test.awk file >/dev/null
real 0m0.390s
user 0m0.370s
sys 0m0.010s
EDIT by Ed Morton (#ghostdog74 feel free to delete if you disapprove).
Maybe this version with some more explicit variable names will help answer some of the questions below and generally clarify what the script is doing. It also uses tabs as the separator which the OP had originally asked for so it'd handle empty fields and it coincidentally pretties-up the output a bit for this particular case.
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }
for (rowNr=1;rowNr<=NF;rowNr++) {
cell[rowNr,NR] = $rowNr
maxRows = (NF > maxRows ? NF : maxRows)
maxCols = NR
for (rowNr=1;rowNr<=maxRows;rowNr++) {
for (colNr=1;colNr<=maxCols;colNr++) {
printf "%s%s", cell[rowNr,colNr], (colNr < maxCols ? OFS : ORS)
$ awk -f tst.awk file
X row1 row2 row3 row4
column1 0 3 6 9
column2 1 4 7 10
column3 2 5 8 11
The above solutions will work in any awk (except old, broken awk of course - there YMMV).
The above solutions do read the whole file into memory though - if the input files are too large for that then you can do this:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }
{ printf "%s%s", (FNR>1 ? OFS : ""), $ARGIND }
print ""
if (ARGIND < NF) {
$ awk -f tst.awk file
X row1 row2 row3 row4
column1 0 3 6 9
column2 1 4 7 10
column3 2 5 8 11
which uses almost no memory but reads the input file once per number of fields on a line so it will be much slower than the version that reads the whole file into memory. It also assumes the number of fields is the same on each line and it uses GNU awk for ENDFILE and ARGIND but any awk can do the same with tests on FNR==1 and END.
Gawk version which uses arrays of arrays:
tp(){ awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)a[i][NR]=$i}END{for(i in a)for(j in a[i])printf"%s"(j==NR?RS:FS),a[i][j]}' "${1+FS=$1}";}
Plain awk version which uses multidimensional arrays (this was about twice as slow in my benchmark):
tp(){ awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)a[i,NR]=$i}END{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)for(j=1;j<=NR;j++)printf"%s"(j==NR?RS:FS),a[i,j]}' "${1+FS=$1}";}
macOS comes with a version of Brian Kerningham's nawk from 2007 which doesn't support arrays of arrays.
To use space as a separator without collapsing sequences of multiple spaces, use FS='[ ]'.
rs is a BSD utility which also comes with macOS, but it should be available from package managers on other platforms. It is named after the reshape function in APL.
Use sequences of spaces and tabs as column separator:
rs -T
Use tab as column separator:
rs -c -C -T
Use comma as column separator:
rs -c, -C, -T
-c changes the input column separator and -C changes the output column separator. A lone -c or -C sets the separator to tab. -T transposes rows and columns.
Do not use -t instead of -T, because it automatically selects the number of output columns so that the output lines fill the width of the display (which is 80 characters by default but which can be changed with -w).
When an output column separator is specified using -C, an extra column separator character is added to the end of each row, but you can remove it with sed:
$ seq 4|paste -d, - -|rs -c, -C, -T
$ seq 4|paste -d, - -|rs -c, -C, -T|sed s/.\$//
rs -T determines the number of columns based on the number of columns on the first row, so it produces the wrong result when the first line ends with one or more empty columns:
$ rs -c, -C, -T<<<$'1,\n3,4'
The t function transposes a matrix or dataframe:
Rscript -e 'write.table(t(read.table("stdin",sep=",",quote="",comment.char="")),sep=",",quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)'
If you replace Rscript -e with R -e, then it echoes the code that is being run to STDOUT, and it also results in the error ignoring SIGPIPE signal if the R command is followed by a command like head -n1 which exits before it has read the whole STDIN.
quote="" can be removed if the input doesn't contain double quotes or single quotes, and comment.char="" can be removed if the input doesn't contain lines that start with a hash character.
For a big input file, fread and fwrite from data.table are faster than read.table and write.table:
$ seq 1e6|awk 'ORS=NR%1e3?FS:RS'>a
$ time Rscript --no-init-file -e 'write.table(t(read.table("a")),quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)'>/dev/null
real 0m1.061s
user 0m0.983s
sys 0m0.074s
$ time Rscript --no-init-file -e 'write.table(t(data.table::fread("a")),quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)'>/dev/null
real 0m0.599s
user 0m0.535s
sys 0m0.048s
$ time Rscript --no-init-file -e 'data.table::fwrite(t(data.table::fread("a")),sep=" ",col.names=F)'>t/b
x being coerced from class: matrix to data.table
real 0m0.375s
user 0m0.296s
sys 0m0.073s
tp(){ jq -R .|jq --arg x "${1-$'\t'}" -sr 'map(./$x)|transpose|map(join($x))[]';}
jq -R . prints each input line as a JSON string literal, -s (--slurp) creates an array for the input lines after parsing each line as JSON, and -r (--raw-output) outputs the contents of strings instead of JSON string literals. The / operator is overloaded to split strings.
ruby -e'{|x|x.chomp.split(",",-1)}.transpose.each{|x|puts x*","}'
The -1 argument to split disables discarding empty fields at the end:
$ ruby -e'p"a,,".split(",")'
$ ruby -e'p"a,,".split(",",-1)'
["a", "", ""]
Function form:
$ tp(){ ruby -e's=ARGV[0];{|x|x.chomp.split(s==" "?/ /:s,-1)}.transpose.each{|x|puts x*s}' -- "${1-$'\t'}";}
$ seq 4|paste -d, - -|tp ,
The function above uses s==" "?/ /:s because when the argument to the split function is a single space, it enables awk-like special behavior where strings are split based on contiguous runs of spaces and tabs:
$ ruby -e'p" a \tb ".split(" ",-1)'
["a", "b", ""]
$ ruby -e'p" a \tb ".split(/ /,-1)'
["", "a", "", "\tb", ""]
A Python solution:
python -c "import sys; print('\n'.join(' '.join(c) for c in zip(*(l.split() for l in sys.stdin.readlines() if l.strip()))))" < input > output
The above is based on the following:
import sys
for c in zip(*(l.split() for l in sys.stdin.readlines() if l.strip())):
print(' '.join(c))
This code does assume that every line has the same number of columns (no padding is performed).
Have a look at GNU datamash which can be used like datamash transpose.
A future version will also support cross tabulation (pivot tables)
Here is how you would do it with space separated columns:
datamash transpose -t ' ' < file > transposed_file
the transpose project on sourceforge is a coreutil-like C program for exactly that.
gcc transpose.c -o transpose
./transpose -t input > output #works with stdin, too.
Pure BASH, no additional process. A nice exercise:
declare -a array=( ) # we build a 1-D-array
read -a line < "$1" # read the headline
COLS=${#line[#]} # save number of columns
while read -a line ; do
for (( COUNTER=0; COUNTER<${#line[#]}; COUNTER++ )); do
done < "$1"
for (( ROW = 0; ROW < COLS; ROW++ )); do
for (( COUNTER = ROW; COUNTER < ${#array[#]}; COUNTER += COLS )); do
printf "%s\t" ${array[$COUNTER]}
printf "\n"
GNU datamash is perfectly suited for this problem with only one line of code and potentially arbitrarily large filesize!
datamash -W transpose infile > outfile
There is a purpose built utility for this,
GNU datamash utility
apt install datamash
datamash transpose < yourfile
Taken from this site, and
Here is a moderately solid Perl script to do the job. There are many structural analogies with #ghostdog74's awk solution.
#!/bin/perl -w
# SO 1729824
use strict;
my(%data); # main storage
my($maxcol) = 0;
my($rownum) = 0;
while (<>)
my(#row) = split /\s+/;
my($colnum) = 0;
foreach my $val (#row)
$data{$rownum}{$colnum++} = $val;
$maxcol = $colnum if $colnum > $maxcol;
my $maxrow = $rownum;
for (my $col = 0; $col < $maxcol; $col++)
for (my $row = 0; $row < $maxrow; $row++)
printf "%s%s", ($row == 0) ? "" : "\t",
defined $data{$row}{$col} ? $data{$row}{$col} : "";
print "\n";
With the sample data size, the performance difference between perl and awk was negligible (1 millisecond out of 7 total). With a larger data set (100x100 matrix, entries 6-8 characters each), perl slightly outperformed awk - 0.026s vs 0.042s. Neither is likely to be a problem.
Representative timings for Perl 5.10.1 (32-bit) vs awk (version 20040207 when given '-V') vs gawk 3.1.7 (32-bit) on MacOS X 10.5.8 on a file containing 10,000 lines with 5 columns per line:
Osiris JL: time gawk -f tr.awk xxx > /dev/null
real 0m0.367s
user 0m0.279s
sys 0m0.085s
Osiris JL: time perl -f xxx > /dev/null
real 0m0.138s
user 0m0.128s
sys 0m0.008s
Osiris JL: time awk -f tr.awk xxx > /dev/null
real 0m1.891s
user 0m0.924s
sys 0m0.961s
Osiris-2 JL:
Note that gawk is vastly faster than awk on this machine, but still slower than perl. Clearly, your mileage will vary.
Assuming all your rows have the same number of fields, this awk program solves the problem:
{for (f=1;f<=NF;f++) col[f] = col[f]":"$f} END {for (f=1;f<=NF;f++) print col[f]}
In words, as you loop over the rows, for every field f grow a ':'-separated string col[f] containing the elements of that field. After you are done with all the rows, print each one of those strings in a separate line. You can then substitute ':' for the separator you want (say, a space) by piping the output through tr ':' ' '.
$ echo "1 2 3\n4 5 6"
1 2 3
4 5 6
$ echo "1 2 3\n4 5 6" | awk '{for (f=1;f<=NF;f++) col[f] = col[f]":"$f} END {for (f=1;f<=NF;f++) print col[f]}' | tr ':' ' '
1 4
2 5
3 6
If you have sc installed, you can do:
psc -r < inputfile | sc -W% - > outputfile
I normally use this little awk snippet for this requirement:
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) a[i,NR]=$i
END {for (i=1; i<=max; i++)
{for (j=1; j<=NR; j++)
printf "%s%s", a[i,j], (j==NR?RS:FS)
}' file
This just loads all the data into a bidimensional array a[line,column] and then prints it back as a[column,line], so that it transposes the given input.
This needs to keep track of the maximum amount of columns the initial file has, so that it is used as the number of rows to print back.
A hackish perl solution can be like this. It's nice because it doesn't load all the file in memory, prints intermediate temp files, and then uses the all-wonderful paste
use warnings;
use strict;
my $counter;
open INPUT, "<$ARGV[0]" or die ("Unable to open input file!");
while (my $line = <INPUT>) {
chomp $line;
my #array = split ("\t",$line);
open OUTPUT, ">temp$." or die ("unable to open output file!");
print OUTPUT join ("\n",#array);
close OUTPUT;
close INPUT;
# paste files together
my $execute = "paste ";
foreach (1..$counter) {
$execute.="temp$counter ";
$execute.="> $ARGV[1]";
system $execute;
The only improvement I can see to your own example is using awk which will reduce the number of processes that are run and the amount of data that is piped between them:
/bin/rm output 2> /dev/null
cols=`head -n 1 input | wc -w`
for (( i=1; i <= $cols; i++))
awk '{printf ("%s%s", tab, $'$i'); tab="\t"} END {print ""}' input
done >> output
Some *nix standard util one-liners, no temp files needed. NB: the OP wanted an efficient fix, (i.e. faster), and the top answers are usually faster than this answer. These one-liners are for those who like *nix software tools, for whatever reasons. In rare cases, (e.g. scarce IO & memory), these snippets can actually be faster than some of the top answers.
Call the input file foo.
If we know foo has four columns:
for f in 1 2 3 4 ; do cut -d ' ' -f $f foo | xargs echo ; done
If we don't know how many columns foo has:
n=$(head -n 1 foo | wc -w)
for f in $(seq 1 $n) ; do cut -d ' ' -f $f foo | xargs echo ; done
xargs has a size limit and therefore would make incomplete work with a long file. What size limit is system dependent, e.g.:
{ timeout '.01' xargs --show-limits ; } 2>&1 | grep Max
Maximum length of command we could actually use: 2088944
tr & echo:
for f in 1 2 3 4; do cut -d ' ' -f $f foo | tr '\n\ ' ' ; echo; done
...or if the # of columns are unknown:
n=$(head -n 1 foo | wc -w)
for f in $(seq 1 $n); do
cut -d ' ' -f $f foo | tr '\n' ' ' ; echo
Using set, which like xargs, has similar command line size based limitations:
for f in 1 2 3 4 ; do set - $(cut -d ' ' -f $f foo) ; echo $# ; done
I used fgm's solution (thanks fgm!), but needed to eliminate the tab characters at the end of each row, so modified the script thus:
declare -a array=( ) # we build a 1-D-array
read -a line < "$1" # read the headline
COLS=${#line[#]} # save number of columns
while read -a line; do
for (( COUNTER=0; COUNTER<${#line[#]}; COUNTER++ )); do
done < "$1"
for (( ROW = 0; ROW < COLS; ROW++ )); do
for (( COUNTER = ROW; COUNTER < ${#array[#]}; COUNTER += COLS )); do
printf "%s" ${array[$COUNTER]}
if [ $COUNTER -lt $(( ${#array[#]} - $COLS )) ]
printf "\t"
printf "\n"
I was just looking for similar bash tranpose but with support for padding. Here is the script I wrote based on fgm's solution, that seem to work. If it can be of help...
declare -a array=( ) # we build a 1-D-array
declare -a ncols=( ) # we build a 1-D-array containing number of elements of each row
while read -a line; do
if [ ${#line[#]} -gt ${MAXROWS} ]
for (( COUNTER=0; COUNTER<${#line[#]}; COUNTER++ )); do
done < "$1"
for (( ROW = 0; ROW < MAXROWS; ROW++ )); do
for (( indexCol=0; indexCol < ${#ncols[#]}; indexCol++ )); do
if [ $ROW -ge ${ncols[indexCol]} ]
printf $PADDING
printf "%s" ${array[$COUNTER]}
if [ $((indexCol+1)) -lt ${#ncols[#]} ]
COUNTER=$(( COUNTER + ncols[indexCol] ))
printf "\n"
I was looking for a solution to transpose any kind of matrix (nxn or mxn) with any kind of data (numbers or data) and got the following solution:
for ((i=1; $i <= Line2Trans; i++));do
for ((j=1; $j <=Col2Trans ; j++));do
awk -v var1="$i" -v var2="$j" 'BEGIN { FS = "," } ; NR==var1 {print $((var2)) }' $ARCHIVO >> Column_$i
paste -d',' `ls -mv Column_* | sed 's/,//g'` >> $ARCHIVO
If you only want to grab a single (comma delimited) line $N out of a file and turn it into a column:
head -$N file | tail -1 | tr ',' '\n'
Not very elegant, but this "single-line" command solves the problem quickly:
cols=4; for((i=1;i<=$cols;i++)); do \
awk '{print $'$i'}' input | tr '\n' ' '; echo; \
Here cols is the number of columns, where you can replace 4 by head -n 1 input | wc -w.
Another awk solution and limited input with the size of memory you have.
awk '{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) RtoC[i]= (RtoC[i]? RtoC[i] FS $i: $i) }
END{ for (i in RtoC) print RtoC[i] }' infile
This joins each same filed number positon into together and in END prints the result that would be first row in first column, second row in second column, etc.
Will output:
X row1 row2 row3 row4
column1 0 3 6 9
column2 1 4 7 10
column3 2 5 8 11
aline="$(head -n 1 file.txt)"
set -- $aline
#set -x
while read line; do
set -- $line
for i in $(seq $colNum); do
eval col$i="\"\$col$i \$$i\""
done < file.txt
for i in $(seq $colNum); do
eval echo \${col$i}
another version with set eval
Here is a Bash one-liner that is based on simply converting each line to a column and paste-ing them together:
echo '' > tmp1; \
cat m.txt | while read l ; \
do paste tmp1 <(echo $l | tr -s ' ' \\n) > tmp2; \
cp tmp2 tmp1; \
done; \
cat tmp1
0 1 2
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
creates tmp1 file so it's not empty.
reads each line and transforms it into a column using tr
pastes the new column to the tmp1 file
copies result back into tmp1.
PS: I really wanted to use io-descriptors but couldn't get them to work.
Another bash variant
$ cat file
XXXX col1 col2 col3
row1 0 1 2
row2 3 4 5
row3 6 7 8
row4 9 10 11
while read line; do
for item in $line; { printf -v A$I[$i] $item; ((i++)); }
done < file
indexes=$(seq 0 $i)
for i in $indexes; {
while ((J<I)); do
printf "${!arr}\t"
$ ./test
XXXX row1 row2 row3 row4
col1 0 3 6 9
col2 1 4 7 10
col3 2 5 8 11
I'm a little late to the game but how about this:
cat table.tsv | python -c "import pandas as pd, sys; pd.read_csv(sys.stdin, sep='\t').T.to_csv(sys.stdout, sep='\t')"
or zcat if it's gzipped.
This is assuming you have pandas installed in your version of python
Here's a Haskell solution. When compiled with -O2, it runs slightly faster than ghostdog's awk and slightly slower than Stephan's thinly wrapped c python on my machine for repeated "Hello world" input lines. Unfortunately GHC's support for passing command line code is non-existent as far as I can tell, so you will have to write it to a file yourself. It will truncate the rows to the length of the shortest row.
transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
transpose = foldr (zipWith (:)) (repeat [])
main :: IO ()
main = interact $ unlines . map unwords . transpose . map words . lines
An awk solution that store the whole array in memory
awk '$0!~/^$/{ i++;
for (j in arr) {
if (maxr<j){ maxr=j} # max number of output rows.
maxc=i # max number of output columns.
for (j=1; j<=maxr; j++) {
for (i=1; i<=maxc; i++) {
printf( "%s:", out[i,j])
printf( "%s\n","" )
}' infile
But we may "walk" the file as many times as output rows are needed:
maxf="$(awk '{if (mf<NF); mf=NF}; END{print mf}' infile)"
for (( i=1; i<=rowcount; i++ )); do
awk -v i="$i" -F " " '{printf("%s\t ", $i)}' infile
Which (for a low count of output rows is faster than the previous code).
A oneliner using R...
cat file | Rscript -e "d <- read.table(file('stdin'), sep=' ', row.names=1, header=T); write.table(t(d), file=stdout(), quote=F, col.names=NA) "
I've used below two scripts to do similar operations before. The first is in awk which is a lot faster than the second which is in "pure" bash. You might be able to adapt it to your own application.
awk '
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
s[i] = s[i]?s[i] FS $i:$i
for (i in s) {
print s[i]
}' file.txt
declare -a arr
while IFS= read -r line
for word in $line
[[ ${arr[$i]} ]] && arr[$i]="${arr[$i]} $word" || arr[$i]=$word
done < file.txt
for ((i=0; i < ${#arr[#]}; i++))
echo ${arr[i]}
Simple 4 line answer, keep it readable.
col="$(head -1 file.txt | wc -w)"
for i in $(seq 1 $col); do
awk '{ print $'$i' }' file.txt | paste -s -d "\t"

UNIX group by two values

I have a file with the following lines (values are separated by ";"):
I know how to group them by one value, like count of all ASRx, but how can I group it by two values, as for example:
*11.1 - 2
*12.2 - 1
*15.1 - 1
another awk
$ awk -F';' 'NR>1 {a[$2]; b[$3]; c[$2,$3]++}
END {for(k in a) {print k;
for(p in b)
if(c[k,p]) print "\t*"p,"-",c[k,p]}}' file
*11.1 - 2
*12.2 - 1
*15.1 - 1
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=";"; OFS=" - " }
NR==1 { next }
$2 != prev { prt(); prev=$2 }
{ cnt[$3]++ }
END { prt() }
function prt( soft) {
if ( prev != "" ) {
print prev
for (soft in cnt) {
print " *" soft, cnt[soft]
delete cnt
$ awk -f tst.awk file
*11.1 - 2
*12.2 - 1
*15.1 - 1
Or if you like pipes....
$ tail +2 file | cut -d';' -f2- | sort | uniq -c |
awk -F'[ ;]+' '{print ($3!=prev ? $3 ORS : "") " *" $4 " - " $2; prev=$3}'
*11.1 - 2
*12.2 - 1
*15.1 - 1
try something like
awk -F ';' '
asorti( aRaw, aVal)
for( Val in aVal) {
split( aVal [Val], aTmp, /-/ )
if ( aTmp[1] != Last ) { Last = aTmp[1]; print Last }
print " " aTmp[2] " " aRaw[ aVal[ Val] ]
' YourFile
key here is to use 2 field in a array. The END part is more difficult to present the value than the content itself
Using Perl
$ cat bykub.txt
$ perl -F";" -lane ' $kv{$F[1]}{$F[2]}++ if $.>1;END { while(($x,$y) = each(%kv)) { print $x;while(($p,$q) = each(%$y)){ print "\t\*$p - $q" }}}' bykub.txt
*11.1 - 2
*12.2 - 1
*15.1 - 1
Yet Another Solution, this one using the always useful GNU datamash to count the groups:
$ datamash -t ';' --header-in -sg 2,3 count 3 < input.txt |
awk -F';' '$1 != curr { curr = $1; print $1 } { print "\t*" $2 " - " $3 }'
*11.1 - 2
*12.2 - 1
*15.1 - 1
I don't want to encourage lazy questions, but I wrote a solution, and I'm sure someone can point out improvements. I love posting answers on this site because I learn so much. :)
One binary subcall to sort, otherwise all built-in processing. That means using read, which is slow. If your file is large, I'd recommend rewriting the loop in awk or perl, but this will get the job done.
sed 1d groups | # strip the header
sort -t';' -k2,3 > # pre-sort to collect groupings
declare -i ctr=0 # initialize integer record counter
IFS=';' read x lastA lastB < # priming read for comparators
printf "$lastA\n\t*$lastB - " # priming print (assumes at least one record)
while IFS=';' read x a b # loop through the file
do if [[ "$lastA" < "$a" ]] # on every MAJOR change
then printf "$ctr\n$a\n\t*$b - " # print total, new MAJOR header and MINOR header
lastA="$a" # update the MAJOR comparator
lastB="$b" # update the MINOR comparator
ctr=1 # reset the counter
elif [[ "$lastB" < "$b" ]] # on every MINOR change
then printf "$ctr\n\t*$b - " # print total and MINOR header
ctr=1 # reset the counter
else (( ctr++ )) # otherwise increment
done < # feed read from sorted file
printf "$ctr\n" # print final group total at EOF

awk: run time error: negative field index

I currently have the following:
function abs() {
echo $(($1<0 ?-$1:$1));
echo $var1 | awk -F" " '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) $i=(95-$(abs $i))*1.667}'
where var1 is:
4 -38 2 -42 1 -43 10 -44 1 -45 6 -46 1 -48 1 -49
When I run this, I am getting the error:
awk: run time error: negative field index $-38
Does this have something to do with the 95-$(abs $i) part? I'm not sure how to fix this.
Try this:
echo "$var1" |
awk 'function abs(x) { return x<0 ? -x : x }
{ for (i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) $i = (95-abs($i))*1.667; print }'
Every line of input to AWK is placed in fields by the interpreter. The fields can be accessed with $N for N > 0. $0 means the whole line. $N for N < 0 is nonsensical. Variables are not prefixed with a dollar sign.

Find a number of a file in a range of numbers of another file

I have this two input files:
1 982444
1 46658343
3 15498261
2 238295146
21 47423507
X 110961739
17 7490379
13 31850803
13 31850989
1 982400 982480
1 46658345 46658350
2 14 109
2 5000 9000
2 238295000 238295560
X 110961739 120000000
17 7490200 8900005
And this is my desired output:
Desired output:
1 982444
2 238295146
X 110961739
17 7490379
This is what I want: Find the column 1 element of file1 in column 1 of file2. If the number is the same, take the number of column 2 of file1 and check if it is included in the range of numbers of column2 and 3 of file2. If it is included, print the line of file1 in the output.
Maybe is a little confusing to understand, but I'm doing my best. I have tried some things but I'm far away from the solution and any help will be really appreciated. In bash, awk or perl please.
Thanks in advance,
Just using awk. The solution doesn't loop through file1 repeatedly.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
NR == FNR {
# I'm processing file2 since NR still matches FNR
# I'd store the ranges from it on a[] and b[]
# x[] acts as a counter to the number of range pairs stored that's specific to $1
i = ++x[$1]
a[$1, i] = $2
b[$1, i] = $3
# Skip to next record; Do not allow the next block to process a record from file2.
# I'm processing file1 since NR is already greater than FNR
# Let's get the index for the last range first then go down until we reach 0.
# Nothing would happen as well if i evaluates to nothing i.e. $1 doesn't have a range for it.
for (i = x[$1]; i; --i) {
if ($2 >= a[$1, i] && $2 <= b[$1, i]) {
# I find that $2 is within range. Now print it.
# We're done so let's skip to the next record.
awk -f script.awk file2 file1
1 982444
2 238295146
X 110961739
17 7490379
A similar approach using Bash (version 4.0 or newer):
FILE1=$1 FILE2=$2
declare -A A B X
while read F1 F2 F3; do
(( I = ++X[$F1] ))
done < "$FILE2"
while read -r LINE; do
read F1 F2 <<< "$LINE"
for (( I = X[$F1]; I; --I )); do
if (( F2 >= A["$F1|$I"] && F2 <= B["$F1|$I"] )); then
echo "$LINE"
done < "$FILE1"
bash file1 file2
Let's mix bash and awk:
while read col min max
awk -v col=$col -v min=$min -v max=$max '$1==col && min<=$2 && $2<=max' f1
done < f2
For each line of file2, read the min and the max, together with the value of the first column.
Given these values, check in file1 for those lines having same first column and being 2nd column in the range specified by file 2.
$ while read col min max; do awk -v col=$col -v min=$min -v max=$max '$1==col && min<=$2 && $2<=max' f1; done < f2
1 982444
2 238295146
X 110961739
17 7490379
Pure bash , based on Fedorqui solution:
while read col_2 min max
while read col_1 val
(( col_1 == col_2 && ( min <= val && val <= max ) )) && echo $col_1 $val
done < file1
done < file2
cut -d' ' -f1 input2 | sed 's/^/^/;s/$/\\s/' | \
grep -f - <(cat input2 input1) | sort -n -k1 -k3 | \
awk 'NF==3 {
for (v in b)
if ($2 <= b[v] && $3 >= b[v])
print $1, b[v];
if ($1 != p) a=""}
NF==2 {p=$1;a=a","$2}'
X 110961739
1 982444
2 238295146
17 7490379
Here's a Perl solution. It could be much faster but less concise if I built a hash out of file2, but this should be fine.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my #bounds = do {
open my $fh, '<', 'file2';
map [ split ], <$fh>;
open my $fh, '<', 'file1';
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
my ($key, $val) = split ' ', $line;
for my $bound (#bounds) {
next unless $key eq $bound->[0] and $val >= $bound->[1] and $val <= $bound->[2];
print $line;
1 982444
2 238295146
X 110961739
17 7490379

bash, find nearest next value, forward and backward

I have a data.txt file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cat data.txt
13 245 1323 10.1111 10.2222 60.1111 60.22222
13 133 2325 11.2222 11.333 61.2222 61.3333
13 245 1323 12.3333 12.4444 62.3333 62.44444444
13 245 1323 13.4444 13.5555 63.4444 63.5555
Find next nearest: My target value is 11.6667 and it should find the nearest next value in column 4 as 12.3333
Find previous nearest: My target value is 62.9997 and it should find the nearest previous value in column 6 as 62.3333
I am able to find the next nearest (case 1) by
awk -v c=4 -v t=11.6667 '{a[NR]=$c}END{
asort(a);d=a[NR]-t;d=d<0?-d:d;v = a[NR]
print v
}' f
Any bash solution? for finding the previous nearest (case 2)?
Try this:
$ cat tst.awk
if ($fld > tgt) {
del = $fld - tgt
if ( (del < minGtDel) || (++gtHit == 1) ) {
minGtDel = del
minGtVal = $fld
else if ($fld < tgt) {
del = tgt - $fld
if ( (del < minLtDel) || (++ltHit == 1) ) {
minLtDel = del
minLtVal = $fld
else {
minEqVal = $fld
print (minGtVal == "" ? "NaN" : minGtVal)
print (minLtVal == "" ? "NaN" : minLtVal)
print (minEqVal == "" ? "NaN" : minEqVal)
$ awk -v fld=4 -v tgt=11.6667 -f tst.awk file
$ awk -v fld=6 -v tgt=62.9997 -f tst.awk file
$ awk -v fld=6 -v tgt=62.3333 -f tst.awk file
For the first part:
awk -v v1="11.6667" '$4>v1 {print $4;exit}' file
And second part:
awk -v v2="62.9997" '$6>v2 {print p;exit} {p=$6}' file
Both in one go:
awk -v v1="11.6667" -v v2="62.9997" '$4>v1 && !p1 {p1=$4} $6>v2 && !p2 {p2=p} {p=$6} END {print p1,p2}' file
12.3333 62.3333
I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but this is what I came up with, not knowing awk:
for line in `cat $1`; do
IFS=$' \t'
[[ -z $best ]] && best=$num
if [ $(bc <<< "$num < 62.997") -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $(bc <<< "$best < $num") -eq 1 ]; then
echo $best
If you want, you can add the column and the input value 62.997 as paramters, I didn't to demonstrate that it would look for specifically what you want.
Edited to remove assumption that file is sorted.
You solution looks unnecessarily complicated (storing a whole array and sorting it) and I think you would see the bash solution if you re-thought your awk.
In awk you can detect the first line with
FNR==1 {do something}
so on the first line, set a variable BestYet to the value in the column you are searching.
On subsequent lines, simply test if the value in the column you are checking is
a) less than your target AND
b) greater than `BestYet`
if it is, update BestYet. At the end, print BestYet.
In bash, apply the same logic, but read each line into a bash array and use ${a[n]} to get the n'th element.
